View Full Version : How is it possible for some of you to get all that mileage on your Spyder

02-25-2018, 05:45 PM
I guess I'm not a long distance bike rider & when I travel long distance I use my SUV to carry suitcases & stuff. Some of you average 15 K miles/yr. Snow & rain doesn't bother you? I'm either envious or very content with my distance riding--I hope old age isn't my problem although the last 2 yrs have given me my share of health problems--broken low right rib paralyzed my right lung diaphragm, prostrate cancer, back fusion surgery. If I'd have know I'd be living to age 74 this march I'd have taken better care of myself. Skydiving accidents, downhill snow ski racing, land speed racing motorcycle crash at 170 mph. I'm thinkin I'm tough to kill, but 15K Spyder mi per year seems excessive. Don't you have other transportation??

Bob Denman
02-25-2018, 05:46 PM
Don't worry, and just ryde your won ryde... :thumbup:
Less worry in your life, will help you live longer! :D

02-25-2018, 06:03 PM
i bought a brand new TOYOTA TUNDRA MAX CAB 5.7 in Mar. 2007... best 4 wheeled vehicle i've ever owned, (and i've owned everything from Corvettes to Lincolns, trucks & tractors)... i still have my TUNDRA, and it has 49,000+ miles of smiles on it.... still an AWESOME vehicle...

in Feb 2015, i purchased my brand new CAN AM SPYD3R F3-S... i currently have 45,000 miles of serious SMILES on her...

what can i say...? i much prefer riding than driving... 2 X-country rides, and 2 rides to Canada, and i ride 12 months per year, and have NO ISSUES with riding 500 - 700 miles per day... sometimes 14 hrs in the saddle... and i'm knocking on 70 in March...

for your enjoyment, ride the way you feel comfortable... don't try to please anyone else - otherwise you'll be very disappointed and the enjoyment is GONE.... personally, i would NEVER consider putting my F3 on a trailer and towing her someplace, but if that's what you need to do, then so be it.... just enjoy your investment, and don't listen to anyone else's directives, it's your ride & your life, live it your way....

ride safely....
Dan P

02-25-2018, 06:25 PM
I guess I'm not a long distance bike rider & when I travel long distance I use my SUV to carry suitcases & stuff. Some of you average 15 K miles/yr. Snow & rain doesn't bother you? I'm either envious or very content with my distance riding--I hope old age isn't my problem although the last 2 yrs have given me my share of health problems--broken low right rib paralyzed my right lung diaphragm, prostrate cancer, back fusion surgery. If I'd have know I'd be living to age 74 this march I'd have taken better care of myself. Skydiving accidents, downhill snow ski racing, land speed racing motorcycle crash at 170 mph. I'm thinkin I'm tough to kill, but 15K Spyder mi per year seems excessive. Don't you have other transportation??

Not to worry my friend, it only gets worse with age. :D At 78 (come April 7th) I am not about to cave in. We "seniors " don't need all those Spyder miles. It is not the amount of miles one rides but the enjoyment of the miles one rides. I rode for years with a gung ho guy that bragged about how many miles he rode each day and each trip. He was only obsessed with that. He was so focused on that I do not think he ever enjoyed riding. For me it is the "spiritual" part of the ride I enjoy most. Nothing to do with religion. Some will know what I am talking about, some will not.


02-25-2018, 06:34 PM
Not to worry my friend, it only gets worse with age. :D At 78 (come April 7th) I am not about to cave in. We "seniors " don't need all those Spyder miles. It is not the amount of miles one rides but the enjoyment of the miles one rides. I rode for years with a gung ho guy that bragged about how many miles he rode each day and each trip. He was only obsessed with that. He was so focused on that I do not think he ever enjoyed riding. For me it is the "spiritual" part of the ride I enjoy most. Nothing to do with religion. Some will know what I am talking about, some will not.

" I agree 110 % " :yes::yes::yes:.......I trailer to most long distance events ...not because I have to, but because it makes more sense to me....... My truck is set up for sleeping ( comfortably ) on the road. So on the interstates I can pull in at a rest stop - sleep until I wake up and then continue..... when I arrive I'm rested and can Really enjoy the local riding area, I'm not interested in buying stuff..... I want to enjoy the people and riding .... jmho .... Mike :thumbup:

02-25-2018, 06:47 PM
I've riding on two wheels all by life excluding graduate school and few years of marriage. My wife dos not ride--my health as tuned me to three wheels. Still owned California Moto Gussi, retired to son-in-law. I ride for the pure joy;);)----Got a 2012RTLtd and now is being updated to my desires this winter by me---miles over the rages short to many miles per trip all enjoy or the love of freedom :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

02-25-2018, 07:01 PM
I'm into my seventies and Ryde wherever I want to go. If I can't Ryde it there it does go there. It truly is a therapeutic unit and whenever I've had a long day or week , stressful moments etc I just fire her up and Ryde off . Do have a lot of miles but not an objective just enjoyment.....:ohyea:

02-25-2018, 07:12 PM
Also :agree: with jaherbst. "It is not the amount of miles one rides but the enjoyment of the miles one rides."

