View Full Version : is it ok to wear shorts driving a can am spyder?

06-10-2019, 09:39 AM
2015 rt

Rob Rodriguez
06-10-2019, 09:42 AM
You can wear whatever you want. I personally wouldn't and if you have ever taken a motorcycle training/licensing class they will tell you that is something you should not do (always wear proper riding gear) but there is no law against it.

06-10-2019, 09:45 AM
One word...........ATGATT.

06-10-2019, 10:00 AM
One word...........ATGATT.

Big word

06-10-2019, 10:01 AM
Here's the thing..... you can wear whatever (helmet a must in many states) but what many do not consider is all that can occur besides falling from the ryde causing the road rash if not more. Think about all the other side effect.... windburn, road debris, bugs (I have run into a couple swarms of bees and one of grass hopper like critters). The other thing is I have never found it to be that much cooler but they have those zip off pant leg type pants that would give you protection and be shorts when your not ryding....:thumbup:

06-10-2019, 10:02 AM
Honestly, I sometimes wear shorts while riding my Spyder. If it's incredibly hot, I tend to think its better than boiling alive. On the other hand, I did once get a bad sunburn on my knee that way. When I put medicine on it after stopping for the the night, I accidentally glued my knees together. (My mother probably would have been happy about when I was a girl.)



06-10-2019, 10:03 AM
A pair of full mesh pants is cooler to ride in than shorts. Your legs will be in the shade all the time and breath just as well. Same goes for a mesh jacket vs a sleeveless t-shirt up top.

06-10-2019, 10:14 AM
It is legal but in my opinion not a good idea.
I've experience road rash, and been hit by bugs and road debris. Not again.
I agree mesh gear/riding pants are the way to go.
ATGATT is my mantra.

06-10-2019, 12:12 PM
I have had TWO motorists (bad motorists) just pull out in front of me when I was two wheeling life. And in a third incident with a car, the car literally pushed me off the roadway because bikes don't matter I suppose. And he drove off. I was pinned under a parked car with the bike under me. The exhaust burned my leg so severely it drew up. I was on crutches 3 months and with psychical therapy regained full use. I was wearing shorts. Those other two times I had full gear on which protected me from highway rash. There was a 3 inch hole in my helmet from sliding along the concrete. But both times I was hit, I broke my right leg. If you don't care what happens to your body, wear shorts. But if you do, lots of protective gear...

06-10-2019, 12:20 PM
+1 on all the above and ATGATT.
Just because the likelihood of an unexpected get-off, high-side or low-side may be greatly reduced, you have no sheet metal to protect your body from any unexpected incidents, e.g. bugs, rocks, thrown cigarette butts, etc., or any unplanned accidents that may happen.

06-10-2019, 12:21 PM
Honestly, I sometimes wear shorts while riding my Spyder. If it's incredibly hot, I tend to think its better than boiling alive. On the other hand, I did once get a bad sunburn on my knee that way. When I put medicine on it after stopping for the the night, I accidentally glued my knees together. (My mother probably would have been happy about when I was a girl.)



At least you didn't glue them to your ryde :joke:

06-10-2019, 12:41 PM
Road rash is the same as a 3rd degree burn. Prepare for the crash. Don't let a third wheel make you think you are any safer than a motorcycle. ATGATT - All the gear all the time

A website to give you some insight: http://www.rockthegear.org/

06-10-2019, 01:09 PM
2015 rt

HELL NO!:mad:

06-10-2019, 01:16 PM
Wear whatever you want. I never wear shorts on a bike of any kind. I have 240 square inches of skin grafts on my legs and I was wearing long pants and boots when I got that.

06-10-2019, 01:31 PM
2015 rt

Sure, if you don't care about sunburn and windburn or heat from the engine on your bare legs.

06-10-2019, 01:57 PM
Only if you wear white knee socks and sandals or Crocs!

