View Full Version : Looking for the Goodyear number off bottom of RT air bag

05-09-2019, 02:15 PM
I am working on air leaks and modifying my air ride system to suit me...My air bag is leaking and I would like to buy a replacement, but NOT from BRP...There is a GOODYEAR part number on the bottom but due to wear I cannot read all the numbers...It is something like this;
?79-080-217-00??... The ? marks are the numbers I'm missing...Looking for someone that has a new or used bag that can supply all the correct numbers so I can try and purchase a replacement...

(no I do NOT want to Slime it)

Any help greatly appreciated...

THANK YOU, larryd

05-09-2019, 02:49 PM
Seems like lately all I use are flashlights and magnifying glasses !!

Doc - Riverside
05-09-2019, 05:11 PM
Found on a used bag for sale on E-bay

179-080-217-0000 and the top 6 digit number is 164-217. It's a Goodyear "Super-Cushion Air Spring"

05-09-2019, 06:49 PM
WOW, props to you Doc for being so resourceful.

05-10-2019, 12:33 AM
I am working on air leaks and modifying my air ride system to suit me...My air bag is leaking and I would like to buy a replacement, but NOT from BRP..
Prospects for doing that are somewhere close to zero and none. A Google search on the part # comes up empty.

05-10-2019, 06:30 AM
Probably proprietary part. Doc does have a wear sleeve he sell for the bag