View Full Version : Winter/cold weather riding

12-25-2017, 12:04 PM
Winter/cold weather riding

Hi All Bikers (2 and 3 wheel)

As I sit here on Christmas Morning 2017, North of Boston on the NH border and watch the snow softly fall, I realize that I will not be riding today!!! But soon it will stop, the roads will be plowed, and a couple of days of sun will dry them out. Then I will be “on the road” again. But few bikes or trikes will follow. I often wonder why that is.

The two common answers are “it’s too cold”, and “don’t want to get the bike all messed up”. While I ponder those answers I would like to comment on my cold weather riding and get opinions from others.

I purchased my 2013 St Limited in April 2016. I road for over 16,000 miles last year and about 17,000 this year. Now single, riding “Trixy” is my major recreational activity. I see no reason to stop. If “cold” was the problem there would be no snowmobiles or skiers. Once the roads are cleared of snow, sand and salt it’s safe to ride. Certainly for three-wheelers. I never road my VStar after the first snow.

The coldest day so far that I have ventured out was last week at 28*F with a brisk wind. I was comfortable all day. About 5 hours. The roads were dry and the sun was out. Ice in a parking lot showed that Spider drive wheel traction can be fun.

I have no electric warming clothing. I use LLBean Snow pants with DuoFold long johns, Riding Jacket with liner, Thermal undershirt and wool sweater. Riding boots and wool socks. LLBean Gortex gloves finish the protection. I use an open helmet with a face shield and winter liner.

A couple of the reasons I like to ride in winter are: the smell of wood stoves heating homes along the back roads and being able to see into the woods along the roads. With no vegetation on the trees and brush, the unobstructed view displays brooks, lakes, barns and pastures along with wild life. Most are not visible once the leaves come out.

If a few wet spots on the road make “Trixy” less than pristine, $3.00 and 10 minuets at the local car wash makes her shine. I like to think that CanAm, who makes snowmobiles, uses materials in the Spiders that can withstand winter use.

Your comments will be appreciated.

12-25-2017, 12:12 PM
It's the salt that stops me (Spyder). Get our cold weather riding on our sleds. Enjoy & Happy Holidays !! :riding:

12-25-2017, 12:16 PM
That’s great that you don’t let a little cold weather slow you down! I wear a heated jacket and I’ve added heated gloves to my wardrobe, as the F3T doesn’t have heated grips.

I can imagine how nice the smell of wood stoves must be, we don’t have many good smells in Las Vegas.

12-25-2017, 12:32 PM
I am sorry but my candy ass is not riding is this weather . We are like high of 20 deg with wind chill of 1 deg.

Heated gear does work well but never tried it in this temps.

And I am not getting my :spyder2: all salty :thumbup:

My younger days I ventured out as low as 30 but that was pushing it.

12-25-2017, 12:49 PM
No riding today, Temp now is minus 30C [-22 F] below and 44C [-47 F] below wind chill. Not enough snow for snowmobiling but we still walk 3 miles a day outside. Real invigorating. Have a Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year.

12-25-2017, 12:58 PM
No riding today, Temp now is minus 30C [-22 F] below and 44C [-47 F] below wind chill. Not enough snow for snowmobiling but we still walk 3 miles a day outside. Real invigorating. Have a Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year.

You are amazing! I imagine you have to walk fast so you don’t freeze in one spot.

Bob Denman
12-25-2017, 02:11 PM
It's the salt that stops me (Spyder). Enjoy & Happy Holidays !! :riding:

Yup! :agree:

12-25-2017, 02:13 PM
Not enough snow for snowmobiling but we still walk 3 miles a day outside. Real invigorating. Have a Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year. wow you guys up there http://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.l--pRXYwaxkOE7-Ov4-sRAHaFZ&w=261&h=189&c=7&o=5&pid=1.7 http://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Lodtlq-HtQ_8FcpFzyBXsgHaE8&w=295&h=196&c=7&o=5&pid=1.7 :yikes:

12-25-2017, 02:15 PM
almost a dare on new years day , what ever temperature is , last year I think it was 32 degrees , probably the same here this year will have to try a run for the gust-o , I would have to say a lot has to do with the bones in the body , man a cold , wet, cool weather ride will kill a lot of folks !

