10-31-2017, 04:06 PM
They caught the guy but he ran over people, killed 6, injured 15 additional. news report said they believe him to be
egyption and yelled 'allah akbar' after he got out of rented home depot pickup truck.

10-31-2017, 04:11 PM
correction, possible act of terrorism

10-31-2017, 04:15 PM
Our thoughts and :pray::pray:'s go with those who are impacted by this tragedy.

To early for concrete information. Time will tell on who, why, etc.

10-31-2017, 05:15 PM
Lots of reports hard to tell whats what...:pray:'s to family and friends of all involved and hope the count is less that reported...Really!!.. Captured...:banghead::banghead:

10-31-2017, 06:45 PM
I also feel for the poor Home Depot manager who will now be held responsible for renting the truck to a maniac.

Perp is from Uzbekistan. Was in USA legally.

10-31-2017, 07:05 PM
This was not far from the 911 horror

10-31-2017, 07:19 PM
I hope we never come to accept this as the new normal, as in many parts of the world.

Mazo EMS2
10-31-2017, 07:43 PM
I hope we never come to accept this as the new normal, as in many parts of the world.

I think we have to. There's no way to stop it, and there's no shortage of crazy in this country. Perfect example of just how easy it is. Walk in, rent a truck, and go run over people. Why would anyone suspect anything? Sad but true.....our country will be under fire for eternity. We can remove ISIS, and other terrorist groups, but there will ALWAYS be someone to follow in their footsteps. Terrorists ARE the new normal.:mad:

granpa in Cincy
11-01-2017, 05:46 AM
Uzbek national. Killed 8. Was definetely terrorism not possibly. We shouldn't let them in willy nilly under the program this nut came in. By lottery for crip sakes.

Bob Denman
11-01-2017, 07:36 AM
I hope we never come to accept this as the new normal, as in many parts of the world.
:agree: It may be an inevitability in this World, but we NEVER have to accept it! :gaah:

11-01-2017, 07:45 AM
Uzbek national. Killed 8. Was definetely terrorism not possibly. We shouldn't let them in willy nilly under the program this nut came in. By lottery for crip sakes.

he won the lottery and 20 people now lost because of it. would like to know what linda sarsour has to say. a bunch of
the victims were tourists on class reunion.

11-01-2017, 09:10 AM
Prayers to all family members, and friends.

I don't know why the U.S. doesn't take a page out of the Israeli handbook for counter terrorism. The Israeli's go after the family members of the terrorists once identified. They used to be pretty open about it; but, nowadays you don't really hear about it.

11-01-2017, 02:15 PM
I see your watching this one cuzn. Glad to see you back on the site. I for one, miss your posts. :yes:

Bob Denman
11-01-2017, 02:41 PM
:agree: :thumbup:

11-01-2017, 02:47 PM
Prayers to all family members, and friends.

I don't know why the U.S. doesn't take a page out of the Israeli handbook for counter terrorism. The Israeli's go after the family members of the terrorists once identified. They used to be pretty open about it; but, nowadays you don't really hear about it.

We are such a PC society that we actually help them in their terrorism. We need to start profiling like the Israel's do. Most of these actors are 20 to 40 year old Muslim males. I know I'm opening a bag of worms here, but we need to face it.

Orange Spyder Man
11-02-2017, 08:15 AM
Keep them out of the U.S.A... and PUBLIC HANGING ( in less than one week ) ... for any terrorist that commits murder here...


Bob Denman
11-02-2017, 08:19 AM
If you put those executions on Pay-Per-View: it'll sure do a lot to reduce the National Debt! nojoke

11-02-2017, 08:40 AM
the video and witnesses are overwhelming on his guilt, a speedy trial and slow execution is what is needed.

11-02-2017, 01:57 PM
Here on a "Diversity Visa"? WTH is that?

50,000 "Diversity Visas" are granted each year to promote immigration from areas of the world that generally do not apply for US Entry.

Interesting, as if you look at the countries listed that applied and were granted; seems like they all want to come to the US.

11-02-2017, 03:41 PM
Here on a "Diversity Visa"? WTH is that?

50,000 "Diversity Visas" are granted each year to promote immigration from areas of the world that generally do not apply for US Entry.

Interesting, as if you look at the countries listed that applied and were granted; seems like they all want to come to the US.

yes we need diversity otherwise how else are we going to keep up with stupid, ugly, smelly terrorists if we don't
import them?

11-02-2017, 05:20 PM
What gets to me is the media always refers to them as the 'suspected' or 'alleged' terrorist or murderer when there's 100 witnesses, video of the guy doing it, and him being all proud of what he did and admitting it in the hospital.

His public execution should be the next half time show of the Super Bowl. Just think how neat it would be to turn all the lights down first before you light him up! :yes:

11-02-2017, 05:36 PM
Sorry this happened but we made it happen if you know what I mean.

whomever whether 1 or a dozen came up with that Diversity thing needs to be "punished first or alongside the so called suspect. The media is a flippin joke for the last 30years plus. Call it like it is and F your feelings. Can't handle the truth then As the saying goes.....

11-02-2017, 06:34 PM
His public execution should be the next half time show of the Super Bowl. Just think how neat it would be to turn all the lights down first before you light him up! :yes:

I say set up a lottery to attend the execution. I'd attend one with an execution by amputation, starting at the ankles, and then up to the wrists, and back down again, and up again.

Putting him on prime time gives him/them way too much exposure, which is what they are after.

11-02-2017, 06:38 PM
His public execution should be the next half time show of the Super Bowl. Just think how neat it would be to turn all the lights down first before you light him up! :yes:

Modern day Coliseum. Makes sense.

11-03-2017, 07:00 AM
hope i don't upset bob but while in jail feed him bacon and pulled pork only until execution. we should not cater to his
needs and be paying for it with tax dollars. paint his cell walls with the american flag and the constitution. and his
guards should be women only.

Bob Denman
11-03-2017, 07:17 AM
What gets to me is the media always refers to them as the 'suspected' or 'alleged' terrorist or murderer when there's 100 witnesses, video of the guy doing it, and him being all proud of what he did and admitting it in the hospital.

nojoke It's that whole: "Innocent until proven guilty" part of our justice system. It's there to protect us... :thumbup:

11-03-2017, 12:05 PM
hope i don't upset bob but while in jail feed him bacon and pulled pork only until execution. we should not cater to his
needs and be paying for it with tax dollars. paint his cell walls with the american flag and the constitution. and his guards should be women only.

Really? Is that the way you think our justice system should work? What would mistreating him accomplish anyway? If we are truly a Christian nation, shouldn't we be showing Christian compassion to our enemies, as Jesus instructed?

11-03-2017, 12:27 PM
I am not the least bit religious but I do believe in treating others as they would treat you.

Therefore I think we should dig a pit. Fill it with hungry pigs. And toss the terrorist in. Film it and send to all Muslim nations as a warning.

They do not understand tolerance or compassion so why should we show it to them?

The diversity program was a good idea back before we had this terror generator in the mid-East. We should retain it but make it merit based instead of a lottery and limit it to countries friendly to us. We also need to monitor those people who take advantage of the program and if they commit felonies or are linked to criminal or terrorist organizations then send them packing. No need to import problems.

Bob Denman
11-03-2017, 12:32 PM
I think that it'd be wrong to forget that not all Muslims believe in these extremist actions.
I've got a fair amount of Muslim friends, and very few of them want to kill me! :D

11-03-2017, 12:59 PM
I am not the least bit religious but I do believe in treating others as they would treat you. Therefore I think we should dig a pit. Fill it with hungry pigs. And toss the terrorist in. Film it and send to all Muslim nations as a warning.

We need to keep in mind that we helped create this extreme hatred toward us with our own meddling in middle east affairs. If roles were reversed and we were the invaded and occupied countries, how would we behave?

11-03-2017, 01:02 PM
... we should dig a pit. Fill it with hungry pigs. And toss the terrorist in. Film it and send to all Muslim nations as a warning.

How does mistreating individuals solve anything? And, how does it serve as a warning? It just inflames the situation more. We need more dialog and less sabre-rattling.

Bob Denman
11-03-2017, 01:09 PM
How does mistreating individuals solve anything? And, how does it serve as a warning? It just inflames the situation more. We need more dialog and less sabre-rattling.
If you treat folks the way that you'd like to be treated: you rarely get into trouble! :thumbup:

11-03-2017, 01:17 PM
Therefore I think we should dig a pit. Fill it with hungry pigs. And toss the terrorist in. Film it and send to all Muslim nations as a warning. They do not understand tolerance or compassion so why should we show it to them?

So, in your mind, all terrorists are Muslim, and all Muslim nations support terrorism. And, showing the Muslim world how we treat muslims who harm us is going to get 'them' (all muslims) to back off?

11-03-2017, 02:01 PM
Really? Is that the way you think our justice system should work? What would mistreating him accomplish anyway? If we are truly a Christian nation, shouldn't we be showing Christian compassion to our enemies, as Jesus instructed?

it is called punishment not camping and we actually are not a christian nation but a nation with a christian majority.
you know the old separation of church and state thing.

11-03-2017, 02:09 PM
The last thing to do is make a Martyr out of this man, he needs to be quickly and quietly executed with out any big display of fanfare or outrage, He gave up his rights when he murdered innocent people most of who were not even Americans but just visiting. The more that he is on the news just adds to the justification of his act to his peers. I canot understand why he is not in the ground already.

11-03-2017, 03:08 PM
The whole "church and state" thing is a bunch of BS anyway. Now that the orange one has signed an order to allow churches to lobby on behalf of political candidates. It just gives those with political ambitions another platform to recruit and fund their cause. In fact, religion of all kinds have allowed extremists to pervert their cause in the name of Allah, Jesus, etc etc. History proves it over and over. Romans vs Christians, the Crusades, Christians vs Jews, Muslims vs everybody. The worst hypocrites are the ones that go to church on sunday saying love thy neighbor etc etc and on Monday spewing hate towards muslims, jews, colored, anyone different than them.

"Death to the infidels!"

"Death to the muslims!"

Goose, meet gander.

11-03-2017, 03:09 PM
Really? Is that the way you think our justice system should work? What would mistreating him accomplish anyway? If we are truly a Christian nation, shouldn't we be showing Christian compassion to our enemies, as Jesus instructed?

yes he should live in his own private hell until he is dead. this is the guy who wanted the isis flag while at the hospital. as for eating pork, most don't know that in the koran allah states that muslims will not get in trouble for eating pork
without knowledge or if it is the only food to consume. it would be punishment by western society upon his mind and
beliefs but in no way torture but if he doesn't want the bacon i think there might be a few on this forum that will eat it for him while he starves himself to death by not really knowing what allah has stated.

11-03-2017, 03:12 PM

11-03-2017, 03:14 PM

11-03-2017, 03:36 PM
If you treat folks the way that you'd like to be treated: you rarely get into trouble! :thumbup:

Sarcasm?..... I hope.

11-03-2017, 03:42 PM
How does mistreating individuals solve anything? And, how does it serve as a warning? It just inflames the situation more. We need more dialog and less sabre-rattling.

First, you have to realize there's no excuse for how they treat their prisoners- most of whom are innocent civilians and not combatants- beheaded, burned alive, skinned alive, ground up by tank treads, etc.,and they want us to suffer the same fate. There's no changing them. The only thing that gets their attention is strength, not weakness and talking.

11-03-2017, 04:15 PM
This was informative to me at least


11-03-2017, 04:31 PM
she is a great woman and tells it like it is, read up on her history to know why she is scared of and hates islam. she
has also stated 15% - 25% of muslims support jihad.

