View Full Version : Old spyder owner with new spyder questions

05-08-2018, 03:04 PM
Hello and thank you for having me. I had a 2013 RSS SE5 and now I'm in the market for a new spyder, so i thought it best to ask the experts. I have a few questions actually,are the drag bars on the daytona comfortable for long rides , I'm wondering if the F3-T bags are removable , also if anybody out there could tell me if they use and or enjoy sports mode does it feel safe , also does it comes on the F3-T or only the daytona and 2017-2018 F3-S. thank you guys for your responses and answers and everybody welcome back from SPYDERFEST.

05-08-2018, 05:15 PM
hi i have had a daytona now for just over a year find the drag bars very comfortable slightly bent arms just below chest height im 6'3''.i run sport mode all the time if you lift a wheel nanny still kicks in to save the day. i got caught out by a bad camber turn on the moors near whitby last week inside wheel lifted 2 or 3''wile going 65mph vss did its thing and all was good didn't feel unstable just scrubbed off 10mph .only the daytona and 2017-2018 F3-S have sport mode. the F3-T bags can't be removed.

05-08-2018, 06:50 PM
Ddjim, thank you for the response and all the information you gave. I am currently torn between a new bike with sports mode and a older f3s with out it.

05-08-2018, 09:15 PM
A friend who just picked up his Daytona last week, and rode from MN to MO did not find the drag bars comfortable. He swapped them out during Spyderfest for F3 stock bars.

05-09-2018, 01:13 PM

05-09-2018, 10:23 PM
Thank yiu all for having me and for your honest answers, I was also wondering if the tri axis bars might be a good fit do they have a drwg position and also is it ok to discus and ask questions about prices here to find the best possible deal ,