06-10-2019, 02:18 PM
Can ?yes, Should? No:coffee: consider how many bugs you encounter on any giving ride;) then count how many of them have stingers, or bite :popcorn:calculate how well you react when one of those is forcefully blown up shorts & begins defensibly attacking :cus:ANYTHING & EVERYTHING it comes in contact with:yikes: :roflblack::roflblack::roflblack: :congrats: your well on your way for a Darwin Award :firstplace:

06-10-2019, 02:41 PM
Ha ! This question is a joke right? =I know the one member on here has a pic. of him cruising in shorts.
In Germany they would call that a "dunderhead" so I guess you know where I stand on the subject.

06-10-2019, 02:46 PM
Ha ! This question is a joke right? =I know the one member on here has a pic. of him cruising in shorts.
In Germany they would call that a "dunderhead" so I guess you know where I stand on the subject.

They are called Squids on this side of the pond.

06-10-2019, 03:01 PM
your mother has already told you NO, ATGATT

06-10-2019, 03:08 PM
Would you wear shorts playing paintball? (and that's only a little welt.) Imagine sliding into home plate on blacktop with shorts on.

Not worth the risk, in my opinion.

06-10-2019, 04:25 PM
Had mesh/vented armoured riding pants, opened at inside seam and road rashed the right leg at 55 mph.

06-10-2019, 04:32 PM
Wear whatever you want. I never wear shorts on a bike of any kind. I have 240 square inches of skin grafts on my legs and I was wearing long pants and boots when I got that.

Can you expand on that a bit, Gwolf? I assume they were not armoured motorcycle pants?


06-10-2019, 04:43 PM
Can you expand on that a bit, Gwolf? I assume they were not armoured motorcycle pants?


No, not armor pants. Happened way back in 81. Never heard of armor pants back then. I rode bike to work when I was on day shift. Winter time and it was cold. I was wearing long johns and heavy jeans with combat boots. Car hit me from the left side. Slid a long way and broke both legs too. The road rash was not the worse thing I got out of it. Armor pants or even leather would not have helped with the broken bones. Just FYI, I was wearing a Bell Full Face helmet and not much head injury. The chin bar broke a couple teeth off and real sore, but no other head injuries.

06-10-2019, 04:58 PM
I have a friend that has always told his kids growing up, Never deprive yourself from learning things the hard way!!!!:roflblack: GOOD LUCK may you not get a bee on your stick shift!!:2thumbs:

06-10-2019, 05:21 PM
You can do what you want but I feel really sorry for the EMT who has to treat you. And the tow truck driver who has to wash your skin off the roadway.

I don’t plan on getting in an accident when I get behind the wheel of my car but I wear my seatbelt just in case, same goes when I get on the Spyder.

06-10-2019, 05:50 PM
There are only 2 kinds of Motorcycle Riders. Those that have been down, and those who have not been down YET. I also have been down, several times, but never broke any bones. I went down on my 1982 Yamaha XS-1100 on an off road Trail when I hit a pot hole and got scuffed up pretty bad. I went down with my wife on my BSA 650, but we never got hurt. We both went down on rented Scooter in The Bahamas when it reared up and dumped us on the hot asphalt. I was wearing Jeans, but my wife was wearing shorts and she got burnt with the exhaust pipes on her leg, plus some road rash. I never ride my Harley or Spyder with out having all skin covered, and with Boots, no matter how hot it gets. I cringe every time I see some Dude riding his Harley Road King wearing shorts, Tee shirt and Tennis shoes!

No, not armor pants. Happened way back in 81. Never heard of armor pants back then. I rode bike to work when I was on day shift. Winter time and it was cold. I was wearing long johns and heavy jeans with combat boots. Car hit me from the left side. Slid a long way and broke both legs too. The road rash was not the worse thing I got out of it. Armor pants or even leather would not have helped with the broken bones. Just FYI, I was wearing a Bell Full Face helmet and not much head injury. The chin bar broke a couple teeth off and real sore, but no other head injuries.

