View Full Version : What a day for a ride!

05-24-2009, 08:13 AM
Got kind of a late start but the weather was great for a little ride and I needed to test out my new GPS.

The Spyder was running great. Evan game me some new settings to try with my Juicebox and it seemed to really wake her up. So now I'm running the No Magic pipe, air filter and TBR Juicebox on my Spyder and that seems to be a good combo. Even towing the trailer all day I still got 32mpg. :doorag:

Still on the fence about the GPS. My iway gave a lot more detail than this Garmin but it has some cool features that the iway didn't have. This may be one of my $280 experiments. All in all it preformed well and never shut down or locked up, I can't say that for the iway. :sour:

I wasn't sure where I was going to ride so I just pointed the Spyder toward the Smokies and went for it. I took the backroads to Gatlinburg and and wound up taking the long way to Deals Gap. Got there about 2pm and the place was packed out. I think I saw more bikes on the road yesterday than any other day I can remember. There were a ton of club riders out and about. Out of all the bikes I saw I never saw one Spyder. That was kinda cool really. :doorag:

Finished my day with a rootbeer float and headed home before dark. It was just shy of 300 miles but it seemed much longer. I do need to get my butt back in shape before our ride out to the west coast. :doorag:

Big Arm
05-24-2009, 08:19 AM
Sounds like a great ride :2thumbs:

05-24-2009, 08:53 AM
Sounds like a great ride :2thumbs:

+1 :thumbup:

05-24-2009, 09:59 AM
Great ride. Wish I understood more about what a juicebox does. Seems like you are getting not only better performance, but good MPG's considering you are towing a trailer. i am running a Hindle, and seem to be getting a lot of "popping"

05-24-2009, 10:18 AM
Great ride. Wish I understood more about what a juicebox does. Seems like you are getting not only better performance, but good MPG's considering you are towing a trailer. i am running a Hindle, and seem to be getting a lot of "popping"

The Juice Box (JB) allows you to enrichen the fuel mixture through the fuel injection system. It does not allow you to lean the mixture.

For example, on carb'ed engines, you can change the carb's jets to allow more fuel into the engine. The JB does the same thing for fuel injection by varying the FI pulse width or the pulse duration (not sure which, or if both).

I have mine set for additional fuel for heavy acceleration and full throttle... with freer-flowing dual pipes. I no longer run the race air filter from evoluzione.

05-24-2009, 11:02 AM
Great ride. Wish I understood more about what a juicebox does. Seems like you are getting not only better performance, but good MPG's considering you are towing a trailer. i am running a Hindle, and seem to be getting a lot of "popping"
check you exhaust gaskets.
My Leo Vince popped all the time until I replace the exhaust gasket. (1/2) were really thrashed...no more popping

05-24-2009, 11:02 PM
Sounds like a great ride :2thumbs:


05-25-2009, 07:03 AM

05-25-2009, 08:11 AM
Wish I was there!:2thumbs:

05-25-2009, 09:14 AM
Great ride. Wish I understood more about what a juicebox does. Seems like you are getting not only better performance, but good MPG's considering you are towing a trailer. i am running a Hindle, and seem to be getting a lot of "popping"

When I first installed the Juicebox I wasn't that impressed with it. Part of the reason was I didn't understand it either and it took Magic Man spending a day playing with his and sending me his settings before it really started to work for me. The settings it comes with pretty much acts the same as I had it before the JB. Now that's it's tweaked in a bit it's working great, I have more pickup and my mileage seems to have gone back up again.:doorag:

05-25-2009, 01:04 PM
Got kind of a late start but the weather was great for a little ride and I needed to test out my new GPS.

The Spyder was running great. Evan game me some new settings to try with my Juicebox and it seemed to really wake her up. So now I'm running the No Magic pipe, air filter and TBR Juicebox on my Spyder and that seems to be a good combo. Even towing the trailer all day I still got 32mpg. :doorag:

Still on the fence about the GPS. My iway gave a lot more detail than this Garmin but it has some cool features that the iway didn't have. This may be one of my $280 experiments. All in all it preformed well and never shut down or locked up, I can't say that for the iway. :sour:

I wasn't sure where I was going to ride so I just pointed the Spyder toward the Smokies and went for it. I took the backroads to Gatlinburg and and wound up taking the long way to Deals Gap. Got there about 2pm and the place was packed out. I think I saw more bikes on the road yesterday than any other day I can remember. There were a ton of club riders out and about. Out of all the bikes I saw I never saw one Spyder. That was kinda cool really. :doorag:

Finished my day with a rootbeer float and headed home before dark. It was just shy of 300 miles but it seemed much longer. I do need to get my butt back in shape before our ride out to the west coast. :doorag:

Ok Lamonster first off round is a shape and the rootbeer floats diet is a good one as a matter of fact i have not met a rootbeer float i didn't like.