View Full Version : Had my first hater today

10-05-2017, 04:47 PM
Was driving down the road and a guy on a crotch rocket coming the other way was shaking his thumb down at me. So, I flip him the bird. Then he gives me the "huh? What was that for?" Shoulder shrug, like he was surprised that I gave him the bird. I dunno...maybe thumbs down means thumbs up in the crotch rocket world..;)

10-05-2017, 04:50 PM
Was driving down the road and a guy on a crotch rocket coming the other way was shaking his thumb down at me. So, I flip him the bird. Then he gives me the "huh? What was that for?" Shoulder shrug, like he was surprised that I gave him the bird. I dunno...maybe thumbs down means thumbs up in the crotch rocket world..;)

Thumbs up means something entirely different in Australia, I understand. Who knows what thumb down means to that guy.

10-05-2017, 04:55 PM
Don't forget usually the person who retaliate is the one who get blame and punished.....

10-05-2017, 05:01 PM
Don't forget usually the person who retaliate is the one who get blame and punished.....

What kind of "rule" is that? The guys gives me a thumbs down and I'm supposed to just take it on the chin?

Ben Burped
10-05-2017, 05:07 PM
Was driving down the road and a guy on a crotch rocket coming the other way was shaking his thumb down at me. So, I flip him the bird. Then he gives me the "huh? What was that for?" Shoulder shrug, like he was surprised that I gave him the bird. I dunno...maybe thumbs down means thumbs up in the crotch rocket world..;)

Why do you give a damn about what a "guy on a crotch rocket" thinks ? Do you need his validation for some reason ? You're on a much nicer machine and much more comfortable than he will ever be. Enjoy your ride and don't ever let anyone take away your joy.

10-05-2017, 05:15 PM
Why do you give a damn about what a "guy on a crotch rocket" thinks ? Do you need his validation for some reason ? You're on a much nicer machine and much more comfortable than he will ever be. Enjoy your ride and don't ever let anyone take away your joy.

You are 100* right. I am not going to lose sleep over it. What did strike me odd was his reaction to me flipping him the bird.

Bob Denman
10-05-2017, 05:21 PM
If you ignore them: you take away their silly voices... nojoke
Respond with an even bigger smile and wave: it'll drive them NuTz! :D

10-05-2017, 05:22 PM
What kind of "rule" is that? The guys gives me a thumbs down and I'm supposed to just take it on the chin?

Well, yes actually. So he might have dissed you ... what does that matter?

10-05-2017, 05:23 PM
The last and only time I was given a thumbs down was from some guy on a rat bike. Seriously, it was totally dirty/rusty and looked like 1920's vintage. He was also wearing old leather aviator headgear with goggles.

I just couldn't stop laughing. Made my day actually.

Mazo EMS2
10-05-2017, 05:24 PM
Was driving down the road and a guy on a crotch rocket coming the other way was shaking his thumb down at me. So, I flip him the bird. Then he gives me the "huh? What was that for?" Shoulder shrug, like he was surprised that I gave him the bird. I dunno...maybe thumbs down means thumbs up in the crotch rocket world..;)

Sheesh...can't ya take a little ribbing? I doubt he was a true hater, but rather just givin ya some flack. Certainly not worth flippin him the bird over. Take that tone with the wrong dude and you'll get a case of lead poisoning.

10-05-2017, 05:25 PM
I don't get the waves like I used to when I was on my Victory. Oh well.

10-05-2017, 05:25 PM
If you ignore them: you take away their silly voices... Respond with an even bigger smile and wave: it'll drive them NuTz! :D

Yes, I agree. Deflates their ego real fast.

10-05-2017, 06:25 PM
Thumbs up means something entirely different in Australia, I understand. Who knows what thumb down means to that guy.

To paraphrase Animal Farm -

Thimb up Good
Thumb down Bad

It's all in the attitude though - thumb up can mean something worse... depends whether it is thumb only or the whole arm. I am too old to bother with it...

Isnt it the same in the States?

10-05-2017, 06:28 PM
To paraphrase Animal Farm - Thimb up Good Thumb down Bad It's all in the attitude though - can mean something worse...Isnt it the same in the States?

When I was visiting Australia years ago while in the Navy, I was told thumbs up could mean 'up yours' so use that cautiously. Were they just pulling my leg?

Peter Aawen
10-05-2017, 06:40 PM
.... I was told thumbs up could mean 'up yours' so use that cautiously. Were they just pulling my leg?

Nope, it could mean that; but like loisk said, it's all in the attitude....... & the rest of the arm, & maybe even the impudent wink, or lack there-of as well! ;)

And when it's a thumb held horizontally & moved aggressively along with the rest of the arm & combined with an angry scowl, it not only means "you can go F... yourself!" as in the raised & aggressive thumb/arm, it extends that to mean "you can go F... yourself AND your b..... horse while you're at it too!" :shocked:

When it comes to Impudent Fingers, it's all in the attitude of the delivery! :thumbup:

Ps: my Grandson just told me that when the raised or horizontal thumb is twisted/rotated around it's longitudinal axis, it adds "... and rotate on it!" to the implication. Excuse me now while I go discuss 'exactly who you should or shouldn't hang out with' & maybe some 'language aquisition tips' with my Grandson! :gaah:

Triple B
10-05-2017, 06:47 PM
What kind of "rule" is that? The guys gives me a thumbs down and I'm supposed to just take it on the chin?

Yup, As in just totally ignore him. Life is too short for anything else,

10-05-2017, 06:48 PM
Ha Ha you got picked on and made frun of. WGAS what that guy was on about. I wave at everyone and especially those that are slower and pull over. Have fun regardless what others think.

10-05-2017, 07:32 PM
What kind of "rule" is that? The guys gives me a thumbs down and I'm supposed to just take it on the chin?

Remember, no one can make you angry or irritate you. You do or do not allow yourself to be irritated. You control yourself. Don't allow anyone to usurp your right to determine how you will react to life!

10-05-2017, 07:52 PM
Was driving down the road and a guy on a crotch rocket coming the other way was shaking his thumb down at me. So, I flip him the bird. Then he gives me the "huh? What was that for?" Shoulder shrug, like he was surprised that I gave him the bird. I dunno...maybe thumbs down means thumbs up in the crotch rocket world..;)

Ya just got to ignore them and realize crotch rocket pilots are not the sharpest crayon in the box.

10-05-2017, 08:24 PM
I would have waved back. That ticks off the real haters. It's like saying "have a nice day" to someone when you really don't mean it. :roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:

10-05-2017, 08:35 PM
What kind of "rule" is that? The guys gives me a thumbs down and I'm supposed to just take it on the chin?

Like the old shrink said" what the Hell do you care what the other people think". Can't understand why this would bother you so much as to post this unless you are overly sensitive or looking for a haven of comfort for your discomfort. Some new folks are embarrassed and think themselves less manly for riding with three wheels instead of two and get angry with this. Get over it and enjoy your own ride. :opps:


10-05-2017, 08:38 PM

Remember, no one can make you angry or irritate you. You do or do not allow yourself to be irritated. You control yourself. Don't allow anyone to usurp your right to determine how you will react to life!

Those are very wise words and true by the way. Your wisdom at that high of altitude (Idaho) overwhelms me. :D


10-05-2017, 09:36 PM
What kind of "rule" is that? The guys gives me a thumbs down and I'm supposed to just take it on the chin?

He thumbed you and you gave him the bird. Now you felt better, right. IMHO you stooped lower than he did. The "finger" is the universal "FU" sign. The thumbs down is just a disapproval sign. Now which is worse? Guess what he's going to tell his riding buddies about that Spyder rider. Which means all Spyder riders. Thanks a lot.

10-05-2017, 09:52 PM
Those are very wise words and true by the way. Your wisdom at that high of altitude (Idaho) overwhelms me. :D


I must be wise because your wisdom flows downhill!!




10-05-2017, 09:58 PM
If you ignore them: you take away their silly voices... nojoke
Respond with an even bigger smile and wave: it'll drive them NuTz! :D

Yeah--I had the same experience driving my work Dodge conversion Van with a 383 4 Barrel--some guy in a small pick up became upset with me & kept giving me the finger on the freeway--I just wave & smiled & acted like I knew him. The move I wave & smiled the more upset he became with his finger out the window--now it was time to see who would get in the fast lane--383 4 Barrel against the 4 cyl mini pick up --the outcome really upset him:yes:
I love a story with a happy ending :-) But I'll never know what started the issue..

10-05-2017, 11:40 PM
Ya just got to ignore them and realize crotch rocket pilots are not the sharpest crayon in the box.