06-10-2019, 06:16 PM
2015 rt

Might as well pour hi octane on your cornflakes and finish off with a cigarette if your going to push your luck.:firstplace:

06-10-2019, 06:22 PM
Dress for the crash, not for the ride...ATGATTx3

06-10-2019, 06:37 PM
I ride "commando". But that's probably not what you're asking...;)

06-10-2019, 07:12 PM
There are only 2 kinds of Motorcycle Riders. Those that have been down, and those who have not been down YET. I also have been down, several times, but never broke any bones. I went down on my 1982 Yamaha XS-1100 on an off road Trail when I hit a pot hole and got scuffed up pretty bad. I went down with my wife on my BSA 650, but we never got hurt. We both went down on rented Scooter in The Bahamas when it reared up and dumped us on the hot asphalt. I was wearing Jeans, but my wife was wearing shorts and she got burnt with the exhaust pipes on her leg, plus some road rash. I never ride my Harley or Spyder with out having all skin covered, and with Boots, no matter how hot it gets. I cringe every time I see some Dude riding his Harley Road King wearing shorts, Tee shirt and Tennis shoes!

That's 2-wheelers. He's asking about a Spyder. You're not going to 'go down' on a Spyder.

06-10-2019, 07:31 PM
That's 2-wheelers. He's asking about a Spyder. You're not going to 'go down' on a Spyder.

Get hit by a car or some other accident and come off of a Spyder the road is just as rough as it is when you drop a two wheeler. It won't slide out from under you, but there is not much holding you on it either. If you slide down the road very far, you will lose skin.

06-10-2019, 07:43 PM
Get hit by a car or some other accident and come off of a Spyder the road is just as rough as it is when you drop a two wheeler. It won't slide out from under you, but there is not much holding you on it either. If you slide down the road very far, you will lose skin.

I think losing skin will be the least of your worries if you are in a collision which ejects you from the Spyder. There are many, many posts on this forum that attest to the fact that the Spyder will protect the rider very well as long as the rider doesn't get ejected. In which case, as I say, skin abrasion is the least of your worries.

06-10-2019, 07:45 PM
I think losing skin will be the least of your worries if you are in a collision which ejects you from the Spyder. There are many, many posts on this forum that attest to the fact that the Spyder will protect the rider very well as long as the rider doesn't get ejected. In which case, as I say, skin abrasion is the least of your worries.

Of course, if the accident has you riding the Spyder into a Florida swamp, there may be other things to worry about (e.g. alligators and pythons), but in either case wearing shorts or full protective gear probably isn't going to make much of a difference! :roflblack:

06-10-2019, 07:50 PM
I think losing skin will be the least of your worries if you are in a collision which ejects you from the Spyder. There are many, many posts on this forum that attest to the fact that the Spyder will protect the rider very well as long as the rider doesn't get ejected. In which case, as I say, skin abrasion is the least of your worries.

That is true, but you can somewhat protect yourself from road rash. You cannot protect yourself from broken bones and worse. I know about them. I have been hit by other vehicles twice and got serious injuries both times.

06-10-2019, 10:35 PM
Of course, if the accident has you riding the Spyder into a Florida swamp, there may be other things to worry about (e.g. alligators and pythons), but in either case wearing shorts or full protective gear probably isn't going to make much of a difference! :roflblack:


06-10-2019, 11:40 PM
Too old to grow skin grafts. ATGATT. Even in 90+ weather.

06-11-2019, 05:01 AM
Utah Pete,.......Doc Humphrey would differ from you. Revisit 3 months of his daily reports of his Wife’s riding with out protective clothing or helmet on her 3 WHEEL SPYDER, and how she FLEW off her Spyder, when she hit a deer, and ended up with severe ROAD RASH among other Traumas. If I recall, with out looking back, and digging up unpleasant posts & memories, while we were all praying with Doc., you were too busy complaining about Fellow Spyder Compadres praying with Doc for his Wife’s recovery to notice she WENT DOWN, and OFF a Spyder!

That's 2-wheelers. He's asking about a Spyder. You're not going to 'go down' on a Spyder.

