View Full Version : WW2 nose art helmets

Rogue Hawk
07-20-2018, 11:29 AM
I would love to get a helmet with one of these classic pinup girl illustrations. I am not familiar with this brand, so I could see getting a Shoei or something like that custom painted.

https://www.speedaddicts.com/motorcycle/suomy-apex-la-cocca-full-face-helmet?CAWELAID=120220100000000021&catargetid=120220100000009551&cadevice=c&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5MfUsYqu3AIVy7bACh2DsAmNEAQYAiAB EgLwqPD_BwE

07-20-2018, 11:59 AM
I would love to get a helmet with one of these classic pinup girl illustrations. I am not familiar with this brand, so I could see getting a Shoei or something like that custom painted.

https://www.speedaddicts.com/motorcycle/suomy-apex-la-cocca-full-face-helmet?CAWELAID=120220100000000021&catargetid=120220100000009551&cadevice=c&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5MfUsYqu3AIVy7bACh2DsAmNEAQYAiAB EgLwqPD_BwE

If I remember correctly this is a Finnish brand and they used to make very good comfortable helmets back in the day. I have not seen their name for a long time and thought they had dissapeared but maybe they just stopped selling in the US.I love the paint job.

So I just watched the video and it appears to be made in Italy.

Further info about Suomy: http://www.suomy.com/en/about-us.html

07-20-2018, 01:32 PM
Good looking art. And the information about Finnish, is right on. :yes:

Suomi is a Finnish term. Don't know about the mfg. end of it though. I have Nolans--these are made in Italy--and darn good helmets IMO.

07-20-2018, 01:35 PM
I thought so too but the video with the ad says Italy

07-21-2018, 10:15 AM
If I remember correctly, a few of the MotoGP riders wear the brand.