View Full Version : Larger (big guys / gals) bikers

08-21-2019, 09:45 PM
A post on one of the Facebook Spyder groups led to this...a place for larger bikers to talk about their successes and horror stories regarding their riding experiences as well as a place to talk about / ask questions about equipment add-ons that make the riding experience better

I don’t have a Spyder yet...I am signed up for the riding experience in September and curious how well I will fit in the standard saddle.

I’m 6 feet tall, about 415lbs with a long reach and torso but a relatively small inseam of 30”.
Airline seats are a little small for me, especially coach seats with hard armrests.
Despite my size, I am mobile and agile...my doctor told me that he’s amazed at how well I am physically aside from being overweight.

I’d like to ride with my wife eventually and I’m sure I will be looking at a saddle replacement as well as perhaps even looking at suspension upgrades (plus getting rid of the Kendas) with extra weight behind me.

So larger riders, what has worked for you?

08-21-2019, 10:34 PM
I don't want this to sound in any way offense ….. But I'm reasonably sure even the RT has a total weight limit of 400lbs. ….. sorry … Mike :ohyea:

08-21-2019, 10:43 PM
No offense taken - I read 440lbs was the load limit for models other than RT (with that being 494)

I’m sure there are some folks out there exceeding that riding 2-up

08-21-2019, 10:49 PM
No offense taken - I read 440lbs was the load limit for models other than RT (with that being 494)

I’m sure there are some folks out there exceeding that riding 2-up

:clap: …. great then you are well under the limit …………. I'm 160lbs. so I never wrote down the maximums … which are important to those who are getting close …………. ride safe - ride happy ….. Mike

08-22-2019, 08:28 AM
Get a newish F3 limited. 2017 or newer, they have the updated power steering and the automatic rear air suspension. The U Fit system is very adaptable to different size riders. Im 6'3 315 and can ryde with anybody. A list of must haves include a Baja Ron Sway bar or equivalent, Elka shocks and ask for the heavy springs, a bump skid to protect your front end from bottoming out. Also an upgraded seat with back rest of your choice, I use a Mustang but Ultimate Tall boy is also pretty good.

08-22-2019, 08:36 AM
Have the Elka shocks adjusted for your weight. You need 4 inches clearance on the front end with you sitting on it.

08-22-2019, 09:05 AM
Get a newish F3 limited. 2017 or newer, they have the updated power steering and the automatic rear air suspension. The U Fit system is very adaptable to different size riders. Im 6'3 315 and can ryde with anybody. A list of must haves include a Baja Ron Sway bar or equivalent, Elka shocks and ask for the heavy springs, a bump skid to protect your front end from bottoming out. Also an upgraded seat with back rest of your choice, I use a Mustang but Ultimate Tall boy is also pretty good.

Have the Elka shocks adjusted for your weight. You need 4 inches clearance on the front end with you sitting on it.

:agree: With both of these ideas, the bike will hold the load you just have to set it up to do it!! For what you pay for a new ride you should get a better suspension. But then we would not have all these aftermarket goodies for our bike!!:clap: You go for it, you will not regret your ideas!! Miles of smiles to you!!!Good Luck

08-22-2019, 09:54 AM
My apology, I guess I'm missing something but you understand the weight limit of the RT is 494 lb and you say you want to ride with your wife eventually. Yes, you can have Elka shocks adjusted for your weight but unless your wife weighs less than 79 lb you are still overloading an RT by a considerable amount when you add the normal "stuff" folks carry on a Spyder in addition to their own bodies. Your doctor is very diplomatic, much more so than my late physician/surgeon father. You do not mention your age but if you want to you know you can do something to probably lengthen your life considerably. Think of your family.

08-22-2019, 10:20 AM
Look into custom seats, ones that are made specifically for you like Russell Day Long and Laam Seats. Ultimate and Corbin are not made for your measurements. Buy your wife a Spyder for her to drive, you will be more comfortable that way.

Big Juice
08-22-2019, 10:31 AM
:agree: With both of these ideas, the bike will hold the load you just have to set it up to do it!! For what you pay for a new ride you should get a better suspension. But then we would not have all these aftermarket goodies for our bike!!:clap: You go for it, you will not regret your ideas!! Miles of smiles to you!!!Good Luck

All good info to go with..........I am have the 2017 F3-Ltd, have put 25,000 miles on so far, love it and the ride.....oh, I am 6'2" and 325#. I do carry a passenger if necessary, but I don't make a habit of it. My wife has her own Spyder (she had her's first) so I usually ride alone 99% of the time (and I like that). You go for it and enjoy!

08-22-2019, 12:12 PM
I rode once with my wife when I had my STL to church. It was very difficult to handle and brake. I would not recommend riding over the weight limit. It is not fun and also not safe. My wife now has her own F3L also and it is much more fun that way.

08-22-2019, 01:29 PM
Over weight limit !!!!!!! Upgrades - frame, wheels, brakes - I could go on!!!

