View Full Version : Touring pants

09-29-2019, 04:04 PM
Right now prices are dropping because of the end of the season. I have always worn armor jeans with the armor built into them but I have never tour rode with my wife just myself. Storage never was an issue with one person. Now that we have the Spyder, my wife is now tour riding with me which is nice. Now that there are two of us, I want to keep the travel wear to a minimum. I was looking at some touring armor "over" pants. They are gortex, built in armor and some leather so no need for rain paints on long trips. We wear mesh armor jackets so I have gortex rain jackets to slide overtop. My concern is the heat in the summer with these pants. I am including the specs of the KLIM touring armor gortex pants below. Since they are basically the pants, do you wear shorts under them to keep cooler or basic jeans? I know it's up to me, but just curious what you wear under armor pants. ( I wear a t shirt under my armor mesh jacket wouldn't shorts under armor pants be the same?) I have only had armor built into my jeans so that was what I wore as a base layer. I am also thinking now that one pair of jeans can go along time since you'd be wearing light weight shorts under the armor and the armor is worn each day while riding not regular jeans. 2 less rain pants are now a plus. Obviously I am just cutting back on needed clothes.

Any input what you'd wear under touring armor pants especially in summer hot days?

09-29-2019, 04:09 PM
Right now prices are dropping because of the end of the season. I have always worn armor jeans with the armor built into them but I have never tour rode with my wife just myself. Storage never was and issue with one person. Now that we have the Spyder, my wife is now tour riding with me which is nice. Now that there are two of us, I want to keep the travel wear to a minimum. I was looking at some touring armor "over" pants. They are gortex, built in armor and some leather so no need for rain paints on long trips. We wear mesh armor jackets so I have gortex rain jackets to slide overtop. My concern is the heat in the summer with these pants. I am including the specs of the KLIM touring armor gortex pants below. Since they are basically the pants, do you wear shorts under them to keep cooler or basic jeans. I know it's up to me but just curious what you wear under armor. I have only had armor built into my jeans so that was what I wore. I am also thinking now that one pair of jeans can go along time since you'd be wearing light weight shorts under the armor and the armor is worn each day while riding not regular jeans.

Any input what you'd wear under touring armor pants especially in summer hot days?

Why do you think you need armored riding pants at all? That's an old school 2-wheeler habit. Time to break it.

09-29-2019, 04:13 PM
You are correct it is habit. It "was" 2 wheels for the past 22 years. I guess that's why I am asking just to see how others are doing it. Good input. Maybe just 2 pairs of jeans ( wash every 3 days) and take my gortex rain pants.

09-29-2019, 04:25 PM
You are correct it is habit. It "was" 2 wheels for the past 22 years. I guess that's why I am asking just to see how others are doing it. Good input. Maybe just 2 pairs of jeans ( wash every 3 days) and take my gortex rain pants.

It's a lot simpler once you ditch the idea you need to dress for the 'slide'.

09-29-2019, 04:56 PM
It's a lot simpler once you ditch the idea you need to dress for the 'slide'.

But Pete, you can still slide if you overcook a corner and are thrown off, or if a cager changes lanes on you or t-bones you. I have not said this to start an argument, just interested in why you say there is no need to dress for the slide on a Spyder ?


09-29-2019, 05:24 PM
But Pete, you can still slide if you overcook a corner and are thrown off, or if a cager changes lanes on you or t-bones you. I have not said this to start an argument, just interested in why you say there is no need to dress for the slide on a Spyder ? Pete

Pete, this is what I think (and live by);
Armored clothing is designed to protect in a slide ... which is much more likely to happen with a 2-wheeler than a Spyder. In all the time I've been on this forum I've not heard of one incident where someone came off their Spyder in a true 'slide' situation (sliding down the asphalt ripping off skin). A slide typically happens when the rider 'lays their bike down' deliberately to avoid a collision (never a good idea), or loses control in a slip 'n slide or high-speed evasion situation and they go down on the asphalt at speed; this doesn't happen with the Spyder as long as they stay with the bike.

The very few incidents reported with a rider being injured while riding a Spyder have been; a) collisions with wildlife or b) hydroplaning. In the first situation, the rider may be injured from the large animal coming through the windshield (and may or may not get knocked off the bike); I don't think armored clothing would help much either way. With hydroplaning resulting in a spin, the rider may be thrown from the Spyder and armored gear may or may not protect joints but since it's wet out, the slide itself isn't likely to result in abrasion injuries.

