View Full Version : What are you paying for insurance? Who are you insured with?

09-03-2019, 01:11 PM
My wife and I are both 66. We have never had a ticket or an accident and have never filed a claim with our insurance company, MetLIfe. Her car is a 2001 Impala, my truck is a 2008 Silverado. We own them both outright. We have the standard coverage and are paying over $1,200 a year in insurance.

Does that sound high to anyone? Seems we should be getting a better deal then that. My policy renewal is telling me I'm getting discounts that have been applied to my premium, but does not tell me how much those discounts are. On top of that a notice in the renewal tells me my premium went up $24.00 this cycle. We pay 6 months at a shot.

09-03-2019, 02:10 PM
What's standard coverage considered in your area? Shop around it can't hurt.

You can always call and ask what discounts are being applied.

How much is your deductible?

I shopped around and they were almost all the same or some telling me to stay where I was at for the insurance company.

09-03-2019, 02:19 PM
So many factors determine these rates like location, credit ratings, traffic violations, etc. Our vehicles are a 2011 and a 2017 and our annual is far less than what you are paying. But, we live in a small town with low crime and have clean driving records.

We left the last company because of constant increases in premiums despite never filing a claim. The agency was indifferent to our concerns, the agent was never in the office, rates continued to go up so we moved everything to another company and agency.

09-03-2019, 03:09 PM
So that's $50/mo per vehicle for full coverage? Doesn't sound all that terrible, what's your deductible?

09-03-2019, 03:41 PM
As reference for my wife and I for both the 2006 Mini and the 2011 VW Sportswagen pay $1036.00 a year adding the spyder it is /$1370.00 a year. I do have the earthquake ins and the home ins with them as well and this is CA....:gaah:

09-03-2019, 03:45 PM
Insurance cost starts with where you live. Your geographical area has many factors that affect insurance cost that are beyond your control or personal history. Things like crime rate, auto theft statistics, percentage of uninsured drivers, accident statistics for the area, etc. All things being equal as far as vehicle and personal history are concerned, your rates will vary depending upon where you live. Just no way to compare YOU with others. As you can see, you're paying to protect yourself from all the bad guys on the road. The more bad guys there are in your area, the more you pay for protection. The only thing you can do is "shop" your rate. If you deal with a multi-line broker, make sure they shop different companies. Or, shop your rates yourself. PITA but may save you hundreds. Just make sure you are comparing the same coverage with each company. Bottom line, no way to compare your cost with mine or anyone elses. Good luck.....Jim

09-03-2019, 04:03 PM
Im 60 ish.....I pay 300 a YEAR for my ST And a Chevy S10. This is for the minimum coverage. N.C.

09-03-2019, 06:58 PM
Im 60 ish.....I pay 300 a YEAR for my ST And a Chevy S10. This is for the minimum coverage. N.C.

Minimum coverage would be "Liability Only". Are you sure you want it that way?


09-03-2019, 07:24 PM
like many have said insurance premiums vary by state/location/area/age/driving records.

Here's my 2 cents (based on having a family member in the insurance industry)
1. Never ever EVER (!!!) sign up for one of those devices you plug into your OBDII port that reports your activity to the mothership via their app (you know, the "don't mess with my discounts" commercial). Braking hard once or even driving after 10pm will result in your premiums skyrocketing.
2. Insurance companies WILL raise your premiums every 6 or 12 months, so the longer you stay with your insurance co the more you will pay. It makes sense to switch your insurance Co every couple of years - hence "switch to [insert any insurance company name here] and you will save 15% or more"

Good luck!

09-03-2019, 11:04 PM
Thanks for all your input. I did a little research and am looking at either USAA or Allstate right now. Both look like they will save me close to $500 a year with the same or slightly better coverage then I have with Metlife. I'm learning more towards Allstate since I will be dealing with an actual local agent instead of an email address over the internet. I like being able to talk with an actual person.

09-04-2019, 02:02 AM
So that's $50/mo per vehicle for full coverage? Doesn't sound all that terrible, what's your deductible?

No it isn't so " terrible " …...however I'm now paying $17.91 per month for full coverage ( a 12 mo. policy ) on my 2014 RT. I'm with Dairyland now ( they only do Mtc's )……. Mike :ohyea:

09-04-2019, 07:02 AM
It is said that every two years you should put your insurance company on notice and ask for revaluation and price shop them out! It's to bad that you have to go threw all that crap but that's the games you have to play!! Being loyal to one company gets you no where but broke!!! Good Luck it sucks but you have to do it.

09-04-2019, 07:47 AM
Yea Jack.I am very happy with my policy. TY

09-04-2019, 08:12 AM
Good to look at the reputation of the company in your state/area, too. Some are more prone to skyrocket cost (or drop you) if you have an incident(s)... even after years with them. I do shop insurance about every 3 years... just to check the temp of the insurance pool. Quotes are free and just take a bit of time online or with an agent. I have had Progressive for my bikes for over 10 years because of the good service and rate I have found there. $244 for a full year (2010 RS) here in WI with 0 deductible and 500,100,300 limits. Also, the premium includes trip interruption and towing. My autos are with them currently... but have moved through a series of 3,4 insurers in recent memory. My record is clean, except for a cut off accident on an Ultra Harley in Deadwood over a year ago. My credit rating is stellar... that helps too with setting of rates... as does being married and an older fella at 61 ...got the wilds out of me... well mostly (there's still a teenage boy in there sometimes)!

09-04-2019, 09:33 AM
Minimum coverage would be "Liability Only". Are you sure you want it that way?


That minimum Liability coverage would not even begin to cover costs in even a minor collision with any injury. The question to ask is: Do you have assets you want to protect?

Big F
09-04-2019, 12:02 PM
You have fuzzy math. they are paying $100 a month, not $50

Big F
09-04-2019, 12:06 PM
Your premium is off the charts!! I have a 2018 RT Limited with full coverage and $500 deductible and pay $372.00 annually. My carrier is Wadena Ins. Co..

09-04-2019, 12:13 PM
I have Allstate and I pay about $380 a year. I have my autos with Liberty.

09-04-2019, 04:21 PM
If you are eligible for USAA, I would consider them. I've been with USAA since 1981; while it may not be the cheapest insurance around they are still a good company to deal with. I've never had any issues with them. Since your vehicles are 18 and 11 years old, you may want to consider liability insurance only. Dale

09-04-2019, 05:25 PM
I have Allstate and love having a local agent to call or visit.
Still waiting for my spyder so can’t help with price.

09-04-2019, 08:21 PM
I went from Dairyland to Progressive a couple months ago on my 2 Can Ams and saved almost 50% with better coverage? Dairyland starts raising rates after a year or so? Check out progressive-

09-04-2019, 08:32 PM
I went from Dairyland to Progressive a couple months ago on my 2 Can Ams and saved almost 50% with better coverage? Dairyland starts raising rates after a year or so? Check out progressive-

Interesting - over 4 years, they have stayed the same or lowered it !!!!! ………… go figure ….. Mike :ohyea:

stmike 1800
09-05-2019, 04:53 AM
I pay 1300 full coverage ,it sure is great to live in Canada .:cus:

09-05-2019, 05:36 AM
So that's $50/mo per vehicle for full coverage? Doesn't sound all that terrible, what's your deductible?
$1200/yr for FULL coverage would indeed not be that terrible. However, it's s an 18 and an 11 year old car. I assume it isnt full coverage (I wouldn't have comp and collision on cars that old unless I had to for some reason) I pay about $1200/or for two 2017 vehicles with full coverage and a $500 deductible for comp and collision, plus another $400 year for my 2019 Spyder with full coverage and $500 deductibles.

09-05-2019, 10:15 AM
I recently moved from AK to AR. My carrier is still State Farm. I am 73 years old.

All my vehicles carry FULL coverage--regardless of age. I also insure my home with State Farm.

My monthly fees are:

2017 Subaru Outback 53.00
2015 Kawasaki 900 Vulcan 39.00
2014 Can AM Spyder RT 43.00
2011 Can AM Spyder RT 36.00

Fees are slightly LOWER than what I paid in AK. I am currently paying $171 per month for the package. I paid $203 in AK.

09-05-2019, 12:44 PM
Insurance is crazy. I had full coverage on my 2001 Harley Sportster and no claims for 18 years. When I bought the new Spyder I was going to transfer the insurance from the Harley to the F3-S. Went to the agent and he ran all the numbers. It would have cost an additional $200 just for the remaining quarter and almost double the premiums after that. But if I dropped the Harley insurance and just bought a new policy for the Spyder, the full coverage was only about $100 more annual than I was paying for the full coverage insurance on a 20 year old Harley. It was crazy. I did not understand why and the agent could not explain it. I did drop the insurance of the Harley and got a brand new policy for the Spyder. The cost is just what he said it was going to be.

03-16-2021, 03:30 PM

Yet, another insurance question. I just got a 2020 Spyder RT. It was a zero-mile left over unit from last year. Went to get insurance from Allstate and I went from 2015 Honda Shadow phantom 300,000 bells and whistles gold coverage of $200 to $800 for the Spyder. Holysh&t! That is more than my 2017 Ford Fusion. Looking at Dairyland. How are they? I have already priced it. Want to know IF they are a hassle IF you need them? Experiences, etc. please.

I'm sorry, but I don't ride all year long. As a matter of fact, I only put 2600 miles on the bike from Dec 17 to about two weeks ago. I mainly commute. I live in Southern Illinois so riding year-round won't work anyway.



03-16-2021, 03:59 PM
I have Foremost Insurance on my 2020 RT-Limited, monthly payments with a $250.00 deductible for a little less less than 45 a month.

03-16-2021, 04:21 PM
Looking at Dairyland. How are they? I have already priced it. Want to know IF they are a hassle IF you need them? Experiences, etc. please.


I have Dairyland, paying $424.00 a year or roughly $35.00 a month. I just went ahead and paid for the full year. Fortunately, I have not had to deal with them in anyway so I can't speak to that aspect of your question.

03-16-2021, 06:17 PM
The insurance quote you got seems about $20.00 per month high. 800/12 =$66.66

My current insurance for the 2019 F3L is $45.00 per month and the 2020 F3L is $48.00 per month. As a comparison, my 2015 Kawi Vulcan is $33.00 per month. I carry FULL coverage on all of them. My carrier is State Farm. They also have my house insurance.

Rates of course will vary by location, age, driving record, etc. etc.

03-16-2021, 07:13 PM
Yes insurance does take into account your past driving record, age and even your credit score comes into play. I have Markel American motorcycle insurance on my 2017 which is full coverage and run me $348.00 a year

03-16-2021, 08:25 PM
I have Progressive and I'm paying $540 a year.
It also depends on where you live. I live in a dense suburban town. Not quite a city, but far more populated than a rural town.
Relatively low deductible of $500 and relatively high coverage of $250,000 for bodily injury/property damage. I also carry $250,000 for uninsured motorist.

03-16-2021, 09:48 PM
We just switched back to Dairyland. We had American Modern for some years when Dairyland took a big jump but now the premiums for our '15 HD Limited and '14 RTS came down considerably.

We did make a claim with Dairyland some years ago when the wife wrecked her '00 HD Ultra. The claim process went well and we actually re-opened the claim a half year later when we noticed further damage in the tour pack.

Many years ago when I was shopping for insurance the first time I asked my HD dealer which insurance company they had the fewest issues with when doing an insurance repair, they told me Dairyland.

03-16-2021, 10:56 PM
I have Dairyland, paying $424.00 a year or roughly $35.00 a month. I just went ahead and paid for the full year. Fortunately, I have not had to deal with them in anyway so I can't speak to that aspect of your question.

WOW, I also have Dairyland and only pay half that ( approx. $ 19.00 per month ).... I originally had Foremost but when they raised my price I switched .... happy so far .... Mike :thumbup:

03-16-2021, 10:59 PM
Geico 250 for the year. Full coverage the same I carry on my Q7.

03-17-2021, 07:22 AM
The comparison between insurance rates is pretty meaningless unless you are also listing the liability limits you are paying for. $50,000 vs $500,000 you are going to be paying different rates.

03-17-2021, 07:28 AM
I have AAA, $480 for the year. Also have their AAA RV Plus membership which includes roadside assistance and towing

Big F
03-17-2021, 01:30 PM
I have a 2018 RT Limited and with full coverage I pay $473.00 a year.. Motorcycle insurance is a buyer beware issue as rates are all over the board..

03-17-2021, 02:13 PM
I went with Dairyland and am around 400 ish. I can tolerate that ;-) Thanks for all the comments.


03-17-2021, 03:19 PM
Insurance on Spyder is insane!!! Farmers Insurance $669 per year was my quote. I am still looking. Did anyone look at GEICO?

03-17-2021, 03:31 PM
Insurance on Spyder is insane!!! Farmers Insurance $669 per year was my quote. I am still looking. Did anyone look at GEICO?

Reading .... ALL ... the posts is very helpful ........ good luck ..... Mike :thumbup:

03-17-2021, 05:08 PM
I have Allstate and a discounted early payment charge of #314.91 per year. The first year was closer to $500, but went down ever since.

03-17-2021, 05:25 PM
2012....$225/yr....19/mo......State Farm with a $500. deductible

03-17-2021, 09:38 PM
I have Geico and pay $99 a year!!!! Don't think anyone can beat that!

03-17-2021, 11:14 PM
I have Geico and pay $99 a year!!!! Don't think anyone can beat that!

Is that for full coverage for 12 mos ..... ???? ...... if so Fantastic .... Mike :thumbup:

03-18-2021, 09:04 AM
Insurance on Spyder is insane!!! Farmers Insurance $669 per year was my quote. I am still looking. Did anyone look at GEICO?

Markel was lowest price for me in WI. Full coverage with 500 deductible is a little over 300 per year for a 2020 RT

03-18-2021, 09:40 AM
You guys ALL have it so good. I am just under $2000 a year for insurance, but only 6 months of riding.........stop complaining.

(Here we have only one insurance company to choose from, so it isn't a bad driving record.)

03-18-2021, 09:53 AM
You guys ALL have it so good. I am just under $2000 a year for insurance, but only 6 months of riding.........stop complaining.

(Here we have only one insurance company to choose from, so it isn't a bad driving record.)

Also, don’t forget....not ONE of them have said what liability limits the carry. I’m guessing 10/20/5 whereas we have AT LEAST one million inclusive limits. We also have UMP, and I don’t know if they have that.

Do you have private for collision/comprehensive, or all ICBC?

03-18-2021, 11:25 AM
I see you are in Southern IL, I am in central IL & pay ( just got my new bill for a yr $280) if I pay monthly it was another $60 more. I am with Progressive this policy is full coverage $500.000 liability $100 deductible for a 2020 RTL

03-18-2021, 11:49 AM
Do you have private for collision/comprehensive, or all ICBC?

I'm with beacon for fire and theft. That's the year round coverage, ICBC from mid Apr till mid Oct.

03-18-2021, 12:00 PM
I'm with beacon for fire and theft. That's the year round coverage, ICBC from mid Apr till mid Oct.

I was going to suggest Beacon. That’s why I asked.

03-18-2021, 12:36 PM
I was going to suggest Beacon. That’s why I asked.

Someday, when this Covid thing is over, we will have to meet up

03-20-2021, 02:08 PM
I see you are in Southern IL, I am in central IL & pay ( just got my new bill for a yr $280) if I pay monthly it was another $60 more. I am with Progressive this policy is full coverage $500.000 liability $100 deductible for a 2020 RTL

I did have 300,000 and went to about 800 dollars. I went with Dairyland and lowered to 100,000 and 500 deductable and it is at 268.00 per year. I might adjust that up some but I just couldn't pay more for this thing and ride only during nice weather and drive my car everyday and pay less with it. I know we complain about the cost but when we need it, we need it. Like I wrote, I will probably adjust the limits. We were hit in our car in 2017 and they were VERY underinsured and we got screwed bad!!!

Hope the weather gets good up there in central Illinois for you soon.

Happy riding.


03-20-2021, 09:01 PM
I have Rider out of New Jersey - great rates and easy to deal with.

03-20-2021, 10:16 PM
Asking what is the right price for insurance is like asking all the other guys how beautiful is my girl friend? You can't trust any of the answers to be the right one! :dontknow:

03-20-2021, 10:22 PM
Here are some of the variables in quoting an insurance cost for you.
Value of the vehicle.
Cost for potential repairs.
Your zip code.
Your age.
Your marital status.
Your driving record.
Number of miles.
Number of vehicles under the same policy, or company.
Anti-theft features.
Number and age of other drivers.
Your physical health.
Your past claims history.
Your driver education extent.
And on and on.

04-04-2021, 08:31 PM
I just got my insurance with Rider Ins. Agency
I have a 2014 Spyder ST-LTD.
300,000 plus complete comprehensive ( $100 deductible and some other goodies for $412 for the year. A good company to deal with.

04-05-2021, 04:59 AM
progressive.. 125.00 a yr. 0 deductible comp and collision.. i also have a atv and a motorcycle on this policy... 220.00 a yr for all three.. but we have been with them for a long time with muliple discounts. this is on a 2020 F3-limited which is sitting on the dealers showroom floor, waiting for a nice day for delivery.. its been there 2 weeks now,, and im getting the itch to ride it, but the weather is ****.

04-05-2021, 06:02 AM
I did have 300,000 and went to about 800 dollars. I went with Dairyland and lowered to 100,000 and 500 deductable and it is at 268.00 per year. I might adjust that up some but I just couldn't pay more for this thing and ride only during nice weather and drive my car everyday and pay less with it. I know we complain about the cost but when we need it, we need it. Like I wrote, I will probably adjust the limits. We were hit in our car in 2017 and they were VERY underinsured and we got screwed bad!!!

Hope the weather gets good up there in central Illinois for you soon.

Happy riding.


I take it you don’t own sleds or SXS. We pay $460 a year per new sled for 5 weeks of riding this year. (We own 3) Thats full coverage/ full replacement on summits. SXS is just over $830 full both. Theft and fire covered. Home insurance will not cover them if lost. I trailer it out west all the time. It gets in wreck in trailer your car insurance will not cover it so full coverage and replacement is needed. 1000cc on SXS is a totally different ball game. Add another $200. I have full coverage and replacement with State Farm’s on spyder just under $500. I have 23 policies (life, cars, home, trailers, toys, jewelry and articles) with them so they apply discounts.

04-05-2021, 11:05 AM
progressive.. 125.00 a yr. 0 deductible comp and collision.. i also have a atv and a motorcycle on this policy... 220.00 a yr for all three.. but we have been with them for a long time with muliple discounts. this is on a 2020 F3-limited which is sitting on the dealers showroom floor, waiting for a nice day for delivery.. its been there 2 weeks now,, and im getting the itch to ride it, but the weather is ****.

WOW that's the lowest cost for Spyder insurance I've ever heard of by anyone on this site ..... :clap::clap:............. Mike :thumbup:

04-05-2021, 02:03 PM

Yet, another insurance question. I just got a 2020 Spyder RT. It was a zero mile left over unit from last year. Went to get insurance from Allstate and I went from 2015 Honda Shadow phantom 300,000 bells and whistles gold coverage of 200 dollars to $800 for the Spyder. Holysh&t! That is more than my 2017 Ford Fusion. Looking at Dairyland. How are they? I have already priced it. Want to know IF they are a hassle IF you need them? Experiences, etc. please.

I'm sorry, but I don't ride all year long. As a matter of fact I only put 2600 miles on the bike from Dec 17 to about two weeks ago. I mainly commute. I live in Southern Illinois so riding year'round won't work anyway.


Stevetry Geico. that is who I have

04-05-2021, 03:36 PM
yep,,, my new tacoma is like 325.00 a yr... im 63, own our house, bla bla bla..lol..

Policy changes effective March 26, 2021
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………..
Changes requested on: Mar 26, 2021 05:44 a.m.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………..
Requested by: Fred..... Gall.....
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………..
Premium change: $111.15
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………..
Changes: The 2020 CAN-AM SPYDER F3 has been added.
The Multi-Vehicle discount has been removed from your policy.
A Multi-Vehicle discount has been added to your policy.

04-05-2021, 06:31 PM
Never mind.

07-25-2021, 05:01 PM
I have been with State Farm for 47 years...When I got my quote for the new Ryker ($460.00) I decided to call Geico...181.00 for 12 months if I pay in full...I called the S.F. Agent back and told her what the differance in the premiums was...She could care less that I was going with Geico...So Much for loyalty...

07-25-2021, 05:48 PM
I had Progressive for the coverage on my 2016 Honda Goldwing. When I traded in the Goldwing for a new 2021 RT, my insurance dropped by $36 for the year. What is also weird about motorcycle insurance is that some companies will give a multi bike discount that is greater than the cost of insuring the second bike. When I added a 2019 Honda PCX scooter to my policy on the Goldwing back in 2019, my annual bill went down $12 rather than up for covering a second bike. Strange but fine with me.

In the past when I have done comparison shopping, Progressive, Dairyland and Geico were all pretty close in price.

07-25-2021, 06:16 PM
Geico 250 for the year. Full coverage the same I carry on my Q7.i also have GEICO and i pay 12$ per mo for full coverage. 12x12= 144$ per year.

07-25-2021, 08:20 PM
I have progressive for the 2019 Spyder rt limited and it was $100. However I insure 3 other bikes as well as my truck with them. 25/50/15 with 250 deductible on collision and comprehensive.

07-25-2021, 11:14 PM
$800 Cdn for 6 months. I got $2 million liability, collision and comprehensive. I insured for replacement cost.

07-25-2021, 11:29 PM
$800 Cdn for 6 months. I got $2 million liability, collision and comprehensive. I insured for replacement cost.

Beacon for the physical damage? or all ICBC?

07-26-2021, 09:03 AM
Markel was lowest price for me in WI. Full coverage with 500 deductible is a little over 300 per year for a 2020 RT

Same with me with Markel

07-26-2021, 09:29 AM
State Farm for me. I have full coverage. Body Injury, Property Damage, Comprehensive, Collision, and Uninsured Motorist. I pay 29.03 a month for that. During the winter months I will take it way down to around $6 a month. The rest is covered by home owners while its in the garage for those couple of months I am not riding. I do carry a $500 deductible however on that.

07-26-2021, 10:28 AM
Brucie: All ICBC. I had Beacon when I had my Suzuki SV650, but it was higher than ICBC with the Spyder. I am going to look into Westland Insurance for the Spyder when I renew. I have Westland for our truck camper and house - very competitive rates.

07-26-2021, 10:35 AM
Brucie: All ICBC. I had Beacon when I had my Suzuki SV650, but it was higher than ICBC with the Spyder. I am going to look into Westland Insurance for the Spyder when I renew. I have Westland for our truck camper and house - very competitive rates.
Really! When I renewed in April, Beacon was cheaper...just use ICBC for the basic...including UMP. I’ll check again next renewal.

07-26-2021, 10:41 AM
i also have GEICO and i pay 12$ per mo for full coverage. 12x12= 144$ per year.

I also have GEICO and I pay $408.14 twelve month premium, I also have full coverage, plus I have the hightest Limits and /or deductibles, $500.00 Deductible $ 500.00 Collision, towing & labor costs, also i have all the discounts that they offer, except taking the motorcycle instructor coarse( I am not taking that).

Also the State of Vermont law requires that the property damage be included as part of your Uninsured an Underinsured Motorists coverage( UM& UND). I also have fee for lay-up/storage ( when I am not riding during the winter months, from Oct. to April). But the comp stays on. I have been with GEICO since 2012.


07-26-2021, 11:25 AM
Really! When I renewed in April, Beacon was cheaper...just use ICBC for the basic...including UMP. I’ll check again next renewal.

mine is the same......still WAYYYYYYY higher than what I read on here though.

07-26-2021, 11:33 AM
l July 26, 2021

My insurance is with Rider/Plymouth Rock. ( 2021 Sea to Sky )

I am paying $666/year
Coverage is 100,000 300,000 50,000
$500 deductible

07-26-2021, 11:37 AM
July 26, 2021

Now I have a 2021Sea to Sky and it is insured with Rider and costs me $666/year
Full coverage 100k,300k,50k with 500 deductible.

07-27-2021, 11:54 AM
I pay $99 a year for a 2018 F3-S through Gieco........

07-27-2021, 01:21 PM
The comparison between insurance rates is pretty meaningless unless you are also listing the liability limits you are paying for. $50,000 vs $500,000 you are going to be paying different rates.

Agree and to add to that the term “full coverage” is so vague it’s meaningless in terms of making any kind of comparison with some one else’s coverage/premium cost.

07-27-2021, 02:00 PM
Insurance on Spyder is insane!!! Farmers Insurance $669 per year was my quote. I am still looking. Did anyone look at GEICO?

:yes: Wow! We are covered by Geico, and only pay $245.00 for 1 whole year coverage! Full coverage with $1,000 deductible. :2thumbs:

07-27-2021, 03:23 PM
I seriously doubt that. Maybe that was for the first month. I'd like to see a copy of that policy.

07-27-2021, 04:10 PM
I believe Geico only sells mc policy that is no-tort. I want full tort.

08-20-2021, 02:11 PM
August 20, 2021

I use Rider Insurance/Plymouth Rock and pay $ 666 for the year with $ 250 deductible each occurence.
New Jersey has one of the highest insurance rates and property taxes. Bummer.

08-20-2021, 06:12 PM
August 20, 2021

I use Rider Insurance/Plymouth Rock and pay $ 666 for the year with $ 250 deductible each occurence.
New Jersey has one of the highest insurance rates and property taxes. Bummer.

Come to B.C...... highest gas prices too

08-20-2021, 06:23 PM
I believe Geico only sells mc policy that is no-tort. I want full tort.

Geico sells , Auto, Renters, Motorcycle/ATV, Umbrella, Home Owners, Condo, Boat, Collector Auto, Mexico Auto, Mobile home, Landlord, Flood, Business Insurance, Life, Travel, Overseas insurance policies.

I have Geico on my spyder, with full coverage, plus lay up( hibernation) coverage.


08-21-2021, 04:43 AM
Don't remember my limits, but 2021 Spyder RTL, '78 GL1000 and '76 Yamaha RD400c all covered for $334.82 annual. Tennessee has pretty low rates. I'm using Dairyland because their underwriter doesn't jack my rates up annually like Geico and Progressive's did - because we haven't taken out car loans in two decades.

08-21-2021, 07:25 AM
I have Geico on my spyder, with full coverage, plus lay up( hibernation) coverage.


I have often wondered how the insurance works when you put everything in storage over the winter. Is it the full rate for that period or does some type discount figure in over the whole year?

08-21-2021, 07:42 AM
Most companies are now going to year round coverage. Years ago, some companies used to let you just have comp while in storage.

08-21-2021, 10:48 AM

Yet, another insurance question. Looking at Dairyland. How are they? I have already priced it. Want to know IF they are a hassle IF you need them? Experiences, etc. please.


I’m with Dairyland. I have not yet had occasion to actually take “advantage” of my coverage, so I guess that’s a good thing. I’m paying $426 a year for full coverage on my Ryker. It took about close to 10 minutes waiting to actually connect with a live customer service rep, not a big deal for me. I have over 500 roll over minutes on my plan, so I could hang around for a while if need be.

In fact I called them only last night. I am thinking of trading up my Ryker for a Spyder. I asked about the process of changing my Ryker coverage over to the Spyder. The lady told me I could add the Sypder to my current policy for an additional $216 dollars. That would cover both bikes and then if/when I actually pick up the Spyder, I could drop the Ryker and my cost would go back to the original policy only with just the Spyder. She said this way there would be no lapse in coverage for either bike. That is pretty much my entire interaction with the company. I do know from reading posts here back in the day that a lot of other people on the forum have coverage through Dairyland.

08-21-2021, 11:57 AM
That is the number for the American Motorcyclist Assoc. They have by far the best motorcycle Ins. out there
and it also comes with FREE towing that will tow whatever you are riding or driving, Bike Car or truck.
They have many great perks for riders as well, like car and bike rental, hotel discounts and much more.
Everyone who rides should check out the AMA.... No I am not a salesman for them just a member for over 45 years.

08-21-2021, 12:23 PM
I have Allstate, full coverage like autos, and pay $302/yr.

08-21-2021, 05:50 PM
We just switched from Geico to Dairyland for our two 2021 RTL's. For the same coverage for both it was over 200 dollars cheaper. we have 25/50 with 5k in options, towing, and full replacement value for both with a 500 deductible. For both we pay now with Dairyland 543.00 about 47 a month.

09-08-2021, 05:08 PM
Sept 8, 2021

The prices for insurance vary by state. That is what makes up the big differences. I live in New Jersey, which has one of the highest insurance rates due to the dense population in a small area.

09-12-2021, 08:31 PM
Progressive, 195.00 yr. for 2017 rtl. Check it out.

09-13-2021, 09:43 AM
I have often wondered how the insurance works when you put everything in storage over the winter. Is it the full rate for that period or does some type discount figure in over the whole year?

It is not the full rate, when the spyder is in hibernation( storage).

I also get a special discount( premium is less during the Hibernation storage time). I usually store my spyder from Oct. to April. On the spyder I keep only( this is per insurance) Comp, when in hibernation( storage). It is covered, when in hibernation (Storage).

In April, the 12 month premium goes back to normal, and limits/liabilities and etc. go back to what they were before hibernation( Storage).

I also don't ride year round on the spyder( off topic: I ride my sled from Dec. to Feb depending on the winter weather). Back on topic then I ride my spyder from April.


09-13-2021, 10:53 AM
Son has a Harley trike. Me, a 2015 RT. Have full coverage for both covering all three sons, my wife, and me, $454.00/yr, GEICO.

08-28-2022, 10:48 AM
I've done my research, and thanks to a lot of you here on the forum all my questions have been answered. I signed up for the 3 wheel course, and took it about a week ago. I was hoping to try out a RT, but the course was done on Rykers. The wife got a lot out of the course seeing that she has always been a pillion, it mostly covers everything I already knew and practice from riding 2 wheels. But it was fun.
The Last thing I wanted to look into was insurance cost, and I got a major shock. For reference, my Car (2014 Dodge Charger), Truck (2010 Dodge Ram 2500HD Diesel), RV (25 ft tow behind trailer), and Bike (2008 Yamaha FJR1300) all together cost me just under $1900 per year (for full coverage on everything, $100 deductible, $100k comp, & towing). The quote I got from Progressive (I used the online quote option off their web site, I currently have my Bike Ins with them) came back at $2100 per year. OUCH0 0!!!! I lowered everything down to the lowest I could ($500 deductible, $50k comp), and it still was $1500 per year. I contacted my Insurance Agent I have everything else insured with, and I am waiting to hear back on a quote from her. I am looking at buying a 2022 RT Limited. My local dealer has it sitting on their showroom floor, ready to go.
Is this normal. It makes me curious as to what everyone else is paying for their insurance.

08-28-2022, 11:21 AM
Problem #1.- you live in Calif. ..... Look into Dairyland and/or Foremost .... Good Luck .... Mike :thumbup:

08-28-2022, 11:52 AM
I second Foremost. I have them, they have a couple of different levels of insurance, I got the top tier one and it's around 400.00 a year. I can't give you the coverage amounts off the top of my head, but I thought it was very affordable.

08-28-2022, 11:53 AM
My 1st surprise is you ONLY pay $1900/yr for all those machines!
Here in NJ, I pay $1200 for just 2 cars fully insured (no points/accidents). My 850cc bike & 2020 RT costs ~$600/yr.
Looks like Cali has those rates reversed!

08-28-2022, 12:01 PM
I have everything insured with State Farm. Bikes, cars, rvs, house. Much better rates overall than any other top-tier insurer I've received quotes from.

08-28-2022, 12:44 PM
$476 total top-tier coverage. Had a long discussion with our agent/broker. Conclusion; some companies don't like to insure toys. Primarily because they are not, and do not, wish to become familiar with them and the result is discouragement by charging high premiums.

