View Full Version : Gilmore Event

06-14-2009, 08:28 PM
Great ride to the Gimore Car Museum for the antique Motorcycle show. Perfect day for a ride and finally met Scotty, Nancy, Firefly, SomeGuy and saw some amazing bikes and cars. Scotty was busy being Head Judge for the old bike competition, or maybe old judge for the head bike competition. Saw lots of bikes that brought back wonderful memories, and four or five Spyders that will make new memories. Millions of dollars of old cars of every make, model, shape and size at the Gilmore Museum. Well worth the trip if you are anywhere near Battle Creek/Kalamazoo MI sometime.

06-14-2009, 08:38 PM
Great ride to the Gimore Car Museum for the antique Motorcycle show. Perfect day for a ride and finally met Scotty, Nancy, Firefly, SomeGuy and saw some amazing bikes and cars. Scotty was busy being Head Judge for the old bike competition, or maybe old judge for the head bike competition. Saw lots of bikes that brought back wonderful memories, and four or five Spyders that will make new memories. Millions of dollars of old cars of every make, model, shape and size at the Gilmore Museum. Well worth the trip if you are anywhere near Battle Creek/Kalamazoo MI sometime.
Great seeing so many of you there today. SpyderRyder810 and RLS, BRP Junkie & Nancy (not mine), SomeGuy, and Firefly. Saw Daddy Darko's ride, but not the man himself. That scheme is even more striking and amazing in person than in the pictures. Sorry I couldn't take more time to chat. Worked 12 straight hours, after a long day there yesterday. We put on a tremendous show, but it wears a few of us out. Got home about 8, too tired to even go back out for ice cream. We'll unload the Spyder and vintage bikes from the trailer tomorrow. Too spent right now. Glad you liked the Museum...one of my favorite places on this earth.
-Scotty http://www.pmdawnonline.com/forum/images/smilies/velo.gif

06-14-2009, 09:14 PM
I agree with BRPjunkie and Scotty. Gilmore was a great show. Joan and I are planning a trip back to check out the cars on display, just not enough time today. Sorry we missed BRPjunkie and Daddydarko. Had an opportunity to spend a few minutes with Scotty while he inhaled his lunch. With so many bikes on display there it was hard to make contact with you guys. I'm sure we will get together down the road.

06-14-2009, 09:15 PM
Great day for a ride--- great turnout at the Gilmore - While I really enjoy the old bikes on display - I think I like walking through the parking lot more----- tons of neat custom bikes. Got to see a Stallion up close - actually two of them were there. Trike with air-conditioning - WOW!

There were somewhere between 7-9 Spyders there - none of us really together though. The Daddy Darko ride is off the hook. Not sure if he has posted pics since installing the barbed wire on the back (both sides). I was a bit shocked that it was REAL barbed wire - but he assured me it is DOT approved Barbed wire - :D. Not sure if the hand grenade is DOT approved or not.

The Jet bike (literally looked like a schwinn with a small jet engine on one side) was about the loudest thing I've ever heard in my life. My intestines still hurt. Didn't get out of there until late in the afternoon - sold at least 1 Spyder for sure.

Anyone else get people that think the ROTAX engine is a ROTARY engine?

More later - but a great day all around.

Some Guy
06-14-2009, 09:28 PM
Great ride to the Gimore Car Museum for the antique Motorcycle show. Perfect day for a ride and finally met Scotty, Nancy, Firefly, SomeGuy and saw some amazing bikes and cars.

:agree: :2thumbs:

I saw a few :spyder2:s there I did not know the owner. One was an excellent looking silver Spyder all decked out with Corbin bags and Kewl Metal handelbars with the Spyder # on the center plate (nice).

I met another Ryder (Mark, #3000) who is not yet a member...but I think he'll be joining soon! (did I coax him?...I'll never tell...OK...Yes and duh!).

To me, meeting Scotty and FireFly were among the highlights of this day! What a great time! What a great event!

Rock on Spyder Lovers! :ohyea:

06-14-2009, 09:30 PM
Great day for a ride--- great turnout at the Gilmore - While I really enjoy the old bikes on display - I think I like walking through the parking lot more----- tons of neat custom bikes. Got to see a Stallion up close - actually two of them were there. Trike with air-conditioning - WOW!

There were somewhere between 7-9 Spyders there - none of us really together though. The Daddy Darko ride is off the hook. Not sure if he has posted pics since installing the barbed wire on the back (both sides). I was a bit shocked that it was REAL barbed wire - but he assured me it is DOT approved Barbed wire - :D. Not sure if the hand grenade is DOT approved or not.

The Jet bike (literally looked like a schwinn with a small jet engine on one side) was about the loudest thing I've ever heard in my life. My intestines still hurt. Didn't get out of there until late in the afternoon - sold at least 1 Spyder for sure.

Anyone else get people that think the ROTAX engine is a ROTARY engine?

More later - but a great day all around.

Not sure what type of engine that Schwinn had or what it was burning for fuel, but it took a gas blower stuck in the intake to get it enought air to fire off. Once ignited, I never heard anything like it. It was only about four feet long and about ten inches in diameter, but it shot flames longer than the bike and screamed like a banshee.

Some Guy
06-14-2009, 09:38 PM
Not sure what type of engine that Schwinn had or what it was burning for fuel, but it took a gas blower stuck in the intake to get it enought air to fire off. Once ignited, I never heard anything like it. It was only about four feet long and about ten inches in diameter, but it shot flames longer than the bike and screamed like a banshee.

OUCH!!! :yikes:

The first time he fired up that rig, you and I were about 30 feet away and I thought my inerds were going to pop out! That thing was not only LOUD...it shook the ground!!! :yikes::yikes::yikes:

Good times! :D

Some Guy
06-14-2009, 09:46 PM
Anyone else get people that think the ROTAX engine is a ROTARY engine?

Besides when we were parked next to each other?...YES! ugh...

How about "are you going to put the skis back on in the winter?"!!!

That has to be my favorite stupid question! :D

06-14-2009, 10:15 PM
It was great to meet you all (some for the second or third time) and the Spyders were a real hit. Someguy and I stood around our bikes and answered tones of questions - let a few mount the bikes, start them,etc. One guy was sure he was going to buy one - and some of the aftermarket mods made all the difference in the world for him - the NMN risers, Highway pegs and Corbin seat in particular.

I didn't have much time to spend in the barns either - need to go back sometime soon. Did spend some time gawking at the Tucker - always love to look at that car.

Riding around the grounds without a helmet didn't suck either - ;)

Some Guy
06-14-2009, 10:21 PM
Riding around the grounds without a helmet didn't suck either - ;)

That part was fun, but more so because we didn't have to watch out for cars (who, we all know, are only on the roads to kill us!). :gaah:

Good times. I had a REALLY good time! nojoke

06-15-2009, 04:30 AM
Sounds like Brian and I missed a really great gathering. I am glad so many of you went and had a good time. When we get back from LA and get settled, we will have to plan a big MI meet up.

06-15-2009, 07:14 AM

I can't believe how many people pile into a town the size of a Walmart for this event. Simply amazing!

http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs103.snc1/4886_1181869944843_1171022744_30535251_1861439_n.j pg
Here's lucky number 3000.

http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs083.snc1/4886_1181869824840_1171022744_30535248_2554952_n.j pg
Love the flames here

http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs083.snc1/4886_1181870024845_1171022744_30535253_7627925_n.j pg
Kerry King would be proud

http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs103.snc1/4886_1181870064846_1171022744_30535254_5766610_n.j pg
Stonecold awesome!

http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs083.snc1/4886_1181869704837_1171022744_30535245_6003966_n.j pg
Color me jealous of this great side mount bullet bracket

http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs103.snc1/4886_1181869744838_1171022744_30535246_1364179_n.j pg
The DJ was spinning records all day long. Never took a break once. What a trooper!

Sorry I missed some of you but I couldn't stay long since I had the family in tow. I'll fly solo next year and get there early. Can't say enough good things about this show.

Firefly, your :spyder2: looks and rides like a :spyder2: was meant to! Very nice!
Someguy, you need to dirty that thing up a bit. Still too shiny! ;)

06-15-2009, 07:53 AM
The Jet bike (literally looked like a schwinn with a small jet engine on one side) was about the loudest thing I've ever heard in my life. My intestines still hurt. Didn't get out of there until late in the afternoon - sold at least 1 Spyder for sure.

Not sure what type of engine that Schwinn had or what it was burning for fuel, but it took a gas blower stuck in the intake to get it enought air to fire off. Once ignited, I never heard anything like it. It was only about four feet long and about ten inches in diameter, but it shot flames longer than the bike and screamed like a banshee.
The Schwinn has a homebuilt pulse-jet engine. It is about a third of the size of the pulse-jets that powered the V-1 rockets that bombed London during WWII. Basically runs on gasoline fed by an electric fuel pump through a reed valve assembly. You have to get air flowing through it to fire, hence the leaf blower. Once running it becomes self-sustaining as long as the fuel pump runs. Dead man switch on left thumb makes that happen. This miniature is deafening and awe insiring on a bicycle, but hearing and seeing the real thing falling out of the sky attached to a warhead would undoubtedly have scared the bejeebers out of you during the Blitz seventy years ago.
-Scotty http://www.pmdawnonline.com/forum/images/smilies/velo.gif

Some Guy
06-15-2009, 08:56 AM
Someguy, you need to dirty that thing up a bit. Still too shiny! ;)


I was actually embarrassed because of all the dead bugs on the front!

Project R.P.G. looks awesome! The attention to detail is amazing. :clap:

06-15-2009, 09:20 AM
One of the highlights for me was when we entered and had to pay the $8 entry fee. Watching (and recalling) the struggle to balance on two wheels while getting the wallet out made more points for the Spyder.

06-15-2009, 09:37 AM
[quote=Some Guy;109731]:agree: :2thumbs:

I saw a few :spyder2:s there I did not know the owner. One was an excellent looking silver Spyder all decked out with Corbin bags and Kewl Metal handelbars with the Spyder # on the center plate (nice).

Some Guy, I just wanted to say hi, and let you know that the silver Spyder with the Corbin saddlebags and KewlMetal handlebars was mine. I was hoping that my Corbin trunk box would have arrived in time to install it before heading out yesterday.

RLS and I (SpyderRyder810) were in the diner having lunch when another silver Spyder came in. We attempted to follow it, but alas could not for the sea of bikes being parked in the outfield. Nonetheless, visiting the Gilmore event was sure a lot of fun....Joan

06-15-2009, 10:46 AM
Some of my random pics from Gilmore---- Not sure if the titles show up with these from my album???

Here goes:



































06-15-2009, 11:43 AM
That OD Harley looks just like the one I had back in '61, 1945 WLA came in a big crate from US Army for $25, took a week to clean it up.


06-15-2009, 11:45 AM
Great job on the pics. You even got both of my show entries. I was too busy to take any pics, or even to walk through to look at bikes. Looks like I missed a good show. :D
-Scotty http://www.pmdawnonline.com/forum/images/smilies/velo.gif

06-15-2009, 12:27 PM
That Victory bike was really slick looking - there were a few of them there. Never saw one before in person - WOW.