View Full Version : Warning

08-26-2019, 10:51 AM
I was informed today that AMAZON is at it again,
dumping old and returned SENA stock at costs way
below WD & wholesale. If you get one from them
you most likely will not have a warranty AMAZON
is not an authorized dealer,

08-26-2019, 11:57 AM
I don't by from Amazon anymore. I bought a trailer hitch for my truck. It was used, scratched and missing parts. Not boxed just wrapped in plastic. Sent it back.

08-26-2019, 12:12 PM
I was informed today that AMAZON is at it again,
dumping old and returned SENA stock at costs way
below WD & wholesale. If you get one from them
you most likely will not have a warranty AMAZON
is not an authorized dealer,

I just checked on Amazon. I don't see any of what you're talking about, Dave. Please provide a link.

08-26-2019, 12:38 PM
I just checked on Amazon. I don't see any of what you're talking about, Dave. Please provide a link.

Look up Sena on Amazon. There are several sets and versions available there. I was looking at them just yesterday.

08-26-2019, 12:39 PM
Thank you for the buyer beware stuff. Amazon should know better or make a statement about no warranty.

08-26-2019, 12:46 PM
I doubt if it's amazon dumping anything. I believe it's the actual seller of the product. It's up to you as the buyer to determine if amazon had a hand in the development/manufacure or selection of goods sold by the actual seller. Up to this point there have been some buyers who tried sueing amazon for defective products, and have lost.

Here's an excerpt from an article I found. I only bring this up b/c you make it sound like amazon is at fault:

"The 3rd Circuit will hear oral arguments on Oct. 5 in Oberdorf v. Amazon, in which U.S. District Judge Matthew Brann of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, granted summary judgment to Amazon last December. The litigation stems from a horrible accident. Heather Oberdorf was walking her dog in 2015 when the dog’s retractable leash snapped back and hit her in the face, causing permanent damage to her eyesight. Oberdorf had purchased the leash through Amazon, but Judge Brann held the company isn’t liable as a seller under Pennsylvania law because it has no role in the manufacture or selection of goods sold by vendors on the site."

It appears as though amazon is becoming another eBay; good or bad, I don't know.

08-26-2019, 01:02 PM
:2thumbs:Thanks Dave!!!:firstplace:

08-26-2019, 01:21 PM
I doubt if it's amazon dumping anything. I believe it's the actual seller of the product. It's up to you as the buyer to determine if amazon had a hand in the development/manufacure or selection of goods sold by the actual seller. Up to this point there have been some buyers who tried sueing amazon for defective products, and have lost.

Here's an excerpt from an article I found. I only bring this up b/c you make it sound like amazon is at fault:

"The 3rd Circuit will hear oral arguments on Oct. 5 in Oberdorf v. Amazon, in which U.S. District Judge Matthew Brann of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, granted summary judgment to Amazon last December. The litigation stems from a horrible accident. Heather Oberdorf was walking her dog in 2015 when the dog’s retractable leash snapped back and hit her in the face, causing permanent damage to her eyesight. Oberdorf had purchased the leash through Amazon, but Judge Brann held the company isn’t liable as a seller under Pennsylvania law because it has no role in the manufacture or selection of goods sold by vendors on the site."

It appears as though amazon is becoming another eBay; good or bad, I don't know.

Amazon is not the seller, even if they warehouse and ship the item. Similar to eBay, but not the same.

08-26-2019, 01:23 PM
Look up Sena on Amazon. There are several sets and versions available there. I was looking at them just yesterday.

I did look up Sena on Amazon. I did see what is for sale there. I DO NOT see the evidence of dumping or gray market (i.e. without warranty) items that Dave is 'warning' us about. I think Dave should substantiate this accusation or retract it.

08-26-2019, 01:26 PM
I was informed today that AMAZON is at it again, dumping old and returned SENA stock at costs way below WD & wholesale.

If you get one from them you most likely will not have a warranty AMAZON is not an authorized dealer, BUYER BEWARE

Dave, what is your source of information on this? This is a pretty serious accusation and bears investigation, if true.

08-26-2019, 03:47 PM
You are correct it is the seller
I said in the original post
people and companies put items up for sale and Amazon ships
the products out.
You must check the selling dealer to see if they are an authorized
dealer for a product.

08-26-2019, 03:52 PM
Here is an example of what Dave is talking about. https://www.amazon.com/STREAM-BLUETOOTH-STEREO-TRANSMITTER-SM10-01/dp/B0087NB53S/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Sena+SM10&qid=1566851747&s=gateway&sr=8-1. It is advertised as available and get it by tomorrow as an Amazon Prime item; however, it does not say "Sold and shipped by Amazon," and if you click the "Details" link below the price you see that to get free shipping you have to wait 5-8 business days for your order.

