View Full Version : Spyder Event(s)??

06-05-2019, 07:11 AM
Hi everyone,

I know there is an area for spyder events on the forum but I thought I’d put this question here for more exposure. I noticed there are a lot of local or regional events organized by local clubs...however I was curious is there a Nationwide (US based) main annual Spyder event? Maybe something that is sanctioned by BRB?? If not could you maybe comment on the known bigger local club events ?

I’m planning a year long trip and would like to be in certain areas throughout the year. Being able to attend big events would be awesome!!

Thanks in advance


Pirate looks at --
06-05-2019, 07:32 AM
The last "International" event was in 2017 at Valcourt Quebec Canada. There are at this time no such plans, that I know of, for another. When you look at the section for events, most of these annual local events occur around the same time each year. For example, our Nor-Cal Spyder Rally will occur on the second week of September each year. So most likely you can plan pretty close a year out from the event.

Mazo EMS2
06-05-2019, 06:39 PM
Sounds like a fun time, but you might learn to appreciate the "smaller" events more (300-400 people). It seems that folks have more fun and meet more people at smaller events. There was a period when Spyderfest was the go to rally...It outgrew itself and got way out of hand. There is a pretty up to date schedule in the "Spyder Events" forum.

06-06-2019, 09:12 AM
Sounds like a fun time, but you might learn to appreciate the "smaller" events more (300-400 people). It seems that folks have more fun and meet more people at smaller events. There was a period when Spyderfest was the go to rally...It outgrew itself and got way out of hand. There is a pretty up to date schedule in the "Spyder Events" forum.

Yes I have been making a short list of possible smaller club events that I might want to attend in the later half of the summer / fall. I have been to a lot of trade shows and other events of the like in a different industry in my work life. Personally I enjoy the bigger more elaborate events. Thats not to say I don't like smaller ones. Just a personal preference I suppose.

Big F
06-06-2019, 09:33 AM
I hate to say it, but BRP just doesn't seem interested in any Spyder rallys??? as there are several smaller events around the country, I would suggest you look at the annual 3-wheel rally in July of each year in Deadwood, South Dakota. yes, it is for all 3-wheelers, but Spyders dominate the rally. and there is a ton of scenic riding in the Blackhills.

06-06-2019, 09:37 AM
I hate to say it, but BRP just doesn't seem interested in any Spyder rallys??? as there are several smaller events around the country, I would suggest you look at the annual 3-wheel rally in July of each year in Deadwood, South Dakota. yes, it is for all 3-wheelers, but Spyders dominate the rally. and there is a ton of scenic riding in the Blackhills.

Yeah that seems correct...I can't find anything BRP hosted in USA. Granted a few "dealers" but thats not what I considered BRP when said dealer has a ton of other vendors they sell. I had not heard of this 3 wheel rally, thanks i will look into it.

06-06-2019, 09:55 AM
I hate to say it, but BRP just doesn't seem interested in any Spyder rallys??? as there are several smaller events around the country, I would suggest you look at the annual 3-wheel rally in July of each year in Deadwood, South Dakota. yes, it is for all 3-wheelers, but Spyders dominate the rally. and there is a ton of scenic riding in the Blackhills.

I agree with Big F to me it seems as BRP has lost interest in sponsoring rally's anymore, I know that the BIG homecoming in Canada was their ultimate rally and then of course the launching of the Ryker has
been a huge undertaking ...but what about us their hardcore supporters of the Spyders, when I bought my first RT in 2012 I could not make it to all the BRP sponsored rally but as the years have gone by that has diminished to absolutely nothing, which is sad as we still do the rally's when they are in riding distance and look well organized.I would say that BRP (I hope they read this) should commit to at least one big rally each year for us to attend. I think we all should call up BRP customer care and DEMAND at least one BRP sanctioned Rally per year.

06-06-2019, 09:59 AM
I agree with Big F to me it seems as BRP has lost interest in sponsoring rally's anymore, I know that the BIG homecoming in Canada was their ultimate rally and then of course the launching of the Ryker has
been a huge undertaking ...but what about us their hardcore supporters of the Spyders, when I bought my first RT in 2012 I could not make it to all the BRP sponsored rally but as the years have gone by that has diminished to absolutely nothing, which is sad as we still do the rally's when they are in riding distance and look well organized.I would say that BRP (I hope they read this) should commit to at least one big rally each year for us to attend. I think we all should call up BRP customer care and DEMAND at least one BRP sanctioned Rally per year.

I wonder what it would take to develop a BRP sanctioned event...Imagine the size of it if it was in USA like in Central USA...that could be huuuge just sayin

06-06-2019, 11:43 AM
Spyderfest used to be the big national event but no more. BRP and Lamonster exited several years ago and they announced this year was the last one.

06-06-2019, 01:31 PM
I think we all should call up BRP customer care and DEMAND at least one BRP sanctioned Rally per year.

BRP will do what is in its best interests, based on market research and experience. Those have both shown BRP their marketing dollars now are better spent elsewhere.

For now, they seem to be betting on Road Warrior Foundation's Spyder-based rides (which is all about promoting Spyders, by the way; there is little to no demonstrable benefit for mentally-ill veterans).

If BRP thought sponsored rallies were accomplishing what they want to accomplish, marketing-wise, they would continue to support them, but they don't. It's that withdrawing of financial support from BRP that made several rallies unprofitable for the organizers (e.g. Red Rock Spyder Rally).

If you want to see more rally type events, I suggest you put your efforts into supporting existing and new club-sponsored events with your time, energy, talents and money. And, by money I mean willingly pay the registration fees instead of complaining about them, as I've seen some do on this forum.

