View Full Version : State SpyderLovers logos

06-01-2009, 10:08 AM
I have been thinking of having a Michigan SpyderLovers logo made up for some time, just haven't really gotten around to it. I have noticed 8Legs newest signature and I think that is so cool:

Does anyone else have one in the making yet? I would love to see what is out there.

For MI I was thinking of the spyderlovers logo in the middle of the mitten with a spyderweb strung from the UP to the LP. Of course I have no artistic talent whatsoever go if you can't envision that in your mind, I can't help. It is just a thought.

06-01-2009, 10:12 AM
I am putting this on a t-shirt. Had "run it up the flagpole" as a patch idea but not much interest at the time

06-01-2009, 10:30 AM
I am putting this on a t-shirt. Had "run it up the flagpole" as a patch idea but not much interest at the time

That is a nice patch Irish, but I was kind of looking more for state chapters of the SpyderLovers logos.

06-01-2009, 10:37 AM
My logo is a work in progress. I'll see what I can make for Michigan.

06-01-2009, 10:46 AM
Lamont, in regards to a state SpyderLovers logo, do we have to get permission from Cat specialties to use your SpyderLovers logo on a state shirt? I don't want to ruffle any feathers or infringe on any one's copyright. I was just thinking your current logo in side the mitten would be perfect.

06-01-2009, 10:49 AM
Lamont, in regards to a state SpyderLovers logo, do we have to get permission from Cat specialties to use your SpyderLovers logo on a state shirt? I don't want to ruffle any feathers or infringe on any one's copyright. I was just thinking your current logo in side the mitten would be perfect.

I was wondering the same thing. I didn't want to step on anyone's toes when making the Indiana logo. I have more Ideas I would like to incorporate into the logo as it is still a Work In Progress.

06-01-2009, 10:49 AM
There is a fine line on chapter patches. Those are consider claiming territory to the 1%er's and that can get you in a situation you may not want to deal with. nojoke
If you go to the 9:00 mark on that video you'll see what I'm talking about. The Mongols had a "California" rocker on their vest and to the HA this was claiming turf. I lived in El Cajon during this time and knew both of the guys that were killed. I was in Laughlin when the fight broke out there too. There are ways to get a chapter approved but it really isn't worth the trouble to me.


06-01-2009, 11:08 AM
There is a fine line on chapter patches. Those are consider claiming territory to the 1%er's and that can get you in a situation you may not want to deal with. nojoke
If you go to the 9:00 mark on that video you'll see what I'm talking about. The Mongols had a "California" rocker on their vest and to the HA this was claiming turf. I lived in El Cajon during this time and knew both of the guys that were killed. I was in Laughlin when the fight broke out there too. There are ways to get a chapter approved but it really isn't worth the trouble to me.

YouTube - Gangland - Hells Angels 'Behind Enemy Lines' 2 of 5 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xU-EEE_FpDI)

Well, I wasn't going to get quite so serious about it. Just maybe some t-shirts like your spyderlovers t-shirts only with Michigan emphasis. I am not thinking of a president or anything official or anything like that. Just Michigan Spyderlovers.

06-01-2009, 11:08 AM
So is it a bad idea to have a state logo? It isn't like we are imposing on anyone or "claiming territory" over anyone. Just simply making the statement that we ride a spyder and live in "whatever state". Should we just scratch the whole idea?

06-01-2009, 11:15 AM
So is it a bad idea to have a state logo? It isn't like we are imposing on anyone or "claiming territory" over anyone. Just simply making the statement that we ride a spyder and live in "whatever state". Should we just scratch the whole idea?

Maybe ataDude remembers what happen when the Texas Valkyrie club was told to remove there patches or else by the Bandidos. These guys don't care what you think it is, it's what they think it is. You can do what you want but just know that there may be a price to pay down the road.

06-01-2009, 11:23 AM
Well, I wasn't going to get quite so serious about it. Just maybe some t-shirts like your spyderlovers t-shirts only with Michigan emphasis. I am not thinking of a president or anything official or anything like that. Just Michigan Spyderlovers.

Thats what I was thinking about, but guess it might be a bad idea.