I have good years and bad years. The fact that I can ride, is what matters to me. :yes:

02-25-2018, 07:14 PM
Just ride what you like, as many miles as you like. Last year for my 60th birthday I rode from Las Vegas NV to Lake George, NY for Spyderquest alone. It was all about the journey and sightseeing. It was 7,300 miles of smiles. Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Arizona. The memories are great.

02-25-2018, 07:45 PM
I am 80 years old and last year was least miles I rode for several years. I put 12,000 miles on my 2015 Gold Wing F6B and 7,200 miles on my 2015 Spyder the first 4 months I had it.. Total of 19,200 miles. Last year I had some health issues so I did not get my usually long trips. I always try to make one trip to Colorado, Sturgis Rally and in September I have been going to El Paso, Texas but I did not get any of these trips last year. That would have been another 5,500 miles. That would have been about 25,000 miles and that is what I usually ride. I am in hopes I get more riding this year if my health holds out.

02-25-2018, 07:57 PM
I have 25,000 miles on my F3-S that I have owned for 2 years. I have ridden to Utah, South Dakota, Quebec, southern Louisiana and all points in between. I just turned 66 last month and will ride as long as I am healthy. If it makes more sense to tow your Spyder to where you want to ride, then don’t let what anyone else does or says bother you. As long as you have the wind in your face and enjoy the ride it makes no difference how many miles you ride in a year.

02-25-2018, 07:59 PM
I've riding on two wheels all by life excluding graduate school and few years of marriage. My wife dos not ride--my health as tuned me to three wheels. Still owned California Moto Gussi, retired to son-in-law. I ride for the pure joy;);)----Got a 2012RTLtd and now is being updated to my desires this winter by me---miles over the rages short to many miles per trip all enjoy or the love of freedom :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

We are both pretty fortunate to be able to continue riding like we do at our age. I am 80 and hope I can be riding in another 5 years. I really enjoy it and I ride a lot of 500 mile days and camp which I don't know how much longer I can do that. My wife does not ride anymore either. I sure enjoy my Spyder.

02-25-2018, 08:13 PM
Living down south helps with higher milage...

Yup, I was in the 'never tow my Spyder' mentality, till crap hit the fan.

Hubby and I, and me solo put a many miles on my Phantom, mostly 300 mile days. Good memories and many miles, I used to be a high miler...

Do what you gotta do to keep yourself happy, and make not apologies. :thumbup:

02-25-2018, 09:01 PM
Good thread. Causes me to reflect back on previous rides and look forward to the future. I'm in my 70s and am one of those who does ride 15K each year. Just because I can and want to. Not to try to set any mileage goals. It just "happens". But, my location allows me to get out almost any time and when it's hot in the summer, we usually take a 5-6K tour up north.

02-25-2018, 09:59 PM
I agree with what everyone has said. Be true to yourself and live your life to the fullest you are able. Enjoy every mile.

02-25-2018, 11:24 PM
Just ride what and where you like.

For us, once we bought our 2017 RT-S in July of 2016, we found out about the NorCal rally. We live in middle lower B.C., and decided to make a trip out of going to the rally, so rode through Washington state, Idaho, Nevada, and made it all the way down to San hose California and back to B.C. on an 18 day ride. We both loved it, and met some absolutely fabulous people at the NorCal rally.

So we decided to go back to the NorCal again last year (and this year too). Last year, we decided that we would head down as far the Grand canyon. My wife had never been there. So, we actually went further south than that, about 1.5 hours south of Flagstaff.

Those two trips, as well as several other weekend, and a 10 day trip to Prince Rupert has put over 22,000kms on the bike in just 2 riding seasons. I can only ride april till oct. due to weather here.

I know I am glad to read on other posts here about the high miles some people have put on their bikes, cause I plan on doing a lot more riding in the coming years, and was a little concern that i may hit the 100,000kms mark in no time.


