View Full Version : Motorcycle fatalities - It's not always the other guy's fault

10-24-2017, 12:03 AM
Here's a quote from a local TV news story about an uptick in motorcycle fatalities in Boise this year. Note the comment about riders being at fault. I added the emphasis. http://www.ktvb.com/news/local/deadly-motorcycle-crashes-increase-in-boise/485461536

BOISE - 2017 has so far proven to be the deadliest year in a long time for motorcycle crashes.
Out of the 14 traffic-related deaths this year in Boise, eight of those were motorcycle fatalities.
That’s a significant increase from years past.
In 2016 there were zero, four in 2015, two in both 2014 and 2013, and just one back in 2012.
Sgt. Tom Fleming with Boise Police Department’s Motorcycle Unit says the reason for the uptick is unclear, but says in most of those accidents the rider was at fault.
“For the most part, we can contribute it to a few things,” says Fleming. “Usually it’s the rider themselves not following the rules of the road like speeding, running red lights or stop signs, and then quite honestly we hear it all the time, but not wearing a helmet.”

And of the eight fatal Boise motorcycle crashes this year, six were during Idaho's 100 Deadliest Days.
“People are out riding earlier and later, we do unfortunately have alcohol involved with riders and drivers of other vehicles, so it does make it a little deadlier in terms of the number of people that are out at that time traveling,” explains Fleming.
Deadly motorcycle accidents statewide haven't increased as dramatically.

There have been 25 motorcycle fatalities to date in 2017 and 23 last year.
To cut down on those statistics, Fleming says riders to need to better follow the rules of the road, such as going the speed limit, obeying traffic laws, and wearing a helmet, even though it’s not required.
He also recommends taking a class.
“I think above that they should really be interested in taking safety classes to become better riders like getting into the STAR program, not just getting the license but making them a better rider,” says Fleming.

Ryding a Spyder doesn't protect against the kinds of rider error noted above.

10-24-2017, 12:29 AM
Many here are solo riders flying through the canyons and loosing it. Fully dressed or shorts and tank tops they do all have helmets. You have to know your limits and lean them on the flatlands....:lecturef_smilie:

10-24-2017, 02:03 AM
When I took the advanced Oregon motorcycle safety program they repeatedly stated the number one cause of death to motorcyclists is failure to navigate a turn. I also read a research article a few years back stating that motorcycle deaths starting increasing (forgot what year) due to riders "advanced in years riding large displacement motorcycles" failing to make a curve. I just committed a whole bunch of money today betting that the Nanny can help with that.

10-24-2017, 06:11 AM
Here's a quote from a local TV news story about an uptick in motorcycle fatalities in Boise this year. Note the comment about riders being at fault. I added the emphasis. http://www.ktvb.com/news/local/deadly-motorcycle-crashes-increase-in-boise/485461536

Ryding a Spyder doesn't protect against the kinds of rider error noted above.


Ask your local officials how many tickets they are writing for this?

10-24-2017, 06:43 AM

Ask your local officials how many tickets they are writing for this?

While I despise Nanny Government, the only viable solution I see to distracted driving is Federal Nanny denying funds to states that refuse to pass and enforce hands-free phone use. No, it won't completely eliminate distracted driving, but it could reduce accidents.

Bob Denman
10-24-2017, 06:48 AM
It's not just distracted driving that gets us killed... :gaah:
Riding too fast for the prevailing conditions
Drinking and riding
failure to allow for safe following distances
Misjudging turns
Failure to keep right...

We do a pretty good job of culling our own herd... :shocked:

10-24-2017, 06:55 AM
aww, who needs a helmet or gear when riding

Bob Denman
10-24-2017, 07:18 AM
aww, who needs a helmet or gear when riding
If nothing ever goes wrong: nobody! :thumbup:
But when is the last time that nothing ever went wrong? :dontknow:

10-24-2017, 08:52 AM
Just returned from "Spyder's in the Hills" in Texas. 900 miles of Interstate 10 each way. Truckers were the worst. Weaving into other lanes, eating while

driving and would you believe texting. Half a dozen times while passing a large semi weaving I noticed they were texting. Most use a headset while talking

on the phone. I saw two fatal semi truck accidents between El Paso and Ft. Stockton. These were single vehicle accidents.


10-24-2017, 02:40 PM
Yup! To everyone. Be aware of your surroundings and drive like the "other" guy is out to get you. They sometimes do. :yikes:

Lew L
10-24-2017, 02:59 PM
Yup! To everyone. Be aware of your surroundings and drive like the "other" guy is out to get you. They sometimes do. :yikes:



10-24-2017, 03:44 PM
Trust no one to do the right thing out there....sadly it is why the driverless car will make it's way into the transportaion arena....younger folks just don't have time to bother with paying attention to their surrounding..we old folks have to watch it for them...:yikes: But then again, being programed we have a better chance with a driverless machine as it's eyesighty is radar...:thumbup:(

Mazo EMS2
10-24-2017, 04:10 PM
Right now in our neck-o-the woods it's the damn deer. This past weekend there were 5 motorcycle crashes, 4 were deer related, and one was a fatality. I responded to two of them. The first one was a car turning in front of the cycle. Guy had a broken leg, fully geared up. Second one, just literally minutes after the first, was a cycle/deer. Two people on a Harley, t-shirts and jeans, nothing else. Driver was killed instantly and passenger is in the ICU with no brain function. The one that is still alive could have likely walked away with a broken arm...had she been wearing a helmet. The deceased driver might have survived with some broken ribs and broken leg and arm, had he been wearing a helmet. I don't get it!!!!! Is "the image" really that important?:mad:

10-24-2017, 05:27 PM
I laugh at the YT vids of dudes and chicks doing wheelies on the road. Cmon now there is a time and place. You know it's a young thing but really.

i wish I could ride more but our roads are stupid good for all kinds of riding. Every ride and I mean every ride there is at least 1 guy or girl down and down hard. Full gear on so kudos to them, bike a total wreck, one arm out in the air explaining to ?? How they pushed to hard.