06-11-2019, 11:09 AM
Honestly, I sometimes wear shorts while riding my Spyder. If it's incredibly hot, I tend to think its better than boiling alive. On the other hand, I did once get a bad sunburn on my knee that way. When I put medicine on it after stopping for the the night, I accidentally glued my knees together. (My mother probably would have been happy about when I was a girl.)



Actually, have you seen pics of " Bedouins " riding camels in the Sahara desert ??? ……. they look like they are dressed for the " Arctic " … but the temps are usually way over 100 F …….they have been doing this for thousands of years …. my guess is they understand how to protect from " HEAT " ….....jmho …. Mike :ohyea:

06-11-2019, 11:50 AM
Actually, have you seen pics of " Bedouins " riding camels in the Sahara desert ??? ……. they look like they are dressed for the " Arctic " … but the temps are usually way over 100 F …….they have been doing this for thousands of years …. my guess is they understand how to protect from " HEAT " ….....jmho …. Mike :ohyea:

They are acclimated. Don't know what air conditioning is. I sleep with one blanket in the winter with window open. The ink in the printer has frozen. Buff with AC blasting in the summer. Tried riding in summer while working at White Sands MR - 110 in the shade, 160 rising off pavement, engine heat. Parked ride for most of summer. Before mesh gear.

Ride summer with tank, shorts, tennies in town - 35mph and under. Mesh riding gear and boots for hwy & fwy rides.



06-11-2019, 12:36 PM
OK, I've read every response here and agree with most everything except:

road rash being the least of your worries in a get off. keep in mind your skin is the largest organ of the body and when it is damaged, bodily resources can be taxed severely when trying to repair too many things at once. Open skin also sets one up for infections which further hinder healing of other injuries. Easiest solution is to wear protective gear.

someone mentioned long johns and jeans not being much protection in a slide on the road. interesting fact--at 70mph denim jeans will wear through to your skin in 0.3 seconds. after that it's your skin on the pavement. at 70mph you are going 102.6 feet per second; I'll let you do the rest of that math.

also mentioned were nomads of desert climates keeping themselves covered in 100+° heat. They don't do that out of being acclimated to it; they do it because keeping the skin protected from the sun is paramount to survival as their covering helps retain water lost to sweating. You may feel cooler when sweating with bare skin but the damage being done is more or less a slow boil which will eventually lead to heat stress, heat exhaustion and eventually heat stroke.

lastly, ask yourself if you would rather sweat or bleed.

06-11-2019, 10:01 PM
There are 'jeans' manufactured by Bull It, UK I think. I have a pair of the 6 second pants. The lining is kevlar. Really comfortable actually. They go with me on long rides. And speaking of long rides, today I rode to Rockwall, TX as it has the nearest In N Out burger to me. Riding on I-30 near Rockwall, I was running about 75 and was passed by a guy on a Harley. Jeans, short sleeve shirt and gym shoes. No helmet. But cool I'd guess. There is a useful French saying, Chacun a' son gout. Or each to his own boys.

Pirate looks at --
06-12-2019, 07:36 AM
That's 2-wheelers. He's asking about a Spyder. You're not going to 'go down' on a Spyder.

Pete, you are not serious with that right???

06-12-2019, 08:09 AM
someone mentioned long johns and jeans not being much protection in a slide on the road. interesting fact--at 70mph denim jeans will wear through to your skin in 0.3 seconds. after that it's your skin on the pavement. at 70mph you are going 102.6 feet per second; I'll let you do the rest of that math.

also mentioned were nomads of desert climates keeping themselves covered in 100+° heat. They don't do that out of being acclimated to it; they do it because keeping the skin protected from the sun is paramount to survival as their covering helps retain water lost to sweating. You may feel cooler when sweating with bare skin but the damage being done is more or less a slow boil which will eventually lead to heat stress, heat exhaustion and eventually heat stroke.

You hit the pavement at 70mph. From that moment you are slowing, so you don't travel the 102.6 in a second. Good jeans can make it through to the stop. Been there, done that.

