View Full Version : You Tube videos

08-02-2018, 08:13 AM
I am not able to view you tube videos. All I get is a black box. Have I turned off something? Thanks:banghead:

08-02-2018, 09:08 AM
Don't know what device you are using but check that you have a video player on it and it is allowing videos to play. :dontknow:

08-02-2018, 09:10 AM
I am not able to view you tube videos. All I get is a black box. Have I turned off something? Thanks:banghead:

I have the same issue

08-02-2018, 09:11 AM
I am not able to view you tube videos. All I get is a black box. Have I turned off something? Thanks:banghead:

What browser are you using?

08-03-2018, 07:40 AM
I have Windows 10 and am using windows explorer.

Bob Denman
08-03-2018, 08:03 AM
I'm using Win 10, and Edge (Sometimes Chrome): no problems here... :thumbup:

08-03-2018, 08:18 AM
Win 10 with Edge or Chrome, no problems!!!:thumbup::thumbup:

08-03-2018, 09:24 AM
I have the same issue. I am using windows 10 and with edge it works fine but explorer does not. I have read and tried different things with no luck.

I have other issues with explorer also. Sometimes in a web site you have to select drop down boxes but they are blank. Works fine with edge or chrome.

08-03-2018, 10:17 AM
In windows 10 Windows Explorer was replaced with Windows File Explorer. If that is what you are reffering to, it's not a web browser, but a tool for viewing and manipulating files on your computer.

You tube is a web site and has to be viewed through an appropriate web browser such as Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, etc.

I hope this helps.

08-03-2018, 10:30 AM
This misunderstanding is due to Microsoft's penchant for using the same name for multiple programs within the OS,

Windows 10 added Microsoft Edge Web Browser to the O/S but still includes Microsoft Internet Explorer (oft referred to merely as Explorer or MSIE), that's the Explorer that they're talking about. Windows File Explorer has been around since well, Windows 3.1 as far as I can recall and is as you say the file explorer.

The reason some folks are not seeing Youtube videos in some browsers is likely an issue with Flash. Flash is integrated into Windows Edge Browser, Google's Chrome browser (though often disabled in Chrome), and in Internet Explorer it has to (and always had to be) added.

So if Flash player isn't added to IE, or is disabled in Chrome, you get the black box.

My question to the OP and wrb304 still stands, which browser are you using that you're getting the black box?

If you're using Chrome, To enable Flash for all websites, open your Chrome browser and type chrome://settings/content in the address bar, then press enter. Then on the Content Settings page, scroll down to Flash and click the small chevron on the right, it should be set for Ask First. Or you have to turn that on by sliding the switch. Then make sure under Block that Youtube is not listed, if it is, click the three dots on the right of it and remove that.

08-04-2018, 07:32 AM
This misunderstanding is due to Microsoft's penchant for using the same name for multiple programs within the OS,

Windows 10 added Microsoft Edge Web Browser to the O/S but still includes Microsoft Internet Explorer (oft referred to merely as Explorer or MSIE), that's the Explorer that they're talking about. Windows File Explorer has been around since well, Windows 3.1 as far as I can recall and is as you say the file explorer.

The reason some folks are not seeing Youtube videos in some browsers is likely an issue with Flash. Flash is integrated into Windows Edge Browser, Google's Chrome browser (though often disabled in Chrome), and in Internet Explorer it has to (and always had to be) added.

So if Flash player isn't added to IE, or is disabled in Chrome, you get the black box.

My question to the OP and wrb304 still stands, which browser are you using that you're getting the black box?

If you're using Chrome, To enable Flash for all websites, open your Chrome browser and type chrome://settings/content in the address bar, then press enter. Then on the Content Settings page, scroll down to Flash and click the small chevron on the right, it should be set for Ask First. Or you have to turn that on by sliding the switch. Then make sure under Block that Youtube is not listed, if it is, click the three dots on the right of it and remove that.

Thanks for your response. I only seem to have the issue with IE. How do I add Flash Player to IE? Thanks, Wayne

08-04-2018, 01:00 PM
You'll likely have to load Flash Player for IE (https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/) which you should only get from Adobe's website, and be sure to uncheck the optional junk they try to add.

08-04-2018, 01:47 PM
You'll likely have to load Flash Player for IE (https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/) which you should only get from Adobe's website, and be sure to uncheck the optional junk they try to add.

I am another that cannot get the SL, You Tube videos to play. Just the black box.

Both of your posts were extremely informative and they took me to places where I have never been.

I also had to add the flash player for IE.

The SL videos do not work--but if I go to the youtube website--I can play anything they have. Any other ideas?????

08-04-2018, 02:00 PM
Another cannot get the SL, You Tube videos to play. Just the black box.

Both of your posts were extremely informative and they took me to places where I have never been.

I also had to add the flash player for IE.

The SL videos do not work--but if I go to the youtube website--I can play anything they have. Any other ideas?????

Then you might be dealing with a security setting in IE, something that distinguishes between the YT website and the SL website. I've switched away from IE so long ago I really can't remember the proper area/settings.
When you're on SL and have one of those black boxes instead of the video, try Right mouse clicking and see if you get some sort on context sensitive menu that will allow the video to play.

08-05-2018, 09:17 AM
Then you might be dealing with a security setting in IE, something that distinguishes between the YT website and the SL website. I've switched away from IE so long ago I really can't remember the proper area/settings.
When you're on SL and have one of those black boxes instead of the video, try Right mouse clicking and see if you get some sort on context sensitive menu that will allow the video to play.

It's been a problem for I.E. since the Windows 10 1709 update.
Some security tightening. I have googled it and tried like hell to apply the ideas listed by people having this on other web sites. It's not flash by the way and there is no right click context menu. The embed URL command this site uses is now blocked. I am sure if I spent more time I could fix it in Group Policy Editor but gave up for now.

If you want to see the video, reply to the post with "quote" and in the "quote" you can see the original youtube URL. Copy that and paste it in a new I.E. tab.


08-05-2018, 11:23 AM
1. Making sure you have the most current version of Flash Player on your system. Google Flash update and follow instructions.

2. Go into your browsers settings and make sure you have Flash enabled. Depending on your browser, you might have to do a little digging to find the correct settings.

08-05-2018, 12:04 PM
My next question would be, WHY are you still using IE and haven't switched to Chrome, firefox, edge... etc....
Oh, I get it, the same reason I like a V-twin, with a Mike's thumbpad on my shifter... because you like it.
I think Finless has gone through extensive troubleshooting to fix the issue and can't in MSIE. Quite a workaround to make the video viewable.
For those not willing to do the work around Bob's found, All other browsers can import your favorites (bookmarks) saved passwords etc.

08-05-2018, 06:33 PM
Another possibility is blocking by an ad blocker or anti tracking plugin. I finally had to whitelist in the Disconnect plugin and turn off AdBlocker the local TV channel web page in order to get videos to show. For me Disconnect and Ad Blocker plus have not interfered with SL, but if you're using a different plugin it might.