View Full Version : Gel inserts

06-09-2019, 05:03 PM
I ordered two gel inserts from Motorcycle Dave last Sunday and got them installed last night. My wife and I rode a little over a hundred miles today and it was TOTALLY PAIN FREE!!!! Before, the pain would start at about 45-65 miles and would REQUIRE stopping for gas, whether we needed it or not, so we could take the opportunity to stretch and get the feeling back in our posteriors. I think that will be a thing of the past now.

The hardest part of the install was pulling all of the old staples out of the seat. About the only thing I did that wasn't in the install instructions was to trace around the edge of the material under the seat with a white paint stick before removing the staples to make it easier to align everything before stapling the cover back in place. Used an air stapler from Harbor Freight and 1/4" Arrow T50 staples and never had a single misfire or jam. Took my time and had about 6 hours start to finish, including breaks. The only regret we have is waiting so darn long to get them!

Thank you Dave, for a great product.

06-09-2019, 07:13 PM
My hesitation with the gel pad is that the stock vinyl seat does not allow your *ss to breath! I have been thinking of getting the gel pad and covering with leather. I have a foam sleeping bed and it tends to get hot ,maybe this is what makes the stock seat give you hot "buns". Just trying to think this through. My understanding is the Ultimate seat is vinyl and may also be hot. Anybody's thoughts?

06-10-2019, 12:24 AM
The temp got to 87° today while we were riding. I wear a modular helmet and a mesh jacket with armor. It was a little warm if you weren't moving but I actually think the old "Toothless Wonder" may have been just a little bit cooler than before, but I really can't say if that is just wishful thinking on my part or the power of suggestion on your part.

I can say without a doubt that our rear ends were much more comfortable, no buts about it, pun intended. My wife just said it didn't matter, it felt way better.

06-10-2019, 07:04 AM
A word of caution on the gel inserts. I installed the gel inserts on one of my previous bikes. It helped considerably with the seat comfort. The thing that the seat guy told me was to make sure that I covered the seat on a hot day when I was parked. The gel pad will absorb and retain heat making the seat stay hot for quite a while. I just put my jacket on the seat and that took care of it.

06-12-2019, 02:56 PM
You must have NOT used my GEL in your seat.... The Gel that I have is NOT like the Gel you may see other places
mine is MEDICAL GEL made for me by the Mfg. that makes the gel beds and pads for Hospital use, my other business
is Valley Medical Repair so I am in medical facilities every day. My Gel does NOT get HOT it has a layer of memory foam on
the top of it and that dissipates the heat.

A word of caution on the gel inserts. I installed the gel inserts on one of my previous bikes. It helped considerably with the seat comfort. The thing that the seat guy told me was to make sure that I covered the seat on a hot day when I was parked. The gel pad will absorb and retain heat making the seat stay hot for quite a while. I just put my jacket on the seat and that took care of it.

06-12-2019, 03:05 PM
You must have NOT used my GEL in your seat.... The Gel that I have is NOT like the Gel you may see other places
mine is MEDICAL GEL made for me by the Mfg. that makes the gel beds and pads for Hospital use, my other business
is Valley Medical Repair so I am in medical facilities every day. My Gel does NOT get HOT it has a layer of memory foam on
the top of it and that dissipates the heat.

The gel pad I had was also medical grade. It also had a layer of foam over the top. It still absorbed heat. Check out Bitchn Stichn in Lakewood CO. That is the installer. Is there a difference?

06-12-2019, 03:13 PM
Yes Plenty of diff. You don't see anyone here complaining of absorbing and retaining heat, Medical gel does not
do that it is made for hospital use in beds and chairs that people sit or lay in for very long periods of time in one
position, it stops or drastically reduces pressure points, hot spots and bed sores.
If yours stayed hot is had to be the cover staying hot if it was true medical gel, What was the durometer reading
of the gel you had ?
A durometer is an instrument for testing the hardness of various plastics, rubber & Gel ASTM D2240 Standard Test Method for Rubber Property, Durometer Hardness. This test method covers twelve types of rubber hardness measurement devices known as durometers: Types A, B, C, D, DO, E, O, OO, OOO.

06-12-2019, 07:44 PM
I once had a gel pad in one of my previous bikes. It got so hot in the sun you could practically fry and egg on it. It stayed warm for a long time when riding afterwards. Dave's gel pad does not get hot.

06-12-2019, 08:11 PM
So far we’ve had no problem with heat with ours. Very comfortable and just wish we’d gotten them much sooner!

06-13-2019, 08:38 PM
How do you MD gel seats.... I cannot see anyway buy anything on Dave's site?

06-13-2019, 10:13 PM
How do you MD gel seats.... I cannot see anyway buy anything on Dave's site?

Call him.

06-14-2019, 10:08 AM
when I had the gel pad inserted on my motorcycle seat, I noticed it was installed under the foam padding and not on top. I gained a lot of comfort without the seat heating the way it might with the get on top.
Just my .02

06-14-2019, 11:56 AM
Just got the 20 buck gelpad from walmart auto section. It is much better than my airhawk pad. Ima test it a bit more b/4 I decide to keep it or take it back. So far im thinkin ima love it. 20 Bucks is hard to beat.

06-14-2019, 01:25 PM
Motorcycle Dave includes a foam pad that covers the gel pad that will insulate the gel from direct contact with the seat cover and it gives a very smooth and seamless transition from the gel pad that you embed in the foam of the seat. The result is that you can't even tell anything has been done to the seat.

06-14-2019, 01:28 PM
How do you MD gel seats.... I cannot see anyway buy anything on Dave's site?

CALL ME 209-887-3283 9:00AM to 8:00PM daily Pacific time
I do not take credit cards on my website, I don't trust doing it that way.
I will only take payment from you in person over the phone
or PayPal.

06-14-2019, 06:43 PM
Will do...thx

06-15-2019, 09:39 PM
I’ve got an airhawk that I use I the winter, and a beadrider that I use in the summer. I like both, but I love the beadrider for the hot summers.