View Full Version : Cleaning the gauge lens cover

09-21-2019, 09:16 PM
Any suggestions on the proper way to clean the outside of the gauge cluster lens without scratching the heck out of it?

When the sun from behind me hits the lens cover dead on, it totally becomes very hazy due to hundreds of acquired micro-scratches all over the outside face of it. I have always attempted to be very careful when cleaning the bike and use micro fiber cloths to gently wipe down everything. I removed the cover and spent an hour with plastic polishing compound rubbing and rubbing until it almost looked like new again until the sun hit it again today. It was not as bad as before, but still made the gauges difficult to read - the micro scratches were smaller now but still obvious.

I have gone ahead and ordered a new lens cover and want to try to keep that one from suffering the same eventual fate.

What does everyone else use?

09-21-2019, 11:06 PM
Any suggestions on the proper way to clean the outside of the gauge cluster lens without scratching the heck out of it?

When the sun from behind me hits the lens cover dead on, it totally becomes very hazy due to hundreds of acquired micro-scratches all over the outside face of it. I have always attempted to be very careful when cleaning the bike and use micro fiber cloths to gently wipe down everything. I removed the cover and spent an hour with plastic polishing compound rubbing and rubbing until it almost looked like new again until the sun hit it again today. It was not as bad as before, but still made the gauges difficult to read - the micro scratches were smaller now but still obvious.

I have gone ahead and ordered a new lens cover and want to try to keep that one from suffering the same eventual fate.

What does everyone else use?

You could try the methods used to restore the plastic headlight covers that are on automobiles.... now they even sell kits with everything you need …..good luck …. Mike :ohyea:

stmike 1800
09-22-2019, 06:01 AM
I find the lens is like a magnet and draws dust to it ,and pain in the azz to keep clean .

09-22-2019, 06:26 AM
main thing is never, never, ever wipe it with anything when its dry, only after it has been washed.

09-22-2019, 06:28 AM
Microfiber cloths.............Use the same stuff they sell to clean computer screens.

09-22-2019, 06:29 AM
I use a produce called Plexus, it's a antistatic, polish, cleaner, works great on gauges and windshields, and or the whole bike!!! 20 bucks a can last time I got some use it on my sleds, bike, cars:thumbup: