View Full Version : Snow in the south

12-08-2017, 08:15 PM
Woke up this morning to 6 inches of snow. This is a big deal for this far south. Good planning on me for gas logs and generator. Lost power about 5 this morning and showing to have it restored by 10 o'clock tomorrow night. Just venting. A little snow shuts down the whole state. They need to take notes from people up north. I love the look of the snow and a beautiful sight, but so many cries for snow and when it arrives they forget all the power failures, trees falling on power lines, slippery roads. Suppose to be 60 degrees Monday. Go from one extreme to another. I guess best for me Monday to fire up the Spyder and ride to get my therapy in. I don't envy ya'll for the pretty snow. Love it and wonderful sight, now it can go away:thumbup:

12-08-2017, 08:26 PM
OMG snow and then 60 degrees. That's like the Bahamas for us northerner's :roflblack:

They are saying maybe 2 inches of snow and blowing snow and cold in my area. That's nothing for us.

Mazo EMS2
12-08-2017, 08:49 PM
Nowadays the weathermen around here get everybody all excited about a couple inches of snow.:banghead: It sure doesn't snow like it used to, so anytime there is a possibility of snow the media makes it sound like it hasn't ever snowed before.....much like the media does in the south. I spent 7 yrs in N.C. and they got excited for snow too, but here in WI there is no reason to get excited about a couple inches of snow. You're right though, that heavy wet stuff takes out the power grids in the south real fast. Been there, done that. I like the snow myself, I have to, I live in WI...LOL

12-09-2017, 12:11 AM
Don't miss it except around Xmas, shoveled enough of that "white stuff" when I was a kid. Dale

12-09-2017, 12:44 AM
We had snow this morning too, the first since Christmas morning 2004 (which I didn't see because I wasn't here that month). It only coated the rooftops, trees, and upper blades of grass & plants... nothing stuck on the ground or pavement. The low was 34 degrees F. Rare!
But it was the first time I had seen snow since this very same week in 2005, back in MO. And that's the way I like it! :yes:
Gonna ryde again tomorrow! :ohyea:

12-09-2017, 07:20 AM
Woke up this morning to 6 inches of snow. This is a big deal for this far south. Good planning on me for gas logs and generator. Lost power about 5 this morning and showing to have it restored by 10 o'clock tomorrow night. Just venting. A little snow shuts down the whole state. They need to take notes from people up north. I love the look of the snow and a beautiful sight, but so many cries for snow and when it arrives they forget all the power failures, trees falling on power lines, slippery roads. Suppose to be 60 degrees Monday. Go from one extreme to another. I guess best for me Monday to fire up the Spyder and ride to get my therapy in. I don't envy ya'll for the pretty snow. Love it and wonderful sight, now it can go away:thumbup:

Went outside at 9 last night to a winter wonderland. I was planning on riding the Spyder in to the office this a.m. - cold = no prob if you dress for it. Anyway, I took the truck and two events made me glad I took four wheels instead of three.

1) a big truck just in front of me hit a branch laden with snow and ice and it blistered my truck.
2) hit a small over pass of concrete with a slight curve and even though I was looking for black ice, the grey ice didn't catch my eyes and the next thing I knew, I was caught in a full side slide at 35 mph. Good thing I was raised in MI. Just took my hands off the wheel and feet off the controls and waited for my 27 year old pickup to straighten herself out; which she did.

Whoopa all good in the south.

12-09-2017, 09:45 AM
We live in the Willamette Valley and seldom get any snow that amounts to anything, all we need to do is drive for 1/2 hour and we can ski, sled , snowmobile , what ever floats your boat. I lived in central Oregon in the 70s and got very tired of it after about 4 months . we get an average of 43 inches of rain at home and it keeps things nice and GREEN and you DON'T shovel it.