The most recent reported incident, which resulted in fatal injuries sadly, the rider wasn't wearing a helmet. I always wear a helmet because brain injuries are typically non-survivable, but broken bones and abrasion are.

09-29-2019, 05:45 PM
I’ve been extremely happy with these klim pants. It’s all I wear under my outer layer now when we tour


09-29-2019, 05:54 PM
Pair of chaps that fit over whatever & your good:thumbup:

09-29-2019, 06:00 PM
Ive been wearing Dragon Jeans with the Kevlar sewn inside all the critical areas.They are a little hotter than regular jeans but also a little more comfortable bc of the padding.I just deal with the heat until I cant ,then I put on reg jeans and T shirt.I try to only do this on backroads.

09-29-2019, 06:30 PM
I recently read an article that said kevlar jeans are now on the way out. There is an updated version that is not so thick and does not have the knee and butt patches sewn in. Result: same or better protection and cooler to ride in during the summer.

We have moved from one extreme to the other. Still 90 degrees today and we did 135 miles. Currently, I am wearing jeans and a high viz t-shirt. Helmet, gloves, and boots of course.

I have a pair of chaps that I am planning on bringing out for the first cold weather...and I have a big assortment of riding jackets.

It's a comfort situation and a calculated risk. We are headed off to OK for a rally on Wed...but will drive ATGATT for that one due to the more traveled roads and the higher speeds we will encounter.

09-29-2019, 06:32 PM
I'd either be looking at the KLIM Carlsbad or latitude. Both I can get 23% off. I'd want them to be gortex so I don't need rain pants. I'd only wear them on highway riding ( high speeds and major highways). Once I get there, I'd want to cruise around in regular jeans " Levi ". Therefore I only need one pair of jeans for 3-5 days and wash, and 1 pair of riding pants everyday. I guess I am just extended the "2up storage" post by Billie. I just wondered if shorts could be worn under either of these to keep cool and at same time less clothing needed on long trips. But at the same time 2 pairs of regular jeans is the same difference with rain pants stuffed away.

09-29-2019, 06:59 PM
I wear Tourmaster Venture 2.0 mesh pants and I wear exercise shorts underneath in the warm weather.

09-30-2019, 12:29 AM
Underware, I have 2 kinds one you use like regular pants the other ones
are over pants then over my regular pants.....

09-30-2019, 09:10 AM
Look at Olympia air glide pants. They come with a rain liner and a cold weather liner. As far as whats on sale, buy what you want, not whats on sale. It is always the cheapest option in the end.

09-30-2019, 09:14 AM
I have these overpants and love them. Breathable mesh and removable rain liner. I wear gym shorts underneath them in warm weather.
https://www.amazon.com/Pilot-Motosport-Motorcycle-Pants-XX-Large/dp/B01NCHBSWO/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=pilot+motorcycle+pants&qid=1569852781&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExMEw1Uk1XTlNVVEtSJ mVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMjQ2MjIxM0c4SVBJMkdNQ0pHWCZlbmN yeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwODg4NTg0MldUNzVaMjhWT1JYOSZ3aWRnZ XROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05 vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=

09-30-2019, 09:53 AM
I'd either be looking at the KLIM Carlsbad or latitude. Both I can get 23% off. I'd want them to be gortex so I don't need rain pants. I'd only wear them on highway riding ( high speeds and major highways). Once I get there, I'd want to cruise around in regular jeans " Levi ". Therefore I only need one pair of jeans for 3-5 days and wash, and 1 pair of riding pants everyday. I guess I am just extended the "2up storage" post by Billie. I just wondered if shorts could be worn under either of these to keep cool and at same time less clothing needed on long trips. But at the same time 2 pairs of regular jeans is the same difference with rain pants stuffed away.

I have a Klim Carlsbad jacket, and I have Cabela's Rainy River pants in the frunk they are nice lightweight and most importantly they are GoreTex, now if I was going to be doing a touring trip at this time of year or early spring I would replace the Rainy River pants and stow my Cabela's Guidewear bibs.

09-30-2019, 03:11 PM
I have a pair of TourMaster Overpants and a pair of BMW GoreTex pants. Both are waterproof and, in addition to protecting knees etc in an accident, provide rain protection. Each has zippered ventilation for hot days. I usually wear gym shorts underneath or a nylon cargo short underneath. If stopping for a while, I lose the riding pants and boots and put on my flip flops or Skechers with the shorts to walk around or eat.