12-25-2017, 04:06 PM
No riding today, Temp now is minus 30C [-22 F] below and 44C [-47 F] below wind chill. Not enough snow for snowmobiling but we still walk 3 miles a day outside. Real invigorating. Have a Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year.

Minus 30c :yikes:.......NOOOOOOOOOO.......surely there is no such temperature, Roger :shocked:;)


12-25-2017, 04:26 PM
I rode this afternoon for almost an hour and a half. Just under 70 miles of smiles in 31 degree weather. I was dressed for it with long underwear, heavy sweatshirt, lined jacket and pants. And heated glove liners under my winter gloves. Very refreshing!! I have ridden as low as 20 degrees F.

12-25-2017, 04:30 PM
Not very nice for a ride here either -16 c -4f with 40cm - 16inches of snow falling as I type.

12-25-2017, 04:46 PM
I also walk 3 miles every day. My livestock chores take priority as soon as I'm out of bed, and then I briskly walk 4 laps around our hayfield, the perimeter of which I keep mowed like a lawn and snowblown. I have my ATV and horses to satisfy my need to straddle something powerful in rotten weather. Even if I had a burning desire to ryde Spyke in the Winter, our dirt roads (which I live on and can't avoid) are a mangled mess, and our paved roads are populated with cellphone-thumbing fools who present the biggest threat in icy conditions.

So that's why I don't ryde in the Winter. Oh, who am I kidding .... the older I get, the more candy-assed I am. I HATE being cold! :D

12-25-2017, 06:11 PM
When I get bundled up and my heated jacket on I can be comfortable to ~30 degrees, I do however have trouble keeping my hands warm. Will try some glove liners as have done the heated gloves and my fingers are still cold. Plus once it snows I can't get in and out of my driveway with the spyder.


12-25-2017, 06:41 PM
I ride year around here in So. Oregon. It has been cool (28-35) but with a good jacket gloves, full face modular helmet and heated grips, I'm warm enough. We don't salt roads here, so that is not a problem. If it looks like ice, I don't ride but other than that I feel pretty secure. My buddies on two wheels are certainly no where to be found, even in the rain. I have a 2013 STL.

12-25-2017, 07:33 PM
You are going to get a mix of opinions for sure. Safety is my main concern these days. When black ice and snow come to the roads--I park it for the duration. Here, October through most of March. Spyders are not meant for riding in the snow--per the manual. Some have done it--:bowdown::bowdown: to them.

Cold does not bother me. Back in the 60's I had my first motorcycle. Lived in Duluth, MN. Was out and about in 10 below zero a couple times. No special winter gear in those days. Jeans, a winter weight jacket, and a stocking cap inside the open face Bell helmet. Add a scarf around the neck.

I am a bit smarter now. I will ride down as low as 20 degrees (above) if the opportunity presents itself. Not a fun ride at those temps--more of an endurance ride IMO.

I am still one of the AK diehards. Usually I am out earlier in the riding season than most--I shoot for March--but live on a rural ice covered road--and I have to wait for that final two blocks to melt off before I can find safe pavement. Likewise, I am one of the latest to "park" it. Tradition for HD riders here is to park them on September 30th or so.

Winter layup is inevitable here. Seriously contemplating a move to AR where I am told I can ride pretty much year round. Time will tell. :yes::yes:

12-25-2017, 09:14 PM
I rode the F3 in 30 degree wind chill Sunday with Normal Clothes and the Thermal Suit (Ron sells) and wool socks under my Army boots and Beleclava Under the helmet and Warm and Safe Wired Glove liners and was Fine for a Great afternoon BUT were looking at 10 Days below freezing with highes below 20 degrees for several days- Beem me UP SCOTTY?

12-26-2017, 06:38 AM
This was my first year with my RTL, rode it till the end of Nov, back and forth to work and what not. Got the wife out a few times, had to be over 45 degrees for that! Few mornings were in the 20's, but the ride home was all worth that. Riding in the cold is one thing, and the chance of ice well that's another thing all together. Riding in Maine you never know from town to town what your going to run into.:yikes: So for me, my spyder is under her cover with the battery tender on low, waiting for spring thaw! My sleds are gassed up, waxed and heading north for the winter this week!!:yes:To all of you guy's that are in the warmer states that can get out there, have fun, be safe. and take a twisty for me!:doorag:

12-26-2017, 08:06 AM
i ride all year round as long as the roads are clear, temp not a factor have ridden in 15 deg. weather, heated liner and gloves with ski pants over my jeans, i did block off the radiator heat outlet on the right side to keep the heat in the Tupperware, keeps the right foot toasty warm left luke warm and the inside of the thighs warm, and the larger wind screen helps a lot. I'm warmer on my :spyder2: then in my truck when i leave the garage, truck takes awhile to warm up.

Pirate looks at --
12-26-2017, 09:47 AM
I ryde year round as well! Of course I live in California!!!:yes::yes::yes:

12-26-2017, 01:16 PM
It's the salt that stops me (Spyder). Get our cold weather riding on our sleds. Enjoy & Happy Holidays !! :riding: the salt, brine, that they put on the roads. I put my spyder into hibernation (in Oct.) then I go right into the riding the sleds, and back into the spyder riding season, so we( vtrider, & I) we don't get a brake.

Happy Holidays!


Bob Denman
12-26-2017, 02:28 PM
How cold; is cold?

At 50 Degrees: Californians reach for their sweaters
At 40 Degrees: Floridians start looking to move South.
At 30 Degrees: British cars don't start
At 20 Degrees: Arizona real estate starts to seem reasonably priced.
At 10 Degrees: Canadians go swimming!
At 0 Degrees: folks in Michigan play football
At -10 Degrees: Folks in Wisconsin will shovel paths to their lawn furniture, and have a barbecue!
At -20 Degrees: German cars don't start
At -30 Degrees: Alaskans will close the bathroom window
At -40 Degrees: even Venezuela is looking pretty nice!
At -50 Degrees: Swedish cars don't start
At -60 Degrees: The term "Three Dog Night" becomes a reality
At -70 Degrees: Politicians will actually put their hands into their own pockets!

12-26-2017, 05:28 PM
Winter/cold weather riding

Hi All Bikers (2 and 3 wheel)

As I sit here on Christmas Morning 2017, North of Boston on the NH border and watch the snow softly fall, I realize that I will not be riding today!!! But soon it will stop, the roads will be plowed, and a couple of days of sun will dry them out. Then I will be “on the road” again. But few bikes or trikes will follow. I often wonder why that is.

The two common answers are “it’s too cold”, and “don’t want to get the bike all messed up”. While I ponder those answers I would like to comment on my cold weather riding and get opinions from others.

I purchased my 2013 St Limited in April 2016. I road for over 16,000 miles last year and about 17,000 this year. Now single, riding “Trixy” is my major recreational activity. I see no reason to stop. If “cold” was the problem there would be no snowmobiles or skiers. Once the roads are cleared of snow, sand and salt it’s safe to ride. Certainly for three-wheelers. I never road my VStar after the first snow.

The coldest day so far that I have ventured out was last week at 28*F with a brisk wind. I was comfortable all day. About 5 hours. The roads were dry and the sun was out. Ice in a parking lot showed that Spider drive wheel traction can be fun.

I have no electric warming clothing. I use LLBean Snow pants with DuoFold long johns, Riding Jacket with liner, Thermal undershirt and wool sweater. Riding boots and wool socks. LLBean Gortex gloves finish the protection. I use an open helmet with a face shield and winter liner.

A couple of the reasons I like to ride in winter are: the smell of wood stoves heating homes along the back roads and being able to see into the woods along the roads. With no vegetation on the trees and brush, the unobstructed view displays brooks, lakes, barns and pastures along with wild life. Most are not visible once the leaves come out.

If a few wet spots on the road make “Trixy” less than pristine, $3.00 and 10 minuets at the local car wash makes her shine. I like to think that CanAm, who makes snowmobiles, uses materials in the Spiders that can withstand winter use.

