View Full Version : 2018 Spyder RT Limited Genuis Map & Volume Problem

03-16-2018, 07:51 AM
Has anyone solved this problem? I've installed Genius Maps Pro Guidance and Car Connectivity on my smartphone and it operates with turn by turn navigation as advertised on the phone. However, when hooking it up to the 2018 Spyder RT Limited I get the map and turn by turn navigation on the display, but I lose radio volume as well as the navigation turn by turn volume.

Easy Rider
03-16-2018, 11:47 AM
. However, when hooking it up to the 2018 Spyder RT Limited I get the map and turn by turn navigation on the display, but I lose radio volume as well as the navigation turn by turn volume.

I do NOT like this new arrangement.
Let me predict the next couple of steps:
You go to your dealer and demonstrate the problem; they blame it on the phone.
You then contact the maker of the phone; they blame it on BRP.

P.S. It really is BRPs responsibility to get the problem fixed, regardless of what it takes.......since they told you that it would work, didn't they ??

03-16-2018, 06:53 PM
Hoping for a software update to fix this and other problems soon. In the meantime, get the route in the Genius Map on the phone and touch the speaker symbol at the bottom and then touch the left end which will mute the sound. Then have BRP Connect showing before plugging it into the bike. Turn the bike on and you’ll be able to see where to go while listening to the music. You’ll hear other warning sounds from the Maps app but as long as you mute the speaking you’ll continue to hear music. I understand the first software update didn’t do much and there is another update soon.

If if we message BRP a lot by going to their web site and sending them a complaint, it might get them to do things faster. I’m trying once a week. If we all did it . . .

03-17-2018, 07:25 AM
Thanks, I'll give it a try.

Cruzr Joe
03-17-2018, 12:27 PM
As i previously mentioned in another thread, there is a volume control in the APP that needs to be turned up to full volume.

Cruzr Joe

03-17-2018, 07:01 PM
As i previously mentioned in another thread, there is a volume control in the APP that needs to be turned up to full volume.

Cruzr Joe

So instead of muting the Maps volume, you turn it all the way up? How does that keep the music on the phone playing? Or do you turn the music/phone up?

Cruzr Joe
03-17-2018, 10:44 PM
As of right now, everything is at the same volume (that sucks).

if you want to listen only to the GPS, set the music to AUX and don't plug anything in the aux jack and then the only thing you will hear is the GPS, I know poor design.

cruzr Joe

03-17-2018, 10:51 PM
The problem is when the GPS says a direction the music stops and cant be restarted until shutting off the bike and letting it reset. So, to be able to listen to phone music you have to mute the GPS so it doesn't tell you directions. You can look at it to see where to go. Volume has nothing to with it. Sometimes the system mutes any music and I have to get out of BRP Connect to get the volume back.

03-18-2018, 08:33 AM
I've tried the suggestions offered, but they aren't working on my 2018 model with the new display. Muting the GPS volume and having the radio playing with GPS maps on the display all work as I start down the road. But as soon as I reach the first turn where the GPS shows a turn, the radio volume is knocked off.

03-18-2018, 07:44 PM
I mostly listen to music on my phone. The FM radio plays in the speakers and is not a problem when listening to the GPS.

I listen to the phone music through the bluetooth headset and hear it fine when the Genius Maps is muted so it only shows me where to turn and doesn't tell me. The sounds are still there but no voice directions.

Check the bike volume as sometimes it get s muted and I have to go out of BRP Connect to adjust the volume.

Basically play with different settings and find out what works and hope the software update fixes it. It seems the first update didn't do much.

03-19-2018, 07:28 AM
Flamewinger, I appreciate your input. Do you have a 2018 model? Are you aware of a pending software update? I contacted BRP and am waiting to hear if there is a fix pending. If a fix isn't coming soon, I will also have to get music from the phone rather than the FM radio. Everything I've tried hasn't worked to allow the radio to be heard.

