View Full Version : Spyder riders from Quebec Canada

06-20-2009, 06:41 PM
I was out on my spyder most of the day today. Ist, I had my first new rear tire installed this morning at the dealer. I got 10,000 miles on my original. I'm not sure if thats what to expect, but nevertheless I needed a new tire.
I then just cruised around the roads close to home and just had a relaxing sort of day on the spyder. Now I gota tell you, where I live I'm probably the only spyder rider around with the occasional spyder passing through near where I live now and then. Today in the small city of St.Albans Vermont about 11 miles north of where I live and closer to the Canadian border I just happened to be cruising through the city and spoted about 20 spyders parked near one of the restaurant's in town. I was curious where they were all from, so I circled around the block and came back and parked near the Restaurant and went over to greet some of the riders. It turns out they were all from Quebec Canada. They were a friendly bunch of people with a mix of men and women riders. One couple that I tried to talk to didn't speak English, so I resorted to communicate in french. I'm from a french family, so I do know some french. I got to see some nice mods like the Givi hard case setups which I kind of like on the spyder. One gentleman and his wife that I was talking to asked me a lot of questions about my spyder and where I purcahsed it. They showed me there new BRP windshield and wind deflector's that they had installed on there spyder. I think it looks good. At least now I know what that looks like. I guess they really like it. Anyhow, it was great to be out and meet some new spyder riders that are from north of the border. I guess I'm not surprised that the spyders are popular in Quebec, seeing that is where they are manufactured.
So, if some of you Quebec riders are reading this and you were part of that group that was in St.Albans today, I'm the Vermonter that greeted you folks today. It was kinda neat riding behind all those spyders through the small city where not much happens most of the time and seeing 20 or so spyders heading through the main street and watching peoples faces as we were passing by. That was just too cool!

06-20-2009, 06:56 PM
Bet you just about went :yikes: when you saw all those SpYders!!!!

Glad you had a nice day and met up with ryders from the north!

06-20-2009, 07:07 PM
Bet you just about went :yikes: when you saw all those SpYders!!!!

Glad you had a nice day and met up with ryders from the north!

Yeah! I was kind of surprised!

06-20-2009, 08:03 PM

06-21-2009, 04:13 AM
in around 9000 mls i never met one single spyder (here in austria) so to see twenty of them would be like "close encounters of the third kind"
(thats why I always have a small camera with me )