View Full Version : Mutazu latch - plastic or metal?

03-05-2019, 09:59 PM
I'm looking at the Mutazu large saddlebags and I'm wondering how secure it latches onto the frame. I've seen posts where it's a plastic latch onto a metal frame, and that doesn't strike me as very secure. One good whack with a hammer might be all it takes to lose the bags and whatever is inside.

Am I overthinking this? It is secure enough that someone would need to go into some effort to remove when locked on?

03-05-2019, 11:34 PM
I'm looking at the Mutazu large saddlebags and I'm wondering how secure it latches onto the frame. I've seen posts where it's a plastic latch onto a metal frame, and that doesn't strike me as very secure. One good whack with a hammer might be all it takes to lose the bags and whatever is inside.

Am I overthinking this? It is secure enough that someone would need to go into some effort to remove when locked on?

I'm about to go to bed - but I will check mine for this issue..... Jim Von Baden had posted a lot of pics of His, see if you can find them …. Also another member had an issue with a BAG releasing from the Mounting Rack He fixed that ….. I solved that problem by Drilling a hole from inside the bags and thru the Mounting Rack …. I then welded a nut to the Rack ….. This allowed me to put a bolt thru the case and into the nut ….. It's now impossible for the bag to come loose …. this was not difficult to accomplish ….. I think this is generally problematic of ALL bags that are easily re-moved...… Even the much heralded BMW bikes had this issue … and I know this because I lost a $500.00 Rear trunk bag on my 1200 Beemer :banghead: ………… I think the Mutaza bags look great and are generally quite sturdy …… remember even the RT bags have had issues popping open while being ridden - of course they can't come loose from the Spyder because they are built in , but the hinges have been known to break ….. Mike :ohyea::ohyea:

03-06-2019, 08:47 AM
I'm about to go to bed - but I will check mine for this issue..... Jim Von Baden had posted a lot of pics of His, see if you can find them …. Also another member had an issue with a BAG releasing from the Mounting Rack He fixed that ….. I solved that problem by Drilling a hole from inside the bags and thru the Mounting Rack …. I then welded a nut to the Rack ….. This allowed me to put a bolt thru the case and into the nut ….. It's now impossible for the bag to come loose …. this was not difficult to accomplish ….. I think this is generally problematic of ALL bags that are easily re-moved...… Even the much heralded BMW bikes had this issue … and I know this because I lost a $500.00 Rear trunk bag on my 1200 Beemer :banghead: ………… I think the Mutaza bags look great and are generally quite sturdy …… remember even the RT bags have had issues popping open while being ridden - of course they can't come loose from the Spyder because they are built in , but the hinges have been known to break ….. Mike :ohyea::ohyea:

Ok, so I can either secure them firmly, or be able to use them like true luggage. But if I want to use them like luggage, I probably shouldn't connect the lights. This makes sense, and kinda what I thought.

I did read those threads; Jim's thread seemed mainly about the universal mount and making that more OEM-like. Good information, I know some people locally that can do something similar. But as I searched, I found more older info (~2 years old) that the retaining clip was plastic, not metal. I figured that in the ~2 years since the last threads they might have changed it to metal. But I've ordered one, and will look when it arrives. If nothing else, I can get expanded steel, cut it to 6"x6", and use it as backing for a nut that goes into one of the holes in the frame. Then I can lock my helmet in there and it'll be fairly secure, and I can wire the turn signals into the light on the bags (if I need to move the turn signals; I'm hoping I don't have to).

Thanks for the insight!

03-06-2019, 09:49 AM
Ok, so I can either secure them firmly, or be able to use them like true luggage. But if I want to use them like luggage, I probably shouldn't connect the lights. This makes sense, and kinda what I thought.

I did read those threads; Jim's thread seemed mainly about the universal mount and making that more OEM-like. Good information, I know some people locally that can do something similar. But as I searched, I found more older info (~2 years old) that the retaining clip was plastic, not metal. I figured that in the ~2 years since the last threads they might have changed it to metal. But I've ordered one, and will look when it arrives. If nothing else, I can get expanded steel, cut it to 6"x6", and use it as backing for a nut that goes into one of the holes in the frame. Then I can lock my helmet in there and it'll be fairly secure, and I can wire the turn signals into the light on the bags (if I need to move the turn signals; I'm hoping I don't have to).

Thanks for the insight!

I haven't heard of this before. What is it?

03-06-2019, 08:51 PM
I haven't heard of this before. What is it?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expanded_metal describes the manufacturing process. Basically, since there will be a hole in the outside of the luggage, this allows rainwater to avoid being trapped by the metal against plastic. The water can flow away from the hole, and if there's any air around said hole, evaporating water has a place to exit, helps avoiding that stale water smell.

For you BBQers in the group, this stuff also makes for cheap, easily-replaced charcoal baskets as large as you need.

03-06-2019, 10:18 PM
Thanks, I have seen it before but didn't know that's what it's called.