11-03-2017, 04:55 PM
What gets to me is the media always refers to them as the 'suspected' or 'alleged' terrorist or murderer when there's 100 witnesses, video of the guy doing it, and him being all proud of what he did and admitting it in the hospital.
Like it or not that is in fact what he is until a judge and/or jury has convicted him. Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. One of the outstanding hallmarks of American society and governance.

11-03-2017, 05:11 PM
Hi easysuper,

Re: I canot understand why he is not in the ground already.

It is that document known as the US Consitution. It guarentees ( even you & yours ) due process.

Would you like that to be removed from the Constituion?

Jerry Baumchen

Bob Denman
11-03-2017, 05:23 PM
Hi Jerry! :D
Hang onto something, and take a deep breath... :agree:


11-03-2017, 05:27 PM
Hi easysuper,

Re: I canot understand why he is not in the ground already.

It is that document known as the US Consitution. It guarentees ( even you & yours ) due process.

Would you like that to be removed from the Constituion?

Jerry Baumchen

NO, but how about a speedy trial, watch the video, listen to the defendent, 1 hour later guilty as charged.

11-03-2017, 07:29 PM
Like it or not that is in fact what he is until a judge and/or jury has convicted him. Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. One of the outstanding hallmarks of American society and governance.

I certainly get all that, worked in the field for almost 40 years. But he IS a murderer, admits it, there's video of it, and dozens of witnesses. I'm not saying to not give him a trial, just call him what he is. After all, he's proud of his actions.

11-03-2017, 08:22 PM
Hi Bob,

Re: :agree:

Actually, while I might get on your keester for some of your general comments, I do think we would get along just great should we ever meet one another.

And I really mean that,

Jerry Baumchen

11-03-2017, 08:32 PM

Re: how about a speedy trial, watch the video, listen to the defendent, 1 hour later guilty as charged.

I can agree with your post with an exception to this: 1 hour later guilty as charged.

That is for the jury to decide; not any keyboard cowboys ( and I am one ). Of course, with you living in New York, you could end up on the jury. :shocked:

Jerry Baumchen

PS) All of my thinking/adult life I have been a strong believer in innocent until proven guilty. And since my son is a criminal defense attorney, we discuss these types of things a whole bunch.

11-03-2017, 08:59 PM
First, you have to realize there's no excuse for how they treat their prisoners- most of whom are innocent civilians and not combatants- beheaded, burned alive, skinned alive, ground up by tank treads, etc.,and they want us to suffer the same fate. There's no changing them. The only thing that gets their attention is strength, not weakness and talking.

There's 'they' again. Who are you talking about? Muslims? Muslim countries?

11-03-2017, 09:03 PM
This was informative to me at least

For people who want all the messy issues of society reduced to sound bites (or tweets), I guess this would be very satisfying.

11-03-2017, 10:42 PM
This was informative to me at least


The Family Research Council is a bunch of extremists in their own right.

11-04-2017, 07:52 AM

Re: how about a speedy trial, watch the video, listen to the defendent, 1 hour later guilty as charged.

I can agree with your post with an exception to this: 1 hour later guilty as charged.

That is for the jury to decide; not any keyboard cowboys ( and I am one ). Of course, with you living in New York, you could end up on the jury. :shocked:

Jerry Baumchen

PS) All of my thinking/adult life I have been a strong believer in innocent until proven guilty. And since my son is a criminal defense attorney, we discuss these types of things a whole bunch.

i am actually a proponent of those who are innocent and put in jail but this guy is not one of them. is there any non
muslim who will say otherwise? even his defense attorney never said innocent. the money spent on his trial could better be spent on the homeless in manhattan.
as for proof i believe eye witnesses are very unreliable but couple that with video and admission there is nothing left to say...................KILL HIM, boil him in donated bacon grease and then put him in jail.