I choose to wear protection. You won't fall down like on two wheeler but still can be thrown from the bike. You never know what you may encounter. Two weeks ago I was in my wife's car stopped at a stop light. Behind me was a semi - also stopped. The left turn signal for the left turn lane next to us change to green (our lane was still red) and the driver hit the gas and totaled our car. From a stop. Hate to think if I were on a bike or the Spyder. Pants may not have mattered here but if thrown at speed from the Spyder - I want some protection. I admit, if running around locally doing errands, I wear jeans or my Kevlar jeans. But on a trip or longer rides, I wear riding pants.

09-30-2019, 04:11 PM
Pete, this is what I think (and live by);
Armored clothing is designed to protect in a slide ... which is much more likely to happen with a 2-wheeler than a Spyder. In all the time I've been on this forum I've not heard of one incident where someone came off their Spyder in a true 'slide' situation (sliding down the asphalt ripping off skin). .

Ahhhh. Gotcha, Pete....thanks.....I am of the same mind........but, with a replacement hip, and bad knees, I am always concerned about impacts if I am thrown over the handlebars or sideways. I wear Draggin jeans, with Kevlar in only the knees and hip/bum areas, with armour also in the knees and hips. I am considering taking the armour out, but I haven’t quite convinced myself of the “percentages” as yet ;)


09-30-2019, 08:24 PM
Pete, you never cease to amaze me.

09-30-2019, 08:36 PM
Are you a safety professional? I am.
Are you an MSF Instructor? I am.
Are you a 3 Wheel instructor? I am.
Everyone can have an opinion. You choose to do whatever you wish.
Please don’t advise people based on your imagination. Take a class. Hard to argue with facts.

09-30-2019, 08:39 PM
To the OP, I wear Aerostich AD1 pants and spandex underneath. Eliminates rain gear, is armored, and goretex. Breathes. Good stuff. Joe

09-30-2019, 09:13 PM
Gone from 2 wheels to 3
and its still ATGATT .
Have had my Original Aerostitch Roadcrafter suit for 25 plus years its never let me down .
Well worth it . getting the new Transit 3 leathers from them , $200 off presale going on now . ends soon .
Buy once cry once .

09-30-2019, 09:34 PM
Are you a safety professional? I am.
Are you an MSF Instructor? I am.
Are you a 3 Wheel instructor? I am.
Everyone can have an opinion. You choose to do whatever you wish.
Please don’t advise people based on your imagination. Take a class. Hard to argue with facts.

Joe, I respect your knowledge and expertise on a number of topics Spyder related. I don't claim any expertise in those areas and enjoy learning from you and others when possible.

I don't advise anyone to do what I do, but I have ideas and opinions based on my experience and reasoning and whatever data (facts) I can lay my hands on and I freely share that with others. Isn't that what the forum is about?

09-30-2019, 09:56 PM
It's a lot simpler once you ditch the idea you need to dress for the 'slide'.
Here. You are no less vulnerable on a Spyder; no air bags, crumple zones, restraints. We agree on helmets. Dress for the crash. If you never need it, great! Better to have and not need.....

09-30-2019, 11:14 PM
Super pleased with my Carlsbad gear. They have a cut that give you ease of movement for aggressive spyder riding. I prefer to wear my Carlsbad pants to wearing jeans, they are cooler and give better heat protection from the engine. The jacket is not as spyder friendly, the slashed arm vents only work well when standing, leaving the cuffs open gives great access for air and the odd bug. Completely zipped up the collar can be annoying, collar tabs would have been nice. The material in the chest and thigh area is great for keeping your core cool, that being said you must plan for cooler whether.

10-01-2019, 06:28 AM
Super pleased with my Carlsbad gear. They have a cut that give you ease of movement for aggressive spyder riding. I prefer to wear my Carlsbad pants to wearing jeans, they are cooler and give better heat protection from the engine......

Malathion what do your wear under your Carlsbad pants? If you prefer them over jeans I assume you’re not wearing jeans under?

10-01-2019, 07:44 AM
Hi I have a pair of Sedici Alexi Waterproof Pants (https://www.cyclegear.com/gear/sedici-alexi-pants) that I really like. They have two removal liners (one waterproof and one for cold weather). I remove both liners for the summer and like to ride for long rides, I do not wear for shorter rides. The waterproof liner can be hot in the summer, but it keeps you dry. They are nice a warm in the winter with the liners in, I drove as low as 20 degrees F and was fine. They have knee pads but no hip pads.