I didn't say they "do that out of being acclimated to it." My insinuation was that they can tolerate doing it because they are acclimated to it. They have to retain water because it is such short supply. Been a welder in the dessert. I make sure water is not in short supply no matter what I am wearing or not wearing. Sweating is good for dissipating heat buildup!



06-12-2019, 04:01 PM
Hey, I have an idea! Just do what you want to do (free country) and lets just be happy and nice to each other okayyy........

06-12-2019, 04:28 PM
Even if you dont hit anything or fall off the bike all the wind that hit your knees will have some health implications in the long run and if you have arthritis you will feel immediate effects.

06-12-2019, 07:52 PM
Real world, I'd have no objection to shorts on a quick jaunt a mile or two down the road to grab lunch or pick up something at the market. To really RIDE. Never.

06-12-2019, 08:26 PM
I ride "commando". But that's probably not what you're asking...;)

Nope, but it's definitely more than I wanted to know! :shocked:

06-12-2019, 08:30 PM
Living in southern Arizona, we get our share of heat. In summer I wear a silver/gray mesh suit with armor. If moving at all, it's definitely cooler than jeans and a tee-shirt (in the daytime at least).
I have caught bugs, bees, gravel, etc. on my person when riding. The start that will give you could cause problems in itself.
Wouldn't ride without a helmet and face shield any more (I did about 100 years ago when I had no sense).

06-13-2019, 04:38 AM
I wouldn't - but that's just me.

06-13-2019, 06:57 AM
Now I know how they feed them Gators down in the swamp. :yikes:

Easy Rider
06-13-2019, 09:29 AM
This is kind of like asking: Is it OK to fry chicken while wearing only a swim suit ??

Amazing what questions will elicit 3 pages of replies. :roflblack:

06-13-2019, 12:42 PM
This is kind of like asking: Is it OK to fry chicken while wearing only a swim suit ??

If you really want to live on the edge, do it wearing your birthday suit!

Who needs safety gear anyway?!

06-13-2019, 03:20 PM
Why are we spending so much time on this thead?

06-13-2019, 04:38 PM
Why are we spending so much time on this thead?

We’re only spending time on this thread if we are reading it or commenting on it, Grandpot. It’s very easy to skip over it ;)


Lew L
06-14-2019, 09:34 AM
2015 rt

" is it ok to wear shorts driving a can an spyder"

Your ? has been answered.

My answer------- Hell No!!

Lew L

06-14-2019, 09:47 AM
Wear whatever you feel like. I sometimes wear shorts, and a little half helmet, if I am just going around the block in the neighborhood and not going to be in any high traffic areas. If I am hitting any kind of highway or going faster....full face helmet, mesh jacket and heavy jeans. I had a crash on 2 wheels some time ago and broke my shoulder. No amount of gear saved me from that. We make decisions and we just need to accept the consequences. Just have fun and enjoy the wind.

06-14-2019, 05:36 PM
If I ride around the house to the gas station or store i ware shorts if hot out. But any hwy speeds I ware pants

06-15-2019, 12:46 AM
I'm with the no camp on this one.

My philosophy is this and I don't expect anyone to share it.

I have yet to nominate a day where:
1. I leave home for the supermarket down the road,
2. I'll put my full protective gear on,
3. Head down the road to a predetermined location, preferably 500 metres / yards down the road,
4. Have a prearranged stranger clip the left front wheel,
5. Thereby sending the RT/F3/RS... airborne on the left hand side and flipping me onto the patch of freshly laid, highly abrasive course blue metal tarred road,
6. All the while being comfortable with the fact my 7 seconds of slide time down to 1/10th of a second will cover my <insert 1st point of contact here>

This topic came up at an informal gathering of Spyder riders last weekend when one guy stated he rides in Shorts and thongs (translation - flip flops). I passed a polite comment but I was the only one that did, the rest were pretty brutal. So much was the response that the group who sometimes comes together for long distance rides decided he won't be invited to the group rides, even if only around the corner to the pub (translation - Bar/bulk Alcoholic beverage dispensary)

We also have a monthly bike night where between 100 and 300 Two & Three wheel riders gather for an evening of checking out one another's wheels (Bikers and Bikies). We see people ride past dressed without appropriate gear and it gets a response.