Slow it down to ride another day.

10-24-2017, 06:15 PM
One of the big factors is overdriving one's skill level.

Just because you are on a bike that will do (fill in the blank) mph, does not mean it should be driven to capacity or over by just anyone. I have been on a couple group rides where we watched one person cross the center lines on tight curves more than once.

Fortunately, we were at the back of that pack and let her do her thing from a distance. We quit the club rides after that incident--the icing on the cake if you will. And that person would not have taken any safety suggestions from anyone.

I have mentioned the following a couple times--but there are new people on board.

Come winter, ice, and first snows: There are always those that are singing "I am invincible, I have a four wheel drive." We get up to 50 of them a day that end up in the ditch. So common here that we call them "ditch divers." And, there have been a few killed in the process. :thumbup:

Bottom line: keep within your skill level.

12-01-2017, 04:38 AM
Most of the motorcycle fatalities around the Chattanooga area have been a single rider losing control. Of those that were bike/car fatalities, in at least one, the speed of the bike was a contributing factor. I watch fellow riders all the time. I would say that at least 70% accelerate faster than the surrounding cagers, and their top speed is higher. It makes sense that a smaller vehicle accelerating quickly and reaching a higher top speed will be harder to see. Lets face it, cars pull out in front of cars everyday. If that happens, what should we expect when we are on our bikes? It is bad enough with distracted drivers, we don't need to add to the chances of being hit by a car with our riding style. I love quick acceleration as much as anyone, but not in traffic with car/trucks all around me. I like to keep the odds ever in my favor as much as I can.

12-01-2017, 07:40 AM
While I despise Nanny Government, the only viable solution I see to distracted driving is Federal Nanny denying funds to states that refuse to pass and enforce hands-free phone use. No, it won't completely eliminate distracted driving, but it could reduce accidents.

Doesn't everyone have bluetooth? My wife and I have bluetooth/intercoms in our helmets. Naturally my wife gets more calls than me riding but it is very convenient especially talking to each other out riding. We have the Nolan N40s with their B5 interoms and love them, We wouldnt know how anyone that doubles up could live without it.

12-01-2017, 08:04 AM
you can never really force someone to change but if it cost them money then it may happen. insurance should deny personal damage claims from distracted driving. if you don't want to wear a helmet then you should register when you register your bike so your insurance company can decide if they want to jack your rates.
when you have to give up your car or house to pay you may not want to do it anymore, oh and get rid of filing for bankruptcy for occasions like this. i work to hard to give away my money.

12-01-2017, 09:18 AM
Doesn't everyone have bluetooth? My wife and I have bluetooth/intercoms in our helmets. Naturally my wife gets more calls than me riding but it is very convenient especially talking to each other out riding. We have the Nolan N40s with their B5 interoms and love them, We wouldnt know how anyone that doubles up could live without it.

My comment about Nanny Government was directed at cage drivers and their :cus: cell phone obsession that can maim/kill anyone in their path. I have though seen bicyclists riding along using cell phones too. I perhaps mistakenly have given some motorcycle riders a pass in my rant because I may have given them more credit for brains than they actually deserve. Even with my Bluetooth headset I ignore calls from my wife unless I am stopped. If one wants to ride a motorcycle, two or three wheel, and use a cell phone, be my guest. Sign up as an organ donor while you're at it. It takes all the concentration I have to ride my Spyder with all the cage maniacs on the roads where I live.

12-01-2017, 10:23 AM
While I despise Nanny Government, the only viable solution I see to distracted driving is Federal Nanny denying funds to states that refuse to pass and enforce hands-free phone use. No, it won't completely eliminate distracted driving, but it could reduce accidents.

Hands-free phone use won't solve the problem because when we are talking on the phone (even hands free) our minds are not on the task of driving. It's a condition known as "Inattentional (or situational) Blindness" (https://www.bing.com/search?q=situational+blindness+definition&form=EDNTHT&mkt=en-us&httpsmsn=1&refig=67a48e11cd684b0cf8c27c51690dc0ed&sp=2&qs=AS&pq=situational+blindness&sk=AS1&sc=3-21&cvid=67a48e11cd684b0cf8c27c51690dc0ed&cc=US&setlang=en-US) . The only real solution is to prohibit all cell phone use in moving vehicles and follow-up with strict enforcement. :lecturef_smilie:

12-01-2017, 11:13 AM
In my law enforcement career I have investigated roughly 700 accidents.
Every MC accident I took the motorcycle was either at fault or contributed greatly.
MC are they're own worst enemy.
Look at YouTube and type in "motorcycle crash compilation".
Notice the extreme stupidity, then notice they blame everyone else....even when they ride into a concrete barrier...lots of fun.

12-01-2017, 12:17 PM
... Even with my Bluetooth headset I ignore calls from my wife unless I am stopped. If one wants to ride a motorcycle, two or three wheel, and use a cell phone, be my guest. Sign up as an organ donor while you're at it. It takes all the concentration I have to ride my Spyder...I ryde with my flip-phone in my shirt pocket, but I never attempt to answer it while moving, and I don't care who's calling. ;)