12-09-2017, 10:49 AM
if you folks have young kids , take them out side if you can , this doesn`t happen often in the deep south , go feel like a kid again , and don`t for get the http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBwgHBgkIBwgKCgkLDRYPDQwMDRsUFRAWIB0iIiAdHx 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5OjcBCgoKDQwNGg8PGjclHyU3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AABEIAIUAZgMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAABBQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQMEBQYHAv/EAEAQAAIBAwIDBgQCBwQLAAAAAAECAwAEEQUhEjFBBhMiUWGRM lJxgRShBxVCscHR8DNTYuEWIyQ0Q2NygpLC8f/EABoBAAIDAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAQIDBQb/xAArEQACAgIBAwIDCQAAAAAAAAAAAQIRAwQxEiFRIkEFodETFD JxgZGxweH/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AOxLXsV4FexUkHoUopBXoVBItLSCloAKXFA5UUAFFFFABRRRQA UUtFAERa9im1Nebi5WBcndjyFDaStglY/xADJIA9abe7iTmc/lVJeaiE4mmk5DOB5fwqivO0UEeT3sagHBx4id nT8zSk9pLgZhrORr31RF FQfvTP66APwVgZu0TSeBJZOJm8OAPCuetRbnWZLaMSXDyKjOUV mZhk5pd7UvYYWn2OmR61E3xL dTIL2CXZX38jXLk1W7WVo1PGyrkgjO/lnb hVxZ6qGAL8OOrI3L1IP8M1eO277lZ6lHQgQeVLVFYX78Oz8afu qyn1G1trVrm5lWKJebNypyGWMhSWKSdJEuisjP2/01JeCCCeVfn2UH6VeaPrVnq8fFayeMfFG3MURywk6TNculsYo9 c4NIsqKKK0FiCDgVm9c1QWyySM2 cKK0PxKR5iud9rpGktYLsBjEPBJwn4JBzB9s0ttN9PYZ1Ypytm d1XXbiUSOkxEauA8fGSQD1Pmc1JtrdWCuGbhdRwZ29eXnUexRU ZicGQ Nxkn/OrGCFoYnfCtIFwskw3JzyOBy36VzqR1L8BHCElEQXL8WGZjjbO 3L68qd/DKXUy5ZkIIyM/f8APpTsUYjiIZ MsxZm4tlwNz1wARj707xIqoy Nc8wucjlgY6 tQ0FjJjDvwglVbqBvnPPPr5fzrzKBGGuJpO7iiBHA2Ap6AmpXC gCojAHhzgkfTJ3zjYCm2jfPcxRLhwPG7AgMvTH0HOiu5Nj1lqE 9hLEBxESNlUJHhXAznrtWzhMGq6e8Uinup14HXyyKwiOsjt3Hi kQlSS3EQcdfy2q/wCzdy9rbz3FwSUUcsjduSgeprTHKpUY5YWrXJkdI7K319eS26k v3LlXKtgDB/abkPoMn0pzWopey97xQXQSaAqWMLMeHP1589 VdKjvbfSOzsV20Yy8Yfu0wDLIwzt6k9a4Z2jv7y vpzdALO8hMgU5AJ6VpPFjxRXlnW1tzZ25yb/Au1eTv3Z7Uhq j216AMyL4scsjY0lQuwdhJp3ZTT4JgRIY NgenFviiuhC3FWeX2FGOWShxbolIa51qt/JpOqXS92s1tIxE0D8nGfyI6GugK1c97cR8OpS/4sH3FVzK4jHw9r7RxfDGIbe2v249FuBMpU8dnJhZlz98N9RSLD OrrFJH3SgFWVh4vTn96x9wpBaQE5jDMCuRgjyPnnyqdb9qdatw YzcpdRDGI72PvMZOBufF dIuB1Xg7 h/uatl7wqoOEP9oQwweuG8xv0r0hCuq8JVAMheJVUYHv/wDKzo7WLJHwz6LbNx4U/h5ZEJ2zjAzUn/Su1eModEYKp4WV7pgD0wQU3znlWbgyqw5Lqvmi4uG4po 7Ulwj8ZVxsM7ZHM78vWkLKSQ58boqpwfFnO w5neqpO06jJt9ItU4jjxySvv5YGMe1e/9JNSKyCB4rVBxMwtIODJ6 LByc tQkbLSyvwv1 ll