View Full Version : Sticking "frunk" lid

09-02-2019, 10:37 PM
When I use the key to open the front cover of my F3T, it is not fully releasing. Does anyone know how to adjust the cable to allow the peg to fully release? I'm making sure I turn the key correctly. It releases, but not fully.

09-03-2019, 12:48 AM
Try dousing it with WD 40! See if that helps. Usually does. Give it a shot. Joe

09-03-2019, 12:50 PM
You can adjust the shaft on the lid. Personally I never latch mine. Nothing in there of any value and I got caught a few days ago in the worst rain storm which was the 2nd nastiest I've ever ridden in and nothing got wet in the frunk. The worst was many years ago where lightning struck the median barely 5 feet away from me. I felt the blast/shock wave and the hair on my neck stood up from the charge.

09-03-2019, 01:26 PM
More than likely it is NOT the cable. It is probably a misalignment of the shaft on the frunk lid. I recently adjusted the one on my wife's F3L because you had to slam it shut. As I made it longer, it then would catch and not open at all. Once I finally got it open, I realized the adjustment is ANOTHER terrible Canadian design in that it is a 2-way simultaneous adjustment of the shaft. Once I figured this out, I was able to adjust the lid and it now closes and opens easily.

Good luck!

04-18-2020, 09:45 AM
Can you explain what you mean by "2-way simultaneous adjustment of the shaft"? My new 2019 F3-s frunk closes fine but it's finicky opening.

06-02-2020, 12:26 PM
2017 f3t
same issue and pretty much resolved--its a few things--theres a certain feel to way to move the key, certain way to properly close frunk lid, certain way the key sets into the ignition and feel to way you turn it then to release, use white lithium grease, but mostly yea i dont latch it, keep it closed but not locked and never had issue, even at speed

06-02-2020, 01:28 PM
I had a similar issue with my 2020 RTL. I had to adjust the shaft on the frunk lid. It wasn't difficult, just a little fiddly. The shaft can be adjusted by screwing it in or out of the mount.
First made it too short, then I made it too long, and finally I made it JUST RIGHT.
I've got a similar issue with the seat. Unlike the F3, the gas cap is under the seat. The seat has to be released in a similar way.

06-02-2020, 04:57 PM
And remember the peg doesn't just adjust short/long, it also adjusts front to back. I found that mine was adjusted wrong front-back and adjusting it made it a lot better.