11-04-2017, 08:51 AM
i am actually a proponent of those who are innocent and put in jail but this guy is not one of them. is there any non
muslim who will say otherwise? even his defense attorney never said innocent. the money spent on his trial could better be spent on the homeless in manhattan.
as for proof i believe eye witnesses are very unreliable but couple that with video and admission there is nothing left to say...................KILL HIM, boil him in donated bacon grease and then put him in jail.

Fortunately for our democracy and justice system, cooler heads will prevail.

11-04-2017, 09:49 AM
Fortunately for our democracy and justice system, cooler heads will prevail.

and money will be spent on his incarceration, his trial and acts of islamic terror will continue.

11-04-2017, 12:05 PM
and money will be spent on his incarceration, his trial and acts of islamic terror will continue.

Spending money on incarcerations and trials instead of immediate executions is one of the hallmarks of a civilized society. Also, since 2008, an absence of torture.

Acts of terror will continue. If we were to handle terrorists as some have suggested, then acts of terror would increase as retribution for barbaric actions on our part, regardless of the nationality, religion or cause of the terrorists. We would also loose what little moral high ground we still have.

11-04-2017, 12:15 PM
There's 'they' again. Who are you talking about? Muslims? Muslim countries?

Do you ever get tired of jerking people's chains? Or are you actually a 12 yr old?

It's quite obvious I was talking about people who murder innocent civilians, journalists, and POWs.
I couldn't care what their religious beliefs were, they are criminals, period.
YOU are the one who inserted "Muslim" in the discussion.

11-04-2017, 12:44 PM
Do you ever get tired of jerking people's chains? Or are you actually a 12 yr old?

It's quite obvious I was talking about people who murder innocent civilians, journalists, and POWs.
I couldn't care what their religious beliefs were, they are criminals, period.
YOU are the one who inserted "Muslim" in the discussion.

it's obvious 'they' are the weathermen since they said it will be cold today.
i hate when people say 'they' like you should know who 'they' are.

Bob Denman
11-04-2017, 01:36 PM
Hi Bob,

Re: :agree:

Actually, while I might get on your keester for some of your general comments, I do think we would get along just great should we ever meet one another.

And I really mean that,

Jerry Baumchen

:D I'm feeling the love; Bro,,,
Right back 'atcha! :2thumbs:

11-04-2017, 01:51 PM
Key Music: ON: Kumbaya....

How about them Astros? :roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:

11-04-2017, 01:54 PM

Re: i am actually a proponent of those who are innocent and . . .

Re: innocent until proven guilty

So what is it that you want that is still within people's rights?

Jerry Baumchen

PS) Like Tim McVeigh, I have not doubt that this guy will be found guilty.

11-04-2017, 05:39 PM
Do you ever get tired of jerking people's chains? Or are you actually a 12 yr old? It's quite obvious I was talking about people who murder innocent civilians, journalists, and POWs. I couldn't care what their religious beliefs were, they are criminals, period. YOU are the one who inserted "Muslim" in the discussion.

It was NOT obvious who you meant by 'they', which is why I said what I did. I didn't insert the reference to muslims into this thread - that happened many posts ago. Your statement seemed to be directed at them, but since it was so vague I thought I would ask you to clarify.

Now, you deny directing your comments at muslims, but say you were talking about 'people who murder innocent civilians, journalists and POW's. Huh? Which people are you talking about then? Russians?

11-04-2017, 05:43 PM
Sometimes, a reply is just a lost cause. No hard fast opinion will get changed. Just another twanger gets plucked...and more rhetoric.

Mazo EMS2
11-04-2017, 05:47 PM
Time to put the padlock on this one:banghead:

11-04-2017, 05:47 PM
Sometimes, a reply is just a lost cause. No hard fast opinion will get changed. Just another twanger gets plucked...and more rhetoric.

