View Full Version : Battery situation

Desert Spyder
03-19-2019, 10:21 PM
I was having trouble with my battery today. I rode it Sunday with no problems, left the tender off Monday and did not ride, tried starting this AM with a black screen. Put tender on for three hrs while I was gone, pulled out battery to take to a bike shop around the corner from whom I bought the battery in August. I thought there may have been a bad cell or plate loose. It was fully charged and no shorts. Reinstalled battery. Top clamp is a joke. There was a little corrosion on the negative side of all places. Cleaned it off. When I tried to hook up the negative side it was energized with some sparking but the positive was not hooked up and neither was the tender. It started better than ever before. Why was the negative side sparking before the positive was bolted on?

03-19-2019, 10:35 PM
That's a new one for me. The only thing that comes to mind is static electricity.....? But I remember back when I was young and got an electrical shock from an unplugged radio. The old kind of radio that had tubes and coils..... I think it was an old Philco that had SW bands given to me by my Grandfather in the mid-50s..... Jim

03-20-2019, 03:11 AM
I was having trouble with my battery today. I rode it Sunday with no problems, left the tender off Monday and did not ride, tried starting this AM with a black screen. Put tender on for three hrs while I was gone, pulled out battery to take to a bike shop around the corner from whom I bought the battery in August. I thought there may have been a bad cell or plate loose. It was fully charged and no shorts. Reinstalled battery. Top clamp is a joke. There was a little corrosion on the negative side of all places. Cleaned it off. When I tried to hook up the negative side it was energized with some sparking but the positive was not hooked up and neither was the tender. It started better than ever before. Why was the negative side sparking before the positive was bolted on?
Neither was tender? U had just the tender pigtail or what? Something could have been touching out of sight

03-20-2019, 02:52 PM
Does BRP put a capacitor anywhere on their spyders?

Desert Spyder
03-22-2019, 01:54 PM
Neither was tender? U had just the tender pigtail or what? Something could have been touching out of sight

Nope. That was the first thing I checked.