02-25-2018, 11:35 PM
Don't worry about the actual number of miles. You could rack up lots of miles commuting on the slab day in day out in places like LA. But compare that to running the 11 miles twisties at Tail of the Dragon or up PCH for lunch. I'd rather spend a weekend having fun than running errands on the Spyder. So relax and have fun, the odometer is only useful in watching your oil change intervals.

02-26-2018, 12:08 AM
15,000 miles a year -that’s for amateurs! I ride over 30,000 miles per year and I have done that almost every year since I started riding Spyders in 2010. The first two years we lived in snow country and the bikes were parked for the winter. My new bike is not quite 7 months old and I turned 16,000 miles on it this weekend and next weekend will be another 1,000 mile trip then we get into serious traveling with trips of 3,000 to 5,000 miles at least once a month between March and October.

Joe and I have one car that we lease, 3 years 36,000 miles, we never go over on mileage on the car.

Buckeye Chuck 54
02-26-2018, 02:00 AM
When I was very young I rode a 10 speed 2500 miles a year. I'd wear out 2 sets of tires.
But I got a paper route and needed something with a motor, at least that's what I told mom.
I was 12. I've ridden over a million miles on 2, now 3 wheels. I rode motorcycles then but not
all that much. I bought a Moto Guzzi V11EV in 2004. That bike fit me well and I rode 38,800
the first year. That was a record for me. My health forced me to retire in 2008. I bought my 2014
RT-S new in '14. I ride this machine all the time. It's because it's the only time I'm comfortable.
It fits me perfectly. Does everything I want in a bike.
What do you do when a young child is cranky and won't sleep? Take it for a ride in the car. It's
the motion that settles. Probably the best way I can describe it for me. I like the motion. Settles me.
I'm the youngest of 4 sons, 3 of which ride. Oldest brother, Ken rode a 1972 Honda 750 that I sold
to him. He rode that bike to all 48 lower states in 25 years, he turned the odometer over 3 times.
I asked him several times. why? He said it fit him perfectly. Said the bike had a soul. He liked the motion.
That bike now sits in the AMA museum in Pickerington Ohio. It's not on display but if you ask, you can see it.
I love to ryde. I ryde like there's no tomorrow. Because one fall might end my ryding forever.
It's what I do.
Buckeye Chuck 54

02-26-2018, 05:33 AM
Not to worry my friend, it only gets worse with age. :D At 78 (come April 7th) I am not about to cave in. We "seniors " don't need all those Spyder miles. It is not the amount of miles one rides but the enjoyment of the miles one rides. I rode for years with a gung ho guy that bragged about how many miles he rode each day and each trip. He was only obsessed with that. He was so focused on that I do not think he ever enjoyed riding. For me it is the "spiritual" part of the ride I enjoy most. Nothing to do with religion. Some will know what I am talking about, some will not.


Now there's a good comment right there.

02-26-2018, 05:36 AM
15,000 miles a year -that’s for amateurs! I ride over 30,000 miles per year and I have done that almost every year since I started riding Spyders in 2010. The first two years we lived in snow country and the bikes were parked for the winter. My new bike is not quite 7 months old and I turned 16,000 miles on it this weekend and next weekend will be another 1,000 mile trip then we get into serious traveling with trips of 3,000 to 5,000 miles at least once a month between March and October.

Joe and I have one car that we lease, 3 years 36,000 miles, we never go over on mileage on the car.

Impressive mileage to be sure. You say "we" I'm guessing you have 'two' Spyders, otherwise I sense a packing problem with those long miles?

Bob Denman
02-26-2018, 07:38 AM
Don't worry about the actual number of miles. You could rack up lots of miles commuting on the slab day in day out in places like LA. But compare that to running the 11 miles twisties at Tail of the Dragon or up PCH for lunch. I'd rather spend a weekend having fun than running errands on the Spyder. So relax and have fun, the odometer is only useful in watching your oil change intervals.
:agree: It's not the miles: it's the Smiles... :D

Little Blue
02-26-2018, 07:52 AM
Like many others have said Enjoy the SPYDER. The time and miles are yours to choose. Good Luck :coffee:

02-26-2018, 09:07 AM
Not to worry my friend, it only gets worse with age. :D At 78 (come April 7th) I am not about to cave in. We "seniors " don't need all those Spyder miles. It is not the amount of miles one rides but the enjoyment of the miles one rides. I rode for years with a gung ho guy that bragged about how many miles he rode each day and each trip. He was only obsessed with that. He was so focused on that I do not think he ever enjoyed riding. For me it is the "spiritual" part of the ride I enjoy most. Nothing to do with religion. Some will know what I am talking about, some will not.


