View Full Version : Temp gauge

05-11-2019, 10:13 AM
Hey can anyone tell me how to test a temp gauge on a 2012 RTL. It seems to be working some, when I start the bike the needle will come up to the bottom of the cold mark and not much further. When I shut it off it falls to the bottom of the gauge. Is there a way to test the gauge or is it a lost cause? Thank you for your time! Mike

05-11-2019, 10:33 AM
Don't know the year but if you don't have a shop manual with the specs one way to test would be to disconnect the fuel and temp gauges and let the digital ones appear on the dash. Then start the engine and let it run and see if the bars go up as the egine warms up. If it does then the sending unit is working and the gauge is faulty if not then the sending unit is faulty. Many just replace the analog gauges with charging ports or battery condition gauges and let the digital ones do the work of keeping you informed as they do a better job. You do have to disconnect both....:thumbup:9

05-11-2019, 10:45 AM
You can disable the analog temperature and fuel gauge easily and the read outs will be in a stacked bar on the main part of the display. You remove 4 torx screws that hold the dash in place then unplug the gauges. You must unplug both the fuel and temp for this to work. The digital gauges are much more accurate and you will immediately know if your problem is a bad analog gauge or a bad sensor.

05-11-2019, 10:51 AM
Thanks to both of you guy's for getting right back to me!!! I was just doing a search on here and came across that thread on unhooking the gauges and think that's the way I'll go, makes since to me!! Thanks again Mike

05-11-2019, 04:05 PM
You'll notice the digital readouts for the fuel and temp gauges will be reversed once you disconnect the the analog gauges. Dale

Snowbelt Spyder
05-11-2019, 06:31 PM
Hey Mikey. What did the temp gauge read when the fan came on while not moving? Slightly above the 3 o'clock position would be normal. Cool days in Maine? The 998 engine does run low in the temperature band when it’s cool out.

05-12-2019, 07:30 AM
When the gauge was working it was about at three as you say! I unhooked the gauges last night and it was a bad tempt gauge, the digit gauge is working fine. I plane on taking them out and putting blanks in there place. Thank you one and all for your help, your :firstplace:

05-12-2019, 08:05 AM
You can get very simple inexpensive blanks from your local ACE hardware or electrical supply, I used the same plastic plug blanks that are used in some electrical panels, been in my dash for thousands of miles.