View Full Version : Passenger specifications

04-06-2019, 08:21 PM
I am a new registered user and currently don't have a spyder, still on two wheels. I have been lurking on the site for about a year and have taken a Spyder training course.

Is there a model of spyder which gives greater wind protection (less helmet buffeting) to the passenger? We plan to do some demo rides soon but any info. concerning this would help in the planning process.

This is my first post, hope I folllowed all the protocols.


04-06-2019, 08:38 PM
I am a new registered user and currently don't have a spyder, still on two wheels. I have been lurking on the site for about a year and have taken a Spyder training course.

Is there a model of spyder which gives greater wind protection (less helmet buffeting) to the passenger? We plan to do some demo rides soon but any info. concerning this would help in the planning process.

This is my first post, hope I folllowed all the protocols.


Hi Poasttown, if passenger helmet buffeting and general wind protection for the passenger is your prime consideration, then you would probably be better looking at the RT models with an electronically adjustable screen. They also provide a bit more general wind protection than the F3 models. You will still have to get your screen size sorted first, but you can’t beat that on-the-fly ability to keep the passenger most comfortable. The F3 models don’t currently have alectronic screens, but you can get manually adjustable ones from Madstad.


04-07-2019, 09:22 AM
You really need to do test rides of both the RTL and the F3L to make a true comparison. Give your passenger lots of say in the choice. Wind buffeting and also seating comfort will be different between the two. As Peteoz has said, the RT will give you the possibility of electronically adjustable windscreen. Also, the standard F3L will come with a very short windscreen; this will not give a very fair comparison, and you should be aware that larger, bigger, wider choices are available from a number of makers. We chose an F3L because we preferred its riding comfort over the RT. We do mostly two-up day cruising, not much, if any, touring. Take your intended usage into account when choosing. We're still trying out different windscreens; currently on our 4th version. We found one which was very quiet and comfortable but, because we also ride in warmer climates much of the time, we switched back to something a bit more breezy, but not totally buffeting. It comes down to personal choice, and you probably won't find your true comfort zone until you go through the trial and error process. That begins by test rides to choose between an RT or F3 model, then revise from there by picking a favorite windscreen to suit your personal needs on the model of Spyder you decide on. There are a number of options.