08-28-2022, 12:47 PM
My 1st surprise is you ONLY pay $1900/yr for all those machines!
Here in NJ, I pay $1200 for just 2 cars fully insured (no points/accidents). My 850cc bike & 2020 RT costs ~$600/yr.
Looks like Cali has those rates reversed!

You have to be aware of clerical errors, They are not uncommon in the insurance industry.

08-28-2022, 12:49 PM
I am also in Kali. My Geico insurance on my Spyder runs about $680 or so a year full coverage. It really depends on what zip code you live in, since they don't base it entirely on your driving but those around you as well.

08-28-2022, 12:53 PM
Your best bet would be to talk to an independent agent. He or she can shop rates from dozens of insurance companies and recommend one that would fit your budget.

08-28-2022, 01:14 PM
I pay about $40 per month for each F3L. I have a multi discount pkg. They also insure my car, my Kawi Mule, and my home.

State Farm is the company. I have a clean driving record...no accidents in about 40 years. No tickets in 20 plus years.

Most are in that same range and that includes other companies.

Shopping around is the key.

08-28-2022, 03:38 PM
$2100 is way high, I pay $33 a month through Dairyland. 50/100 with a $250 deductible.

08-28-2022, 04:28 PM
I pay about $40 per month for each F3L.

I have a clean driving record...no accidents in about 40 years. No tickets in 20 plus

Shopping around is the key.

That sounds fair. I burn about twice that in fuel these days. :cus: :gaah: :banghead:

08-28-2022, 08:20 PM
$2100 is way high, I pay $33 a month through Dairyland. 50/100 with a $250 deductible.

:yikes: .... I just received my renewal notice FULL coverage 12 mos. =$207.92 ...... I'm happy .... Mike :thumbup:

08-28-2022, 09:55 PM
I have Geico on all my vehicles. The Spyder is about $240/yr for 100/300/50 with $250 & $500 deductibles. My 2007 Honda ATV with same coverage is about $52/yr.

08-28-2022, 10:52 PM
How about hearing from some folks who had to use their insurance? So far excellent with Famers. Wifey killed two deer with her jeep for about $5K each and some hail damage at $8K. Paid $3K for a lifetime factory warranty. She threw a cam chain at 200,500 miles for another $8.5K and that insurance paid to install a long block Hemi. No hassle on any of these claims.

08-28-2022, 11:29 PM
I renewed my coverage this past June for the year. Full coverage, $448.00 through Dairyland.

08-29-2022, 07:16 AM
I renewed my coverage this past June for the year. Full coverage, $448.00 through Dairyland.

Mine was $478.40 for the same, due next month. It did go up a few dollars since last year.

08-29-2022, 09:04 AM
Mine in NJ is $582 per year for my F3 and Road King. Full coverage w/$250 deduct. with $250/$500/$100k liability.
3 SUV's full coverage $100 deduct comp and $500 collision costs me $1500 per year. Same liability coverage. No kids and over 65 drivers with clean driving records.
All through State Farm. All bundled with homeowners. Had a couple deer claims over the years and a 3 times trees hitting the house with no rate increase penalties and great service and claim settlements. Snowmobile and boat coverage is reasonable also.
It always goes up a couple bucks every year but not too bad.

08-29-2022, 11:30 AM
I was expecting something in the $400 to $500 range per year. Back in 2008 when I bought my FJR (New) I think insurance on it was just over $300 per year (it's gone down since). And that was through Progressive. My Agent I use here in town is a independent, I get good rates on my house and other vehicles bundled together. I sent her an email Fri. asking for a quote, I am waiting to hear back on what she has to say.

08-29-2022, 12:09 PM
I was expecting something in the $400 to $500 range per year. Back in 2008 when I bought my FJR (New) I think insurance on it was just over $300 per year (it's gone down since). And that was through Progressive. My Agent I use here in town is a independent, I get good rates on my house and other vehicles bundled together. I sent her an email Fri. asking for a quote, I am waiting to hear back on what she has to say.

Dairyland is sort of a bit odd ..... last I knew it was a Motorcycle ins. co. ONLY ..... your Agent may not have them on their list. So I would contact them directly ( try 1-800-874-4453 ) good luck .... Mike :thumbup: .... PS my coverage is for 12 FULL months ... no winter cut-off

08-29-2022, 12:51 PM
Happily, only two claims in the last 15 years or so. One a car claim...not my fault...an idiot on the ice got my new Forester. About 3K in damage. State Farm was out the next day working on the claim. Fixed to my satisfaction...no rate increase.

Back in 2015, I hit a dog with my brand new 2014 RT-S. It did about $2000 cosmetic damage to the front frunk/fender. State Farm went to the dealer to check it out that same afternoon. They fixed it with no issues. No rate increase for me. Fixed perfect...I drove it until 2020 and put over 46K more miles on it.

08-29-2022, 02:03 PM
Had Dairyland boo coo years ago when 2wheels was my only transportation and they were the least expensive on the market. Don't Know any more about them, never had a claim to test their reputation. In the '80s and '90s and early '20s, I had a cattle truck I only used twice a year. DMV allowed partial year registrations. I also had a vet on special limited use and mileage. My Farmers' agent asked me if I drove the truck and the vet at the same time. I told him no. He said let's take the vet off and insure the truck when you need it and then put the vet back on when you're finished with the truck. I said wow, can you do that? He said yes, I'm your agent and I'm here to save you money. :thumbup: :yes:

08-29-2022, 02:38 PM
Dairyland is sort of a bit odd ..... last I knew it was a Motorcycle ins. co. ONLY ..... your Agent may not have them on their list. So I would contact them directly ( try 1-800-874-4453 ) good luck .... Mike :thumbup: .... PS my coverage is for 12 FULL months ... no winter cut-off

Now they do autos, motorcycles and off road vehicles

08-29-2022, 03:49 PM
Now they do autos, motorcycles and off road vehicles

Thank you :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:.....Mike :thumbup:

08-29-2022, 06:25 PM
Now they do autos, motorcycles and off road vehicles

I might have to give them a look for my car (21 years old) and my truck (14 years old). I think we're paying close to $1,400 a year combined. I know that's crazy.

08-29-2022, 06:26 PM
Mine was $478.40 for the same, due next month. It did go up a few dollars since last year.

I believe mine went up a little over last year. Not by too much.

Little Blue
08-30-2022, 04:07 AM
:popcorn: Welcome to the wonderful world of Insurance company Rates.
Some Rates are not very good.
Others are down right ridiculous.
Some are affordable but really don't cover much.

Just check out every single detail.
You gets what you pay for most times.

Stay Healthy. :thumbup:

08-31-2022, 05:52 PM
I've done some shopping around. The big expense is collision. Without Collision added I can get it around $300 a year. I've checked with Progressive, Dairyland, Safeco, and Gieco so far. All are $1000.00 per year or more. With Gieco if I raise the deductible to $1000, It brings the rate down to $758 a year. I don't really like raising the deductible that high.
The Foremost web sight wants me to go to a local agent for a quote. I'll try and get by one this week and see what they say. I'd be more comfortable with $500 deductible ($250 would be best) and a yearly cost around $600.

08-31-2022, 08:13 PM
I could be wrong but I don't think a BRP dealership's service department would do a no cost collision estimate. Not unless they were going to do the repair. JMHO

Joel The Biker
09-01-2022, 03:48 AM
Try Markel insurance. They specialize in motorcycle ins. I pay $76/year

09-01-2022, 06:49 AM
Try Markel insurance. They specialize in motorcycle ins. I pay $76/year

What kind of coverage can you get for $76 per year?

09-14-2022, 10:36 AM
I just got my renewal bill on my 2018 GMC Canyon from State Farm, which is 20% higher than before. I was told that the increase is due to 3 factors;

1. I turned 75 putting me into a higher risk category
2. With 4 years' worth of claims experience on my model and year vehicle, its risk factor for loss has increased
3. My state (Utah) has seen a 10-15% increase in rates overall due to inflation and risk factors

No word yet on what my Spyder premium will be upon renewal

09-15-2022, 05:58 AM
I just got my renewal bill on my 2018 GMC Canyon from State Farm, which is 20% higher than before. I was told that the increase is due to 3 factors;

1. I turned 75 putting me into a higher risk category
2. With 4 years' worth of claims experience on my model and year vehicle, its risk factor for loss has increased
3. My state (Utah) has seen a 10-15% increase in rates overall due to inflation and risk factors

No word yet on what my Spyder premium will be upon renewal

I finally found Insurance at a cost I can live with through All State. 50K/100K, $250 deductibles, and uninsured motorist for $650 a year.

09-18-2022, 09:01 AM
I go through Dairyland and pay 47 for full coverage a month for both on both of our 21 RTL Spyders. Cost has a lot to due with where you live, age, how long you have had an endorsement, driving record and credit score.

09-18-2022, 11:24 AM
What kind of coverage can you get for $76 per year?

Just enough to meet registration requirements and no more.

09-18-2022, 04:18 PM
Just enough to meet registration requirements and no more.

Hope you never have to find out how short that coverage really is if you are ever the cause of someone's injury. Or do you have good personal liability coverage through a homeowner's policy?

09-18-2022, 04:53 PM
Hope you never have to find out how short that coverage really is if you are ever the cause of someone's injury. Or do you have good personal liability coverage through a homeowner's policy?

That's Joel the Biker's premium, not mine. Mine is $465/year. Did you see the commercial where the man and woman told the judge they've sold everything and all they have left was the savings for their son's college education, and the suing attorney said to the judge, we'll take that too?

09-18-2022, 05:24 PM
2018 F3 Limited
Chino Valley, AZ

100-300k. BI/PD/L
100-300k. uninsured motorist
100-300k. underinsured motorist
no medical
Comp 375 deductible
Collision 375 deductible
Roadside assistance
Carried contents 1k/250 deductible
Accessories 3k
Physical Damage actual cash value
Disappearing deductible
Safety riding gear. 500

Annual premium $338

10-21-2022, 12:28 AM
Missouri here .. 47 and no tickets. New rider. $30/month with progressive.

10-21-2022, 08:25 AM
I'm using Progressive.
My annual premium is $468.
That's for all 12 months.
Some companies sell a 6 month policy which can save money, but I like the freedom of going out for a ride during a warm winter day.
I know, warm is relative, but sometimes it can hit 40°F in Jan and Feb.

10-21-2022, 09:13 AM
Allstate 12 months

Coverage detail for 2013 Can-Am Spyder St
Coverage Limits Deductible Premium
Automobile Liability Insurance Not applicable $78.00
• Bodily Injury $50,000 each person
$100,000 each accident
(Passenger Liability is included)
• Property Damage $50,000 each accident
Auto Comprehensive Insurance Actual cash value $500 $91.40
Uninsured Motorists Insurance $107.90
• Bodily Injury $50,000 each person
$100,000 each accident
Not applicable
• Property Damage $20,000 each accident As Stated In Policy
Medical Payments $5,000 each person $500 $71.90
Total premium for 2013 Can-Am Spyder St $349.20

10-21-2022, 10:51 AM
How about hearing from some folks who had to use their insurance? So far excellent with Famers. Wifey killed two deer with her jeep for about $5K each and some hail damage at $8K. Paid $3K for a lifetime factory warranty. She threw a cam chain at 200,500 miles for another $8.5K and that insurance paid to install a long block Hemi. No hassle on any of these claims.

Re: Handling of a claim by the Ins Company.
I Had a new Triumph Tiger 1200 with 3k miles and hit a deer 70 miles from home. I straightened the handlebars and rode home with no issues except tupperware damage. The bike cost $21,000, 3 months old. Progressive totaled the bike and paid full price plus new helmet, jacket, gloves, & pants. I walked away with no cost for a 3 month 'test ride' since the 1st loan payment was set for 6 months from purchase. The deer didn't make out as well!

10-21-2022, 11:03 PM
Hope you never have to find out how short that coverage really is if you are ever the cause of someone's injury. Or do you have good personal liability coverage through a homeowner's policy?

I think the minimum in CA is for liability and is about what most people carry for liability anyway. Could be wrong about that.

10-22-2022, 08:07 AM
I think the minimum in CA is for liability and is about what most people carry for liability anyway. Could be wrong about that.

That may be true, the minimum coverage is Ca. is 15K/30K . That can be used up very fast in an accident. It leaves you open to a civil law suit for any balance that the insurance doesn't cover.

10-23-2022, 11:52 AM
I paid $250 with Progressive for a 2021 RT (With Towing and 3K Accessories coverage) . Plymouth Rock wanted $650 for less coverage on the Spyder.

For some reason Progressive charges more than twice as much for a Harley Trike.

Plymouth Rock (formally Rider Insurance ) charges twice as much for the Spyder than A Harley trike. I don't get why, I think the Harley trike is more of a risk of an accident then the Spyder.

