View Full Version : I知 Confused about 2018 RTL Software Up Dates???

04-12-2019, 07:53 PM
Can someone please help me under stand software up dates. I知 picking up a 2018 Spyder RTL next week from a dealer 200 miles from me and only want to make one trip. Its ready to go waiting for software up dates. Dealer said there cable was bad and was getting a new cable. I asked to have software up dates 13.20 and 20.8 since I don稚 know what the up dates are how will I know if they were both done? Are these 2 separate up dates or just one up date to the other. Dealer has been very nice, but I want to trust but verify, the updates have been. How will I verify up dates have been done? Can they print a update sheet for the Spyder showing both updates have been done?



04-12-2019, 08:55 PM
First off, this is considered a FIRMWARE update. It updates the HARDWARE for the dashboard using a software download. Technically a software update is something different. That might sound nit-picky, but I spent 26 years in the Air Force doing Network Operations, so I'm a Nit-Picky Computer Geek. :roflblack:

Whatever version of the update is installed on your Spyder should be listed (shown) on the dashboard display if you use the dashboard menu selections to get to where it is displayed. You will want to go to Settings/About/? (the question mark) and it will list BOTH the Software and Hardware (Firmware) versions installed. IT SHOULD BE V020.80 for the Software Version (see pics of my dashboard below).

If your dealer tells you the update is not for the 2018/2019 Spyder RT, tell them it IS and to plug in the cable. Their in-house COMPUTERS (sitting on their desks) database may not show your 2018 or 2019 RT has the update available. That is an error in their dealer's desktop computer database tracking system (and isn't their fault). If they plug in the cable to your 2018/2019 RT it SHOULD tell them the update is available and they SHOULD be able to download and install it. How they get from whatever version that is on your RT now to the newest version 020.80 is up to them. If they say "no" and insist the V020.80 update is not for your 2018 or 2019 RT, you need to go find another dealer that knows about their own products they sell.

Where to go in the Menu selection (click RIGHT one more time for the ? in the "About" section)

After selecting the ?, the 2nd line down under "Version" should show BOTH the GSS SW and CSS SW as V020.80. THAT IS YOUR VERIFICATION. Yes...yes...the "SW" stands for "software", and the V020.80 is the name of the "software version". The line underneath that shows the Hardware Version (the HW). In this case, the software update is updating the hardware (Firmware) too...but that does not always mean the hardware version number will change. That's the "nit-picky" part of what I was saying at the top of the post. The Air Force spent a lot of money teaching me stuff like that. :ohyea: :thumbup:

If your dealer is awaiting a new cable that works, they might NOT be able to even tell that the update is available for your Spyder RT. As of about a week ago, my dealer's BRP database system did not list the update as being for the RT's...only the F3's. That is just an error in their databases. Plugging in the cable to your RT SHOULD show them the update is available if it hasn't already been done.

Hope that all helps answer your questions.

04-12-2019, 10:18 PM
I think 20.8 is easiest to tell by the left hand display has the miles left to drive display.

04-12-2019, 10:20 PM
Both updates do not need to be done. Only the latest, no matter what firmware level you are at now.

Which cable was bad? There are 2 required to flash the new dash firmware.

04-12-2019, 10:49 PM
OK so where does 13.20 fit in to this?

04-12-2019, 10:52 PM
I think 20.8 is easiest to tell by the left hand display has the miles left to drive display.

Well...yeah...that works AFTER the update is done. But the OP sounded like a totally new Spyder owner, so I was also telling him how he could see what version was already installed. If he didn't know if he already had 13.2, he would have to use the menu system to determine that.

As an aside, I don't want anyone here to think I'm doing "overkill" with any of my answers in this forum. It's just that I was also an Instructor in the Air Force for 7 of my 26 years too. One of the priciples of teaching is to teach from the Known to the Unknown. It's part of the Common Core of Experience concept of teaching. So, the OP seemed to be totally new as to what was already "known" to him about how to check for the version number on his Spyder. So my answer STARTED at the level of "Unknown" I assumed he was at based on his question(s).

I see answers in forums every day that assume a poster already knows something about what the "teacher" answers for them. That normally just results in more questions from the "student" who asked the original question(s).

Spyder Insyder
04-12-2019, 11:13 PM
Can someone please help me under stand software up dates. I’m picking up a 2018 Spyder RTL next week from a dealer 200 miles from me and only want to make one trip. Its ready to go waiting for software up dates. Dealer said there cable was bad and was getting a new cable. I asked to have software up dates 13.20 and 20.8 since I don’t know what the up dates are how will I know if they were both done? Are these 2 separate up dates or just one up date to the other. Dealer has been very nice, but I want to trust but verify, the updates have been. How will I verify up dates have been done? Can they print a update sheet for the Spyder showing both updates have been done?



Falcon AF has given you some very good information. I purchased my 2018 RTL new in October, and it came with v11.xx software. Last month I took my Spyder back to the dealer to have the 3K service done, and requested the v20.8 update. I was there for an additional hour and a half while they tried several times to get the software to download. Finally they called BRP for help, and were told that a generic usb cable will not work, and that they must use the cable that each dealer received from BRP. They finally located the BRP cable, and then the download was successful. Use the procedure Falcon AF posted to determine the version on your bike.