03-19-2018, 06:26 PM
Flamewinger, I appreciate your input. Do you have a 2018 model? Are you aware of a pending software update? I contacted BRP and am waiting to hear if there is a fix pending. If a fix isn't coming soon, I will also have to get music from the phone rather than the FM radio. Everything I've tried hasn't worked to allow the radio to be heard.

Don't expect much from BRP as they pass the buck to the dealers. The only software update wasn't much and we're now waiting for another update that I understand will fix things. Not sure what and can't get an answer as to what the software fixes are. As I said, BRP passes the buck and my dealer doesn't know.

My dealer had to get special tools and then figure out how to do the update. I was in last Wednesday for the extra parts installed and they said the update they had didn't update anything.

Cross your fingers.

07-14-2018, 12:54 PM
A little late to the game here, however I noticed today that I get voice navigation clearly when and only when my display is showing the music screen — the Genius Maps app does mute/lower the volume of the music when the navigation screen is showing, but the voice is not audible.

Seems like it’s sort of working, but I would really like the voice while I’m on the navigation screen of course.

Easy Rider
07-15-2018, 10:06 AM
Check the bike volume as sometimes it gets muted and I have to go out of BRP Connect to adjust the volume.

Except for the lack of coherent instructions, this is about the only real complaint I have with my audio system.

About once a month, most of the settings get "reset". Speakers revert to OFF, auto volume-OFF, bass and treble boost-0 and maybe other things too.
A minor pain to be sure......but still a pain.

07-15-2018, 10:24 AM
Except for the lack of coherent instructions, this is about the only real complaint I have with my audio system.

About once a month, most of the settings get "reset". Speakers revert to OFF, auto volume-OFF, bass and treble boost-0 and maybe other things too.
A minor pain to be sure......but still a pain.

The 2018 is a different animal then your 2017.

User setting going back to default is a common problem. For all models with the color display, 2010 to 2017. Easily can be avoided. After turning the key off. Wait the 20 or 30 seconds until until your Spyder fully shuts down. Before turning the key back on. If you turn the key back on before full shut down. Settings will return to default. Commonly this happen when the key is turned off and you have forget to set the parking brake. So you turn the key back on to set it.

Easy Rider
07-15-2018, 10:59 AM
If you turn the key back on before full shut down. Settings will return to default. Commonly this happen when the key is turned off and you have forget to set the parking brake. So you turn the key back on to set it.

WOW. Thank you. :thumbup:

Or....you turn the key to open the Frunk after turn-off and don't do it right, which happens to me fairly often. :banghead:

08-07-2018, 07:21 PM
A little late to the game here, however I noticed today that I get voice navigation clearly when and only when my display is showing the music screen — the Genius Maps app does mute/lower the volume of the music when the navigation screen is showing, but the voice is not audible.

Seems like it’s sort of working, but I would really like the voice while I’m on the navigation screen of course.

Exactly what mine does! I'll have to try the music screen to see what it does. Makes sense in a weird sort of way. If you would rather have the music screen showing, yet have a destination set, it will remind you verbally when and where to turn.

09-03-2018, 02:54 PM
2018 rt limited here. The G-map works fine and I can get audio on speakers from both sources (app & radio)...but app audio turn-by-turn is faint. I don’t have the volume set high on the app or my iPhone, so maybe i’ll play with that. Until then, i’m good with just the visual directions.

09-04-2018, 06:31 AM
You can control the volume level of the Genius Maps app by using the joystick just like setting the FM radio volume. However, you can only do this while receiving spoken turn by turn directions and while you are in the FM music screen. So, set yourself a destination and take off. As you approach a turn and hear the faint instructions, quickly raise up on the joystick. If you wait too long, and she stops speaking, all you will get is an increase in your FM volume. Ya gotta be quick :sour:

09-04-2018, 12:12 PM
You can control the volume level of the Genius Maps app by using the joystick just like setting the FM radio volume. However, you can only do this while receiving spoken turn by turn directions and while you are in the FM music screen. So, set yourself a destination and take off. As you approach a turn and hear the faint instructions, quickly raise up on the joystick. If you wait too long, and she stops speaking, all you will get is an increase in your FM volume. Ya gotta be quick :sour:

Wow, never thought of that but thats the way the system work in my Mini. My phone is giving voice directions and as it pipes up ofer the music I know I can hit the volume and adjust it. Thanks! :clap:

One thought though, If I have the auto volume that makes the music louder the faster I go this volume control for the GPS doesn't work. Wonder if the setting to increase the volume when you pick up speed affects the GPS volume control? Will have to go for a ride and find out!