On long rides I like having them on. In the summer I can wear them over shorts and have nice airflow for longer rides.

Good luck.

10-01-2019, 08:24 AM
We wear mesh textile pants with removeable armor over padded bicycle shorts with white boxers under those. Always have two pair of the bike shorts so we can rinse one pair out and let it dry overnight & next day in hotel room while wearing the clean pair. In addition, we take one set of "nice" clothes like jeans & a sport shirt in case we decide to go someplace where something other than bike shorts and T-shirts might be more appropriate. But, those are usually only when we are within walking distance of that "place" what-ever it happens to be. Since we are ATGATT when riding, it is rare that we ever use the jeans and sport shirt. Our mesh pants have both a rain liner and quilted liner that can be used together when needed. As for jackets, we do pretty much as you, mesh with liner and large raincoat that will fit over the top.

As for gear or no gear, it's an individual choice and since you can still have a get-off even with three wheels where road rash is a very painful outcome, we will always wear full gear.

Big F
10-01-2019, 08:28 AM
Utah Pete - you just said my thought????? we have THREE WHEELERS and they don't tip very easy at all.. If we get hit by 4 wheels the pants are not going to help the situation.

10-01-2019, 09:23 AM
Utah Pete - you just said my thought????? we have THREE WHEELERS and they don't tip very easy at all.. If we get hit by 4 wheels the pants are not going to help the situation.

Sounds to me you like two have a false sense of security. I agree that it doesn't matter what gear you have on when a vehicle hits you hard enough on two wheels or three. What happens when a vehicle hits you just hard enough to send you flying off the bike? Those shorts and sandals you are wearing won't give you much protection on the pavement. I prefer to err on the side of caution than to spend my time in a hospital getting skin grafts and fighting infection.

Might as well not wear a helmet while you are at it.

10-01-2019, 09:27 AM
Sounds to me you like two have a false sense of security. I agree that it doesn't matter what gear you have on when a vehicle hits you hard enough on two wheels or three. What happens when a vehicle hits you just hard enough to send you flying off the bike? Those shorts and sandals you are wearing won't give you much protection on the pavement. I prefer to err on the side of caution than to spend my time in a hospital getting skin grafts and fighting infection.

Might as well not wear a helmet while you are at it.

It's all conjecture, not fact.

10-01-2019, 10:06 AM
Varying opinions are what the forum is about. Keeping them under control can be an issue. So far, mostly in control.

10-01-2019, 10:22 AM
Now, that is being judgmental I think. It's all conjecture, not fact.

Nope. That is being sarcastic. I am an ATGATT rider but don't care if you ride in a Speedo. :)

10-01-2019, 10:59 AM
Nope. That is being sarcastic. I am an ATGATT rider but don't care if you ride in a Speedo. :)

Now there's an image that may require some serious eye bleach.

10-01-2019, 11:17 AM
Always gear up when I ride... so I don't have to wonder "what if?", had I been dressed for success in the event of a mishap. Cortech textile pants with armor... mesh in summertime (with rain barrier) and non-mesh (with rain barrier) for cooler seasons, so I don't have to re-gear for rain. I wear a Tourmaster textile jacket and gloves ... and always a helmet. One accident on a bike with a broken knee and ankle, but no road rash or head injury, confirmed the prudence of gearing well for non-caged adventures.

10-01-2019, 09:13 PM
Nope, facts. Crash data, analysis, studies. Fatalities on a Spyder are blessedly rare, but crashes are not. Bottom line, ATGATT!

10-01-2019, 10:31 PM
It's a lot simpler once you ditch the idea you need to dress for the 'slide'.

Armor doesn't just protect from the slide. As I see it, getting thrown off is the most likely cause of injury on a Spyder. If I get thrown off, I want knee armor in case I land on my knees. Ditto for head, shoulders, arms, and back. You're spreading out the impact so the chance of broken bones is much less. I don't trust other drivers and I myself have been known to make a driving mistake or two in my life. I'd like to be able to walk away from an accident and it's worth it to me to have the best protection I can get - and hi-viz to give me even a 1% less chance of even getting in an accident. It's costly, it's not stylish, and it's inconvenient, but not nearly as costly and inconvenient as a hospital or funeral and way more stylish.

