View Full Version : Is there a Way to ReCalibrate FOBO's

03-11-2019, 06:34 PM
I dont know why but mine are around 2 PSI off and are really messed up. I tried going to their website and the only support number is in Malaysia. Wrote them an Email and still no response. :banghead::banghead:

03-11-2019, 08:08 PM
Well I got a call back but by the time I got to the phone it was too late. Cant call back a number from the other side of the world to someone whos name I cant pronounce.

03-11-2019, 08:09 PM
You may be seeing the difference between the atmospheric option and the gauge pressure option. One gives the absolute pressure according to temp and altitude then subtracting 14.7 for one atmosphere and the other is supposed to give the readout that you get when using a gauge to check the pressure. What is weird is, I'm NOT on gauge pressure and I get exact pressures that my digital gauge(s) show! Maybe switch between the two and see what happens? The other thing that has worked for me when I have a sensor acting up it to put it on another vehicle with a higher tire pressure for about 10 mins then reinstall on the Spyder....

03-11-2019, 08:14 PM
It is probablly morning over there and I was just getting cofortable in my easy chair to watch some TV before bedtime, but I need someone to walk me threw how to fix these issues one by one that popped up. Its shocking that FOBO does not have support in the USA.

03-11-2019, 08:27 PM
You may be seeing the difference between the atmospheric option and the gauge pressure option. One gives the absolute pressure according to temp and altitude then subtracting 14.7 for one atmosphere and the other is supposed to give the readout that you get when using a gauge to check the pressure. What is weird is, I'm NOT on gauge pressure and I get exact pressures that my digital gauge(s) show! Maybe switch between the two and see what happens? The other thing that has worked for me when I have a sensor acting up it to put it on another vehicle with a higher tire pressure for about 10 mins then reinstall on the Spyder....

Not sure what you mean but the problems started when I changed all the dead batteries. On the options, the bottom two say
Show reference pressure
Disable Gauge Pressure
I have both of my front tires at 17PSI, my App says they are 14.8 both left and right. I live in Greenville Texas and my elevation is 550 above sea level.
My rear tire is set at 21PSI and the app says 19.1.

I dont want to change anything when I am not in range of my Spyder.

03-11-2019, 10:50 PM
I got it all figured out thankfully to the guy from Malaysia. We were emailing each other back and forth till we figured it out. It was a combination of me having a pressure gauge that was a little off and me having the gauge pressure feature enabled. Not sure how I enabled it but sometimes when you fiddle too much you get lost in the setup.

03-21-2019, 01:24 PM
So do you like the Fobo??

03-21-2019, 01:40 PM
The ones I got from Lamonster are dead in the water, put in new batteries, updated software, e-mailed the tech support from the app and no response yet. Glad you got yours sorted out. They were great when they worked.