06-15-2019, 06:18 AM
is it ok to wear shorts driving a can am spyder?
No :bdh:

Easy Rider
06-15-2019, 12:33 PM
Any chance that we could be practical about this answer ??
Probably not, it seems.

The parts that are not covered when riding in shorts are not ones that will cause your death if they take a bad hit.
The riding pants that most people wear don't give much protection anyway.......against anything but LIGHT road rash.
There are no hot exhaust pipes near your legs and feet.....at least not in the RT models; others maybe.

The shorts by themselves do not expose you to much extra injury in a crash.......if any.

06-17-2019, 07:35 AM
So it's not ok to wear shorts, but ok to go to the bar and drink? just trying to follow your logic here.

Easy Rider
06-17-2019, 08:56 AM
So it's not ok to wear shorts, but ok to go to the bar and drink? just trying to follow your logic here.

Who was that comment directed to ??

I don't remember seeing anyone say that.

Try not to read things into messages that are NOT there.

06-17-2019, 11:22 AM
it was directed to this comment

"This topic came up at an informal gathering of Spyder riders last weekend when one guy stated he rides in Shorts and thongs (translation - flip flops). I passed a polite comment but I was the only one that did, the rest were pretty brutal. So much was the response that the group who sometimes comes together for long distance rides decided he won't be invited to the group rides, even if only around the corner to the pub (translation - Bar/bulk Alcoholic beverage dispensary)"

did i misread the part about group rides to the pub? read the thread before you make a comment.

C. Lee
06-17-2019, 11:52 AM
There is a fair amount of absurdity within this post and the replies. I feel like everyone who commented against shorts is a little hypocritical. These responders would lead us to believe that they always, 100% of the time use all of the proper safety gear for any device they would use and anyone else is not worthy to be around. So you guys will never use a tool without safety glasses or a chain saw with out the logging pants, never get into a car without a seat belt or drive over the speed limit for that matter. Heck in the instructions for a screw driver, it shows safety glasses. Come on people, a simple "I would not wear shorts" would be sufficient, you don't have to berate someone who would wear something other than ATGATT. I feel like I'm reading the responses of corporate attorneys trying to protect their employers from liability or something. Chris

06-17-2019, 03:39 PM
Still going?

06-17-2019, 03:59 PM
Who was that comment directed to ??

I don't remember seeing anyone say that.

Try not to read things into messages that are NOT there.

Ummmmmmm. No, I won’t state the obvious, Easy Rider. Yeah, maybe I will....have you had your paranoia for very long? :shocked: After all, the post that mentioned the pub was only two above yours ;)


06-17-2019, 04:02 PM
So it's not ok to wear shorts, but ok to go to the bar and drink? just trying to follow your logic here.

Yeah, Chuck.....It sounds like a great (if judgmental) riding group, doesn’t it. :dontknow:


06-17-2019, 06:21 PM
Sure it is OK to wear shorts.

Boxers or Briefs are both OK.

Then put the rest of the appropriate motorcycle gear over them and you will be fine.


06-18-2019, 06:34 AM
I always wear shorts and a t-shirt or polo when riding. We bought the Spyder to enjoy, not to sweat to death on. It's all what you want to do, and how much risk you want to take.

06-18-2019, 08:14 AM
Exactly....... shorts equals BAD...... drinking and riding equals GOOD. Not a group i would want to ride with.

06-18-2019, 08:15 AM
I always wear shorts and a t-shirt or polo when riding. We bought the Spyder to enjoy, not to sweat to death on. It's all what you want to do, and how much risk you want to take.

My thoughts exactly, i want to be comfortable when i ride.

Easy Rider
06-18-2019, 08:48 AM
did i misread the part about group rides to the pub? read the thread before you make a comment.