09-04-2018, 02:05 PM
:spyder2: The 2018 rt limited has had about 5 updates . Don't ask me how I know . The last one has been the best , but still does not work flawlessly . The average mpg sometimes works and sometimes not . Go to the dealer and ask him if you have the latest .

09-04-2018, 03:33 PM
NuttyBuckeye (http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/member.php?15247-NuttyBuckeye), I'm new to this whole spyder thing. Just bought a 2018 F3L and I'm having a heck of a time getting the GPS to work. Would you be kind enough to post a step by step procedure for this neanthratal.
Thanks in advance.


09-04-2018, 04:04 PM
NuttyBuckeye (http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/member.php?15247-NuttyBuckeye), I'm new to this whole spyder thing. Just bought a 2018 F3L and I'm having a heck of a time getting the GPS to work. Would you be kind enough to post a step by step procedure for this neanthratal.
Thanks in advance.


I made a few and this is one.


09-05-2018, 04:09 PM
Flamewinger, (http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/member.php?13626-Flamewinger)​ thanks for the reply.

09-07-2018, 07:51 PM
NuttyBuckeye (http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/member.php?15247-NuttyBuckeye), I'm new to this whole spyder thing. Just bought a 2018 F3L and I'm having a heck of a time getting the GPS to work. Would you be kind enough to post a step by step procedure for this neanthratal.
Thanks in advance.

I got it through trial and error. The following steps should help if I recall them correctly. Others can buzz in if I’m off on anything.

1. First, I needed to buy the map I needed (North American).
2. Then needed to purchase the connectivity for the app.
3. I turn on the Genius app on my phone and key in my destination.
4. I then plug my phone in.
5. Turn ignition key on and wait for the connection. You should see icons at bottom of display on dash that will show you the phone is connected.
6. Press the BRP connect lever on left grip once (used to be CB press to talk lever?)
7. The map that first displays seemed to be my iPhone map (this is what kept throwing me off), so then I fiddled around and discovered that pressing and holding the center of the joystick button for a couple seconds would bring up the list of apps on the dash display. If the maps icon is grayed out (not active), I think I “toggled” over to it (using the joystick) and I think I just selected it and waited for activation.
8. The genius map should then appear on the dash display.

09-08-2018, 12:44 PM
NuttyBuckeye (http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/member.php?15247-NuttyBuckeye)Thanks for posting. I am on the same page but I'm not getting the volume on the genius maps??? More experimenting to do.

09-08-2018, 05:35 PM
NuttyBuckeye (http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/member.php?15247-NuttyBuckeye)Thanks for posting. I am on the same page but I'm not getting the volume on the genius maps??? More experimenting to do.
I don’t have helmet com, but with radio on I can hear the turn by turn; just can’t make it out. Yeah, just fiddle with it and hopefully you get it to work. I know there’s a volume control for the map app, but adjusting that and my phone didn’t help. Really didn’t expect to be able to hear clearly anyway considering wind, noise, and wearing helmet.

09-09-2018, 12:08 AM
IF, when you hear Genius Maps giving directions, you use the joystick to increase the volume. But only when hearing the Maps sounding. When the radio or other music is playing then the joystick turns that up or down. I tend to open the Maps before connecting the phone to the bike and touch the speaker icon and uncheck the alerts. You can also mute or adjust the volume.

09-09-2018, 06:13 AM
Thanks for the feed back, I'll keep after it, when I figure it out I'll be sure to post how to do it. I know it's doable just have to dope it out. how's that saying go "it's easy when you know how" ;)