View Full Version : Lightweight cover

10-30-2018, 08:58 PM
Any ideas out there for a lightweight cover ? I'm thinking like a nylon material , or even flannel. 2016 RTS
Thoughts ?

10-30-2018, 09:31 PM
I bought a cheap set of black full size flannel sheets, the flat goes over the bike with a couple of chip clips to hold it in place and the fitted works just right over my trailer. its not waterproof, but helps keep off the dust in the garage.

11-01-2018, 01:45 PM
I have one of these and use it quite often. It's light weight and easy on & off.

https://www.motosport.com/product/?adpos=1o2&cc=us&creative=271624668157&device=c&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIoJjmzuyz3gIVTp7ACh1ptAE_EAQYAiAB EgJAu_D_BwE&key=UltraGard-Spyder-Half-Cover&matchtype=&mrkgadid=3291760113&mrkgcl=500&network=g&product_id=BBP00FT-X001-Y001&pssource=true&rkg_id=0&segment=badger-street&variant[BBP00FT]=BBP00FT-X001-Y001

Mine is from BRP but the shape and coverage is the same.

Pirate looks at --
11-01-2018, 02:42 PM
Depends on how much you want to cover. We have the BRP travel cover for both the RT and F3L. They are nboth lightweight, and the RT cover rolls up really small. They don’t cover the whole motorcycle, but they do cover the seating area and the bars and dash. If you just want to cover the seat and keep people off your Spyder, look up “Spyder Sisters”.

11-01-2018, 03:36 PM
I use the Ultra Guard 1/2 cover when I travel. Covers the important stuff and keeps the "Lets sit on it" people off.

Mazo EMS2
11-01-2018, 07:43 PM
I like the Ultra Guard full cover. We have a 2016 RTS too

11-01-2018, 09:52 PM
I have a nice travel cover .
I'm looking for a light weight, nylon like cover , no lining, just lightweight parachute like material and will cover the whole RT

thank you

11-01-2018, 10:53 PM
I have a nice travel cover .
I'm looking for a light weight, nylon like cover , no lining, just lightweight parachute like material and will cover the whole RT

thank you

Joe uses actual parachute material to cover ine of his bikes.

11-02-2018, 07:47 PM
I have a light weight full cover for sale in that section along with other covers for an RT.

11-05-2018, 06:43 PM
I've used one very similar to this one for both our 2011 and 2016 RTs. I did have to open a hole for the antenna and it doesn't cover the wheels but keeps the bike dry in the important places and is inexpensive. Ours is a bit weathered of course but still works great.


11-05-2018, 09:30 PM
Thanks to all the replies. I had another Spyderlover reach out to me with a UltraGuard cover for sale . Received it today......