View Full Version : RT Spyder engine noise measurement

09-11-2019, 09:08 AM
Major loud engine noise 2018 RT Limited Spyder Roadster comes from engine top end, cylinder heads, mechanical valve train operation including drive mechanisms, transmission system gearing and drive mechanism coupling to rear drive wheel.

Noise sound level measurements made at approximately two and a half to three feet from rider ear level to large instrument panel speaker grill work with open venting to engine compartment.

There appears to be serious acoustic coupling to major engine noise source and possibly some amplification due to “speaker effect” of large instrument/speaker panel area. More sophisticated sound measuring instrumentation would be required to prove this observation.

Large top outer panel right & left side engine compartment vents with wind deflectors facing rider also contribute to major engine/drive components sound level source.

Average range of human hearing between 400 and 8,000 Hz. Sound level measurements made with calibrated dB (A) scale instrument.

At speeds between 50-75 MPH in 6th gear sound levels range from 90 to 105 dB (A) with 110 dB (A) peaks. Higher frequency sound levels could also be a damaging factor but not measured. Normal lower gear operation and shifting noise levels could be even higher but this was not completely explored in this case.

Without good quality helmet including OSHA approved safety rated earplugs or equivalent hearing protection long-term exposure to sound levels of this magnitude will cause permanent damage to rider hearing.

Consideration for safety and rider comfort of future touring FT & RT Spyder model years.

Engineered acoustic sound isolation between engine compartment and rider instrument panel interface including sound absorbing material of at least ¼ inch thick applied to all inside surfaces of outer body panels surrounding engine compartment including lower rider outer body side panels.

09-11-2019, 09:35 AM
I have started to experiment with dynamat under body panels and will report back if any improvement can be had.Agree that Spyders are too noisy but can be tolerated when using helmet.

09-11-2019, 10:16 AM
Wonder what the Harley crowd with the straight pipes do to keep from going deaf....:roflblack: The triple has been said to be noisey and though most work on hydraulics they do sound like there are loose marbles in there others say sound like sewing machine or have gravel in the tranny....:dontknow:

09-11-2019, 11:12 AM
A short while back, while working on our Spyder, I found the foam sound deadening material had failed.

At my disposal, I had sheets of aircraft sound proofing mat. The soundproofing mat is self adhesive, proper density foam, with an external backing of silicone sheet rubber. Total thickness is probably 5/16".

The soundproofing mat replaced the oem soundproofing on the acoustic panels that failed. The temps on the exterior panels decreased, and yes, I do believe the engine noise is quieter. If the soundproofing mat has endured, I plan to replace all the oem soundproofing material during the next major body panel removal.

09-12-2019, 08:01 AM
I have started to experiment with dynamat under body panels and will report back if any improvement can be had.Agree that Spyders are too noisy but can be tolerated when using helmet.
Very interesting I had thought about that and often wonder why there is only a small patch of thin insulation on lower body panel. Don't know why a third party Spyder merchant hasn't hasn't experimented and come up with a pre cut kit of sound absorbing material for outside body panels. Thanks for post and look forward to your findings on possible future RT improvements. Please feel free to contact me through Spyderlovera forum email system. I live in Tucson, AZ

06-01-2020, 08:14 PM
Do you have updates on this post? Were you able to find the source of the "major loud noise"? I have the same issue on my 2018 F3 Limited.


06-02-2020, 07:03 AM
I can give my update.I put dynamat along with another brand of noise mat on most of the panels .I measured the level with a decibel meter before at idle from a distance of 2 ft from various areas around the motor.Most of the noise is coming from the area where the steering tie rods come out of the body as you might expect,also a lot from the open grill areas under the mirrors.Its been a while but I think the level was about 74/75 before and 72/73 after.Now Ive driven this thing at highway speeds many times since and it would be impossible to get a good reading bc of wind noise but the overall answer is that sound deadening material is a waste of time and money although there may be a slight reduction in temp in the area of the glovebox but still not worth it.Ive studied this a lot bc as Ive gotten older I seem to dislike the noise more than before and I used to to have many loud machines.I think the biggest problem with any bike at higher speeds is the wind.I have a Sena setup and I use it with earplugs and this seems to be ok but Id still like it a little quieter.

06-10-2020, 05:03 PM
I put a new muffler on mine that gave the exhaust a little growl. Thats sounds so good I don't hear any thing else. I also
came from a Harley so.......