View Full Version : Need help figuring out a Fault Code

07-30-2018, 07:29 PM
I am getting a B2D30 or B2030 (cant really tell if its a "D" or "0"). Does anyone know what this is? I haven't been able to find anything online saying what it may be. I cut the engine off and restarted and it cleared, but just bothers me knowing I haven't got but 500 easy miles on it during break-in. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I really don't want to drive it all the way to the dealer for something that went away, just would like to know if its something I could head off. See attached image.

07-30-2018, 08:51 PM
I don't find either one. May be one of the newer codes not updated to our app... Do you have any problems ? are there any other warnings ? Have you checked with a dealer , who should be up to date on codes....:dontknow:

07-31-2018, 11:51 AM
Googling B2030 brought up this tesponse:


Don’t know that it helps any though