View Full Version : Having dealer use a "car" tire as a replacement on a Spyder

03-30-2019, 06:19 AM
I called a local Spyder repair show concerning replacement of the stock Spyder tires with a car tire. I read the posts of our community saying the last longer and rider better. He would not entertain it and said it was a liability issue. How did other get the replacement done? I am in no way shape or form qualified to do it myself.

03-30-2019, 06:48 AM
Call around and see who does motorcycle tire changes some auto shops can do them too if they are setup

03-30-2019, 07:08 AM
Call around and see who does motorcycle tire changes some auto shops can do them too if they are setup

I agree. If your dealer can't or won't see the light, you just have to try harder. Being able to remove the wheels and take them somewhere will help you greatly. The rear wheel is usually the sticking point with this approach. But if you can manage this hurdle, you should be able to get it done.

As far as I know, in the 10 years that people have been putting 'Car' tires on their Spyder, there have been zero liability issues. I'd say that is a much better track record than some of the things that dealerships do on a regular basis. It has always amazed me that putting a better product on your vehicle constitutes a liability issue. Sometimes I wonder if it isn't more of a revenue issue.

03-30-2019, 07:54 AM
The guy I get my tires from said no problem, “when you need new ones on the Spyder we will take care of it”. He said he had ones that would work. I only have 6000 miles on mine so it will wait a while.

03-30-2019, 08:00 AM
I just did it yesterday on the front, bought the tires online took the wheels off the Spyder went to Costco and had them mounted and balanced.

03-30-2019, 08:37 AM
Where in PA are you? I'm pretty sure that SmithMarineUSA.com in Doylestown told me they would handle this when needed.
Check around...

Easy Rider
03-30-2019, 09:05 AM
He would not entertain it and said it was a liability issue.

Either he is a moron or is lying to you.

This is no different than putting higher load range tires on your car or truck.
There is NO "liability issue".

The stock Spyder tires ARE car tires; just very low load range ones.

03-30-2019, 10:52 AM
Some dealers are installing car tires others will not. I know when we installed customer supplied parts we had a disclosure they signed to that effect and we were not liable or did we warranty the job. But check with ryding buddies, spyders to the rescue and even other bike shops to see if they will help out even if just to get the wheels off and back on again. Wheels alone can be done at most tire shops....:thumbup:

03-30-2019, 11:51 AM
Has anyone tried RUN FLAT car tires with their stiffer sidewalls? If so, your thoughts?

03-30-2019, 12:32 PM
"They" do it on Wings and other bikes all the time. Just keep checking around if that is what you want. The persistent always win. There are many, many threads offering helpful advice as to which tires are good. And...we have never heard of a major tire failure caused by a car tire on a Spyder. :yes:

03-30-2019, 01:09 PM
4th dealer I called is willing to do it with signed waiver.
Tech said he is number 3 master spyder tech in the nation.
He doesn’t recommend car tires on spyder due to damage it can do if I have a blow out but he will install whatever I bring in. He also said that some have went back to kenda because they didn’t like the ride but those may had too high of an air pressure.

03-30-2019, 01:23 PM
4th dealer I called is willing to do it with signed waiver.
Tech said he is number 3 master spyder tech in the nation.
He doesn’t recommend car tires on spyder due to damage it can do if I have a blow out but he will install whatever I bring in. He also said that some have went back to kenda because they didn’t like the ride but those may had too high of an air pressure.

The " BS " meter just went off the scale …. :roflblack::roflblack::roflblack: …….. " BLOW OUT " …. tubeless tires don't /can't blow out ….not even the crappy Kenda's ………… His knowledge isn't just LOW … He is dangerously stupid..... His claim to be #3rd master spyder tech in the nation ….. Not based on what He has said so far …… Maybe 3rd. from the bottom :roflblack::roflblack: ………… jmho … ( and probably others as well ) ….. I wouldn't let Him touch my lawnmower ……. Mike :ohyea:

03-30-2019, 01:40 PM
Has anyone tried RUN FLAT car tires with their stiffer sidewalls? If so, your thoughts?

I don't know how run flats would react on a Spyder. They came on my BMW Z4 and I couldn't get rid of them fast enough. Because of their stiffness, they track with every little pavement seam. The car handled much better after they were gone. I also found out not every tire shop was equipt or willing to install run flats. They are so stiff that some shops were worried about damaging wheels during installation..... Jim

03-30-2019, 02:01 PM
wheel are designated with a code car tires are designated J bead spydre are J beads
the shops want to sell there tires

03-30-2019, 03:27 PM
I don't know how run flats would react on a Spyder. They came on my BMW Z4 and I couldn't get rid of them fast enough. Because of their stiffness, they track with every little pavement seam. The car handled much better after they were gone. I also found out not every tire shop was equipt or willing to install run flats. They are so stiff that some shops were worried about damaging wheels during installation..... Jim

:agree::agree: ….The RUN flat tire thing came up years ago ….. I did quite a bit of research and decided EVEN they came in a size that would fit I wouldn't buy them ….. Mike :ohyea:

Easy Rider
03-30-2019, 04:13 PM
He doesn’t recommend car tires on spyder due to damage it can do if I have a blow out

Ask him how he thinks that would be any different than with the stock Kenda tires.
Hint: It isn't.

