View Full Version : compass

07-04-2019, 10:57 PM
What a beautiful day for a ride today. Got a little wet at the end but it felt good.

Has anyone moubted a compass to theirs bike and if so what-where- and how

07-04-2019, 11:15 PM
A What? Just kidding, my GPS (stock handlebar mount) and Phone (above dash RT Dash mount), both give me compass heading in mapping apps.

07-05-2019, 05:29 AM
No, not mounted on the bike, but I did carry one in a vest pocket for years. I have never had a GPS on any vehicle. Had a fairly expensive compass that I carried on the bike and used maps if I needed them. Usually just went in a general direction without ever looking at the maps. Got a marine electronic compass in the dash of my truck. Most of the time I can tell what direction I am going by the sun and just the way the light feels. Have looked at the compass a few times when it was very foggy or overcast early in the morning. I don't normally have set destination nor a time to get there, so usually, I just don't care where I am going.

Fat Baxter
07-05-2019, 08:21 AM
I'm also curious as to whether you can mount an old-fashioned floating compass somewhere on the dash. I have an old one my father-in-law gifted me many years ago, and I'd like to put it in use.

Unfortunately, all the electronics in a modern dash tend to interfere with a compass' magnets. I tried mounting such on my BMW RT years ago, but with the electronic interference, the dial just spun like a whirling dervish.

I too do not have GPS on my bike, and prefer paper maps, but I'd like to know which direction I'm headed while riding twisty roads.

07-05-2019, 09:43 AM
I carry a gps in the frunk and have used it maybe two time in seven years to find an address. As for direction living by the pacific ocean headings are very easy to know. Have mostly ryden in any direction with little worry as you will always come upon a major road or highway eventually and it will take you home. The other compasses never worked unless they have some newer ones that do with all the magnets and electronics. :thumbup:

07-05-2019, 11:38 AM
I don't see why a good quality marine compass would not work on a Spyder. You might have to mount it up on the windshield or some place like that, just a few inches away from the metal and electrics. I had compasses mounted on every saltwater boat I ever owned, long before GPS was reasonably priced. A good quality marine compass mounted on the side of the windshield maybe 10 inches above the dash area should give fairly accurate readings. The good compasses will have adjustment settings to compensate for the metal mass.

07-05-2019, 08:19 PM
Thanks, I just want one in case I need it. I was just on vaca in Salerno, Italy and when walking in the paths between the buildings (none of which go straight, it was like a maze and you cn tell where the sun was coming from it took a while to ge back to the water.

Sometimes on twisties thru the woods on an overcast day you dn have any bearing to find out which way in which.