06-01-2009, 11:24 AM

We don't need no stinkin' Patches ! :roflblack:

06-01-2009, 11:47 AM
Maybe ataDude remembers what happen when the Texas Valkyrie club was told to remove there patches or else by the Bandidos. These guys don't care what you think it is, it's what they think it is. You can do what you want but just know that there may be a price to pay down the road.

As a law enforcement person who has been riding bikes for years, I cannot agree more. I know firefighters who had to get permission from the local bandidos and hells angels to wear their logos and fly their colors in their territories. They also had to get "protection" from them for any firefighters from other states who might enter the area "flying colors." It's a world you might not want to enter!

06-01-2009, 11:56 AM
Okay, not to get difficult or technical here but help me out. I am not talking out patches or flying or wearing colors. I am not talking about organized chapters or clubs or gangs. We already have official SpyderLovers t-shirts and polos and even ball caps. So I was just trying to tie that into a Michigan theme for the Michigan riders. Just a T-shirt. How is a state SpyderLovers t-shirt any different that wearing the current SpyderLover t-shirt I have? I am not trying to stir the pot here, I am just truly curious. If it a problem I will definitely drop the issue.

06-01-2009, 12:07 PM
Okay, not to get difficult or technical here but help me out. I am not talking out patches or flying or wearing colors. I am not talking about organized chapters or clubs or gangs. We already have official SpyderLovers t-shirts and polos and even ball caps. So I was just trying to tie that into a Michigan theme for the Michigan riders. Just a T-shirt. How is a state SpyderLovers t-shirt any different that wearing the current SpyderLover t-shirt I have? I am not trying to stir the pot here, I am just truly curious. If it a problem I will definitely drop the issue.
It's different when you identify yourself with an area (turf). You may never have any problem with it but is it really worth it? If you really want to pursue this then check with these guys and see what they say.
The front is a legal rights club but what they are really doing is protecting you from other clubs that claim the same turf. This is the safest way to fly a state banner or rocker.

06-01-2009, 12:25 PM
Maybe ataDude remembers what happen when the Texas Valkyrie club was told to remove there patches or else by the Bandidos. These guys don't care what you think it is, it's what they think it is. You can do what you want but just know that there may be a price to pay down the road.

I remember. And, I stay away from patches... period.

There will be folks that say... "those yahoos can't intimidate me... I'm armed... or I'm tough... or..." Those folks don't quite get it... the gangs are armed, too, and typically out number you by a 5-1 (or more) margin. Even if they don't appear to out number you, there's a van full of 'em around the corner... waiting.

They don't "play fair" and are willing to fight for "their" territory. Forget about the "it's a free country..." stuff. It's not if you're in their territory and wearing anything that also "claims" that same territory.

A tee-shirt that says "Spyderlovers" is one thing... a tee-shirt that says "Spyderlovers, Michigan" is a whole new ballgame.

Think about it.

06-01-2009, 12:55 PM
Sad commentary on what's supposed to be a fun activity.:(

06-01-2009, 02:01 PM
you can always tattoo it on :2thumbs:

06-01-2009, 02:02 PM
i grew up in lawrence mass and not proud enough of it to tell everyone ... place is a dump.... :yikes:

06-01-2009, 02:11 PM
So wait a minute - what kind of 'logos' or 'colors' were the firefighters trying to wear? If it's not motorcycle related - how would it matter at all?

I mean, do you seriously think that the various Elks, Lions, Kawaines, Masons and other clubs get 'permission' from the bandidos before 'flying their colors' ? How about AAA ?

I think the whole thing is being blown out of proportion. My take was that Deb just wanted to know about the copyright on the Spyderlovers logo and if she could use it. Die-hard biker gangs wouldn't consider the Spyder a real bike anyway.

I'm sure he was talking about a Fire Fighters riding club.

Do a little research and then come back and tell us what you've learned. I'm just trying to keep members here educated as it seems that some (including you) have no clue what the potential reclamations are. I don't agee with it either but that's just the way it is.

06-01-2009, 02:18 PM
I'm sure he was talking about a Fire Fighters riding club.

Do a little research and then come back and tell us what you've learned. I'm just trying to keep members here educated as it seems that some (including you) have no clue what the potential reclamations are. I don't agee with it either but that's just the way it is.

Will do---- and you're right--- I have no clue about this biker-turf stuff---- I'm interested in it kind of like Deb is --- it has peaked my curiosity.

So this is specifically about biker groups,patches, colors, etc. then ?