08-22-2019, 01:44 PM
My apology, I guess I'm missing something but you understand the weight limit of the RT is 494 lb and you say you want to ride with your wife eventually. Yes, you can have Elka shocks adjusted for your weight but unless your wife weighs less than 79 lb you are still overloading an RT by a considerable amount when you add the normal "stuff" folks carry on a Spyder in addition to their own bodies. Your doctor is very diplomatic, much more so than my late physician/surgeon father. You do not mention your age but if you want to you know you can do something to probably lengthen your life considerably. Think of your family.

Excellent. Well said.

08-22-2019, 01:45 PM
I don't want this to sound in any way offense ….. But I'm reasonably sure even the RT has a total weight limit of 400lbs. ….. sorry … Mike :ohyea:


I think the first sentence in the OP eliminates you and I from spyderlovers.

08-22-2019, 05:03 PM

I think the first sentence in the OP eliminates you and I from spyderlovers.

Yeah, but you and Mike are giants among men, Wylie, so you two automatically qualify :ohyea:


08-22-2019, 07:51 PM
My apology, I guess I'm missing something but you understand the weight limit of the RT is 494 lb and you say you want to ride with your wife eventually. Yes, you can have Elka shocks adjusted for your weight but unless your wife weighs less than 79 lb you are still overloading an RT by a considerable amount when you add the normal "stuff" folks carry on a Spyder in addition to their own bodies. Your doctor is very diplomatic, much more so than my late physician/surgeon father. You do not mention your age but if you want to you know you can do something to probably lengthen your life considerably. Think of your family.
Jay, I appreciate your insight.
I have always been a bigger person, in high school at 16, I was over 350 lbs - likely more as the scale pegged and digital scales weren’t a common thing yet.
I have lost weight over the last decade but I will not likely ever be normal sized (whatever that is).
I exercise for 30 mins or more each day, burn over 1200 calories through activity a day and watch what I eat and drink. Bloodwork comes back at normal levels. BP is good at 115/68.

When i say my wife would like to ride, it would just be around in our development at low speeds - she wouldn’t get out on the road with me.

08-24-2019, 08:52 AM
Other things to consider. I am also around three bills worth of biskits, and 6'3". My wife is way less and way shorter. She tools around on her rig like she was born to it. Me...not so much. Given she has had hers for three years and me only a couple of months. Still trying to cope with the three wheel thing after too many years to count on big bikes. Getting better tho'. However, I do believe that extra weight really effects the handling as in tilt and so forth. Being tall changes the vertical center of grav, which combined with the weight, changes the moment of motion when cornering. Things to think about I guess, on a rainy day.

09-19-2019, 10:06 AM
I took the 1st part of the 2-day Can-Am subsidized learn to ride class today.
I was the only one in the class (out of 4 slots) and had good 1-on-1 time with the instructor.
We breezed through the class stuff because I scored well on the quiz and had the knowledge for the MSF test down mostly.
We went out and spent about 1.5 hours on the course (and off the bike twice as the course changes were made) but all I can say is, WHAT A BLAST!!

Need to figure out consistent hand placement on the throttle and need to trust myself during the braking test to not let off the throttle anticipating the stop but other than that, it felt good and pretty natural.
I drove the RT Limited and it handled my girth very well. Throttle was snappy and braking did not feel compromised.

Tomorrow is the testing portion bright and early at 7A

09-19-2019, 03:32 PM
Good Luck with the test, relax and enjoy the ride. :2thumbs:

09-19-2019, 03:43 PM
I ride a 2016 RTS-se with no problem...With my wife and I on the bike we are over 400 pounds....plus our gear....Have had no problems with handling or performance. Go for it. I put on over 9,000 miles this summer with 2-up riding. All I need to do is replace my Crappy Kenda tire. Good luck with what you get.

Peter Aawen
09-19-2019, 05:10 PM

Tomorrow is the testing portion bright and early at 7A

Good Luck, & Enjoy! :2thumbs:

09-19-2019, 06:33 PM
Some will look at the weight maximums as merely suggestions. It has been done but I am not giving out names. :roflblack:

I like the idea of bigger people riding their own Spyders, so as not to get into dangerous territory.

We are nowhere near 400 # each, but I felt much better when Linda got her own Spyder to ride. She is much more happy now.

09-20-2019, 04:16 PM
My steed for today's class and testing
Scored a 96 on the written and scored perfect on the riding portion. On Tuesday, I can add my M3 endorsement to my license:riding:

09-20-2019, 04:52 PM
:congrats: Now let the Shopping begin. :2thumbs: Might want to talk the other half into trying it (taking the course).

09-20-2019, 06:54 PM
Yeah...I have a little time to get that going. I was laid off in late June so I have to wait until I am working again.
The wife on the other hand has 0 interest right now...that might change once I get mine

09-21-2019, 10:29 AM
I would suggest waiting to at least sit on a 2020 before committing as well. And SL sponsor M2 Shocks can certainly fine tune a set of shocks for your specific weight range. Keep the faith, my wife wouldn't ride on the back of my ride anymore, until a friend brought his F3 over for us to take a first spin on a Spyder. Once around the block with the F3 and she sent me off shopping.
We love our '13 RTL, but with the extra room and lower CG that the '20 purports to have, I'll definitely be checking it out for a trade up.