View Full Version : WTF a bad accident

03-15-2019, 09:28 AM

For folks that have facebook look at https://www.facebook.com/groups/1369778466453469/2018608051570504/?notif_id=1552657462448837&notif_t=group_nf_highlights

For folks without facebook here is the story posted there:

Sunday, my husband Robert and I went for a ride. Me on my Spyder, him on his Honda Stateline. We were in the right hand lane when a guy in a white truck flew past us doing well over 100mph. I noticed that the truck had a company sign on and it said something painting. Didn't think much of it. Robert and I got up to our normal cursing speed of 75/80. I usually lead, but for some reason Robert decided to take the lead and we continued to enjoy the curves of the road. About 20 mins later, we came around a curve and there was that same truck, in the left lane going very slow. We past him and again didn't think any thing of it, As we went around the next curve looked down at my speedometer as I looked back up to the road I caught a glimpse in my left mirror and all I saw was white. When I turned my head to look he was in my lane right next to me and then he hit me. He hit my left front tire. I started to sway to the right and I fought like hell to keep my bike on the road. When I looked up I saw him pick up speed and head straight for Robert , who was about 50' ahead of me. I am screaming in my Bluetooth, but it didn't connect with Robert soon enough. He hit Robert on his left rear-end and took off. Robert tried to correct, but then him and his bike started rolling. Thankfully his saddlebags kept his bike up off his leg so we wasn't dragged by it. When he finally came to a stop I was just getting off my bike when 4 bikers pulled up. I yelled at them to go after the white truck. 2 took off and 2 stayed to help Robert. I called 911 and explained what happened and described the truck. There was a car chase and 32 miles later DPS and Payson law enforcement had to put stop sticks out and did a pit-stop maneuver on him and he ran into a cop car. In the mean time, several amazing strangers stopped to help Robert and I. One was an off duty police officer, one was a nurse and I think an EMT. It's still a blur to me. Due to where we were it took emergency vehicles about an hour to get to us. Robert was air-lifted to a trauma center in Phx. He has a shattered foot and ankle which they did surgery on Monday. He has several pins and plates, Right now he is in his second surgery for 5 shattered ribs, they are putting pins and plates of that. He also has a tube draining blood from his left lung, which they are hoping to fix in this surgery as well. He was wearing his helmet and a great jacket, but does have road rash from the waist down and on his hands where the gloves wore through. But NO head trauma. Doctor said he will be out of work for 4/5 months. Due to the crime the state has taken our bikes in for evidence, They said that it could be many years before we get our bikes back. I think Roberts is totaled, but not sure about mine as I didn't not tip.

Ex Winger
03-15-2019, 09:44 AM
Now that sure sucks.Very glad your injuries are not worse than what they are but I'm sure your husband is in a lot of pain.Glad they got the driver?He should never drive again or see the light of day for what he did.Praying the healing goes fast and well.

03-15-2019, 09:47 AM
Now that sure sucks.Very glad your injuries are not worse than what they are but I'm sure your husband is in a lot of pain.Glad they got the driver?He should never drive again or see the light of day for what he did.Praying the healing goes fast and well.

Thanks Bill, but it was not me! Thank God.

03-15-2019, 09:58 AM
Wow, That does not even make sense. Opens your eyes when you see accidents out there. Saw a Goldwing Trike that had just been cut off/run over by an 18 wheeler. Only way I knew what it was was from one small piece of fiberglass. No matter how careful you ride, there is an idiot out there that is not careful. best of luck to them, sounds pretty open and shut.

Peter Aawen
03-15-2019, 10:05 AM
Do we know who it was? Any of the members here? :dontknow:

Not that it really makes a heap of difference, it's still a nasty thing to have happened whoever was on the receiving end, so I do hope those concerned are recovering well & not too inconvenienced by it all, but if they were members here I guess we'd eventually get some first hand updates .... ;)

Still, you really just gotta wonder what's going on in some of those tiny little excuses for minds that're running round out there, don't you?!? I wonder what prompted the cage driver to try to take out 2 riders, or was he just SOOOO drunk, stoned, or totally engrossed in his texting that he had absofreakinlutely NO bloody idea of what he was doing & did?? :gaah: Glad they caught him tho, at least he's not going to be doing anything like that to anyone else for a little bit! :lecturef_smilie:

03-15-2019, 10:54 AM
The woman involved is Cami Gange. She is one of the SpyderSisters. I am not sure if she is a member on this forum.

03-15-2019, 11:25 AM
Can only say I'm glad both made it out alive. Hope the healing process goes well and He is back to normal soon and both can get over the whole thing. :pray:

03-15-2019, 11:40 AM
I should have used the Title of alleged attempted murder instead of accident.

03-15-2019, 12:10 PM
I am so sorry for your accident, and glad that your injuries were not more serious. We have encountered those types on the road more than we like to admit, but have been able to avoid them so far.

03-15-2019, 12:32 PM
I should have used the Title of alleged attempted murder instead of accident.

And thrown in “it wasn’t me!” I saw this on FB yesterday it’s horrible. I hope the driver gets locked up for a long long time.

03-15-2019, 12:55 PM
Linda saw this yesterday and showed it to me. Very glad that neither cyclist was killed.

Totally a scary situation, and hope the pickup driver will get his eventually.

Thoughts and :pray::pray: for the victims.

03-15-2019, 01:50 PM
If not attempted murder, at least assault with a deadly weapon.

Thanks for posting this Dean. I'll pray for Cami and her husband.

03-15-2019, 02:30 PM
These are the stories we would rather not ever hear about. We do live in troubled times with troubled minds where complex issues abound, but hopefully we can continue to seek the bright joy of wonder while exploring in the wind. I truly hope those two mend quickly and find a way to overcome the obstacles that have been placed in their path.

03-15-2019, 04:30 PM
Cami and her sister sell t-shirts and the stretchy Spyder shade covers. You won’t meet a nicer person than Cami

03-15-2019, 09:28 PM
:pray: out to Cami and her husband. :agree: it's assault with a deadly weapon and that individual should not see the light of day ever again. Dale