10-23-2022, 01:10 PM
I had the same issue with Progressive. Paid my premium in full then they sent me a letter in the mail wanting me to sign a declination statement for the underinsured coverage. I refused, so they sent me another bill which doubled my premium. I went to Geico and got the same insurance premium for $200 less and turned around and dropped Progressive.

10-23-2022, 03:54 PM
Lol come to Canada your gonna pay double.1300 bucks full coverage for mine.

10-24-2022, 10:08 AM
I also pay about $1200 from BC, Canada for full coverage, such as $2 million liability. Similar coverage for my 2017 Subaru Forester Limited is about $800 per year.

10-24-2022, 10:52 AM
I was digging around for information regarding a similar question on a FB group and I found this information online. While it may not apply to this particular situation I thought was good Gee Wiz information. These are some of the things that determine your auto insurance premiums.

Your driving record – The better your record, the lower your premium. If you've had accidents or serious traffic violations, it's likely you'll pay more than if you have a clean driving record. You may also pay more if you're a new driver without an insurance track record.

How much you use your car – The more miles you drive, the more chance for accidents so you'll pay more if you drive your car for work, or use it to commute long distances. If you drive only occasionally—what some companies call “pleasure use"—you'll pay less.

Location, location, location – Due to higher rates of vandalism, theft and accidents, urban drivers pay a higher auto insurance price than those in small towns or rural areas. Where you park your car (on the street or in a secure garage) and anti-theft features may impact the bottom line as well. Other factors that affect premium price that can vary from one area or state to another are: cost and frequency of litigation; medical care and car repair costs; prevalence of auto insurance fraud; and weather trends.

Your age – In general, mature drivers have fewer accidents than less experienced drivers, particularly teenagers. Insurers generally charge more if teenagers or young people below age 25 drive your car.

Your gender – Statistically, women tend to get into fewer accidents, have fewer driver-under-the-influence accidents (DUIs) and—most importantly—have less serious accidents than men. So all other things being equal, women often pay less for auto insurance than their male counterparts.

The car you drive – The cost of your car is a major factor in the cost to insure it. Other variables include the likelihood of theft, the cost of repairs, its engine size and the overall safety record of the car. Automobiles with high quality safety equipment might qualify for premium discounts. Insurers not only look at how safe a particular vehicle is to drive and how well it protects occupants, but also how much potential damage it can inflict on another car. If a specific vehicle model has a higher chance of inflicting damage when in an accident, an insurer may charge more for liability insurance.

10-24-2022, 07:51 PM
Your age – In general, mature drivers have fewer accidents than less experienced drivers, particularly teenagers. Insurers generally charge more if teenagers or young people below age 25 drive your car.
I wonder how teens compare to senior drivers, especially those, say, over 75? A local driving tester told me one time that seniors have scared him the most when going out with them for a driving test. He said teens are actually quite good drivers because their senses and reactions make them more alert than what seniors are.

10-24-2022, 08:45 PM
I wonder how teens compare to senior drivers, especially those, say, over 75? A local driving tester told me one time that seniors have scared him the most when going out with them for a driving test. He said teens are actually quite good drivers because their senses and reactions make them more alert than what seniors are.

I have been wondering about the age thing also .... I'm 75 and recently re-newed my Spyder 14 RT with Dairyland ... not only DIDN'T my rate go up ... it went DOWN :clap: ... Paid slightly over $200.00 for 12 mo. Full complete coverage ..... Mike :thumbup:

07-28-2024, 12:37 PM
Yikes! Just got my insurance renewal quote from Geico. Full coverage went from $633 to $1030!! Thats an increase of over 60%! I am in California where rates are higher, but this is ridiculous. Huge increases in comprehensive and collision. Are others seeing this kind of increase in their insurance?

07-28-2024, 12:49 PM
No! We're in North Carolina, we have Erie Insu.
It's not much!

07-28-2024, 12:50 PM
I have Progressive in Florida. For my Can Am and Honda Super Cub $495 to $694 billed this month. Homeowners is worse - $2213 to $3984 in one year.

07-28-2024, 01:11 PM
Yep, INFLATION has hit the entire industry .... However I have Dairyland and full coverage 12 months went from $ 208 to $215 ::clap: my auto ins went up a lot more ......Mike :thumbup:

07-28-2024, 01:17 PM
I have Markel Insurance and I have full coverage on 2 motorcycles, Spyder & Triumph Thunderbird. It is a little over $500 for a year.

07-28-2024, 01:27 PM
$318/yr just for the F3 on its own policy with progressive in Md. and that is with having a reframe done (just under $12k) in 2021 and then the swingarm (Just under $7K) back last september.

Luckily I wasn't at fault in either accident.

07-28-2024, 02:03 PM
For my 2024 Spyder RT Sea to Sky it's US $221 for 6 months from State Farm.
I also have my homeowners and Honda Ridgeline insurance with State Farm.

I completed a 3-wheel Basic Rider course from the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (msf-usa.org) before buying my Spyder, which is qualified as a Tennessee Motorcycle Rider Education Program (MREP).
Successful completion of an MREP waves the motorcycle skills and knowledge test at the BMV when I applied for a motorcycle endorsement for my driver's license, and gave me a certificate for my insurance company which earned me a discount on my motorcycle insurance.

07-28-2024, 04:48 PM
I got the "sob story" letter from State Farm. My home and car insurance both went up a "little." No longer have Spyder insurance since they are sold.

07-28-2024, 05:54 PM
Car and home insurance increases were bad; the Spyder's ins. cost went up but it's tolerable. Get a quote from Progressive. I do know that their service is great - I found out after a pickup dumped my Gold Wing by changing lanes in a traffic circle.

07-28-2024, 06:11 PM
Inflation is a factor. I've also been told that there are many factors that affect our premiums. i.e. Credit Scores, Location, Claim History etc. But yeah, inflation is squeezing every dollar out of us right now.

07-28-2024, 07:13 PM
I feel your pain - I just got my renewal and my full coverage shot up from $700 to $1150!

07-28-2024, 08:23 PM
Inflation is a factor. I've also been told that there are many factors that affect our premiums. i.e. Credit Scores, Location, Claim History etc. But yeah, inflation is squeezing every frickin dollar out of us right now.

And from teenagers stealing cars right & left.

08-01-2024, 01:37 PM
My yearly premium for my Spyder is $209. I have full coverage and a $250 deductible. I have a few things helping me, multiple vehicle discount, claim free, and no driving history or tickets. I guess I'll see what it will be in November when it's time to renew....