View Full Version : Butt Burner Gold 1500 miles in 24 hours

Pirate looks at --
03-27-2019, 10:40 AM
My wife and I are planning a Butt Burner Gold ryde. Wanted to see who else there has attempted this ryde, and what advice you can lend. We have completed the Saddle Sore 1000 in 19.25 hours and loved every minute of it. That was when we had an RTL with a 998. We now have an F3L and an 2018 RTL so we believe that we can cut out a lot of gas stop time with better mileage. Very interested in the advice any of you have on that!

03-27-2019, 10:49 AM
Lets see....🤔 that would be 62+mph for 24 hours....need to find those 75/80 mph roads if you plan to eat, sleep, get gas....:roflblack: Let us know how it goes....:thumbup:

Pirate looks at --
03-27-2019, 11:31 AM
Yep, all interstate between Nor-Cal and Winslow AZ and back. There will be no sleep!

03-27-2019, 11:38 AM
Let us know how it all goes. Sounds like a great adventure ahead. :bowdown:

03-27-2019, 01:23 PM
IF you do that all on Monday, April 1st (12:01 AM to 11:59 PM) you can apply for the Fool's Gold BBG.
Weather and Spring flooding mean it's a no go for us (in the Midwest) this year.
Doing that ride with two people is harder than with one, rest stops take longer, even if both are driving separate cycles.

I've done a couple SS1K in one day (17 hrs+), BB 1500 (1500 within 36hrs), and BB Silver (within 30 hrs) on my 998, but have not tried the BBG yet. Sleep well before and you'll sleep well after! We took plenty of fluids, for the BB's, and ate protein shakes for lunch and a late day snack. Re-Read the IBA's "ARCHIVE OF WISDOM" (AOW) (http://ironbutt.com/?p=942FCCFF837D0FCE9580213E8A8FF390)
And if you're really gonna push your tank limits, carry spare gas in an approved container.
I use a 1 Gallon Reda can that fit's great in the trunk. Used it once on my last SS1K when headwinds killed my RT's mileage.

03-27-2019, 02:47 PM
As Buford would say! You can think about it, but don't do it.

Pirate looks at --
03-27-2019, 02:56 PM
As Buford would say! You can think about it, but don't do it.

That’s interesting, why would you say that!

Pirate looks at --
03-27-2019, 03:05 PM
IF you do that all on Monday, April 1st (12:01 AM to 11:59 PM) you can apply for the Fool's Gold BBG.
Weather and Spring flooding mean it's a no go for us (in the Midwest) this year.
Doing that ride with two people is harder than with one, rest stops take longer, even if both are driving separate cycles.

I've done a couple SS1K in one day (17 hrs+), BB 1500 (1500 within 36hrs), and BB Silver (within 30 hrs) on my 998, but have not tried the BBG yet. Sleep well before and you'll sleep well after! We took plenty of fluids, for the BB's, and ate protein shakes for lunch and a late day snack. Re-Read the IBA's "ARCHIVE OF WISDOM" (AOW) (http://ironbutt.com/?p=942FCCFF837D0FCE9580213E8A8FF390)
And if you're really gonna push your tank limits, carry spare gas in an approved container.
I use a 1 Gallon Reda can that fit's great in the trunk. Used it once on my last SS1K when headwinds killed my RT's mileage.

Dave, thanks for the advice really handy. Our first was with three SPYDERS. We packed all of our food and drink. Quick easy to eat sandwiches, lots of water, but against the common wisdom we did down a couple of5 hour energies. The 998 held us back as we made a least 3 extra gas stops. The worst part was that the gas pumps at the stations we stopped at were always messing with us. Had to go in leave a credit card, fill up, go get the credit card etc. we wasted a lot of time with that. I like IBAs suggestion of a location tracker for this rather long ryde, as well as a tire repair kit. We are going to go for the gold, but not be disappointed if we only end up with Silver!

Purple Guy
03-27-2019, 05:06 PM
Good luck to you guys!
I've done the 1000 mi 3 times, each time stating I've done it don't need to do it again!!!
Can't imagine 1500 mi :yikes:
Let us know how it turns out! :thumbup:

03-27-2019, 07:20 PM
That’s interesting, why would you say that!

Because 1500 miles in 24 hrs is unrealistic. I wouldn't do that in a luxury car. I feel it would be dangerous. Fatigue would set in and you would definitely not be a safe rider at that point. Not worth it imo.

Two cats
03-27-2019, 07:49 PM
Because 1500 miles in 24 hrs is unrealistic. I wouldn't do that in a luxury car. I feel it would be dangerous. Fatigue would set in and you would definitely not be a safe rider at that point. Not worth it imo.

I agree with you. 1000 miles is hard enough. But the next 500 would seem like a eternity. Hope all goes well for you. Good luck.

03-27-2019, 09:44 PM
Way back in the Olden Days, in my early 20s, I had to make a long trip in just 2 days. My roommate gave me a cross top pill, I don't know what it really is, I was WIRED FOR 3 DAYS. When I got home I slept for 5 days straight and I thought it was just 1 day. Totally lost 4 days. And I was starving.