Your comments will be appreciated.

I have ridden year round here in Utah without heated clothing. I found out that here I have to wash the bike off as soon as I am done or the salt begins to attack the finish. I now do have heated clothing and wonder why I waited so long. I still ride in every month tho not as much in the winter as I used to,and the salt is still terrible, I try to wait a few days after a storm so it gets blown off the road. I still go to the car wash to get rid of the rest.

12-26-2017, 06:10 PM
The two wheelers are parked for a while. But when the side roads are finally clear and the main roads are dry, we'll take advantage of the rare days above 50 degrees and go out on the Spyder.

12-26-2017, 11:32 PM
I have ridden year round here in Utah without heated clothing. I found out that here I have to wash the bike off as soon as I am done or the salt begins to attack the finish. I now do have heated clothing and wonder why I waited so long. I still ride in every month tho not as much in the winter as I used to,and the salt is still terrible, I try to wait a few days after a storm so it gets blown off the road. I still go to the car wash to get rid of the rest.
I'm in awe of you, bro'. Just like the pioneers...tough as nails. nojoke

12-26-2017, 11:34 PM
How cold; is cold?

At 50 Degrees: Californians reach for their sweaters
At 40 Degrees: Floridians start looking to move South.
At 30 Degrees: British cars don't start
At 20 Degrees: Arizona real estate starts to seem reasonably priced.
At 10 Degrees: Canadians go swimming!
At 0 Degrees: folks in Michigan play football
At -10 Degrees: Folks in Wisconsin will shovel paths to their lawn furniture, and have a barbecue!
At -20 Degrees: German cars don't start
At -30 Degrees: Alaskans will close the bathroom window
At -40 Degrees: even Venezuela is looking pretty nice!
At -50 Degrees: Swedish cars don't start
At -60 Degrees: The term "Three Dog Night" becomes a reality
At -70 Degrees: Politicians will actually put their hands into their own pockets!
You had me at 20 degrees! nojoke

12-27-2017, 07:33 AM
Here in Massachusetts, we pretty much ryde as long as we can into November (two years ago until December), then park her in the garage to wait patiently (not really) for April. We live on a gravel road that stays muddy long after the paved roads are clear and dry. No way we can take the Spyder thru the mud!!

Last year we rode in 33 degrees once and this year a short test drive at 35 degrees (after picking it up at the dealership after a 3 month repair). We geared up with beanies under our full face helmets, lined jackets over lt wt fleece and turtlenecks, fleece gators, long johns top and bottom, lined overpants, wool socks and riding boots, and leather gloves. Heated hand grips definately helped as well! Basically the cold riding makes us miserably cold, but is doable with those layers on, we just choose not to do it!!
Once the temps drop to the 40's its time to park the Spyder!
We envy the folks who can ryde year round!!

12-27-2017, 02:22 PM
How cold; is cold?

At 50 Degrees: Californians reach for their sweaters
At 40 Degrees: Floridians start looking to move South.
At 30 Degrees: British cars don't start
At 20 Degrees: Arizona real estate starts to seem reasonably priced.
At 10 Degrees: Canadians go swimming!
At 0 Degrees: folks in Michigan play football
At -10 Degrees: Folks in Wisconsin will shovel paths to their lawn furniture, and have a barbecue!
At -20 Degrees: German cars don't start
At -30 Degrees: Alaskans will close the bathroom window
At -40 Degrees: even Venezuela is looking pretty nice!
At -50 Degrees: Swedish cars don't start
At -60 Degrees: The term "Three Dog Night" becomes a reality
At -70 Degrees: Politicians will actually put their hands into their own pockets!

Right on with Alaska. :roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:

Bob Denman
12-27-2017, 03:25 PM
:roflblack: When do you stop skinny-dipping in the neighbor's pond? :roflblack:

:shocked: Oh wait... I really don't want to know! :shocked:

12-27-2017, 05:47 PM
Ten above zero and icy roads here. Lots of salt and gravel has been spread on them. I've seen quite a few sleds (snowmobiles) out and about but that's about it.