View Full Version : Added Apps to BRP Connect but with a funny

03-30-2018, 12:27 AM
Just opened BRP Connect and found Rever available when next I plug it into the bike.


I see FOBO Bike down in the list and when I click it I get switched to the App Store and FOBO Tire. I already have FOBO Bike so it should be up with the others. Too funny but also frustrating.


03-30-2018, 10:57 AM
I decided to install FOBO Tire and after I did, it showed up in BRP Connect as FOBO Bike. Now to plug it into the bike to see what I get. I also checked the FOBO web site and they have a separate Trike app. I’m so confused?!%? :sour:

03-31-2018, 09:42 PM
Interesting that when I plugged it into the bike and went to open the new apps, I had to touch "OK" on the phone so they would open. Once FOBO Bike opened I found it opening the FOBO Bike app and not the FOBO Tire app. Weird. Now to bug them to get SiriusXM.