As to petitioning BRP, I think it would benefit more Spyder Lovers to petition BRP to improve their dealer service network.

06-06-2019, 01:35 PM
BRP will do what is in its best interests, based on market research and experience. Those have both shown them their marketing dollars now are better spent elsewhere. For now, they seem to betting on Road Warrior Foundation's Spyder-based rides (which is all about promoting Spyders, by the way, not supporting wounded warriors, road or otherwise).

If BRP thought sponsored rallies were accomplishing what they want to accomplish, marketing-wise, they would continue to support them, but they don't. It's that lack of financial support from BRP that made several rallies unprofitable for the organizers (e.g. Red Rock Spyder Rally).

If you want to see more events, I suggest you put your efforts into supporting existing and new club-sponsored events with your time, energy, talents and money.

As to petitioning BRP, I think it would benefit more Spyder Lovers to petition them to improve their dealer service network.

Interesting post there UTAHPete...

06-06-2019, 06:50 PM
Yes I have been making a short list of possible smaller club events that I might want to attend in the later half of the summer / fall. I have been to a lot of trade shows and other events of the like in a different industry in my work life. Personally I enjoy the bigger more elaborate events. Thats not to say I don't like smaller ones. Just a personal preference I suppose.

If you prefer bigger more elaborate events you will likely be disappointed in any Spyder rally. The 10th Anniversary only had 3,000 or so attendees and most regional events have a few hundred. None of our events can be compared to Sturgis, Daytona Bike Week, Americade or Wing Ding we just don’t have that many Spyders out there.

Just realize that our events are small in size but still are great fun to attend.

06-06-2019, 08:00 PM
If you prefer bigger more elaborate events you will likely be disappointed in any Spyder rally. The 10th Anniversary only had 3,000 or so attendees and most regional events have a few hundred. None of our events can be compared to Sturgis, Daytona Bike Week, Americade or Wing Ding we just don’t have that many Spyders out there.

Just realize that our events are small in size but still are great fun to attend.

Well 3,000 is large for sure!!! Even say close to 500 is large. I guess in my mind a large event would be one that is worthy of going to. Maybe it’s a different post, but it seems like the smaller events or the bigger ones of the past all have the same things happening at them. Which I would think after awhile of attending gets boring or not worth going to. Thus making it harder for the organizers to put in the effort. Like anything it has to have a point weather it be charity, profit making, awareness etc.. Still needs to have a “point”. If the reason as stated above for BRP’s event was to just generate sales (among other things) then i’d Think that ROI would need to be pretty high. Whereas the smaller events around the country seem to just be “let’s meet up and ride, oh and yeah some vendors will be there”...is another reason.

All this input has me thinking of a few ideas for a major event. But too soon to say if i’d give it a go in planning something. However the gears are turning in my professional event production mind. :) watch this space.

06-06-2019, 08:50 PM
Just an FYI the Deadwood 3 wheeler rally is around 600 registered so far.

06-06-2019, 09:10 PM
Just an FYI the Deadwood 3 wheeler rally is around 600 registered so far.

Lol wow I was just on their website looking into that. Seems like a fun event and going to try to work into my planning for this year. If not next year for sure. I just don’t know if my routing will take me there during that time in July. :/

06-13-2019, 09:43 AM
If you want something different, I'd look at Spyderfever in Council Bluffs, IA for next year. The rally is sold out for this year. It is kept small for the very reason that other rallies that have grown TOO big eventually fail. Unfortunately I think Deadwood is heading in that direction. Spyderfever is more of a reunion of friends than a rally. Home cooking, all meals provided and days that fully occupy your time if you so choose. For more information, check out: www.spyderfever.com

06-13-2019, 10:02 AM
There is also Spyderquest in Lake George, NY in the first week of Sept.

Lew L
06-13-2019, 10:14 AM
BRP reps were well received at a Nor Cal :spyder2: rally a few years ago. If they don't sponsor events -- at least a presence would be appreciated. Not too many embarrassing questions and LOTS of good ones.

Lew L

06-13-2019, 10:23 AM
SpyderFlyer76 where are you in LI? I'm in the Lake Grove area and there is a US Spyder Ryder group that I believe started this year. They have group rides monthly and are looking to grow. I just came back from Americade although not a Spyder event there were quite a few there. I go to Spyderquest in Sept. and am attending the PA Spyder Ryders Whirled tour in July. Both of these events have between 300 to 500 attendees with vendors.

06-13-2019, 10:29 AM
BRP will do what is in its best interests, based on market research and experience. Those have both shown BRP their marketing dollars now are better spent elsewhere.

Very concisely and well said. While it's regrettable that events like the Red Rocks Rally and Spyderfest have ended, unless one has been involved in conducting such an event either as a primary organizer or a DEDICATED volunteer one generally has no idea of what a tremendous undertaking it is. The cheese becomes more binding when volunteers are spread across the country and only a nucleus is available in a geographic area to do the heavy lifting. Everyone wants to attend/participate, but few are willing to put in the sweat equity to make such an event a success. Those who throw themselves into the volunteer jobs eventually suffer burnout.

Spyder Insyder
06-13-2019, 09:47 PM
Unfortunately, it seems to be a (motorcycle) industry wide trend. Fred Rau in a recent article in Motorcycle Consumer News, was lamenting the fact that rallies have gotten smaller with fewer vendors and fewer attendees. His observation is that of a vendor himself, attending several major rallies per year. He claims that due to dwindling attendance, the vendors no longer see the financial incentive, and without them, eventually the promoters no longer have an incentive to make the large investment in time and money.