08-26-2019, 05:29 PM
I was the one who called Dave to see if he could match the price found on Amazon. The Seller is a SENA dealer and the product is listed as new for what Dave says is below his cost. This is the item in question.

08-26-2019, 05:33 PM
Here is an example of what Dave is talking about. https://www.amazon.com/STREAM-BLUETOOTH-STEREO-TRANSMITTER-SM10-01/dp/B0087NB53S/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Sena+SM10&qid=1566851747&s=gateway&sr=8-1. It is advertised as available and get it by tomorrow as an Amazon Prime item; however, it does not say "Sold and shipped by Amazon," and if you click the "Details" link below the price you see that to get free shipping you have to wait 5-8 business days for your order.

Amazon's price seems to be about in the middle of advertised prices for the Sena SM-10 per this initial search; https://www.google.com/search?ei=NFxkXdK2I7zR0PEPxOW7sAo&q=sena+sm10&oq=SENA+SM10&gs_l=psy-ab.1.1.35i39j0i20i263j0j0i20i263j0l6.55472.57884.. 62767...0.2..0.109.312.1j2......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j0i30j0i22i30.NmTSVXgCkaA That's hardly "dumping old and returned SENA stock at costs way below WD & wholesale"

I've bought thousands of dollars worth of items over the past 15 years from Amazon and never received sub-par, gray-market, used-sold-as-new from them. Anything with a warranty has the warranty in the box. I'll bet if you tried buying this particular item you would find it is not a scam.

Do you have any examples of Amazon Sena products meeting the description of "dumping old and returned SENA stock at costs way below WD & wholesale", because the example you gave does not seem to me to meet that description?

08-26-2019, 05:45 PM
I was the one who called Dave to see if he could match the price found on Amazon. The Seller is a SENA dealer and the product is listed as new for what Dave says is below his cost. This is the item in question.

Thanks for clearing that up. You are smart to do comparison shopping.

Per that link, it "Ships from and sold by Fox River Cycle" and it does seem to be the about the lowest price out there per this search https://www.google.com/search?ei=0l5kXeShCoX5-gTK35aQCw&q=SENA+30K-01&oq=SENA+30K-01&gs_l=psy-ab.12..35i39j0l5j0i22i10i30.33296.35093..40012...0 .1.., BUT

1. This is not an example of Amazon dumping gray-market items on unsuspecting buyers
2. Amazon is not the seller OR the shipper
3. Per this link on that listing, shoppers can easily see that the price is extraordinarily low so should be questioning just what it is they are getting from Fox River Cycle https://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B00468KV9W because all the other sellers are pricing their offering closer to $300

08-26-2019, 05:50 PM
You are correct it is the seller I said in the original post AMAZON IS NOT A SENA DEALER people and companies put items up for sale and Amazon ships the products out. You must check the selling dealer to see if they are an authorized dealer for a product.

For the item you are referring to https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00468KV9W/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1, Amazon is plainly NOT the seller OR the shipper. So, I fail to understand your accusation about Amazon in the first post on this thread.

Of course there are shady dealers out there, but if shoppers buy from you or Amazon and not Fox River Cycles they don't have anything to worry about, it seems to me.

08-26-2019, 06:36 PM
Sena is the seller on Amazon and that tells me I'm getting the product from the seller. I buy then register it and it should have a warranty from the date I buy it.


08-26-2019, 08:42 PM
I doubt if it's amazon dumping anything. I believe it's the actual seller of the product. It's up to you as the buyer to determine if amazon had a hand in the development/manufacure or selection of goods sold by the actual seller. Up to this point there have been some buyers who tried sueing amazon for defective products, and have lost.

Here's an excerpt from an article I found. I only bring this up b/c you make it sound like amazon is at fault:

"The 3rd Circuit will hear oral arguments on Oct. 5 in Oberdorf v. Amazon, in which U.S. District Judge Matthew Brann of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, granted summary judgment to Amazon last December. The litigation stems from a horrible accident. Heather Oberdorf was walking her dog in 2015 when the dog’s retractable leash snapped back and hit her in the face, causing permanent damage to her eyesight. Oberdorf had purchased the leash through Amazon, but Judge Brann held the company isn’t liable as a seller under Pennsylvania law because it has no role in the manufacture or selection of goods sold by vendors on the site."

It appears as though amazon is becoming another eBay; good or bad, I don't know.

Agree. Buyer has to look closely at the seller information before purchasing. It's there as I've been lax a time or two but learned. Again, not Amazon but the individual sellers.