I agree, it's not the destination, it's the journey!

C. Lee
02-26-2018, 10:19 AM
Hey Everyone, I've been reading the responses to this thread and see everyone with the same response. I agree totally with everyone's comments and agree with the spiritual side of riding. My business can be stressful at times and as long as there isn't salt on the roads, I am riding. It keeps me in touch with my God and helps me reflect on the bigger picture of life. It keeps me grounded i guess. So I don't ride for mileage sake but I am surprised at how fast the miles add up when one rides daily. I purchased my RTL end of July last year and have 6K on her already with no trips. The miles climb quickly. In closing, ride your ride for your enjoyment and don't worry about miles. This isn't a contest after all. Chris

02-26-2018, 01:29 PM
15,000 miles a year -that’s for amateurs! I ride over 30,000 miles per year and I have done that almost every year since I started riding Spyders in 2010. The first two years we lived in snow country and the bikes were parked for the winter. My new bike is not quite 7 months old and I turned 16,000 miles on it this weekend and next weekend will be another 1,000 mile trip then we get into serious traveling with trips of 3,000 to 5,000 miles at least once a month between March and October.

Joe and I have one car that we lease, 3 years 36,000 miles, we never go over on mileage on the car.

My almost two year old Subaru just turned 8,500 miles this weekend. The rest of my miles are on two or three. We may have a contest of sorts on riding miles for Spyder in a year or two. For now--you are still the champ. :firstplace::firstplace::firstplace::firstplace:

02-26-2018, 02:11 PM
.. when I travel long distance I use my SUV to carry suitcases & stuff. Some of you average 15 K miles/yr. Snow & rain doesn't bother you? I'm thinkin I'm tough to kill, but 15K Spyder mi per year seems excessive. Don't you have other transportation?? Darrell
Snow, yes. Rain, no. It helps to live in a place where the ryding can be year-around, or have a way to transport the machine to warmer weather in the winter.

02-26-2018, 02:46 PM
I thought I put a lot of miles on per year even while working full time, then my little bride at 65 decided to buy her own RTL after getting her endorsement on mine while racking up about 12,000 miles in a few months, then before the year was out she put over 25,000 miles on her new bike ! and this is a woman who had NEVER ridden a bike by herself until she got on my spyder to get her endorsement. She's on her second RTL (2015) now and there's no slowing her down. It must be true that blondes have more fun.
158167 158168

Rogue Hawk
02-26-2018, 02:55 PM
My Spyder was a lemon so I avoided using it, and I certainly would not go somewhere far away. I have 20K on my Ninja 650 and use it whenever weather permits. No issues so far.

02-26-2018, 02:59 PM
I thought I put a lot of miles on per year even while working full time, then my little bride at 65 decided to buy her own RTL after getting her endorsement on mine while racking up about 12,000 miles in a few months, then before the year was out she put over 25,000 miles on her new bike ! and this is a woman who had NEVER ridden a bike by herself until she got on my spyder to get her endorsement. She's on her second RTL (2015) now and there's no slowing her down. It must be true that blondes have more fun.
The OP was wondering HOW someone is able to put that many miles on a bike in one year. Particularly living in snow country as you do.

02-26-2018, 03:00 PM
My Spyder was a lemon so I avoided using it, and I certainly would not go somewhere far away. I have 20K on my Ninja 650 and use it whenever weather permits. No issues so far.
Doesn't really answer the question, does it?

02-26-2018, 05:21 PM
The OP was wondering HOW someone is able to put that many miles on a bike in one year. Particularly living in snow country as you do.

Like I said, we just ride our Spyders, It only snows in the higher elevations where we live, but our rain gear gets used a lot!

02-26-2018, 05:33 PM
I guess I'm not a long distance bike rider & when I travel long distance I use my SUV to carry suitcases & stuff. Some of you average 15 K miles/yr. Snow & rain doesn't bother you? I'm either envious or very content with my distance riding--I hope old age isn't my problem although the last 2 yrs have given me my share of health problems--broken low right rib paralyzed my right lung diaphragm, prostrate cancer, back fusion surgery. If I'd have know I'd be living to age 74 this march I'd have taken better care of myself. Skydiving accidents, downhill snow ski racing, land speed racing motorcycle crash at 170 mph. I'm thinkin I'm tough to kill, but 15K Spyder mi per year seems excessive. Don't you have other transportation??