You're probably right. I hate it when that happens :joke:

Bob Denman
11-04-2017, 05:49 PM
Now, you deny directing your comments at muslims, but say you were talking about 'people who murder innocent civilians, journalists and POW's. Huh? Which people are you talking about then? Russians?
Maybe he was talking about... murderers? :dontknow:

They DO come in different flavors... :roflblack:

11-04-2017, 05:52 PM
Pete, Maybe he was talking about... murderers? :dontknow: They DO come in different flavors... :roflblack:

But only murderers who skin their victims alive, run them over with tank treads, behead them! Hmmm...I wonder who that could be?

11-04-2017, 06:04 PM
I am beginning to think that what is wrong with our world is that there are way too many people with fixed opinions - note I did not say thoughts, as that would require actual thinking.

The point of any terrorism is to change the way of life of those subjected to it ...

The more we are sucked into stereotypes and give credibility to sound bites, the more this becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Anger, anxiety and bias rules...

11-04-2017, 06:14 PM
I am beginning to think that what is wrong with our world is that there are way too many people with fixed opinions - note I did not say thoughts, as that would require actual thinking. The point of any terrorism is to change the way of life of those subjected to it ... The more we are sucked into stereotypes and give credibility to sound bites, the more this becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Anger, anxiety and bias rules...

As far as I'm concerned, the terrorists have already won. We are no longer the land of the free and home of the brave. We have given up so many of our freedoms in in exchange for government protection from harm (all types). I won't fly on commercial airlines any more because of our monumentally stupid, invasive and expensive TSA programs. Now we're talking about building a 2,000 miles, 14 foot wall to protect us from Mexicans.... how brave is THAT?

We've gone to war with countries that have not threatened us in any way, just to try to eliminate the terrorist threat (and how is that working out?). Osama Bin Laden's aim (and ISIS') with terrorism is to turn us against ourselves, have us spend our Treasury fighting an invisible enemy, and watch us crumble from within. And, it's working very well.

11-05-2017, 06:51 AM
Maybe he was talking about... murderers? :dontknow:

They DO come in different flavors... :roflblack:

Exactly what/who I was referring to. Pete is behaving like a troll, putting words in people's mouths.

I don't care what religion, color, or nationality a criminal is, if you're a criminal, you're a criminal and there's nothing wrong with pointing that out.

11-05-2017, 06:54 AM
Oh, now I get it Pete, thanks for clearing everything up. YOUR opinions are thoughts and everyone who doesn't agree with you have merely opinions that are also wrong opinions.
You're everything you're railing against and don't realize it.

Bob Denman
11-05-2017, 08:29 AM
But only murderers who skin their victims alive, run them over with tank treads, behead them! Hmmm...I wonder who that could be?

:D This is an easy one: Bad people... VERY bad people! :shocked:
I don't think that you can assign these types of murders to any on particular type of criminal...
The Germans used their tank treads to the best possible advantage that they could...
The guillotine cut off a bunch of heads in France...
As far as skinning the victim: I think that the "Governator" took care of that evil dude!


11-05-2017, 11:30 AM
Oh, now I get it Pete, thanks for clearing everything up. YOUR opinions are thoughts and everyone who doesn't agree with you have merely opinions that are also wrong opinions. You're everything you're railing against and don't realize it.

ClassicVW, I think we can agree that the actions of terrorists are repulsive and we would like to see an end to the threat they pose for civilized society. I think we also can agree that there will never be an end to the atrocious way some humans treat other humans, usually in the name of some ideology; it has been going on for all of recorded history.

What we seem to disagree on is how we, as decent human beings, should deal with individual terrorists of foreign descent or non-Christian faith who visit such atrocities on us on our own soil. I'm saying that in my opinion, the actions you and others would like to see taken upon such people seem barbaric and bigoted and not in keeping with my values.

11-05-2017, 01:24 PM
ClassicVW, I think we can agree that the actions of terrorists are repulsive and we would like to see an end to the threat they pose for civilized society. I think we also can agree that there will never be an end to the atrocious way some humans treat other humans, usually in the name of some ideology; it has been going on for all of recorded history.

