View Full Version : anyone in Pittsburgh, Pa area have a ultimate or other comfy seat

04-06-2018, 11:31 AM
I would like to at least sit on one before shelling out around a grand, so does anyone have one they would be willing to let me sit on?

04-07-2018, 07:38 AM
Can't help you there,I am in the other end of Pa but Ultimate does give you a trial period.Only thing you would be out is shipping if you didn't like it.I have had one on the can am for 3 years and had their seats on 2 previous bikes with no complaints.

04-07-2018, 08:05 AM
take a ride up to value accessories there in north east ohio. I think they have an ultimate or a mustang on their rt.

04-07-2018, 01:23 PM
You've learned from a previous post that you can try the seat and return if you don't like it. To install, be sure you have one of the ratchets that you can turn the handle and it will spin the socket. Otherwise... I bought my '14 RT and the next day rode 600 miles. The pain was really bad. My butt really really hurt. THAT day, I ordered an Ultimate seat. Three days later installed it. I have ridden it about 40K miles. NEVER one bit of pain since. Last Summer, Louisiana to KC to Valcourt and return the LONG way. That was about 18 days ryding. NEVER a sore butt, legs... Get the seat. Don't worry about 'sitting on one' for a few minutes. You need to ryde a long long way. But, I do think you will really like it... If you get one, get the version with the gas tank access door. Whatever the cost, SOOOO worth it.

04-09-2018, 01:32 PM
I have a comfort seat on a 2014 rts located in greensburg pa