What a sheltered life I've led! :yikes:

Don in E Texas
06-01-2009, 02:23 PM
One does have to be careful about what you have on when on your motorcycle that can be considered "colors" by someone else. Can lead to problems you don't want.:pray:

Here is one site that has some good information about clubs, etc. (I'm sure there are others).


Be safe...;)


06-01-2009, 02:33 PM
One does have to be careful about what you have on when on your motorcycle that can be considered "colors" by someone else. Can lead to problems you don't want.:pray:

Here is one site that has some good information about clubs, etc. (I'm sure there are others).


Be safe...;)


You beat me to it i was just fixing to post this LOL

06-01-2009, 02:59 PM
I'm sure he was talking about a Fire Fighters riding club.

Do a little research and then come back and tell us what you've learned. I'm just trying to keep members here educated as it seems that some (including you) have no clue what the potential reclamations are. I don't agee with it either but that's just the way it is.

That is exactly what I was talking about. What we think "flying colors" or "turf" means is not the same as what the outlaw bikers mean. Folks can do what they want, I was just stating a fact that I have seen first hand. I agree with Lamonster that I don't agree with it, but innocent meaning bikers get escorted out of towns all the time by outlaw biker members. It's not TV!

06-01-2009, 03:01 PM
Sad commentary on what's supposed to be a fun activity.:(

It is indeed... but avoid the "turf struggle" and there are no problems. They might even help you out when needed... like a roadside repair or something.

This all reminds me of the Die Hard II (I think) movie... where Bruce Willis had to wear a certain sign in the ghetto while waiting for a phone call. :helpsmilie: He knew he was asking for it... but had no choice. You do.

And... it's still a fun activity... even without a patch/tee-shirt/tattoo. :D


06-01-2009, 03:08 PM
It is indeed... but avoid the "turf struggle" and there are no problems. They might even help you out when needed... like a roadside repair or something.

This all reminds me of the Die Hard II (I think) movie... where Bruce Willis had to wear a certain sign in the ghetto while waiting for a phone call. :helpsmilie: He knew he was asking for it... but had no choice. You do.

And... it's still a fun activity... even without a patch/tee-shirt/tattoo. :D


But That would be Die Hard 3 :D

06-01-2009, 04:12 PM
One does have to be careful about what you have on when on your motorcycle that can be considered "colors" by someone else. Can lead to problems you don't want.:pray:

Here is one site that has some good information about clubs, etc. (I'm sure there are others).


Be safe...;)


Thanks for posting this. Understand that many of us don't know squat about what 'colors' are - I sure didn't ! Very interesting stuff. Seems that those that have never owned a HD might also not know much about 'colors' and 'patches'. While I don't think we have as big of a problem here in Michigan - I know there are some of these outlaw biker groups around. Seen plenty of 'Iron Coffins' - doesn't quite look like a group I would want to hang with!

06-01-2009, 06:24 PM

We don't need no stinkin' Patches ! :roflblack:

Patches, we don't need no stink'n patches!:ohyea::roflblack:

06-01-2009, 08:08 PM
You know it's funny, I don't think of myself as naive either. I work in the inner city of Flint MI and have seen just about everything as an EMT. I have been in some places that none of you would ever want to enter. But as much crime and a high violent crime and murder rate as we have here, it does not seem to be overly gang related, biker or otherwise. Sure you hear about it a little bit but nothing like some of the other info that has been posted. Firefly is right, maybe we just don't have a lot of that here in Michigan. But, I will take heed to the warnings from those in the know. I have no desire to cause this kind of ruckus anywhere and I love to travel all over so I guess I will stay with my generic SpyderLovers t-shirts.

06-01-2009, 08:53 PM
I lived in Santee which is right next to El Cajon I was also in Harrah when the fight broke out and have been in Lamont’s when many fights broke out, I have known HA's, Mongols, Outlaws Inc., and Los Lobo’s and Apache’s, also Solo Angels these are people who live by their own rules, and turf and colors are the mainstays. They don't care if you understand they don't want explanations they many times just want to fight or must fight if ordered to. It is best to do nothing to get on the wrong side of them. I once saw a group of them stop a ten or twelve year old riding a mini-bike he had drawn the HA logo skull and wing on the back of his tee shirt. They ripped the tee shirt off him gave him a lecture and fortunately let him go. I say fortunately because if I had felt compelled to enter in I might not be writing this today. They are not people you want to cross even casually. That said many are good people who will give you the shirt off their back, just not one with colors.