Yes apparently you did.

He said nothing about actually drinking.
Our riding club goes to "pubs" quite often.......for the FOOD.
No alcohol is consumed.

Learning to use the quote feature will head off some misunderstandings........but not all.

06-18-2019, 09:04 AM
Sure it is OK to wear shorts.

Boxers or Briefs are both OK.

Then put the rest of the appropriate motorcycle gear over them and you will be fine.


Yes, I agree.......... shorts will help prevent racing stripes in the back of your jeans.

06-18-2019, 09:05 AM
Yes apparently you did.

He said nothing about actually drinking.
Our riding club goes to "pubs" quite often.......for the FOOD.
No alcohol is consumed.

Learning to use the quote feature will head off some misunderstandings........but not all.

Ok, lets use the quote function. Here is the actual words used

"This topic came up at an informal gathering of Spyder riders last weekend when one guy stated he rides in Shorts and thongs (translation - flip flops). I passed a polite comment but I was the only one that did, the rest were pretty brutal. So much was the response that the group who sometimes comes together for long distance rides decided he won't be invited to the group rides, even if only around the corner to the pub (translation - Bar/bulk Alcoholic beverage dispensary)"

Now as we notice they translated "pub" as a Bar/Alcoholic beverage dispensary. No mention of food. So one is to infer that they go there to drink. And since they are not in the US, they have a different approach to the word "pub" than we do. You can try to spin it any way you want, they excluded a person based on their riding attire while also condoning drinking and riding.

Easy Rider
06-18-2019, 01:26 PM
So one is to infer that they go there to drink. And since they are not in the US, they have a different approach to the word "pub" than we do. You can try to spin it any way you want, they excluded a person based on their riding attire while also condoning drinking and riding.

Two things about that:

A statement is different than an inference.

And you have made only 5 posts on here.......and already you are "calling out" another user based on an inference.

What do you think I might assume from those facts ??

06-20-2019, 07:04 AM
2015 rt

Of course it is...but only at night.

06-27-2019, 11:10 PM
Is it OK to eat chocolate in the hot tub? Of course it's *OK* but the real question is, is it smart and/or safe? There's this concept of PPE; Personal Protective Equipment that's more than just a helmet.

06-28-2019, 07:04 PM
Wear what you want. I have owned 3 Spyders the past 3 years and rarely wear anything but shorts. I live in Florida and it’s extremely hot, shorts are by the far the coolest for me. I personally have never come close to wrecking or eating pavement but I understand that day could come at anytime. Pants simply aren’t worth it to me. I also don’t care what others think so roll out with shorts and enjoy yourself. You will find out the biking community has many opinions but riding in full gear when it’s 100 plus heat index isn’t in the cards for me. Not worth having my Spyder if that’s the case. Most of the riders I see around here have shorts on anyways. Must be a Duuuuvvvvaaaallll thing.. Go Jags.. Out

06-29-2019, 09:59 AM
A touchy subject and many opinionated people. It is okay to express your opinion...that is what the site is for. It is NOT necessary to jump on someone whose opinion you don't agree with.

The moderators are watching the posts more close now. One who is on a final chance needs to be a bit careful. You are at the "no further warning" stage now.

06-29-2019, 10:07 AM
Riding with shorts because of the weather, etc. is for sure a personal choice. Me...I would not do it. Since I have moved to AR from AK, I mostly am wearing shorts because of the hot temps.

That said, our bikes will not arrive for a couple weeks yet. When they get here, my plan is to be ATGATT as much as necessary. I have Kevlar lined jeans, but may end up going mesh before to long.

Most of the people we see on bikes here, and there are a lot of them, ride with shorts, short sleeves (or less), no helmets, gloves, or boots. Flip flops seem to be popular. We have heard of two bad accidents since our arrival in late May.

When we rented in Hawaii, it was mid 90's that day. Off came the jackets, but we had jeans, helmets, and fingerless gloves.

Choices, choices, choices.