View Full Version : Blue Ridge Mod b/c I hate it, u hate it, the world hates it!

09-07-2018, 03:51 PM
Ok I know it fits some people right...

However, for my 6’3” frame the “Ridge” took all the space that covered the windscreen and directed all that wind right to the center of my face which made my helmet a wind sock because I ride fully erect! Not fun...

my goal was to have the screen cut cut because I wanted it directed to my upper chest underneath my helmet! I took it to Kirkwood glass here in St. Louis because they cut windows for homes, cars, and motorcycles.

The result was perfection! I went for an hour ride and the bulk of wind is off my body because of the wide nature of the Ridge and I get wind to my upper chest and shoulders....so I feel like I’m still on a motorcycle vs a car. Here are some pics. 165522165523165524165525

Just Doo Me
09-07-2018, 06:12 PM
Did the exact same thing except I cut it myself with a Dremmel . Should have just bought the route 129 165541