Pirate looks at --
10-02-2019, 09:13 AM
Pete, this is what I think (and live by);
Armored clothing is designed to protect in a slide ... which is much more likely to happen with a 2-wheeler than a Spyder. In all the time I've been on this forum I've not heard of one incident where someone came off their Spyder in a true 'slide' situation (sliding down the asphalt ripping off skin). A slide typically happens when the rider 'lays their bike down' deliberately to avoid a collision (never a good idea), or loses control in a slip 'n slide or high-speed evasion situation and they go down on the asphalt at speed; this doesn't happen with the Spyder as long as they stay with the bike.

The very few incidents reported with a rider being injured while riding a Spyder have been; a) collisions with wildlife or b) hydroplaning. In the first situation, the rider may be injured from the large animal coming through the windshield (and may or may not get knocked off the bike); I don't think armored clothing would help much either way. With hydroplaning resulting in a spin, the rider may be thrown from the Spyder and armored gear may or may not protect joints but since it's wet out, the slide itself isn't likely to result in abrasion injuries.

The most recent reported incident, which resulted in fatal injuries sadly, the rider wasn't wearing a helmet. I always wear a helmet because brain injuries are typically non-survivable, but broken bones and abrasion are.

With this type of thinking Pete, you may as well wear shorts and flip flops. After all the broken bones and abrasions will heal!:roflblack: Talk to someone that has been through that healing process to hear what fun it was. I agree you will never lay a Spyder down, but yo may come off of it, and I would rather land on armor than my unprotected skin. Lost a good friend on a Spyder when he was rear ended and thrown from his Spyder. He dressed like you!

10-02-2019, 09:34 AM
I respect everyone’s opinion and suggestions, that is why I asked in the first place. I didn’t mean to start a trash “talk” thread. I was simply asking how many people wear shorts under their touring pants? Is it better to have 2 pair of (Regular Levi) jeans or one pair of jeans and riding pants to save space? Any opinion on wearing either the KLIM latitude or Carlsbad pants was also asked. Consensus is wear armor (probably Latitude for me) and some do wear jeans, riding shorts and riding underwear under their riding pants. I was just trying to do a bit of research for my wife and I’s behalf and gain knowledge from others that may have experience in this question.

10-02-2019, 09:58 AM
I respect everyone’s opinion and suggestions, that is why I asked in the first place. I didn’t mean to start a trash “talk” thread. I was simply asking how many people wear shorts under their touring pants? Is it better to have 2 pair of (Regular Levi) jeans or one pair of jeans and riding pants to save space? Any opinion on wearing either the KLIM latitude or Carlsbad pants was also asked. Consensus is wear armor (probably Latitude for me) and some do wear jeans, riding shorts and riding underwear under their riding pants. I was just trying to do a bit of research for my wife and I’s behalf and gain knowledge from others that may have experience in this question.

I wear just underwear under my riding pants. Motoport brand custom fit pants. My wife does the same. I have a set of Olympia Air Glide pants that I do the same in. I also have a set of Bohn Armour pants that I can wear under jeans. They are quite comfortable and offer me the protection I want. I wear a heavy pair of Duluth Trading jeans over them .

10-02-2019, 10:04 AM
I respect everyone’s opinion and suggestions, that is why I asked in the first place. I didn’t mean to start a trash “talk” thread. I was simply asking how many people wear shorts under their touring pants? Is it better to have 2 pair of (Regular Levi) jeans or one pair of jeans and riding pants to save space? Any opinion on wearing either the KLIM latitude or Carlsbad pants was also asked. Consensus is wear armor (probably Latitude for me) and some do wear jeans, riding shorts and riding underwear under their riding pants. I was just trying to do a bit of research for my wife and I’s behalf and gain knowledge from others that may have experience in this question.

I thought it was a reasonable question and I tried to provide a different perspective on it than what I knew the majority group-think response would be. I hope you find a solution that you are comfortable with.

10-02-2019, 10:30 AM
Why wash every three days? The longer you wear them without washing the more protection you will get. :joke:


10-02-2019, 12:13 PM
I wear just underwear under my riding pants. Motoport brand custom fit pants. My wife does the same. I have a set of Olympia Air Glide pants that I do the same in..

As to armor or no armor I prefer armor. When a Buick helped me dismount from my Triumph in W.V. a couple of years back I didn't slide one inch. I did however land on my knees and elbows very HARD. What amounted to a few days of barely being able to walk or bend my elbows could have amounted to busted bones or even some surgery. I survived, Triumph survived, Buick paid the bills. I'll keep my armor in place.