Umm you do know that some spyder riders used to be sports bike riders, don't you? :lecturef_smilie::yes::roflblack::roflblack:

10-06-2017, 12:08 AM
I waved at a motorcycle cop one time and got pulled over. He thought I gave him the finger. He never smiled but we talked and got all straitened out. No ticket, but never wave to a cop again.

10-06-2017, 12:50 AM
I waved at a motorcycle cop one time and got pulled over. He thought I gave him the finger. He never smiled but we talked and got all straitened out. No ticket, but never wave to a cop again.

Just make sure that your open hand moves back and noticeably so as not to be confused with a simple hand up in the air motion!

10-06-2017, 03:26 AM
Whoa. This was blown way out of proportion. I would have never posted had the guy simply gave me a thumbs down and then I flipped him the bird and that was that. I posted because I thought it was funny that he responded with the, "huh? What was that for", as if he could dish it out but could not take it. Yes, the middle finger was probably uncalled for, but it was my first " hater", and I didn't really know how to respond other than the knee jerk reaction of flipping the bird. I will be sure to respond differently the next time.

10-06-2017, 03:41 AM
I waved at a motorcycle cop one time and got pulled over. He thought I gave him the finger. He never smiled but we talked and got all straitened out. No ticket, but never wave to a cop again.
:p:dontknow: FYI learned this 1 back in high school:
“One former police officer says that the smartest thing that you can do right then is to wave at the officer. Why? He will either think that you know each other and wave back, or will think that you’re acknowledging that you were driving too fast, and are letting him know that you’re slowing down. Either way, you drastically reduce your chance of getting a ticket.” (From Reader’s Digest) (http://www.rd.com/slideshows/6-tricks-to-avoiding-speeding-tickets/#slideshow=slide2)

10-06-2017, 03:42 AM
Well, he really wasn't a "hater" was he?
Maybe a "not liker" but that's a far cry from hater...

10-06-2017, 03:52 AM
Was driving down the road and a guy on a crotch rocket coming the other way was shaking his thumb down at me. So, I flip him the bird. Then he gives me the "huh? What was that for?" Shoulder shrug, like he was surprised that I gave him the bird. I dunno...maybe thumbs down means thumbs up in the crotch rocket world..;)

The trouble here is “assuming”. You “assumed” that him shaking his thumb down at you was a sign of disapproval. How do you know he didn’t just jam his thumb somewhere and was shaking it out? How do you know that he wasn’t visiting from Iceland where that action indicates “slow down, police ahead”? How do you know......you get the gist.;) For all you know, it may have had absolutely nothing to do with you, which is why he was confused by you giving him the bird and is now on his crotch rocket Forum complaining about what dick heads Spyder riders are. :D

It’s a bit like those who complain that others don’t wave back. Firstly, who cares what others do, it’s your decision to wave, what they do is irrevelant, and secondly, how do you know that you haven’t simply missed them waving/nodding back and are in fact, wronging them.:dontknow:

Just ride your own ride :thumbup:.....life’s too short:ohyea:


10-06-2017, 04:42 AM
A couple weeks ago we were riding to the other side of Cleveland for a ride with one of the local clubs. We were on I-90 close to Cleveland when a Crotch Rocket came in from the entrance ramp. He pulled a wheelie at about 70 mph and pulled up right next to us after slamming the front down, I had the Harley, Teresa had the Spyder RT.
He really truly wanted our attention, not sure why. He commenced to do wheelies at about 80 mph for the next 2 miles then slow up and come back next to us, extremely dangerous for everyone on the highway. We totally ignored him and after a couple of miles he started going ahead and swerving in between cars.
There are all kinds of wackos out there, all have different agendas and it is best to just totally ignore them it seems.

10-06-2017, 06:07 AM
I would have given him the Gomer Pyle "Howdy-Do!" wave in return....causing him so much confusion that he would think about it for days. :clap:

10-06-2017, 08:01 AM
:agree: That's exactly what I was thinking, Hank. A big ole Forest Gump wave is the best comeback for that negativity. hahahaha :ohyea:

10-06-2017, 08:10 AM
Sheesh...can't ya take a little ribbing? I doubt he was a true hater, but rather just givin ya some flack. Certainly not worth flippin him the bird over. Take that tone with the wrong dude and you'll get a case of lead poisoning.
:agree:Life is to short to get upset about the small stuff.

