View Full Version : Radio comes back on after shut down??

08-03-2019, 12:51 PM

Last night I had a really odd thing happen and wondering if anyone else has encountered it.

After stopping, putting the RT in neutral and engaging the parking brake I removed the key.
About three to five seconds later the radio started playing.
I put the key back in and flipped it to on position, waited a few seconds, and turned it off again. everything went silent.
Removed the key and a few second later the radio started again.
Put the key back in, turned it to on and this time the dash screen came up with scrolling lines (like the old TVs when they couldn't get a signal).
Turned the key off. Waited about a minute. Turned the key back on, the screen seemed to go through the start sequence just fine, hit the mode button to clear the bike for starting, the radio came on like it usually does, shut the bike off again (without actually starting it) and everything seemed to shut down fine and the radio stayed quiet.

not sure if I just chalk this up to a fluke in the shut down process or if this an indicator of issues yet to come. Anyone else ever have this happen?

This happened on a 2014 RT, SM6, with a little over 61000 miles on it.

thanks for any ideas on what may have happened

08-03-2019, 01:12 PM
Check battery connections for tightness. A bad ground(loose) can cause all kinds of wonky stuff.

08-03-2019, 01:37 PM
How old is your battery? As Jeriatric says, low voltage can cause all sorts of odd stuff. If you hold the Mode button down right after shutting off the ignition the radio will come back on. Sounds to me like the cluster is getting a mode button pushed signal. That may portend problems with the left handlebar switch assembly. Everything on it other than horn and lights communicates using the CanBus which means digital computer signals.

08-03-2019, 01:48 PM
that's a really good point about the age of the battery. I can't ever remember replacing it so its very likely its the original. Didn't know that about hitting the mode button after its been shut off. Good information to learn! Thanks!

08-03-2019, 01:49 PM
Thanks. I will check that this afternoon.

08-03-2019, 06:56 PM
A very common response to a battery on its last legs is the cluster screen goes dark and wonky as soon as you hit the start button. Anytime battery voltage drops below 10.5 the cluster collapses from lack of energy!

08-03-2019, 07:14 PM
Another card on the pile for battery.