View Full Version : Observations and questions about riding style

06-24-2019, 12:05 PM
Took my 2008 GS out for a ride on Sunday. Had to clear my head, 7th anniversary of a former co-worker succumbing to cancer related to his work down in lower Manhattan after September 11th.
I saw numerous motorcyclists riding in such a manner that I was preparing to see a tragedy unfold before my eyes. In NY/NJ lane splitting is not allowed, nor did I practice that while I was riding two wheels prior to my accident in 2001, let alone at speeds reaching 70+. Nor did I ever consider using the shoulder of a roadway, to pass slower moving vehicles approaching a rotary/traffic circle.
Prior to owning a Spyder, and for those of you where this applies, when operating a motorcycle did you do so in the same manner that you do when operating a Spyder, or, are you forced to ride in a manner closer to that of a car due to the wheel base width..no more lane splitting, etc.?
Had a great ride nonetheless, remembering my friend, the fun times we had, and the time spent with another acquaintance who sadly also lost his fight to cancer from working down there...

06-24-2019, 12:15 PM
There are many carefree and IMO, dumb riders out there.

I try to ride safely all the time...but that is just me. Others are going to do what they want to do.

My thing has always been to anticipate that everyone is going to do something stupid when they come into your space. Anticipation of that has saved me from an accident many, many times.

I would not let the actions of others deter me from enjoying my spyders or mc. Enjoy, but be alert at all times.

06-24-2019, 01:33 PM
Back in the day, I did occasionally ride Stupid fast ….. However I didn't ride Stupid ….. No lane splitting, no out of lane operation ….. Mike :ohyea:

06-24-2019, 06:15 PM
Live to Ride, Ride to Live. Ride to unwind, Ride to remember them, Ride with respect, Ride with the wind in your face for them as they would like too have done. And when its time to turn the lights out at the end of the day sleep well so we can remember them again.

06-24-2019, 07:17 PM
Never lived in a state where lane-splitting was legal - so I've never tried it. What I do like about the Spyders is that they take up the whole of the lane. On a two wheeler, some cagers will tend to creep into your lane when passing. This is why I prefer to have mucho tarmac between me and any automobile. I just don't trust them not to do something stupid.

06-24-2019, 07:34 PM
Ride like everyone is trying to kill you, on purpose. This is not true, of course. But it will help you avoid mistakes made by others. When you ride a motorcycle (2 or 3 wheels). You pay for your mistakes and you also pay for the mistakes of others.

After 33 years in the fire service, I discovered that getting hurt (or worse) by accident, has identical results as if it were done on purpose. Hence my mindset when I ride.

When you give the other guy the benefit of the doubt, you put your life in their hands. They can look right at you (in your mind) and pull out in front of you. When first responders arrive, they will get the same story every time. 'I never saw them.'

I've done some dangerous riding (which I do not advocate). But it didn't include trusting the other guy, like lane splitting. I've seen people cut over or open a door when they see a lane splitter coming.

06-24-2019, 09:14 PM
Andy I understand that everyone needs to clear there head. Like you the best thing we have is our Spyder to temporarily ease our sad times. Only thought I have is to relax but stay focused on the road ahead. We have many good years ahead of us. Why take the chance and cut life short just to get in front of someone due to the lack of patience.

06-24-2019, 09:45 PM
I was taught to ride like you are invisible to ever body else on the road so you have a better chance to ride another day.

06-24-2019, 09:59 PM

Re: Why take the chance . . .

I'm with you. In Oregon, we are beginning to see lane splitting as it is ( currently ) not illegal here.

About five years ago, southbound on I-5, rush hour, going south thru Sacramento, I was surprised to see a cop on a 2-wheeler passing me on my right, lane splitting. I was in the #1 lane going about 10 MPH.

Back in the 50's, my brother was a Bike Boy in downtown Portland; they delivered documents, packages, etc on bicycles. He was flying down a street, splitting lanes when a guy opened his car door. Needless to say, my brother ended up in the front seat with him; and no serious injuries.

Jerry Baumchen

06-24-2019, 10:23 PM
oh boy...first off this Ron agrees with BajaRon and I ride as though everyone on the road is out to kill me.
I have an exit plan, ditch, off ramp, center divider, etc, for any situation. I have been down on the pavement
a couple times on two wheels. Both times about a block away from home.
I lived in Calilfornia for 20 years, my "formative" years? Where lane splitting is legal, and by virtue of traffic density, encouraged.
This almost got my father and I killed at an intersection in the city of Orange, by a couple girls running a red light.
I no longer have a clock on where I need to be and when. Also, I think as the brain grows, the nerve recedes.

06-24-2019, 11:47 PM
For one I'm glad you got this ryde in and sure you will again in their memories. Lane splitting is allowed here and they do it a lot. Thing is regardless of your pipes and lights you are not heard till your passing the vehicle and your not that visable either. During my two wheeling days I would lane split only in stopped or slow traffic does not work with a spyder. I am a firm believer in trust no one out there....:thumbup:

06-25-2019, 12:58 AM
Darwin awards contestants keep trying till they WIN! There is no second place

06-25-2019, 04:27 AM
...Why take the chance and cut life short just to get in front of someone due to the lack of patience.Don't Lose Your Head

To Save A Minute

You Need Your Head

Your Brains Are In It

--- BurmaShave