03-30-2019, 04:39 PM
Thanks fellas. I was just curious about run flats and you filled me n very well. I won't even consider them for a car. That's what I like about this forum.

03-30-2019, 05:10 PM
4th dealer I called is willing to do it with signed waiver.
That's fine. No problem signing the waiver. Probably first thing to get thrown out if it ever went to court anyway. (But don't tell them that!)

Tech said he is number 3 master spyder tech in the nation.
How did he determine this? I didn't know BRP ranked their tech's nationally. Does he have an official plaque on the wall or something? I'd say a bit of a wiggle on the BS meter there.

He doesn’t recommend car tires on spyder due to damage it can do if I have a blow out...
Whoa Nelly! We got a whopper going there! I suppose Kenda's don't do any damage when they 'Blow Out'?! And which do you think more likely go? One that balloons out at speed, wears in the middle with only 2 ply steel belts in the tread? Or the one that does not balloon out, wears evenly across the entire tread and has 4 ply steel belts?

The real story here is that blow-outs are pretty much unheard of on the Spyder. And if you do have a blow-out. You've got much bigger problems than what tire you are running.

He also said that some have went back to kenda because they didn’t like the ride but those may had too high of an air pressure.
I would agree with him here. Some have gone back to the Kenda for the softer compound. But some have aired their car tire to the specs. on the tire itself. Since the tire is designed to carry a heavier load than the Spyder. You need to compensate with a lower tire pressure. Usually 24 psi is good to go on a Spyder mounted car tire (Rear).

The other factor here is that just because a tire fits your Spyder, does not mean it is an ideal replacement for the Kenda. You need to do your homework and not just slap any old car tire on.

The message here is that there are still dealerships that think they can flim-flam the unsuspecting customer. They don't realize that customers have good alternate sources for information these days. And it's getting harder than ever to pass off wooden nickles. Hang in there! You're on the right track. And done right, you'll find it well worth the effort. It's always hardest when you do it the first time.

Fat Baxter
03-30-2019, 08:23 PM
I talked to my local dealership's manager last year about their "no substitute for Kenda" policy. He claims their umbrella corporation's lawyers came down with the policy. He knows all about J-codes, etc. He also claimed that another Spyder dealer in the region was successfully sued for "putting car tires on a motorcycle" after a rider was killed in an accident. He also said that me signing a waiver won't hold up in court.

I need a new rear tire, but the third-party, Spyder savvy guy who mounted my last one (General Altimax RT43) moved away, and none of the other dealers in my region will mount anything other than Kendas. Not even with a waiver. So it appears I'm fooked.

03-31-2019, 04:51 AM
I don't know how run flats would react on a Spyder. They came on my BMW Z4 and I couldn't get rid of them fast enough. Because of their stiffness, they track with every little pavement seam. The car handled much better after they were gone. I also found out not every tire shop was equipt or willing to install run flats. They are so stiff that some shops were worried about damaging wheels during installation..... Jim

Think also run flats use a different wheel (inside profile)

03-31-2019, 04:54 AM
Watch this and contact the guy I did https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0VfkJRKHOM

03-31-2019, 07:34 AM
He also claimed that another Spyder dealer in the region was successfully sued for "putting car tires on a motorcycle" after a rider was killed in an accident.

I'd like to get more information on this. I can't find anything in a Google search. But then I looked specifically for lawsuit involving a Spyder. And this case, if it is true, may be in regards to an actual motorcycle. Which is a completely different animal with a lot more legal exposure for a number of reasons.

Easy Rider
03-31-2019, 09:29 AM
He also claimed that another Spyder dealer in the region was successfully sued for "putting car tires on a motorcycle" after a rider was killed in an accident.

Total BS.
Call him on this.
I bet he can't give you a jurisdiction and case number for this obvious lie.

03-31-2019, 01:47 PM
Hi Easy Rider,

Re: I bet he can't give you a jurisdiction and case number for this obvious lie.

It never ceases to amaze me how so many auto/etc dealers out there think that the internet forums do not exist.

The days of them feeding us their BS is long gone.

Jerry Baumchen

03-31-2019, 04:01 PM
Hi Easy Rider,

Re: I bet he can't give you a jurisdiction and case number for this obvious lie.

It never ceases to amaze me how so many auto/etc dealers out there think that the internet forums do not exist.

The days of them feeding us their BS is long gone.

Jerry Baumchen

Thank you & :agree::agree::agree:...…………….. Mike :ohyea: