View Full Version : Cable adjustment

03-25-2018, 11:28 AM
How do you adjust the cable on the frunk

03-25-2018, 11:34 AM
How do you adjust the cable on the frunk
Oh, god. Don't tell me you misplaced your frunk cable adjustment tool...

Need more information!!!

03-25-2018, 12:06 PM
I can't the lid to release. To open the funk.

03-25-2018, 12:07 PM
Oh, god. Don't tell me you misplaced your frunk cable adjustment tool...

Need more information!!!
What tool?

03-25-2018, 12:09 PM
What tool?
I'm kidding. There isn't any tool. What are you trying to adjust the cable for?

Easy Rider
03-25-2018, 12:09 PM
Need more information!!!

Specifying WHAT information is needed probably would be even more helpful !! :thumbup:

Year and model, I think......because I think I heard that there are two different ways that the latch operates; one electrical and one mechanical.

03-25-2018, 12:10 PM
Specifying WHAT information is needed probably would be even more helpful !! :thumbup:

Year and model, I think......because I think I heard that there are two different ways that the latch operates; one electrical and one mechanical.
Well, that plus why does he think the cable needs 'adjusting'?

Bob Denman
03-25-2018, 12:25 PM
Is the release not working because:
Is doesn't move the lever far ebough?
Is it just stuck?

Some lubrication might help...
Can you get the lid open to see the latch?

03-25-2018, 04:40 PM
Profile says..... 2015 RTL Chrome...Not seeing any adjustment on the break down. Depending on what you need. Could be the cable has stretched but not likely. If there is any adjustment it would be at the latch or ignition switch. If the cable is streched you could space it with some washers at the pulling knob on the actuator...:thumbup:

Lew L
03-25-2018, 05:49 PM
I added a release cable with some very thin wire rope to both the frunk and the seat. Not hard to do and could save your bacon if the seat or trunk cable failed 2000 miles from home.

Lew L
03-25-2018, 05:52 PM
I can't the lid to release. To open the funk.

You might try pushing down on the frunk lid as the key is pushed down and turned-------- just a thought.

03-25-2018, 05:59 PM
I added a release cable with some very thin wire rope to both the frunk and the seat. Not hard to do and could save your bacon if the seat or trunk cable failed 2000 miles from home.
I remember you had posted something about this before, or maybe it was somebody else. Anyway, can you provide more of an explanation, pics or link to the thread(S) that detail this simple but important mod? Thanks.

03-25-2018, 05:59 PM
I added a release cable with some very thin wire rope to both the frunk and the seat. Not hard to do and could save your bacon if the seat or trunk cable failed 2000 miles from home. :agree:... And I used to make and sell the re-mote cable release for seat and frunk ( as a Vendor ) ....I don't believe there is any adjustment available in the system.... The cable isn't likely to stretch.... the wire cable is too strong for that......It's very likely the release cable has become de-tached from the base of the IGNITION switch ( Deanna777 can tell you about that :roflblack: )...... If you can't get the frunk open I can tell you how because I've done it .... let me know if that's the main problem ..... It's wordy so I won't explain it unless you ask me to...... Mike :thumbup:

Lew L
03-26-2018, 10:13 AM
Hi Pete,
I'm off to go skiing this am. 35th day so far this season. I'll try to get pix and an explination of the cable mod this afternoon.

Lew L

I remember you had posted something about this before, or maybe it was somebody else. Anyway, can you provide more of an explanation, pics or link to the thread(S) that detail this simple but important mod? Thanks.

03-26-2018, 11:16 AM
As Lew L said, press down on the frunk lid where the latch is located then press and turn the key. It is possible the frunk gasket has come loose and needs to be reseated.

03-26-2018, 05:34 PM
you were right spray silicone did the trick.
Is the release not working because:
Is doesn't move the lever far ebough?
Is it just stuck?

Some lubrication might help...
Can you get the lid open to see the latch?

Lew L
03-27-2018, 09:49 PM
I remember you had posted something about this before, or maybe it was somebody else. Anyway, can you provide more of an explanation, pics or link to the thread(S) that detail this simple but important mod? Thanks.

Well Pete,

I tried to get a decent picture but the part to attach an emergency release cable is buried under the headlight surround. The cable should come out to the riders left. It really isn't that hard to do if you spend a few minutes studying what part moves when the key is depressed and turned. Same with the seat.


Pix is for the seat release


03-28-2018, 08:43 AM
I added a release cable with some very thin wire rope to both the frunk and the seat. Not hard to do and could save your bacon if the seat or trunk cable failed 2000 miles from home.

I did the same but used some super strong fishing line, more flexable than cable. I ran the one from the frunk to the opening where you check your oil (2011 RT) and ran the one from the seat to the glove box.

03-28-2018, 09:37 AM
For future info:

There is no adjustment for the cable at the key area.
There is an adjustment at the latch but it's the entire latch assembly not just the cable.

Look at my Tri-axis handlebar install video and at the end of part 3, I show how to adjust everything.


