View Full Version : What have you center the bike over to avoid on road to end up hitting back tire

06-27-2009, 09:32 AM
What have you centered your spyder over as you travel down the road thinking in a flash I avoided that one to only discover in a micro second, and a bump off the back end that you hit it any how.

1. I hit a coon doing around 50 MPH which I slowed down a little from 60 MPH. I tried to avoid it but some times it is safer to hit it straight up.
I do not even think I broke that coons stride across the road.

2. Last night coming around a curve I spotted something in my lane but close to the center line so I take the line to the right of it thinking it was a piece of recap tire. As I got close I notice it was moving, and it was to late to do anything but center it, and I thought again wow I missed something, and then thump up goes the rear end as the back tire hit this large snapping turtle.
Dam snapping turtle I hope I did not hurt him but there was nothing I could do.

06-29-2009, 10:53 PM
It takes some getting used to, but there IS a way to avoid cracks, holes, and animals by just missing the obstacle with the inside of the front tire and hoping to just miss it with the back tire. There's about a foot to play with. A moving target is a tough one, and you always have the option to slow and swerve IF safe to do so.
Tomcat in Iowa:yikes:

06-30-2009, 04:15 AM
I thought again wow I missed something, and then thump up goes the rear end as the back tire hit this large snapping turtle.
Damn snapping turtle I hope I did not hurt him but there was nothing I could do.

I doubt it was a LARGE one, see the photo at the following link of a MEDIUM size one here in Pensacola.


06-30-2009, 07:59 AM
I agree with Tomcat on avoiding stuff. In the event you dont have time, or just cant avoid hitting something, I am a firm believer that its better to hit with the rear wheel rather than either of the 2 fronts. If you get a blowout, it will be much easier to control the rear flat than one of the fronts.

06-30-2009, 11:07 AM
I doubt it was a LARGE one, see the photo at the following link of a MEDIUM size one here in Pensacola.


Yowsa. That's a medium? :dontknow: :helpsmilie:

06-30-2009, 11:40 AM
You can get more than a foot between the front and rear tires by 'veering' at the right time - done that plenty of times - only twice to avoid something alive. Practice on potholes and dead animals all the time though - pretty easy to miss them, but sometimes you are better hitting them dead on.

06-30-2009, 12:10 PM
I had the distinct pleasure to center a freshly killed opposum one fine morning and experienced the one and only Possum assisted launching ever experienced in WV! I dam near lost breakfast from the sight and feeling of the experience. The next stop was the car wash to remove the blood stains and guts from under the rear bodywork and coil over spring and shock. Who the heck ever heard of a partial rear fender? Not my best experience on the bike for sure! Bill

06-30-2009, 12:14 PM
Compared to that, I guess I've only seen baby snappers!!!

I'd hate to meet up with something like that barefoot in a pond!!!!!!!

07-02-2009, 07:51 AM
I had the distinct pleasure to center a freshly killed opposum one fine morning and experienced the one and only Possum assisted launching ever experienced in WV! I dam near lost breakfast from the sight and feeling of the experience. The next stop was the car wash to remove the blood stains and guts from under the rear bodywork and coil over spring and shock. Who the heck ever heard of a partial rear fender? Not my best experience on the bike for sure! Bill
:wrong: Now I have real incentive to avoid gooey things in the road. Guess I'll practice the 'just inside front wheel' technique! Thanks for sharing!

07-02-2009, 08:55 PM
I'm glad to know somebody else has worried about that as well!! It's a weird feeling...it's hard to explain. You think ,whew, I missed that only to relaize that the back tire's run flat dap on it! It's a nasty BRP mind trick!


07-02-2009, 09:06 PM
What have you centered your spyder over as you travel down the road thinking in a flash I avoided that one to only discover in a micro second, and a bump off the back end that you hit it any how.

1. I hit a coon doing around 50 MPH which I slowed down a little from 60 MPH. I tried to avoid it but some times it is safer to hit it straight up.
I do not even think I broke that coons stride across the road.

2. Last night coming around a curve I spotted something in my lane but close to the center line so I take the line to the right of it thinking it was a piece of recap tire. As I got close I notice it was moving, and it was to late to do anything but center it, and I thought again wow I missed something, and then thump up goes the rear end as the back tire hit this large snapping turtle.
Dam snapping turtle I hope I did not hurt him but there was nothing I could do.\
Ride a quad!

07-03-2009, 05:22 PM
I hit a rabbit one day on my way to work. He was running across the road and I was sure I was going to miss him and he darted back the other way, why do they do that? Anyway, at first I thought I only nicked him because I hears something and when I looked back, there was nothing in the road. As I rolled up to the stop sign, that is when I saw it, the rabbit was caught in my front wheel. I had to pull over and get off and take him out. It was so sad. No blood or guts, but I do believe he had a broken neck. I wanted to cry. I try very hard not to hit anything but sometimes you can't veer into another lane or a ditch and you do what you have to do. If that little guy would have just kept going, he would still be alive today.