View Full Version : What is your best christmas memory

12-22-2017, 02:23 PM
Mine was when I was 7 and I got a tube of Lincoln logs and a new set of Roy Rogers cap guns with the holsters. The best part was when we were at our grandparents house and All the kids had to walk a 1/4 mile in the snow to get our toys out of the car. Because santa left a note that he couldn't get up the hill to the house because of the snow. But we had a heck of a snowball fight going down to get the stuff. P. S. I still have the lincoln logs and the cap guns

12-22-2017, 03:43 PM
I've had several great memories of Christmas, but my favorite of all was coming home from Vietnam to my Mom and Dads for a surprise visit. First and only time I seen my dad cry.

Bob Denman
12-22-2017, 06:02 PM
I can't remember a specific favorite Christmas memory... but all of the best ones involved going to Gramma and Grampa Denman's house for Christmas Dinner.

12-22-2017, 06:16 PM
8 years ago, I was laid up recovering from a low side at the race track. Shattered my ankle and broke my collar bone. So I was resigned to spend Christmas at home with my sister's family. On Christmas eve I got a call from one of my riding buddies, saying they would drop by with come holiday cheer. Come to find out a bunch of them showed up and "kidnapped" me, wheelchair and all, to a brewpub in town for dinner and then watching the local xmas parade. That was a fun time, they pushed me around in the snow and helped me up and down ramps, nobody spilled their beers. I tell ya, when you're handicapped you feel like s**t and then friends come lift your spirits, that's the holiday spirit!

12-22-2017, 06:18 PM
My first Christmas away from home was my first Christmas on a Navy ship. All the guys in my compartment were from 18 to 20 years old and all of us were trying to out do each other. The testosterone was running rampant. My mother had sent me my Christmas stocking and I hung it on my rack. When I woke up on Christmas morning I found that each one of those "tough guys" had placed something good in my stocking. It was a Christmas I will never forget

12-22-2017, 10:15 PM
1970 drove from Salinas, Ca. to Edmonds, Wa. in my 1969 Mustang. 922 miles and only stopped twice for gas. Got to my folks house around 5 in the morning and it was snowing lightly. Chopped some firewood for a morning fire before everyone woke up. Spent the day with family......

12-22-2017, 11:40 PM
My best Xmas memory will be made on Monday when I bring my horses in for breakfast and am nuzzled by my beautiful gelding who I recently almost lost to West Nile. Watching him romp across the field with all his former grace and agility, easily hop into the barn, and eat after weeks of struggling to place one foot ahead of the other and learning how to use his jaws again has been a gift like no other. He's one of the lucky 30% of horses who not only survive, but fully recover. Merry Christmas, Johnny, my hero!