04-13-2019, 06:35 AM
FalconAF thank you so much for that very helpful information and so well explained.

04-13-2019, 07:53 AM
Ok I think I get it now Firmware up date for the dash board is VO 20.80 which is a update from 13.20 is this correct?


04-13-2019, 07:58 AM
OK so where does 13.20 fit in to this?

It is the previous now obsolete version. Forget about it. You want the latest and greatest.

04-13-2019, 08:30 AM
Ok I think I get it now Firmware up date for the dash board is VO 20.80 which is a update from 13.20 is this correct?


You are correct!

04-13-2019, 08:34 AM
Falcon AF has given you some very good information. I purchased my 2018 RTL new in October, and it came with v11.xx software. Last month I took my Spyder back to the dealer to have the 3K service done, and requested the v20.8 update. I was there for an additional hour and a half while they tried several times to get the software to download. Finally they called BRP for help, and were told that a generic usb cable will not work, and that they must use the cable that each dealer received from BRP. They finally located the BRP cable, and then the download was successful. Use the procedure Falcon AF posted to determine the version on your bike.


I bought my USB cable from a local electronics store. I have done 2 updates on my dash. Both without a problem with this cable. The brp usb cable is not special. Brp specs the cable to be usb 2 spec.

04-13-2019, 11:28 AM
I don't know anything specific about "The Cable" required. All I know is that there is "A Cable". But from my previous motorcycle experience, if "The Cable" is from the motorcycle manufacturer, it probably costs an arm and a leg more than a different "A Cable" that might also work. :roflblack:

04-13-2019, 11:42 AM
I think 20.8 is easiest to tell by the left hand display has the miles left to drive display.

We are actually going to get a Range display?? Miles left on the current amount of fuel? YEA :clap:

04-13-2019, 12:06 PM
We are actually going to get a Range display?? Miles left on the current amount of fuel? YEA :clap:

On left side of the digital dashboard, just right of the fuel gauge. And you don't even need a microscope to read it. It might even indicate over 200 miles remaining if you just filled up the Spyder and you aren't moving yet. But once you start moving, that fantasy will quickly end. :clap:


04-13-2019, 01:36 PM
I've found it goes up and down just like my car depending on how you are driving. I filled up once without turning the key off and it did not reset. Also I had dash crash, pretty sure it was related to being below zero. I turned it on and got cascading rainbow barcode. Turned key off and then back on, same thing. I hit eco button and saw complete dash flash with same display, started it and it did not clear. I remembered from this forum the take the key away and retry thing. I took the key out walked away, came back and everything was fine no codes.

04-13-2019, 01:58 PM
The magical key walk is a myth. Causes no real harm except a waste of time and effort.

04-14-2019, 08:32 AM
Thank You to everyone that helped me understand and now will be able to verify that I have the new update VO 20 .80 when I pick up my 2019 RT Limited.

04-21-2019, 02:26 PM
The dealer service writer tells me that that my Dash has the latest firmware... I show him I have 13.20 then I have to explain it to him that the latest version is 20.8, he asks the tech comes back and says the tech plugged in and it did not take an update so what should we do.
I have to tell him to call BRP and ask them how to get 20.8 on their computer.. so they are gonna call on Monday
If I could do it I wouldn't need the dealer... and they tried to charge me for an alignment when Ive only had it 3 weeks and it always puled to the right. I like you should check that **** before giving to the customer.
1 Free Laser Alignment later and she rides like a whole new monster. No more bobbing back and forth in the lane very stable now.

04-21-2019, 10:42 PM
The dealer service writer tells me that that my Dash has the latest firmware... I show him I have 13.20 then I have to explain it to him that the latest version is 20.8, he asks the tech comes back and says the tech plugged in and it did not take an update so what should we do.
I have to tell him to call BRP and ask them how to get 20.8 on their computer.. so they are gonna call on Monday
If I could do it I wouldn't need the dealer... and they tried to charge me for an alignment when Ive only had it 3 weeks and it always puled to the right. I like you should check that **** before giving to the customer.
1 Free Laser Alignment later and she rides like a whole new monster. No more bobbing back and forth in the lane very stable now.

Maybe a cable problem? See post #4 above.

04-22-2019, 08:46 AM
The dealer service writer tells me that that my Dash has the latest firmware... I show him I have 13.20 then I have to explain it to him that the latest version is 20.8, he asks the tech comes back and says the tech plugged in and it did not take an update so what should we do.
I have to tell him to call BRP and ask them how to get 20.8 on their computer.. so they are gonna call on Monday
If I could do it I wouldn't need the dealer... and they tried to charge me for an alignment when Ive only had it 3 weeks and it always puled to the right. I like you should check that **** before giving to the customer.
1 Free Laser Alignment later and she rides like a whole new monster. No more bobbing back and forth in the lane very stable now.

From your description of what they told you. There are 2 possibilities here.

The tech never plugged in the laptop to see if there was an update available. If he did. This is what he should have seen in the pictures below. In picture 1 scan screen. Notice the red lighting bolt in the cluster button. That means mandatory flash required. In picture 2, cluster flash screen. See details of the mandatory flash.

Second possibility is the tech saw this and tried to flash it and it failed. Because he needed to connect a second cable from the laptop to the usb cable in your front trunk. Because the gauge cluster is flashed through the usb cable.