06-01-2009, 09:05 PM
I lived in Santee which is right next to El Cajon I was also in Harrah when the fight broke out and have been in Lamont’s when many fights broke out, I have known HA's, Mongols, Outlaws Inc., and Los Lobo’s and Apache’s, also Solo Angels these are people who live by their own rules, and turf and colors are the mainstays. They don't care if you understand they don't want explanations they many times just want to fight or must fight if ordered to. It is best to do nothing to get on the wrong side of them. I once saw a group of them stop a ten or twelve year old riding a mini-bike he had drawn the HA logo skull and wing on the back of his tee shirt. They ripped the tee shirt off him gave him a lecture and fortunately let him go. I say fortunately because if I had felt compelled to enter in I might not be writing this today. They are not people you want to cross even casually. That said many are good people who will give you the shirt off their back, just not one with colors.


I think you mean Dumont's, not Lamont's ;) I had to testify in a murder that happened in front of Dumont's. 2 prospects and my best friend killed the VP of the ***** over a belt buckle. Stabbed him twice in the back and 6 times in the chest before they kicked his skull in, right there in plain sight on El Cajon Blv. This is no joke.

06-01-2009, 09:14 PM
That said many are good people who will give you the shirt off their back, just not one with colors.


:hun: Sorry, but with all due respect, I have to disagree with this statement. I have been in law enforcement for a long time, and I have seen very little evidence to support that assertion. All of these OMGs (Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs) are essentially organized crime, and only a scumbag loser will affiliate himself with them. In Montreal, a little boy was killed when a bomb intended for a rival exploded in a booby-trapped Jeep parked on the street. Two correctional officers in the same city were murdered by the H.A., gunned down while they drove a prisoner van through the city. Police officers have been targeted and killed by these animals.
Sorry for the rant, but I am not a fan of these murderers.

06-01-2009, 09:15 PM
There is a fine line on chapter patches. Those are consider claiming territory to the 1%er's and that can get you in a situation you may not want to deal with. nojoke
If you go to the 9:00 mark on that video you'll see what I'm talking about. The Mongols had a "California" rocker on their vest and to the HA this was claiming turf. I lived in El Cajon during this time and knew both of the guys that were killed. I was in Laughlin when the fight broke out there too. There are ways to get a chapter approved but it really isn't worth the trouble to me.

YouTube - Gangland - Hells Angels 'Behind Enemy Lines' 2 of 5 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xU-EEE_FpDI):agree:

06-01-2009, 09:15 PM
Okay, I guess it is more prevalent in MIchigan than I thought. Here is a fairly recent article from the Detroit area about an hour south of us.

Feds in Detroit indict 74 motorcycle gang members for attempted murder, other crimes
by The Associated Press
Thursday May 14, 2009, 3:21 PM

DETROIT -- Federal authorities in Detroit have charged dozens of members of a motorcycle gang with attempted murder, conspiracy to commit murder, cocaine and steroid distribution and other crimes.

Seventy-four people are named in a 35-count indictment unsealed Thursday in U.S. District Court in Detroit.

The charges are part of a long-running investigation of the Highwaymen by the FBI, U.S. attorney's office and state and local law enforcement agencies.

Members of the gang also are accused of conspiring to kill members of another motorcycle club, while others are charged with transporting stolen motorcycles into Michigan.

Sixteen men have been named as leaders of the group and accused of directing others to carry out crimes.

A news conference has been scheduled for Thursday afternoon.

06-01-2009, 09:17 PM
Your right I have not been in there for over 30 years. I just did not fit. So I went my own way. I have been an outrider for all these years just not a joiner. The only reason I kept my HOG memborship is the discount on Bike Insurance.

06-02-2009, 10:56 AM
There's an excellent show on the History channel called Gangland which tells the inside story of America's most notorious street gangs. Half of them are outlaw motorcycle gangs...HAs (everywhere), Mongols (mainly West Coast and Southwest), Outlaws (everywhere), Pagans (mainly PA and NY), etc. These gangs are no longer restricted to the US...several have opened chapters in Europe and Central/South America