03-27-2019, 10:43 PM
Pirate, I use the Bubbler GPS Pro on my phone connected to a Spotwalla account, which also allows me to have an "At-home" safety over-watch. I set it up so either my wife or Mother-in-Law can watch our trip progress live on a computer screen and would know when an un-planned stop (or crash) might have happened. The Pro version allows more frequent updates and some other nice to have features.

My first BB 1500 was completed in 30 hrs, 20 mins and we weren't trying for a BB Silver even. This included a restaurant stop for Lunch, Dinner, and Breakfast (https://spotwalla.com/tripViewer.php?id=1a1175b47f276411f1), with a couple 20 minute+ naps (on the spyder). 90% Interstate, I can relate to the Pay at the Pump issues, been there done that. You doing it on a triple should be easy enough with good rest before and after. We did it on 2 Spyders and felt safe all the way.
I can imagine older folks wouldn't feel that way. Shoot the IBA just announced a Seniors Rally for this year. Unfortunately I don't qualify.

Ignore the naysayers, they just don't get it. Go for it. Send me a link to your Spotwalla trip before you go.

Pirate looks at --
03-28-2019, 12:13 AM
Because 1500 miles in 24 hrs is unrealistic. I wouldn't do that in a luxury car. I feel it would be dangerous. Fatigue would set in and you would definitely not be a safe rider at that point. Not worth it imo.
Interesting, I guess that would be true for you. Not for me, I have trained hard for this, and I know, it can be done. Now to share with you more about the plan. If I get tired (doubt it) I can change the goal to a Bunn Burner Silver and grab 6 hours of sleep, finishing in under 30 hours. Or get really relaxed and finish in 36 hours. Either way it is an accomplishment and an adventure, I will experience, and others won’t. Thanks for the negative I put though. Enjoy the couch!

Abbot Spyder
03-28-2019, 05:30 AM
Go do it. I did a few iron butt ride and when it's done awesome feeling. I drank coconut water, because it help with cramps. Big breakfast in the morning, and a lot of energy bar. When you fuel up bathroom stop move your arm and legs for helping circulation.

03-28-2019, 07:34 AM
The Bun Burner Gold is the hardest Iron Butt there is when you do the math. And it can be the one that will get you in trouble if you aren't realistic about it.

I've done several SS1000's on two wheels (before my accident 3 years ago). They are a piece of cake if you get proper rest before you start. And, of course, you must be in good enough physical condition to do one to begin with. If you can't ride for more than an hour without getting a sore butt, you shouldn't even be trying one in the first place. For an SS1000 on the Interstate at Interstate speeds, you "bank" 1 hour of "free time" you can be off the bike for every 2 hours riding. You only need to average 41 MPH to do an SS1000 in 24 hours. You can do an SS1000 in 16 hours if you just stop for gas and bathroom breaks.

The BBG 1500 in 24 hours is a totally different animal. All you have time for at a gas stop is fill the tank up, take a potty break (fast one!), and get back on the bike again. Seriously. If you do the math of the average speed required (as someone did above), you don't have time for a 30 minute stop WITHOUT VIOLATING SPEED LIMITS. Your gas receipts times will show you would have exceeded the speed limits something fierce between gas stops to make up for that lost time (yes, the IBA will check the time vs distance between your gas receipts to make sure you weren't being stupid).

Heck, the Coast-to-Coast in 50 hours (San Diego to Jacksonville, FL) is easier time-wise and rest breaks wise than a BBG. You can stop at a hotel and sleep in a real bed for 6 - 8 hours during a coast to coast.

If ANYTHING slows you down speed limit wise on a BBG, you won't make it without breaking speed limit laws. If you encounter a reduced speed construction zone, or a rush hour traffic slowdown anytime during the ride, it's over most of the time...unless you want to start trying "stupid stuff" to make up for it. Which is totally AGAINST the IBA rules and philosophy. If you are going to try a BBG, the biggest thing to know is when you WON'T be able to make it in the allotted time anymore during the ride. And then...don't try to. That's what can/will get you killed.

03-28-2019, 08:12 AM
Don't think you'll see much at that rate, but good luck, stay safe, have fun!!!!:2thumbs: Oh and butt rubs for all!!!!

03-28-2019, 08:13 AM
I say, "go for it"! I wish I could, but it takes too much out of me. The most that I have done on a bike is 600 miles on my 2014 RT. It was nothing for the bike, but I had a sore a$$ afterwards. Since then, I have been able to up my seat time on my F3T, but I still don't think I will be doing much over about 500 miles in a day. Let us know how it works out for you. Again, good luck with this challenge.

