View Full Version : Great helmet with comm gear built in

09-01-2019, 05:55 PM
Wife and I just picked up 2 new Spyder RT Limited. They are left over 2018 models in Champagne/chrome. Love them so far. Honestly quite different than 2 wheels which I rode a lot of in my younger days (Goldwings back when they were king of the road.)

Any riders have experience with communication gear that is part of a helmet from the beginning? I would want something that sounds good for tunes, works well for phone, and I can communicate with my wife since she is about 50 feet ahead of me all the time in our two rides so far.

Thanks in advance. I want to color match helmets. I understand some helmets with 360 degree view cameras are due out soon, but don't want to wait so will bite the bullet twice.

09-01-2019, 06:08 PM
Most of youf sena or uclear equiped helmets can do that.

09-01-2019, 06:14 PM
What is the consensus on best gear? I have no experience in many years on aftermarket accessories and appreciate any input.

09-01-2019, 06:36 PM
Big fan of Sena gear. I have a pair of Sena 20 S EVO's and they work well.

09-01-2019, 07:36 PM
The majority of Spyder riders use Sena. I find Uclear sounds better. Most of the newest headsets of any brand have Bluetooth Mesh Technology and are brand specific. The Mesh Tech makes it easy to talk to other riders that also have the same brand headset with Mesh Tech. Buy a pair as they are already set to paired to each other. The headsets can pair to the bike and other BT devices and Mesh Tech connect to other rider's same brand with Mesh Tech.

Go to this web site to get the 2019 operators manual as it has the missing BRP Connect instructions.

09-01-2019, 10:08 PM
Sena are great for rider to rider communication but I have never had much luck pumping music through them. Music is always to low to be enjoyable at highway speeds.

09-01-2019, 10:26 PM
I run a set of the cardo packtalk bold they are not integrated but do come with JBL speakers and have fantastic sound and great voice comms

09-02-2019, 12:59 AM
My wife and I have Schuberth helmets with the Schuberth SC1 Advanced comms. The battery and comms unit slide into slots either side of the rear of the helmet. People don't realize I am on the road so the audio is pretty darn good, I am an IT contractor and will discuss things with clients while touring. I just use the phone and GPS, chief cook is on the phone to our daughters or grandchildren, listening to Spotify, having her study notes recited via an app for 99% of the journey and talks to me the other 1%

Battery life has been excellent and makng sure you keep up the firmware updates ensures you remain trouble free.

The only thing I dont like is that the Garmin Audio is louder than any other, so you'll be in the middle of a phone call and "ding dong" will sound as if you have your head inside a church bell.. way too loud

09-02-2019, 10:41 AM
We have tried a few different Bluetooth communicators and found the Cardo Packtalks with the Mesh technology to be the quietest and clearest intercoms of them all. Music and phone are just as quiet.


09-02-2019, 10:45 AM
You can purchase NOLAN helmets with built in communicatiors (the Nolan N-com). IMO--they are not as effective as Sena.

All our helmets (6) are Nolans. One set has the n-com in them. We prefer the Nolans with the Sena's attached to them rather than the built in's.

For us, Sena is quieter and the direct line communication is about 1/3 longer than the n-coms.

09-02-2019, 05:06 PM
Sena has the Sena Savage helmet with the Sena built in

09-02-2019, 07:47 PM
Sena are great for rider to rider communication but I have never had much luck pumping music through them. Music is always to low to be enjoyable at highway speeds.

When using bluetooth headsets there are a few ways to control volume. The phone has its own volume which should be up all the way. The headsets also have a volume which you can control and the bike's music is also controllable. For the newer 2018-19's, when you hear music you can control the volume with the joystick, but when the GPS gives you directions that is when you use the joystick to adjust that to a level you like. Separate from the music.

09-02-2019, 08:01 PM
contack Motorcycle Dave he can set you up with what ever you need he i a sponser of this site

09-02-2019, 09:06 PM
Hi Dave here '
your friendly neighborhood SENA dealer / Spyder Lovers Sponsor
I am a full line dealer for just what you are looking for.... Give me a call
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Wife and I just picked up 2 new Spyder RT Limited. They are left over 2018 models in Champagne/chrome. Love them so far. Honestly quite different than 2 wheels which I rode a lot of in my younger days (Goldwings back when they were king of the road.)

Any riders have experience with communication gear that is part of a helmet from the beginning? I would want something that sounds good for tunes, works well for phone, and I can communicate with my wife since she is about 50 feet ahead of me all the time in our two rides so far.

Thanks in advance. I want to color match helmets. I understand some helmets with 360 degree view cameras are due out soon, but don't want to wait so will bite the bullet twice.