I am 71 and have been riding since 1964. I would like to be a long distance rider,but family and church obligations have kept me pretty close to home.One of the things I have always done that has run up my mileage is I am a Moto-commuter. I drove every day to school and after school everyday to work. I would only drive a car when rain or snow would drive me to it. I guess I have a European mindset when it comes to Motorcycles/3 wheelers. I believe it is a transportation vehicle that is also a lot of fun even when doing yeoman duty.As a result,if I can haul it on the bike,I do. If I can go there dressed properly,I do. If I don't have to take more people then the bike will hold,I go on the bike. My 1st wife didn't ride but she was fine with me riding. Wife #2 rides but not as much as I do,so sometimes we take 2 vehicles.She doesn't like long distances,so sometimes we trailer. But the bottom line is whenever I can ride,I do. And you would be surprised how many miles you get that way.

02-26-2018, 05:49 PM
I use my Spyder for daily transportation, unless its wet. Or hot. Or cold. At times I've fit a weeks worth of groceries on the Spyder. (It was a lot harder to fit those groceries on my 250 Nighthawk, let me add.)

When I had a job, I'd ride in as often as possible. As that always ended up at work, it wasn't as fun as it seemed.

The spyder itself makes it hard to pile up the miles. Every time I stop for gas, people want to ask about the tryke, and tell me about their riding adventures when they were young. Maybe they wouldn't be so chatty if I didn't have a head full of grey hair.....

I rode by myself to Deadwood & Nova Scotia. The Quebec trip was with other Michigan spyder-ites.


02-26-2018, 08:28 PM
My Spyder was a lemon so I avoided using it, and I certainly would not go somewhere far away. I have 20K on my Ninja 650 and use it whenever weather permits. No issues so far.

I take it the Ninja 650 doesn't have a user forum, Oh, yes it does http://www.riderforums.com/kawasaki-ninja-650r/. I had a lemon once, traded it in for a newer model , i don't even remember what her name was... (oh, that was my ex-wife)... RogueHawk, if you got rid of your lemon, are you just hanging around here because of how nice everyone still is.....???
MY Spyder has been phenomenal! I've done 1000 miles in 15 hours, with a long lunch and short dinner break. No problems. I've got 20,000 miles the first year and live up north in MN where we stlll have 10" of white ground cover.

02-26-2018, 08:40 PM
I live in Los Angeles, where the weather is great. When I need my car, there is a good chance I'll also need the battery I bought to jump the car because the one it has charged down. That said, it's about enjoying your bike, now who has the highest mileage count.

02-26-2018, 08:46 PM
Impressive mileage to be sure. You say "we" I'm guessing you have 'two' Spyders, otherwise I sense a packing problem with those long miles?

Joe, my husband, rides 2 wheels and I ride the Spyder. I pull a RT-622 trailer with our tools and most of our gear, my trailer probably has nearly 200,000 miles on it.

02-26-2018, 08:54 PM
Ann, my calculator tells me you have 209,548 smiles on your Spyders over the years. Or are there some unpublished miles on top of all that, you just travel too far too much to keep the signature block current?

02-26-2018, 11:49 PM
I guess I'm not a long distance bike rider & when I travel long distance I use my SUV to carry suitcases & stuff. Some of you average 15 K miles/yr. Snow & rain doesn't bother you? I'm either envious or very content with my distance riding--I hope old age isn't my problem
How much we ride is all a function of time, health, and personal priorities. Those who ride 20k+ per year just place a higher priority on riding than does the one who rides 3k per year. The one who rides only 3k/year may have priorities that may include family, church, civic responsibilities, and who knows what all that rank above riding miles and miles. For me, my priorities change from year to year. As of now riding 15k this year is taking second place to home and church projects. Next year, who knows!!

Many days I'd rather get up lazily and enjoy a couple of hours at the coffee shop with friends than go on a hundred mile ride!! :thumbup:

02-27-2018, 12:42 AM
:shocked:158184 & I NEED lots of :helpsmilie: & had I not been injured in 2012 with a TBI that disabled me I very well might not have a spyder & certainly not the 41k miles I have acquired on it. nojoke Thank the LORD :bowdown: I was left above ground & regained enough functions to enjoy it afterwords & after a 2yr+ argument with SS I just recently received a fully favorable decision on my disability. Much relief from such legal :banghead::barf: stupidity. Hopefully I won't screw up too much more & can ryde it on to 100k & more:doorag:

02-27-2018, 05:03 AM
I hit 80,000 miles in exactly five years, just putting around in the local four or five counties. Not too bad I guess, for an old fart with no place to go.

