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09-05-2018, 12:42 PM
How many of you just hate or dislike those darn keys for your Spyder?????
You know those expensive easy to loose keys... how would you like to be
able to put it on your key chain without drilling a hole in it and taking a chance
of destroying your chip embedded key.
Here is the cure.......
Gray sold as singles Only $9.95
Black sold as a pair Only $18.95
Call Me Today... 209-887-3283

09-05-2018, 12:51 PM
I purchased this item - key chain/cable for the Spyder key. Thought it was a good idea for a key chain solution, but I had the first one break with-in the first three months. The cable came out of the turn clasp. I did purchase a two pack to start with. Hope the second one holds up.

09-05-2018, 12:53 PM
If you had gotten it from me ... you would have gotten a refund or replaced. sorry you had a problem
you are the FIRST person to ever tell of that trouble...

I purchased this item - key chain/cable for the Spyder key. Thought it was a good idea for a key chain solution, but I had the first one break with-in the first three months. The cable came out of the turn clasp. I did purchase a two pack to start with. Hope the second one holds up.