03-28-2019, 08:51 AM
Bananas, and I mean that in a good way. Eat a Banana at regular intervals, helps with potential cramps as well, but it really sounds like you've prepped yourself well. BBG is on my list as well for this year, but we're thinking of doing MN, SD, WY, and back. SD and WY both have 80MPH Interstates.
And of course remember the adage, slow is smooth smooth is fast. I start practicing my fuel stop routine with logging requirements before heading out. Each fuel stop I press fuel stop button on Bubbler GPS Pro(It logs a special indicator on the Spotwalla map submitted to IBA), manually pump the fuel with minimal topping off, get receipt, get a photo of the odometer with receipt, put receipt in ziplock bag. Then do my other business needed if needed. Banana, protein bar or shake, restroom if needed, and a bit of stretching and walking. Off we go!
Funny when I ride 1500 miles on a cycle I see a LOT especially on the MN to FL trip. BBG is just for the committed and mine will likely be a there and back on a good weather day. Then a 2K in 2D will seem relaxing or a 50cc as Falcon says will be an enjoyable jaunt. L2RR2L

03-28-2019, 09:00 AM
[SIZE=4]Because the average guy would say why? What are you trying to prove? You will be a risk to yourself and others on the road due to extreme fatigue. On the other hand I guess that's why people jump off brides with a bungee tied to their ankles.


Pirate looks at --
03-28-2019, 09:11 AM
Pirate, I use the Bubbler GPS Pro on my phone connected to a Spotwalla account, which also allows me to have an "At-home" safety over-watch. I set it up so either my wife or Mother-in-Law can watch our trip progress live on a computer screen and would know when an un-planned stop (or crash) might have happened. The Pro version allows more frequent updates and some other nice to have features.

My first BB 1500 was completed in 30 hrs, 20 mins and we weren't trying for a BB Silver even. This included a restaurant stop for Lunch, Dinner, and Breakfast (https://spotwalla.com/tripViewer.php?id=1a1175b47f276411f1), with a couple 20 minute+ naps (on the spyder). 90% Interstate, I can relate to the Pay at the Pump issues, been there done that. You doing it on a triple should be easy enough with good rest before and after. We did it on 2 Spyders and felt safe all the way.
I can imagine older folks wouldn't feel that way. Shoot the IBA just announced a Seniors Rally for this year. Unfortunately I don't qualify.

Ignore the naysayers, they just don't get it. Go for it. Send me a link to your Spotwalla trip before you go.
Dave, we are looking at the SpotX or Garmin InReach satellite communicators that will track your journey and allow you to communicate via text or email with any cellular device anywhere and includes an SOS button that will communicate with the nearest emergency search and rescue. We realize that it will be nip and tuck to make it and that almost anything that slows us down will make this run iffy, but that BB Silver looks really doable and it will not deter us! Practice run this weekend. Thanks to mot all of you for the well wishes and great suggestions!

Pirate looks at --
03-28-2019, 09:18 AM
Hmmm interesting......I never jumped off my bride....I did however, bungee jump but not off a bride! Why, because I can, I nor my bride will NOT be a danger to ourselves, or anyone else. We are smarter than that! Please read the above posts for proof. If you are close enough we will waive as we pass you! Romberg the rules even state you can’t ride at an illegal rate of speed and still get your certificate. So meanwhile, back to your knitting circle, while I plane, and train for out ryde! As Zig Zigglar would say, “ the ribbon clerks always check out early!

03-28-2019, 10:01 AM
A small utility trailer with a 55gal drum of gas plumed into the Spyder, and depends underwear. Can do the trip non-stop.
Did a coast to coast in a car 40yrs ago with drums in a utility trailer. Had a switch in the car to fill tank from drums using an electric fuel pump while cruising. Did a lot more than 1500 miles in 24hrs. But then there was a lot of 100+.



Pirate looks at --
03-28-2019, 10:30 AM
A small utility trailer with a 55gal drum of gas plumed into the Spyder, and depends underwear. Can do the trip non-stop.
Did a coast to coast in a car 40yrs ago with drums in a utility trailer. Had a switch in the car to fill tank from drums using an electric fuel pump while cruising. Did a lot more than 1500 miles in 24hrs. But then there was a lot of 100+.


Now you’re talking!

03-28-2019, 10:49 AM
I hope you enjoy the endurance achievement.

These things always remind me of something a fellow who has ridden around the world said to me once: Iron Butts are for old folks who can't compete in athletic events but are quite good at sitting still for long periods of time.

I mean no offense. It just always amused me. :roflblack:

03-28-2019, 06:41 PM
A small utility trailer with a 55gal drum of gas plumed into the Spyder, and depends underwear. Can do the trip non-stop.
Did a coast to coast in a car 40yrs ago with drums in a utility trailer. Had a switch in the car to fill tank from drums using an electric fuel pump while cruising. Did a lot more than 1500 miles in 24hrs. But then there was a lot of 100+.



Can't do that. IBA limits the maximum amount of miles between gas stops. You MUST stop within a reasonable amount of time for gas, AND have gas receipts with locations on them (and a time stamp too) to prove you did it. IBA wants you to get off the bike and walk around every few hours. Not become a no stops 24-hour in the seat zombie staring over the windscreen.

Is it safe? It depends on the RIDER. The IBA rules promote the SAFETY of the ride. IF the rider follows those rules, is in good health, and is WILLING to stop ANY ride when it appears it can't be completed safely (for whatever reason), it's not inherently unsafe. I have quit a couple SS1000 rides I was doing that would have only taken 16 hours when I just "didn't feel right" about continuing it. That's the mentality every IBA attempt should use. There's always another day.