MR. H1956
02-27-2018, 09:41 AM
I' 61 and my wife is 56. Riding is our way to just get out and get away from it all. If we can get 4000 miles a year we are happy. I just hope I'm still able to ride when we get our 80's. So just get out and enjoy yourself

Bob Denman
02-27-2018, 09:50 AM
Ann, my calculator tells me you have 209,548 smiles on your Spyders over the years. Or are there some unpublished miles on top of all that, you just travel too far too much to keep the signature block current?

She's too busy riding, to do the Math. :bowdown:

02-27-2018, 10:18 AM
As a newbie looking to buy his first Spyder there is so much wisdom in this thread.

Thank you!

MR. H1956
02-27-2018, 11:22 AM
As a newbie looking to buy his first Spyder there is so much wisdom in this thread.

Thank you!
Yes there is a lot of wisdom on here. Some are really full of it, and others not so much.lol But ask the question and there will be a answer. Just kidding guys. Love you all.

02-27-2018, 06:33 PM
Ann, my calculator tells me you have 209,548 smiles on your Spyders over the years. Or are there some unpublished miles on top of all that, you just travel too far too much to keep the signature block current?

I have 17,000 on my 2017 F3-T thst I purchased on 08/01/17

02-27-2018, 06:38 PM
You forgot her F3T: 17,000 miles on it! She is over 225,000, and going strong!

02-27-2018, 08:39 PM
OTOH, we have 5 motorcycles of various kinds in the garage right now.. hard to rack up mileage on just one. Worse when we had the two dirt bikes in addition.

02-27-2018, 09:16 PM
OTOH, we have 5 motorcycles of various kinds in the garage right now.. hard to rack up mileage on just one. Worse when we had the two dirt bikes in addition.
Ah, we'll accept cumulative mileage from all your cycles... Though the OP was asking about Spyder mileage... but we've all strayed at one time or another....<:sour:

02-28-2018, 08:27 AM
A little over 25K on my 2014. Went to Missouri and back twice. Tennessee and back once. Back and forth to Lake George several times, including lots of riding in upstate New York and Vermont. To Virginia and back numerous times and tons of riding in the area.

02-28-2018, 02:59 PM
Ah, we'll accept cumulative mileage from all your cycles... Though the OP was asking about Spyder mileage... but we've all strayed at one time or another....<:sour:

Was wondering when that subject would come up. :roflblack::roflblack:

My posted statistics in signature are Spyder only. The two wheel stuff is just extra gravy and I keep track of that for my own personal. I put 3,500 miles on my new Vulcan between June 30 and shutdown (late October) last year--lots of Spyder miles too.

Wait till somebody asks a question about what states to fill in on a map? Then the fight starts. :roflblack: :roflblack:

02-28-2018, 05:49 PM
AKSPyderman, I only show Spyder states in my map, after 20 years in the AF, If I did all states I've rode in, I'd need a world map...:D two (different) of my cycles have been to Europe and the Philippines thanks to our tax dollars at work.

02-28-2018, 07:30 PM
AKSPyderman, I only show Spyder states in my map, after 20 years in the AF, If I did all states I've rode in, I'd need a world map...:D two (different) of my cycles have been to Europe and the Philippines thanks to our tax dollars at work.

I used to have a map. It showed all the states I rode in. If it was just Spyder, I would only have AK, HI, and two Canadian Providences. No map, no issues. :roflblack::roflblack:

02-28-2018, 08:29 PM
Since the end of September 2015 till now and I have 19k on mine going to work and some limited trips. Had to drive the truck more this winter so I saved about 3k on the Spyder. Now it's raining about every day. ...

If I didn't work 12 hrs a day I'd have more miles.:thumbup:

03-02-2018, 01:33 PM
Her spyder is a commuter car so its on the go 7 days a week when the temp is above 40 and we took it to florida last year just the milage back from key west was about 2000 so 20,000 in 13 months was easy this year we have no vacation plans or trips to sturgis so i would think about 15,000 for the year.

03-02-2018, 11:41 PM
Geography has definitely played a role in how many miles I get to ride. We lived in Florida for a while and in two years cranked out almost 33,000 miles on our RT. Now back in Maine I'm lucky to get 6,000 a year. Down south it was just a different life. Bike nights. Group rides. Long 300 mile days. Up here in the north it just seems harder to find the time or the weather to just hop on and go.

But I can definitely relate to the spiritual comments I'm reading on this thread. Smelling the different trees. The salt air. There's just a feeling we get that's hard to explain. Also love reading about you guys and gals in your 70s and 80s. Ride on everyone. And keep writing!

03-03-2018, 02:58 AM
...My posted statistics in signature are Spyder only...Then you need to update them to "4.5 miles per post." :roflblack:
Or is it just this long winter causing a temporary discrepancy? :dontknow:

03-03-2018, 11:26 AM
The wife and I love ours, we purchased our 2013 RTL in June of 17 and had 3500 miles on it in 4 months we stayed local and have some good twisties in the area. As others have said it is the smiles, just yesterday we did a short 60 miles of smiles as the weather warmed up enough. We had our midlife crisis a little late but hope our health holds out also as this is so much fun we just wish we wold have done it sooner


03-03-2018, 09:14 PM
I spent that the last 2 months in America’s Friendliest Town, The Villages Fl. Joined the Villages Spyder Ryders club and rode with several retirees on several different rides. Each and every one had nothing but SMILES AND SMILES on all the miles ridden. :clap::bowdown::yes: Age was not a concern and many looked far younger than the calendar proved! Ride on!

Big F
03-04-2018, 12:32 PM
Not to worry my friend, it only gets worse with age. :D At 78 (come April 7th) I am not about to cave in. We "seniors " don't need all those Spyder miles. It is not the amount of miles one rides but the enjoyment of the miles one rides. I rode for years with a gung ho guy that bragged about how many miles he rode each day and each trip. He was only obsessed with that. He was so focused on that I do not think he ever enjoyed riding. For me it is the "spiritual" part of the ride I enjoy most. Nothing to do with religion. Some will know what I am talking about, some will not.


Jack, I'm your age and agree and understand 100% where you are coming from on the mileage thing!! Keep riding buddy.

03-04-2018, 04:57 PM
I am in my mid 50's and work full-time in the work force, last riding season ( from April to mid Oct.) I put on 6,000 miles.

I have a 2014RTS -SE6 Cognac.


03-04-2018, 05:49 PM

Bob Denman
03-04-2018, 06:49 PM
As a newbie looking to buy his first Spyder there is so much wisdom in this thread.

Thank you!

:D There's a lot of wisdom; but even more "wise guys". :roflblack:

03-04-2018, 07:32 PM
Just ride what you like, as many miles as you like. Last year for my 60th birthday I rode from Las Vegas NV to Lake George, NY for Spyderquest alone. It was all about the journey and sightseeing. It was 7,300 miles of smiles. Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Arizona. The memories are great.

You sir are my newest hero!!!

03-05-2018, 02:46 PM
Some of us cheat - I am retired, However, I put a lot of miles (30k one year) just by riding - including commuting - before retiring. In most weather. Then there was the Glacier trip, then the Canadian Rockies trip . . .

03-15-2018, 03:11 PM
Then you need to update them to "4.5 miles per post." :roflblack:
Or is it just this long winter causing a temporary discrepancy? :dontknow:

4.5 rounded is close enough to 5. See any of my gas mileage posts. Carrying out anything like that to 15 decimals makes the information appear more accurate than it really is. To many other factors involved to carry anything more than one decimal place--IMO of course.

My summer of surgeries bit into my mileage a bit. I am also posting less. Mileage should catch up this next riding season.

03-15-2018, 03:33 PM
I would love to put that kind of mileage on my spyder. Just not feasible with kids, work and everything else going on. I look at those numbers in envy!!
How many miles will a spyder be good for on average do you all think? I have seen some stuff that some of these crotch rockets start do die out after 50k. And it seems our spyders must be a lot better considering the amount miles some of you guys put on them a year.

03-15-2018, 03:43 PM
Interesting thread, logically, it would seem the Rotax engine that constantly turns up higher rpms, than say, a six cylinder Gold Wing engine, would fail sooner. I dunno, just a thought. Maybe the Rotax engine is something special, it's been around a long time.

03-15-2018, 03:47 PM
Well lets hope it is haha.

03-15-2018, 06:09 PM
Interesting thread, logically, it would seem the Rotax engine that constantly turns up higher rpms, than say, a six cylinder Gold Wing engine, would fail sooner. I dunno, just a thought. Maybe the Rotax engine is something special, it's been around a long time.

Logically yes but I think the Rotax engines are incredibly well designed and built.

Base this on several observations - all based on the V-twin engine as that's the one I'm familiar with.