bKG1RJdVl/Dxgho4ABxkjOwUfvNN2VyLm4hiihWC1iYtFCpzuebMerHzrNiY yOHdnLSdW4ix ud/uautHkRZGLPjwE5wcDY4yelXgrdIYerjwY3Nu2RJO0v4uM3N3K n zRd3aW4OwwMZ p8689gOy767qn4 QmygfiYkf2z5zj33PtVh2V7DrdPFLflkiJbhVlIZwpxsOg9T9h 1rqVpbQWdtHbW0axwxjhVF5AVtjwTm rIJ7nxDDhg8Wty/fx/o BjlSUUU ecKFWrHdvY/8AWxSfNH 7NaxTWd7cJxWcEnkSP69qrNXE31pdOVM5le4zIBgBgw5nfI5kV CeRcvvzO23k2alXfxYHOq dXjkZJEZHXmrDBH2pRo78HFlv2VmaLtLpLQqryfjYgA2SMEqu/wBsn0ra9o7dIrLUvwtjHcXGsa08MT8J4kKHcA9PEre58qe7K2W jafomk64thYyQRQtNfX00xM0MyjZUXlknYDb dnZ6vY3UPZrVdTvbKxRzPKLaMcKmd8gMfIAF8k/tN61pGPahPLmvL1RXHb8 WZ3s92TuDe6hBqdkeO3tWkWPvsh3cFUIbO/wH2rNxnxEbBTkHDE59eWB9q2p1bs5c6ZfaXealIZY7K2tZb1Vy tysTFiIh5klhk8853ArFXFwlzdzTRwrAkjkpGnJB0HtWGRJVR1 NKc5yk8ia4/j yXFIQAcIXA8yBz larsQkrapF3fC5IHEznG4G5x1rFRSb1vv0eDN6W VCaMK9RHxKSWF0bi1tZLaYyAgiRm4wTyGSQR77ip2aa4qXiroH khzJpaa4qKAKBTVL2w8Wk/94x7GreqrtShl0K4ABymGGOexofBaDqSMb2QaK3vtU1B41knsN PmuIEYZHGo5/wBedWtleaHr ly6rqGjX rXdpbQWcnJ5J5GJyVC43BPxbHHlWKttVutJ1OO9tGUTx YykinYgjqD5Vr yfbi2ku1h1BoNNZ7oOgiHdwLCsLKsZ8hxYO/PirGh6dv1IwGrTRS393JaWbWdq05At98Qn5D67Hb VREkUE Jcj4v8AOuuxW0M/Zo28N/Yyade2t2Li9ZwiPeySLht99vHj6D0qVNaTreTxQ6Eq22gwyNph wD38hjXhCjrg8WT5kdRWThY3j3entXzMN2W0 wuNA17VdRHGlnAFgwxGJGzg7c9 HH1NWvZXs3PBq2k3erxRC1lSW4MMp8XCg5lSPMqcb7Vp73TbZ4 bxnms4rWbVLZrsiQYQRomVfGwYuMY/xA1A1jtRoen3qPJI2qThbqFhC2FjWR8kZ yrkdAaFBIn73kyWo /0K7ULCxtuza3YUTPdubiO5EZQsGLBFAPIYw2PQ55irj9Hp4XlP Xg5/cVgL3Wr7Vpo/xcpZYye5hQAJECfhUeQ2G/QVv/ANHykWlzJ0cqNuRxnl7ir41crMtqUliak7s3CyV7ElQ1anA1MH JJPHRTINFAFXimLmJZoXikGUdSrDzB51LC0NHnpUlTh/aGxk0 9lgnUEBvCDsH9Qeh8/Os9Lux4X3 WTYiu19rOzS6xblk4VnUbcQ8LDyP865DrGlXemTGC7jaIjksoy p/6WrFqh7HkTRXNx8PCyNwZzjmM dWi9pNa/ExXH61vu/ijMSOZSSqHmPyHsPKqkoy/wDDYeqNSgn/AJlVYzF2TFuJ2iaIyTNGzmRkLkqXP7RHVvXnTiN5nHoKhpk9D9 zVlpen3Wozd1aRNK3UIOX1PSq0bddLuStPR551hiTLsccI/j6eldm0GyGnabDbjdgMufNjzrPdlOyqaWBPdFXuOgX4V/mfWtegrWEaObs5ut0uB9TTimmlFOLWgsOA0UCigCOo2pwLQsUn 92//AImnRG/yN7GpKjZiB6VEvdJtr2Ix3MKSIeauoIqyEb/I3tXru3 RvaoJMBf/AKM9DuGLRRS25P8AcyED2ORVWf0VWIP /wB5j6r/ACrqfdt8je1eTC3yN7VHSi6ySXuc8sf0b6NbENIk1wR/eyfwGBWns9Mgs4hFbQxxIOSooAq77hvkb2pO4b5G9qKSIc5Plk FYcU6qYqT3LfI3tS903yN7VJUZVa9BaeETfK3tS923yN7UEjYG KKd7tvlb2ooAs6KKKCBi8t2uY1RbiWDDBi0RwSPKoa6XKI3RtS u34gBlmGRv0xjnRRQAp0uQqR Pus9G49xsR/H8hSnTZDyv7oHI346KKAE/VknAF/WF1gEnPFvuScfnj6AepMgWrCzNuLiQsVI71jlt ufSiigCO lsxfF7cKG4vCG2GS3Lr 159BSRaWYsEXc7MWzl2J6qf/X8zRRQBPt4zFCkZYuVUDiPM4605RRQAUUUUAf/2Q==