10-02-2019, 12:21 PM
I still wear protective pants but not all the time. On tour I wear my Resurgence New Wave Jeans. I bought them for riding my two-wheeler but now I only use the F3-S. So Canadian pants on a Canadian 'bike'.

10-02-2019, 01:44 PM
Any long trips I take My Aerostitch Roadcrafter one piece , Aerostitch triple digit rain gloves and Aerostich Kanetsu Electic vest . Summer weather Once again Aerostich cotton
shorts . cooler weather jeans underneath. Usually a wicking t shirt with wicking socks with my leather 12" boots .
an extra socks n unders and thats it .
Short trips I've got AS ADI pants that I switch up with either a Olympia textile or a Joe Rocket mesh Jacket .
Helmet is a Schuberth Modular C4 , would never go back to a non opening helmet .
I've ridden single digits to triple temp wise and only time The Roadcrafter gets annoying is if not moving in hot weather .
The electric vest makes all the difference in the world I never leave without it .
Even on 3 wheels your still tip toeing above a really big belt sander .

10-02-2019, 01:48 PM
Why wash every three days? The longer you wear them without washing the more protection you will get. :joke:


Like WW II submariners!

10-02-2019, 02:20 PM
I have Klim hardanger suit wear it all the time. In the heat of summer I wear my gym short, t-shirt and boots of course, then wear the hardanger over it. Also alway keep slippers with with me. When I get to my destination suit and the boots goes in the sidebars. Winter months slippers stays home suit will be over my regular clothing. I did cross country trip in June only thing I packed was few shorts and t-shirts and toiletries.

10-02-2019, 04:05 PM
I thought it was a reasonable question and I tried to provide a different perspective on it than what I knew the majority group-think response would be. I hope you find a solution that you are comfortable with.

I agree completely, Pete.......and I don’t see this as a “trash” talk thread Wmoater..it was a good question. There are some excellent points for consideration here, and no one is being abusive....... I really appreciated Pete’s perspective. That’s not to say I will immediately adopt it, but I am a big boy and will make my decision based on how my particular circumstances fit the differing perspectives.


10-02-2019, 06:36 PM
How can a post on what pants to wear have so many replys? Really it is a matter of preference. Some feel safe in their underwear, T-shirt and slats. Some can't get enough safety gear on to feel safe. If you ride on the edge all the time you can not have too much safety gear on. If your choice is the underwear, T-shirt and slats be careful out there. Here in the "old pueblo" when temps are 115* I ride with loose clothing, no skin on your entire body exposed to the sun good substantial footwear and of course Helmut and gloves. IMO full ATGATT creates way to much Heat and sometimes that is more dangerous here than anything. Many a rider here has passed out and crashed from heat exhaustion. Most of us wear a cooler soaked in water around our necks in the hotter months. As Lydia always said "a little common sense will get you to the end of your life if you are not in a hurry"! If temps permit, I wear KLIM riding gear and an Arai helmet. Not trying to prove anything here but after 68 years of riding and using Lydia's advise I have faired well.

Thanks to those who resurrected the St.George UT Rally by the way. Some of my favorite country to ride in and I did get a few hours in on the E-Bike. Will see everyone in Kerrville Tex in two weeks.


10-02-2019, 06:39 PM
Here in the "old pueblo" when temps are 115* I ride with loose clothing, no skin on your entire body exposed to the sun good substantial footwear and of course Helmut and gloves. IMO full ATGATT creates way to much Heat and sometimes that is more dangerous here than anything. Many a rider here has passed out and crashed from heat exhaustion.


10-02-2019, 11:29 PM
Full ATGATT can include mesh gear. Cool vests, even a veskimo. We ride everyday, and 115 is not unusual. Extremely hot or cold weather requires specialized gear. No reason to compromise on safety!

10-03-2019, 07:13 AM
Full ATGATT can include mesh gear. Cool vests, even a veskimo. We ride everyday, and 115 is not unusual. Extremely hot or cold weather requires specialized gear. No reason to compromise on safety!

Completely agree. Mesh gear is superb.

10-03-2019, 01:49 PM
Mesh is good Just be sure to hydrate more as your losing more water due to faster evaporation . I end up drinking twice as much water wearing mesh compared to a jacket
when its hot and muggy out .If just hot I wear the jacket or aerostitch