View Full Version : She should have shut up!

10-31-2017, 09:45 PM

11-01-2017, 11:42 AM
I think the police officer showed much too much restraint.:yikes:

11-01-2017, 11:57 AM
County officials aren't 'lawmakers'. They enact local ordinances, not laws.

11-01-2017, 12:50 PM
That man had the patience of Job. I admire how calm he stayed through that whole ordeal.

11-01-2017, 12:58 PM
I think the police officer showed much too much restraint.:yikes:

but the video was probably an incentive for it also.

11-01-2017, 01:52 PM
Knowing when to shut up needs to be the first law she writes. To bad he couldn't taz her to get her to hush. I wouldn't have had that much patience to deal with her. That is one good cop. All he could do was try to make her listen.

11-01-2017, 07:35 PM
Would be interesting to see her in action in court. The video alone is enough evidence to find her guilty. Just imagine if she was a counsel woman, running a meeting. Would she allow this kind of behavior from a citizen? I doubt it and would tell that person to be seated or be removed from the meeting, if you interrupt again.

Mazo EMS2
11-01-2017, 08:13 PM
He should have processed the ticket, explained it to her over her talking, handed it to her, and left. No way I'd have that much patience with a blubbering idiot like that:bowdown:

11-01-2017, 08:45 PM
The officer should be on the short list for Sainthood.:bowdown:

11-01-2017, 11:30 PM
Whiney POS who thinks she is ENTITLED to privilege at the expense of the rest of us....

Cruzr Joe
11-01-2017, 11:40 PM
My take on this

The officer wrote her a ticket for not wearing a seat belt although he admitted that she was ...... Court will dismiss that ticket, officer had no authority to write that one.

he should have never said that he had not made up his mind as to whether or not he was going to issue a speeding ticket.

He should have wrote the citation for the speeding offense or given her a written or verbal warning.

If i was his supervisor he would gotten a written or verbal writ for not following the law.

Now that he has set a precedence for his style of ticketing and announced it to the public, he will have a hard time explaining why the next person got a speeding ticket.

And i agree that he had a lot of patience, but the officer should just do his job and not play favoritism.

Cruzr Joe

11-02-2017, 07:02 AM
My take on this

The officer wrote her a ticket for not wearing a seat belt although he admitted that she was ...... Court will dismiss that ticket, officer had no authority to write that one.

he should have never said that he had not made up his mind as to whether or not he was going to issue a speeding ticket.

He should have wrote the citation for the speeding offense or given her a written or verbal warning.

If i was his supervisor he would gotten a written or verbal writ for not following the law.

Now that he has set a precedence for his style of ticketing and announced it to the public, he will have a hard time explaining why the next person got a speeding ticket.

And i agree that he had a lot of patience, but the officer should just do his job and not play favoritism.

Cruzr Joe

Cruzr Joe,

I was going to ask you, you being former LEO, why do you think the Ulster town officials would release the video? After reading your post I noticed this at the top of the video:

Ulster town officials release video of county Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky's traffic stop

I then found this (an excerpt from this: http://www.dailyfreeman.com/general-news/20171024/town-of-ulster-releases-recording-of-county-legislator-jennifer-schwartz-berkys-traffic-stop)

"Twelve minutes into the video, a police dispatcher calls to check on the status of the officer, which ultimately leads to Officer Kevin Woltman arriving several minutes later as backup. Woltman is the nephew of Berky’s election opponent in Legislature District 7, Brian Woltman, the city of Kingston purchasing agent"

Bob Denman
11-02-2017, 07:55 AM
I know Ulster County all too well...
It's nothing but a bunch of cutthroat barracudas up there.
(My Uncle was the Supervisor of the Town of Olive...)

If someone has a Political agenda: they'll do anything possible to hurt someone else. nojoke

Even so: she DID act like an idiot! :gaah:

There IS a back-story to this video:
That idiot is running in a tightly contested race...
There are 3 candidates: her, the Republican (who I know personally, and is a real piece of crap), and a third party candidate...
This video was released so that her election chances are greatly reduced, and it'll just be the other two guys with the best chance for election.
(And it was the Republican P.O.C., who got the video out to the public.)

I'm a staunch Republican-Conservative; but this guy is a waste of flesh...

11-02-2017, 08:57 AM
I know Ulster County all too well...It's nothing but a bunch of cutthroat barracudas up there. (My Uncle was the Supervisor of the Town of Olive...) If someone has a Political agenda: they'll do anything possible to hurt someone else. Even so: she DID act like an idiot!

There IS a back-story to this video:That idiot is running in a tightly contested race...There are 3 candidates: her, the Republican (who I know personally, and is a real piece of crap), and a third party candidate...This video was released so that her election chances are greatly reduced, and it'll just be the other two guys with the best chance for election. (And it was the Republican P.O.C., who got the video out to the public.) I'm a staunch Republican-Conservative; but this guy is a waste of flesh...

Thanks for the back-story Bob. It's important to know what's going on before judging someone's behavior. So, that's what she meant by she couldn't afford a ticket. Yeah, politics can be real dirty sometimes.