12-09-2017, 10:57 AM
Don't miss it except around Xmas, shoveled enough of that "white stuff" when I was a kid. Dale

Amen! Don't miss it AT ALL!

12-09-2017, 11:37 AM
Were getting your snow today,expected 2-4 in this area,being in Pa we are used to it.

12-09-2017, 03:56 PM
Minneapolis in the 50's. Three feet of snow at a time, 20 below zero, had to walk uphill both ways to and from school. Now those were the days. :yes: :roflblack::roflblack:

Not quite so bad of late, but it does mess up power grids and driving. You would think people would learn to drive careful on icy roads. You can go, but you cant stop. All wheel and four wheel drive are very common place here. You can hear the newbies (and some experienced) singing--"I am invincible, I have a four wheel drive." We get fifty or more in the ditch between Wasilla and Anchorage ever snowy, icy drive time. They are referred to as "ditch divers."

Snow is very pretty, but not fun to shovel or drive in. :thumbup:

12-09-2017, 08:31 PM
if you folks have young kids , take them out side if you can , this doesn`t happen often in the deep south , go feel like a kid again , and don`t for get the http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBwgHBgkIBwgKCgkLDRYPDQwMDRsUFRAWIB0iIiAdHx 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5OjcBCgoKDQwNGg8PGjclHyU3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AABEIAIUAZgMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAABBQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQMEBQYHAv/EAEAQAAIBAwIDBgQCBwQLAAAAAAECAwAEEQUhEjFBBhMiUWGRM lJxgRShBxVCscHR8DNTYuEWIyQ0Q2NygpLC8f/EABoBAAIDAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAQIDBQb/xAArEQACAgIBAwIDCQAAAAAAAAAAAQIRAwQxEiFRIkEFodETFD JxgZGxweH/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AOxLXsV4FexUkHoUopBXoVBItLSCloAKXFA5UUAFFFFABRRRQA UUtFAERa9im1Nebi5WBcndjyFDaStglY/xADJIA9abe7iTmc/lVJeaiE4mmk5DOB5fwqivO0UEeT3sagHBx4id nT8zSk9pLgZhrORr31RF FQfvTP66APwVgZu0TSeBJZOJm8OAPCuetRbnWZLaMSXDyKjOUV mZhk5pd7UvYYWn2OmR61E3xL dTIL2CXZX38jXLk1W7WVo1PGyrkgjO/lnb hVxZ6qGAL8OOrI3L1IP8M1eO277lZ6lHQgQeVLVFYX78Oz8afu qyn1G1trVrm5lWKJebNypyGWMhSWKSdJEuisjP2/01JeCCCeVfn2UH6VeaPrVnq8fFayeMfFG3MURywk6TNculsYo9 c4NIsqKKK0FiCDgVm9c1QWyySM2 cKK0PxKR5iud9rpGktYLsBjEPBJwn4JBzB9s0ttN9PYZ1Ypytm d1XXbiUSOkxEauA8fGSQD1Pmc1JtrdWCuGbhdRwZ29eXnUexRU ZicGQ Nxkn/OrGCFoYnfCtIFwskw3JzyOBy36VzqR1L8BHCElEQXL8WGZjjbO 3L68qd/DKXUy5ZkIIyM/f8APpTsUYjiIZ MsxZm4tlwNz1wARj707xIqoy Nc8wucjlgY6 tQ0FjJjDvwglVbqBvnPPPr5fzrzKBGGuJpO7iiBHA2Ap6AmpXC gCojAHhzgkfTJ3zjYCm2jfPcxRLhwPG7AgMvTH0HOiu5Nj1lqE 9hLEBxESNlUJHhXAznrtWzhMGq6e8Uinup14HXyyKwiOsjt3Hi kQlSS3EQcdfy2q/wCzdy9rbz3FwSUUcsjduSgeprTHKpUY5YWrXJkdI7K319eS26k v3LlXKtgDB/abkPoMn0pzWopey97xQXQSaAqWMLMeHP1589 VdKjvbfSOzsV20Yy8Yfu0wDLIwzt6k9a4Z2jv7y vpzdALO8hMgU5AJ6VpPFjxRXlnW1tzZ25yb/Au1eTv3Z7Uhq j216AMyL4scsjY0lQuwdhJp3ZTT4JgRIY NgenFviiuhC3FWeX2FGOWShxbolIa51qt/JpOqXS92s1tIxE0D8nGfyI6GugK1c97cR8OpS/4sH3FVzK4jHw9r7RxfDGIbe2v249FuBMpU8dnJhZlz98N9RSLD OrrFJH3SgFWVh4vTn96x9wpBaQE5jDMCuRgjyPnnyqdb9qdatw YzcpdRDGI72PvMZOBufF dIuB1Xg7 h/uatl7wqoOEP9oQwweuG8xv0r0hCuq8JVAMheJVUYHv/wDKzo7WLJHwz6LbNx4U/h5ZEJ2zjAzUn/Su1eModEYKp4WV7pgD0wQU3znlWbgyqw5Lqvmi4uG4po 7Ulwj8ZVxsM7ZHM78vWkLKSQ58boqpwfFnO w5neqpO06jJt9ItU4jjxySvv5YGMe1e/9JNSKyCB4rVBxMwtIODJ6 LByc tQkbLSyvwv1 ll bKG1RJdVl/Dxgho4ABxkjOwUfvNN2VyLm4hiihWC1iYtFCpzuebMerHzrNiY yOHdnLSdW4ix ud/uautHkRZGLPjwE5wcDY4yelXgrdIYerjwY3Nu2RJO0v4uM3N3K n zRd3aW4OwwMZ p8689gOy767qn4QmygfiYkf2z5zj33PtVh2V7DrdPFLflkiJbh VlIZwpxsOg9T9h1rqVpbQWdtHbW0axwxjhVF5AVtjwTm rIJ7nxDDhg8Wty/fx/o BjlSUUU ecKFWrHdvY/8AWxSfNH 7NaxTWd7cJxWcEnkSP69qrNXE31pdOVM5le4zIBgBgw5nfI5kV CeRcvvzO23k2alXfxYHOq dXjkZJEZHXmrDBH2pRo78HFlv2VmaLtLpLQqryfjYgA2SMEqu/wBsn0ra9o7dIrLUvwtjHcXGsa08MT8J4kKHcA9PEre58qe7K2W jafomk64thYyQRQtNfX00xM0MyjZUXlknYDb