03-28-2018, 11:42 AM
Bob, This video

03-28-2018, 12:13 PM
Assuming that you can't open the FRUNK, try pressing on the FRUNK over the latch area or just to one side while trying the release. Need the year and model to be more specific with a way to open it as the latches are different besides some being electrically activated and others opened by deft maneuver of the key.

07-07-2018, 06:06 PM
I added a release cable with some very thin wire rope to both the frunk and the seat. Not hard to do and could save your bacon if the seat or trunk cable failed 2000 miles from home.

Seems my key also wouldn't turn/release, seat or frunk, hoping not cable issue as looks like hard job to pull it all to bits, help appreciated by anyone, currently releasing seat with cable tie :) to access fuel tank, but front lid hmm took off the -- part in meantime meaning it doesn't shut at all :(

08-02-2018, 01:50 PM
Hi there...not to beat a dead horse, but I too am looking for a way to adjust the cable. 2015 Spyder RT with mechanical frunk mechanism. I know the cable is working. When it is shut, it is shut. Can't pull it open. When I turn the key, it will pull open but you have to pull kinda hard to pop it loose. The latch appears to be like a latch on a car trunk. When it's closed the v-shaped part clicks down and stays...like on a car trunk. I am assuming that when you turn the key, it's supposed to click out of its closed position...again like a car trunk. Mine doesn't click up into the open position like it should. I have two other spyders...2008 GS-SM5's. I know on those, you can turn the key and hear it "click". Then it's open. Just pull it up. Should be able to do this with one hand. It's really a pain if I have something in my hand...like my helmet or a drink...grocery bag...and I have to set everything down to use 2 hands to open it and in addition have to really pull hard on it to pop it loose. That is why I am thinking cable. Please tell me if I am wrong. You guys all have a frunk. How easy does yours open? They should all be the same. Would appreciate any feedback.


Lew L
08-02-2018, 02:50 PM
The frunk on my 2014 RTS opens easily. An audible click.

With the frunk lid open------ work the key --- you'll have to manually close the little hook ---- then try the key. Maybe a cleaning and a drop of lube. Maybe the return spring on the latch has come loose???Good time to add the emergency release cable.

Good luck,

Lew L

08-02-2018, 02:51 PM
Hi there...not to beat a dead horse, but I too am looking for a way to adjust the cable. 2015 Spyder RT with mechanical frunk mechanism. I know the cable is working. When it is shut, it is shut. Can't pull it open. When I turn the key, it will pull open but you have to pull kinda hard to pop it loose. The latch appears to be like a latch on a car trunk. When it's closed the v-shaped part clicks down and stays...like on a car trunk. I am assuming that when you turn the key, it's supposed to click out of its closed position...again like a car trunk. Mine doesn't click up into the open position like it should. I have two other spyders...2008 GS-SM5's. I know on those, you can turn the key and hear it "click". Then it's open. Just pull it up. Should be able to do this with one hand. It's really a pain if I have something in my hand...like my helmet or a drink...grocery bag...and I have to set everything down to use 2 hands to open it and in addition have to really pull hard on it to pop it loose. That is why I am thinking cable. Please tell me if I am wrong. You guys all have a frunk. How easy does yours open? They should all be the same. Would appreciate any feedback.


On my 2010 RT, I sometimes had to pry to the frunk open. I'd do this while turning the key.
On my 2016RTSe, i just have to use the key. There is no electrical way to open it.

08-02-2018, 03:33 PM
That's what I figured. Should be able to use just the key and not have to pry anything. So Lew, if you put the little hook in it's down position, should it pop up when you turn the key? Mine doesn't.

Lew L
08-02-2018, 10:45 PM
Well Mike,
Sounds like a cable problem. With real good lighting----- can you see where the cable is attached to the locking latch???? Push the key down and turn CCW --- see any thing moving???? If not it may be at the ignition key barrel but you hope it's at the latch. Again, with real good lighting , check the spring in the latch as it could be broken or unhooked.

Hope it's something simple,

Lew L

Easy Rider
08-03-2018, 07:38 AM
When I turn the key, it will pull open but you have to pull kinda hard to pop it loose.

Explain that a bit more.

Sounds to me like the latch itself is working but something else is "catching" and not allowing it to come fully open easily.

08-03-2018, 05:05 PM
I went in and took a close look yesterday evening. If you remove both plastic covers at the top of the frunk, you can see right in there and get to it easily. The cable was moving when I turned the key, however it was just shy of popping the latch. When I did it with my finger, I noticed that yes, the latch DOES indeed pop open kind of like a car trunk latch. The cable is attached to the latch with a metal piece on the end that is kinda shaped like an S...but with straight sides. I should have taken a few pictures. Anyway, that little "hook" goes through a hole on the arm it attaches to. It was having problems pulling because of the way it was facing. I slipped it out of there and turned it around so that the cable didn't have a bind on it anymore. I also bent the bracket (the one the cable is seated in) just slightly so it tightened the cable just slightly. Now it works perfectly. Pops open just like it should. You turn the key, you hear the "click" and then you just lift the lid with one hand without having to hold the key. Perfect! Thanks for the help, guys. Hope this helps someone else.


Lew L
08-03-2018, 10:12 PM
I knew you could do it:clap::clap:.