View Full Version : In case there was any doubt... one more BajaRon testimonial

10-21-2018, 09:48 PM
Had the SpyderPops team install the BajaRon Anti-Sway Bar on my 2017 RT this weekend, and like so many others, only wish I'd done it earlier.

Except I don't, really. As a total novice to motorcycling, I needed the ryding time to get to a place where I could really feel the difference. The many glowing reviews of the anti-sway bar made me pretty comfortable with the idea that it would be a good thing to do, but part of me wondered if it would be the kind of thing that only experienced/expert riders would be able to appreciate.

It took all of one turn after the install to figure out that things were going to be different. Had a wonderful time on the ride back from Boerne going through turn after turn at speed and just... sticking it.

So to any other fellow newbies out there, don't wait. Just get it and install it. All you'll be missing is those occasional moments of panic when the original equipment makes you feel like you're going to pitch and roll.