What we seem to disagree on is how we, as decent human beings, should deal with individual terrorists of foreign descent or non-Christian faith who visit such atrocities on us on our own soil. I'm saying that in my opinion, the actions you and others would like to see taken upon such people seem barbaric and bigoted and not in keeping with my values.

I'll say it again. My comments never were meant to be only against Muslim murderers. I never wrote the word Muslim. YOU assumed I meant Muslim, but now I've told you 3X I didn't. Yes, I may have an extreme view or lack of patience w/r/t this one murderer from the other day in NYC but his religious beliefs isn't the reason. The reason is he's an admittedly proud mass murderer of civilians.

Now you're still bringing up non-Christian and foreign, which are not terms I used. You're still trying to put these words in my mouth because you've dug yourself in deep with your assumptions and you're looking to gloss over what you previously said.

In my almost 40 year career I never cared if the person I arrested for murder or anything else was black, white, Hispanic, Christian, Jew or Muslim. (Never asked anyone their religion) The only thing that mattered was if they were the one that had done the particular crime.

11-05-2017, 01:25 PM
Hi Pete,

Re: What we seem to disagree on is how we, as decent human beings, should deal with individual terrorists of foreign descent or non-Christian faith who visit such atrocities on us on our own soil. I'm saying that in my opinion, the actions you and others would like to see taken upon such people seem barbaric and bigoted and not in keeping with my values.

^^^^^^^^ This.

I could not have put it better,

Jerry Baumchen

11-05-2017, 01:31 PM
I'll say it again. My comments never were meant to be only against Muslim murderers. I never wrote the word Muslim. YOU assumed I meant Muslim, but now I've told you 3X I didn't. Now you're still bringing up non-Christian and foreign, which are not terms I used. You're still trying to put these words in my mouth because you've dug yourself in deep with your assumptions and you're looking to gloss over what you previously said. In my almost 40 year career I never cared if the person I arrested for murder or anything else was black, white, Hispanic, Christian, Jew or Muslim. (Never asked anyone their religion) The only thing that mattered was if they were the one that had done the particular crime.

The thread was about the NY terrorist attack by a muslim immigrant, so I might have made some incorrect assumptions. In which case I apologize.

And, let me thank you for your service as an LEO.nojoke

11-05-2017, 04:38 PM
I'm saying that in my opinion, the actions you and others would like to see taken upon such people seem barbaric and bigoted and not in keeping with my values.

Just as an aside, I'll say things just to see how others respond, especially when someone says something to flex their internet muscles. So, others may very well share your values, just not showing it at the time. I do it sometimes just to give my self a chuckle. This has nothing to do with classicvw, in case he reads this and thinks I was referring to him.

On these controversial topics, take every thing with a grain of salt.

Peter Aawen
11-05-2017, 05:52 PM
Maybe he was talking about... murderers? :dontknow:

They DO come in different flavors... :roflblack:

Mmmm, crunchy! :clap:

:2thumbs: :roflblack:

11-05-2017, 06:59 PM

11-05-2017, 07:16 PM

I've been pondering this. Just can't figure it out ... help!

11-05-2017, 08:34 PM

I've been pondering this. Just can't figure it out ... help!

I suppose I could be wrong but I think it is SO subtle, but certainly not tactful!!!!

11-06-2017, 08:14 AM

Re: i am actually a proponent of those who are innocent and . . .

Re: innocent until proven guilty

So what is it that you want that is still within people's rights?

Jerry Baumchen

PS) Like Tim McVeigh, I have not doubt that this guy will be found guilty.

common sense to be used when needed

11-06-2017, 08:26 AM
:D This is an easy one: Bad people... VERY bad people! :shocked:
I don't think that you can assign these types of murders to any on particular type of criminal...
The Germans used their tank treads to the best possible advantage that they could...
The guillotine cut off a bunch of heads in France...
As far as skinning the victim: I think that the "Governator" took care of that evil dude!

i agree except that most countries/armies don't do that anymore but the koran endorses such actions and those
who believe in it follow it. remember a good muslim does as the koran demands, a radical goes against it.