It's very rare that you ever hear of engine issues on this forum. Electrical issues yes, but that's common with all modern vehicles. But no repeated stories of blown pistons, knackered bearings etc. Compare that with other bike make forums and that's very unusual.
The same V-twin engine was used in the Aprilia RSV and the tuning has been softened for the Spyder - so the engine was originally designed to handle far greater stress than it has to in our Spyders.
Rotax build engines for aircraft so used to engineering to very high quality

On a personal level my Spyder (a 2011 RS) puts up with some very hard treatment. It will often left unridden for a month or more and then suddenly expected to do several 1000 mile days back to back, Each of those days its being ridden 19 to 20 hours non-stop. This isn't on highways either but twisty, mountainous roads with constant gear changes etc.

03-15-2018, 06:56 PM
Good show, I totally enjoy reading about the engine quality, even though I don't ride the Canam Spyder. I like reading what the rider likes about his machine. There's not much 'out there' on other forums on the Spyder.

03-15-2018, 08:43 PM
I would love to put that kind of mileage on my spyder. Just not feasible with kids, work and everything else going on. I look at those numbers in envy!!
How many miles will a spyder be good for on average do you all think? I have seen some stuff that some of these crotch rockets start do die out after 50k. And it seems our spyders must be a lot better considering the amount miles some of you guys put on them a year.

There are a few on SL that have exceeded the 100K mark. :yes:

03-15-2018, 09:04 PM
...I think the Rotax engines are incredibly well designed and built.

It's very rare that you ever hear of engine issues on this forum... no repeated stories of blown pistons, etc.I agree wholeheartedly with your entire post.

So would you care to share which brand of machine inspired your choice of UserName? :roflblack::roflblack:

03-15-2018, 09:28 PM
I agree wholeheartedly with your entire post.

So would you care to share which brand of machine inspired your choice of UserName? :roflblack::roflblack:

A Honda...says it all really.

In my defence I was trying to keep up with a mate on his Yamaha which had twice the CC's.

...and I managed to limp that Honda 80 miles back home with only one cylinder - though there were quite a few stops to top up the oil:-)

My mates description "He was riding along beside me when he suddenly disappeared backwards, looked behind and the entire road was filled with white smoke"

Hence the nickname.

03-15-2018, 11:16 PM
i bought a brand new TOYOTA TUNDRA MAX CAB 5.7 in Mar. 2007... best 4 wheeled vehicle i've ever owned, (and i've owned everything from Corvettes to Lincolns, trucks & tractors)... i still have my TUNDRA, and it has 49,000+ miles of smiles on it.... still an AWESOME vehicle...

in Feb 2015, i purchased my brand new CAN AM SPYD3R F3-S... i currently have 45,000 miles of serious SMILES on her...

what can i say...? i much prefer riding than driving... 2 X-country rides, and 2 rides to Canada, and i ride 12 months per year, and have NO ISSUES with riding 500 - 700 miles per day... sometimes 14 hrs in the saddle... and i'm knocking on 70 in March...

for your enjoyment, ride the way you feel comfortable... don't try to please anyone else - otherwise you'll be very disappointed and the enjoyment is GONE.... personally, i would NEVER consider putting my F3 on a trailer and towing her someplace, but if that's what you need to do, then so be it.... just enjoy your investment, and don't listen to anyone else's directives, it's your ride & your life, live it your way....

ride safely....
Dan P

Dan P - - I'll go you one better. My Honey bought a Tundra Crew Cab 4x4 in 2010. He's a residential builder and this is a WORK TRUCK. It's pulled concrete trucks in and out the mud at job sites, carried pallets of brick, block, stone, etc., tows equipment trailers, plus it pushes snow in the winter. This truck has 287,000 miles on it and with the exception of oil changes, windshield wipers, tires and a set of brakes (because Honey has two speeds, "Fast and Stop") this has been the best work truck he's ever owned. And he's had his share of work trucks from Chevys, GMs, and Fords. He started with the, "I'll trade it when it gets 100,000 miles, then 150,000 then 175,000" - - now he's just curious to see how many miles he can get on it. Like you said, the best 4x4 he's EVER owned and honestly, it still rides great - still tight and solid with no rattles or squeaks. Just a great truck. Needless to say, you've got a little catching up to do!

03-16-2018, 06:44 AM
Friend of mine just turn 85 he to has had his battles in the last few years, has a saying!! Getting old is not for sissy's!! Live it going 90 miles an hour with your hair on fire! But remember the old bones don't bounce the way they uses to!:ohyea::ohyea:Ride on, rubber side down

03-17-2018, 04:14 PM
The best way to stack up millage on any Spyder or Motorcycle
is to simply climb on and ride it..:yes: