View Full Version : Not the key I expected

11-14-2018, 03:41 PM
Not much of a question, but it's bugging me. I just picked up my brand new 2018 F3S. It came with one key and I see in manual I was suppose to get two. But that is not the main issue. The key I got has no hole to put a ring in for other keys or whatever you want to hang on it. I am suspecting the key I got was a backup key. Anyway does your ignition key have a hole for a key ring? thanks.

11-14-2018, 03:46 PM
I have two keys and no holes in them either. The keys are chipped for the security system so no holes. Did you get the plastic holder for the key that has a hole in it? I would sure as shootin get my second key from the dealer though.

11-14-2018, 03:51 PM
Should have 2 Keys and 2 plastic key holders. Spyder keys do not have holes in them, but they do make key holders that do and are relatively cheap.

11-14-2018, 03:54 PM
Just give me a call 209-887-3283 I can send it out today US Mail $9.95 Gray or $18.95 Black for 2 ea.


11-14-2018, 03:57 PM
:welcome: and :congrats: on your new :ani29:

As others have said--you should have received two keys and two plastic holders. That is an issue to solve with the dealer.

Keys can be drilled--there is information somewhere on the site in the archives (do a search), to show where to drill.

The other option: Motorcycle Dave has just the holders that will work if you don't want to drill. :yes:

11-14-2018, 03:59 PM

Not much of a question, but it's bugging me. I just picked up my brand new 2018 F3S. It came with one key and I see in manual I was suppose to get two. But that is not the main issue. The key I got has no hole to put a ring in for other keys or whatever you want to hang on it. I am suspecting the key I got was a backup key. Anyway does your ignition key have a hole for a key ring? thanks.

11-14-2018, 04:12 PM
Congrats & welcome.

11-14-2018, 04:39 PM
As others have said. It is suppose to come with 2 keys and 2 key sleeves. Also you should have gotten a small plastic tag that has the key code on it. From that code some locksmiths can cut a new key. If all keys are lost. Saves the price of a new ignition switch. Also it could happen again, like in 2014, a series of keys would jam in the ignition switch. The only easy way to tell was by the key code.

11-14-2018, 04:49 PM
It's time for a "Come to Jesus" meeting with the dealership that sold you the Spyder. There is absolutely no excuse for you not to have two identically chipped keys the plastic scabbards for them and the key tag Billy mentioned. Some folks worry about the keys sliding out of the scabbards but I have not heard of it actually happening; you have to shove the keys in and pull them out and the teeth on the scabbards don't seem to wear, at least not on mine in 47K miles. I prefer not to have anything on the key when it's in the ignition because I don't want other keys and doodads vibrating around and scratching the paint around the ignition switch. I have a ring on my scabbard that holds the key to my GPS Kradellock and it's always in my pants pocket, with or without the Spyder key.

Did you get a hard copy of the operator's guide?

11-14-2018, 05:33 PM
I ordered the rings from Dave. Son as I get my second key may try to drill one.

11-14-2018, 06:15 PM
But welcome to the spyder world and this most informative site....sorry your dealer/salesperson shorted you but you are not alone. Seems to be common but you should go back and get a new one or have them find the second one and the sheaths that go with them....:thumbup:

11-14-2018, 08:08 PM
Guessing Broward Motorsports, but could have been another dealer.

Little Blue
11-15-2018, 07:07 AM
New Spyder's always have two Keys. I would recommend Motorcycle Dave's Key Holders. :thumbup:

11-15-2018, 07:11 AM
Motorcycle Daves are good and very inexpensive compared to what's out there. But just as an option you can also get similar but in different colors to match your bike for around 19 each.

Bob Denman
11-15-2018, 08:32 AM
Read you dealer the riot act, and get the second key that they owe you...
For the record:
You CAN drill a hole in the key, and put a keyring through it... :thumbup:
At the top center of the head of the key... take a pin, and push it through the key (There's a hole underneath the coating, and the pin will easily pass on through.) That's where you just open it up with a small drill bit.