dnZ6vY3UPZrVdTvbKxRzPKLaMcKmd8gMfIAF8k/tN61pGPahPLmvL1RXHb8 WZ3s92TuDe6hBqdkeO3tWkWPvsh3cFUIbO/wH2rNxnxEbBTkHDE59eWB9q2p1bs5c6ZfaXealIZY7K2tZb1Vy tysTFiIh5klhk8853ArFXFwlzdzTRwrAkjkpGnJB0HtWGRJVR1 NKc5yk8ia4/j yXFIQAcIXA8yBz larsQkrapF3fC5IHEznG4G5x1rFRSb1vv0eDN6W VCaMK9RHxKSWF0bi1tZLaYyAgiRm4wTyGSQR77ip2aa4qXiroH khzJpaa4qKAKBTVL2w8Wk/94x7GreqrtShl0K4ABymGGOexofBaDqSMb2QaK3vtU1B41knsN PmuIEYZHGo5/wBedWtleaHr ly6rqGjX rXdpbQWcnJ5J5GJyVC43BPxbHHlWKttVutJ1OO9tGUTx YykinYgjqD5Vr yfbi2ku1h1BoNNZ7oOgiHdwLCsLKsZ8hxYO/PirGh6dv1IwGrTRS393JaWbWdq05At98Qn5D67Hb VREkUE Jcj4v8AOuuxW0M/Zo28N/Yyade2t2Li9ZwiPeySLht99vHj6D0qVNaTreTxQ6Eq22gwyNph wD38hjXhCjrg8WT5kdRWThY3j3entXzMN2W0 wuNA17VdRHGlnAFgwxGJGzg7c9 HH1NWvZXs3PBq2k3erxRC1lSW4MMp8XCg5lSPMqcb7Vp73TbZ4 bxnms4rWbVLZrsiQYQRomVfGwYuMY/xA1A1jtRoen3qPJI2qThbqFhC2FjWR8kZ yrkdAaFBIn73kyWo /0K7ULCxtuza3YUTPdubiO5EZQsGLBFAPIYw2PQ55irj9Hp4XlP Xg5/cVgL3Wr7Vpo/xcpZYye5hQAJECfhUeQ2G/QVv/ANHykWlzJ0cqNuRxnl7ir41crMtqUliak7s3CyV7ElQ1anA1MH JJPHRTINFAFXimLmJZoXikGUdSrDzB51LC0NHnpUlTh/aGxk0 9lgnUEBvCDsH9Qeh8/Os9Lux4X3 WTYiu19rOzS6xblk4VnUbcQ8LDyP865DrGlXemTGC7jaIjksoy p/6WrFqh7HkTRXNx8PCyNwZzjmM dWi9pNa/ExXH61vu/ijMSOZSSqHmPyHsPKqkoy/wDDYeqNSgn/AJlVYzF2TFuJ2iaIyTNGzmRkLkqXP7RHVvXnTiN5nHoKhpk9D9 zVlpen3Wozd1aRNK3UIOX1PSq0bddLuStPR551hiTLsccI/j6eldm0GyGnabDbjdgMufNjzrPdlOyqaWBPdFXuOgX4V/mfWtegrWEaObs5ut0uB9TTimmlFOLWgsOA0UCigCOo2pwLQsUn 92//AImnRG/yN7GpKjZiB6VEvdJtr2Ix3MKSIeauoIqyEb/I3tXru3 RvaoJMBf/AKM9DuGLRRS25P8AcyED2ORVWf0VWIP /wB5j6r/ACrqfdt8je1eTC3yN7VHSi6ySXuc8sf0b6NbENIk1wR/eyfwGBWns9Mgs4hFbQxxIOSooAq77hvkb2pO4b5G9qKSIc5Plk FYcU6qYqT3LfI3tS903yN7VJUZVa9BaeETfK3tS923yN7UEjYG KKd7tvlb2ooAs6KKKCBi8t2uY1RbiWDDBi0RwSPKoa6XKI3RtS u34gBlmGRv0xjnRRQAp0uQqR Pus9G49xsR/H8hSnTZDyv7oHI346KKAE/VknAF/WF1gEnPFvuScfnj6AepMgWrCzNuLiQsVI71jlt ufSiigCO lsxfF7cKG4vCG2GS3Lr 159BSRaWYsEXc7MWzl2J6qf/X8zRRQBPt4zFCkZYuVUDiPM4605RRQAUUUUAf/2Q==

We got three inches in the Houston area yesterday. It wasn't even sunrise and there were snowmen every fourth house.

Sorry, I hadn't had my coffee yet, so no snow angels.... brrrrr.....

12-11-2017, 12:13 PM
6 inches of snow up here in Vermont ( New England),is nothing, they are forecasting a "winter weather advisory " from tonight to tomorrow.

This is the first snow storm of the season! I'm use to it.

We usually get that same amount in one snow storm, + more.

Bob Denman
12-11-2017, 12:19 PM
We got about four inches of the white fungus on Saturday, and another three inches is forecast for tomorrow.
:shocked: It's here... :gaah::cus:

12-11-2017, 02:45 PM
Interesting twist here. Mid 40's (ABOVE) and the Pineapple Express wind is gusting to about 80 MPH. Our snow is on the melt. Grass patches are beginning to show. :yes::yes:

12-11-2017, 02:51 PM
We had gotten a total of 7" and that is a lot for here. Just about completely gone today. Out riding the Spyder 60 degrees. Went without power for about 30 hrs. Wasn't worried had the generator and gas logs going so light and heat. Was very pretty but glad it is gone for now. Southern people just can't drive in icy weather and it leaves such a mess when the snow melts. Laughed at a bunch was so excited about the snow and how pretty till power went out and limbs in the road and hard to drive on.

12-11-2017, 11:51 PM
We got 12 inches in Georgia west of Atlanta. Lost power for about 30 hours. It is melting but we still have snow left.

12-12-2017, 09:14 PM
We got about four inches of the white fungus on Saturday, and another three inches is forecast for tomorrow.
:shocked: It's here... :gaah::cus:Oh by the way, when the storm is over on ( Wednesday Night) we will have a total of 7 inches of White Gold! Winter is here!

Time to get the snow blower out, and the shovels etc. Today, some of the schools were let out early due to storm.


12-13-2017, 12:08 AM
Oh by the way, when the storm is over on ( Wednesday Night) we will have a total of 7 inches of White Gold! Winter is here!

Time to get the snow blower out, and the shovels etc. Today, some of the schools were let out early due to storm.


We don't need that. Three days after the snow it was 60 degrees. Crazy weather down here.

12-13-2017, 05:15 AM

12-13-2017, 07:48 PM
We don't need that. Three days after the snow it was 60 degrees. Crazy weather down here.
DavidUp here this week, we have blowing snow, cold. But next week the temps in the 30's snow/rain.

We'll have a white Christmas up here. It is good for the ski area's, and anyone who plows driveways, and the road crews. We keep right on going......


12-13-2017, 08:03 PM
We've got a good 2 inches on the ground here and it's still coming down pretty hard. It's supposed to taper off around 11. I'll be out shoveling tonight so I don't have to get up early for work and do it---I'm NOT a morning person....:thumbup:

12-13-2017, 09:30 PM
Coming back from an appt. in Anchorage today, the snow has melted off the medians on the main highway, and the mountains which were all white with snow cover has melted back down to the shrubbery.

Nice spring thaw for December just before Christmas. If it were not for two blocks of glare ice in my neighborhood, I would fire up the :spyder2::spyder2:'s.

12-13-2017, 09:36 PM
My ATV sits in the garage with the snow plow finally installed waiting for the first snow here in SW Idaho. Last year at this time I think I'd already plowed the driveway at least twice!

12-14-2017, 01:07 AM
Dropped to 65 this week what should I do to winterize my Spyder?

12-14-2017, 03:30 PM
Dropped to 65 this week what should I do to winterize my Spyder?

Daily rides as usual to keep the fluids up and the battery charged. :yes::yes:

12-14-2017, 09:03 PM
We had snow------about 7 years ago here. :D:joke::D Eat your hearts out!


12-15-2017, 10:21 AM