10-06-2017, 08:16 AM
The trouble here is “assuming”. You “assumed” that him shaking his thumb down at you was a sign of disapproval. How do you know he didn’t just jam his thumb somewhere and was shaking it out? How do you know that he wasn’t visiting from Iceland where that action indicates “slow down, police ahead”? How do you know......you get the gist.;) For all you know, it may have had absolutely nothing to do with you, which is why he was confused by you giving him the bird and is now on his crotch rocket Forum complaining about what dick heads Spyder riders are. :D

It’s a bit like those who complain that others don’t wave back. Firstly, who cares what others do, it’s your decision to wave, what they do is irrevelant, and secondly, how do you know that you haven’t simply missed them waving/nodding back and are in fact, wronging them.:dontknow:

Just ride your own ride :thumbup:.....life’s too short:ohyea:



You make too much sense. I'm not sure if that's allowed on spyderlovers; you might get your spyderlover's card pulled.

10-06-2017, 08:39 AM
How on earth could you possibly know that this rider hated Spyders? especially by just passing by each other. How many seconds went by for you to deduct all of that? And just maybe you missed something , like are you sure he didn't have his little finger sticking out also ? Thumb down little finger sticking out means something entirely different. Don't be so darn quick to judge, to much of that going around nowadays. Besides who the heck cares if one waves or not. I wave almost always but sometimes I'm not quick enough or am watching the traffic in front of me . Just enjoy the ride and smile a lot.

Pirate looks at --
10-06-2017, 09:00 AM
Your response was worse than his. Just pass by. We get waves from crotch rockets all the time. If someone doesn't wave or in your case gives some sort negative indication(if it really was) who cares. But when you flip the guy off there in no question what you mean. There are other people on the road that see YOU and that gives spyders and Spyder Ryders a bad name. Who cares enjoy your ryde!

10-06-2017, 09:05 AM
It's also entirely possible that he was just giving you a thumbs-down because he noticed that you had made a poor tire selection for your trike (or even worse, still had your OEM Kenda's on it :shocked:), or, he somehow knew that you had made the wrong selection of oil during your last service. Ya never know what can set people off......:rolleyes:

10-06-2017, 09:08 AM
I think the guy was showing you he had digits on his hands and there is nothing wrong with you showing him you have at least 1 working digit as well.

10-06-2017, 09:16 AM
Whoa. This was blown way out of proportion. I would have never posted had the guy simply gave me a thumbs down and then I flipped him the bird and that was that. I posted because I thought it was funny that he responded with the, "huh? What was that for", as if he could dish it out but could not take it. Yes, the middle finger was probably uncalled for, but it was my first " hater", and I didn't really know how to respond other than the knee jerk reaction of flipping the bird. I will be sure to respond differently the next time.

Yes that's standard now days.....internet police is in full force.

10-06-2017, 10:47 AM
I get the haters all the time in my MSF classes. You should see the look on their faces when I ride up on the Spyder the next day. Never seen as many folks start backtracking as they do.... especially when they haven't taken the Knowledge or Skills test yet!! :shocked:

10-06-2017, 11:20 AM
What kind of "rule" is that? The guys gives me a thumbs down and I'm supposed to just take it on the chin?

Yes. That's how road rage starts. And you never win.

10-06-2017, 11:39 AM
I wave whether they do or not don't give a ****:cheers:

10-06-2017, 05:47 PM
When I meet another rider and they are giving a downward motion it usually means to slow down and watch my speed. They are letting me know about a cop or danger ahead. I wave back and nod my head to say thanks. Course I was a production supervisor for 35 years, my skin my be a little thicker. Or I might be slow.:joke:

Ride safe.

10-06-2017, 05:59 PM
I waved at a motorcycle cop one time and got pulled over. He thought I gave him the finger. He never smiled but we talked and got all straitened out. No ticket, but never wave to a cop again.

Last month I had a CHP motor pass me on the LA 605 Freeway (I was in the #1 lane; He was in the #2 lane) and as he came by he gave me "The Wave"! Reeeally cool!

Roadster Renovations
10-06-2017, 06:30 PM
I don't wave specifically at/for the other ryder. A wave at another ryder is to acknowledge the awesomeness of the ryde, the day, and just plain being alive on the machines we are on. If they don't wave, that's on them.

10-07-2017, 05:08 PM
My mate whos a cop gives cops a gang sign to really confuse them. Apparently one of them ran his plate and got even more confused - he registers his cars using the local police station as the home address:-)

Thumb down once or twice then point finger or thumb behind you (or back tip of head) in Europe is a relatively common signal with that there's a cop car or speed trap down the road to a rider coming the other way.

If you want EVERYONE to wave just drive an old Datsun ute around rural New Zealand:-)

No 2817
10-11-2017, 04:55 AM
Was driving down the road and a guy on a crotch rocket coming the other way was shaking his thumb down at me. So, I flip him the bird. Then he gives me the "huh? What was that for?" Shoulder shrug, like he was surprised that I gave him the bird. I dunno...maybe thumbs down means thumbs up in the crotch rocket world..;)

Wow, you really are sensitive. I would have just given the "biker wave" and had a good day. Way to impress people seeing you do that. We all represent the Spyder Community when we ride.

Chris (Long time Forum member, usually short on words)

10-11-2017, 07:01 AM
Wow, you really are sensitive. I would have just given the "biker wave" and had a good day. Way to impress people seeing you do that. We all represent the Spyder Community when we ride.

Chris (Long time Forum member, usually short on words)

I have already said that, yes, my reaction was uncalled for.
However, if you are THAT worried that you had to reply after it was already :bdh:, about how a ONE TIME incident to ONE person is going to represent ALL Spyders, then perhaps you are the one who needs to reevaluate his sensitivities.

10-11-2017, 08:15 AM
I read this whole thing and I am still not sure why. I meet many people who give me a hard time about the spyder and the funny thing is, most of them don't ride or even know how to ride. I just laugh it off and say to each their own. That is the good thing about living where we do, we have options and what is not good for one is good for another. My own son rides a crotch rocket and he calls the spyder a convertible, go figure, lol. The point of this story is don't let someone else ruin you day and have fun riding regardless.


No 2817
10-12-2017, 04:47 AM
I have already said that, yes, my reaction was uncalled for.
However, if you are THAT worried that you had to reply after it was already :bdh:, about how a ONE TIME incident to ONE person is going to represent ALL Spyders, then perhaps you are the one who needs to reevaluate his sensitivities.

Huh, what I say?? Not "worried" you started the thread. I just said that we all "represent" when we ride. I replied when I First saw the post. Excuse Me! I did not know that you where the Moderator for this Forum.

Thanks for letting me know that my opinion does not count when YOU think that the discussion is closed.

I am on my second Spyder. The first was the Premier Edition 2008 GS No. 2817. (50K plus miles) I know a good thing when I see it. I am on my Second Spyder 2016 F3-T (10K miles)

And yes, the old saying still applies "One bad apple will spoil the rest" We ALL represent ALL the time. This horse still has some life in it.


10-12-2017, 10:56 AM
You know here is the way it goes....
You are born, then a short time later after you learn to eat and walk you get a
good ole plastic Big wheel WOW, then in time you get a Tricycle, about 10 or so
you get a 2 wheeled bike !!!!!!! WOW I bet you thought you died and went to heaven,
moving on in time you get a learners permit to drive so you can now get a SCOOTER
mine was a Cushman... WOW SPEED FUN, then a MOTORCYCLE, oh man what fun
I can do a wheelie but shouldn't....then about 50 years go by and DAMN now you are
back riding a Tricycle.... BUT this one has a motor on it.
That seems to be the progression of life on wheels so as you can see, he is going to be
the guy getting the thumbs down in time so you get the last laugh :yes::yes::yes::yes::yes:

Was driving down the road and a guy on a crotch rocket coming the other way was shaking his thumb down at me. So, I flip him the bird. Then he gives me the "huh? What was that for?" Shoulder shrug, like he was surprised that I gave him the bird. I dunno...maybe thumbs down means thumbs up in the crotch rocket world..;)

10-12-2017, 07:31 PM
Yeah--I had the same experience driving my work Dodge conversion Van with a 383 4 Barrel--some guy in a small pick up became upset with me & kept giving me the finger on the freeway--I just wave & smiled & acted like I knew him. The move I wave & smiled the more upset he became with his finger out the window--now it was time to see who would get in the fast lane--383 4 Barrel against the 4 cyl mini pick up --the outcome really upset him:yes:
I love a story with a happy ending :-) But I'll never know what started the issue..

You are so right - - if you just smile and give 'em the Forrest Gump Wave, for some reason, it really pisses them off that they weren't able to piss you off!


10-12-2017, 07:46 PM
Around here (California) the universal signal (http://rd.bizrate.com/rd?t=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rkdms.com%2Fredirect%3Fc%3D3 107583213%26en%3D17%26cl%3D28%26u%3Dhttp%253A%252F %252Fwww.sweetwater.com%252Fstore%252Fdetail%252FG 2MV3%253Futm_source%253DCSE%2526utm_medium%253DPPC %2526zmap%253DG2MV3%2526zmac%253D10%2526zmas%253D1 %2526zmam%253D89202644%2526SID%253D-1%26szredirectid%3DSZ_REDIRECT_ID&mid=191280&cat_id=521910&atom=10260&prod_id=&oid=6893609151&pos=1&b_id=18&bid_type=9&bamt=2fed68ce8c2e85f1&cobrand=1&ppr=d13286429cf239f4&af_sid=63&mpid=G2MV3&brandId=785857&keyword=universal%20signal&rf=af1&af_assettype_id=10&af_creative_id=2975&af_id=26865&af_placement_id=1) for cops or radar is a left hand flat palm tap on top of the helmet (http://motorcycle.chaparral-racing.com/search?w=helmet)as well.

It's good for a group of new riders to decide what their universal hand signals are gonna be.

As a matter of fact, here's a quick list.

Cops/Radar/Speed trap ahead: Left hand flat palm tap on top of helmet (http://motorcycle.chaparral-racing.com/search?w=helmet) two or three times in succession.

Turn signal indicator left on: Opening and closing a circle made with the thumb and forefinger of left hand.

Turn on high beams: Fist with left hand, then point index finger straight up, raise and lower finger without moving fist.

Turn off high beams: Fist with left hand, then point thumb down, raise and lower thumb without moving fist.

Increase speed: Left hand thumb up motion moving left hand and thumb in repetitive upward motion.

Decrease speed: Left hand thumb down motion moving left hand and thumb in repetitive downward motion.

Debris/Hazard ahead in road: Kick right foot slightly outward twice.

Tighten formation: Extend left arm out, with elbow bent and fingers pointing upward, then bring flat palm to side of helmet (http://motorcycle.chaparral-racing.com/search?w=helmet). (Slide arm into position from side of body to avoid signal being confused with universal hand signal (http://rover.ebay.com/rover/13/0/19/DealFrame/DealFrame.cmp?bm=751&BEFID=96477&aon=%5E1&MerchantID=524760&crawler_id=524760&dealId=uuFY5KQc_0nGZbJxPxczAg%3D%3D&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.essentialhardware.com%2Fadhe sive-signal-light-red-1470-5311369.html%3Ffee%3D31%26fep%3D276634%26CID%3D5%2 6utm_source%3Dshopping%26utm_medium%3Dcpc%26utm_ca mpaign%3Dshopping&linkin_id=8058742&Issdt=171012204435&searchID=p32.7de0f5d7aad260ead5e5&DealName=Adhesive+Signal+Light+-+Red+1470&dlprc=3.45&AR=3&NG=3&NDP=5&PN=1&ST=7&FPT=DSP&NDS=&NMS=&MRS=&PD=&brnId=14305&IsFtr=0&IsSmart=0&op=&CM=&RR=3&IsLps=0&code=&acode=765&category=&HasLink=&ND=&MN=&GR=&lnkId=&SKU=5311369) for right turn.)

Loosen formation: Reverse of tighten formation. Start with left hand flat on side of helmet (http://motorcycle.chaparral-racing.com/search?w=helmet), move hand away from helmet.

Need fuel: Point to top of tank with left hand index finger, tap on the tank cap or cap cover.

Check out the hot babe: Left hand to chest as if cupping breast. Repeat cupping motion. Then point in direction of hot babe. [http://www.kawiforums.com/images/smilies/tongue.gif]

Begin show/stunt: Tap left fist on top of windscreen (http://motorcycle.chaparral-racing.com/search?w=windscreen) twice.

End show/stunt: Move left hand back and forth over top of windscreen in a wiping motion.

10-12-2017, 08:30 PM
Around here (California) the universal signal (http://rd.bizrate.com/rd?t=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rkdms.com%2Fredirect%3Fc%3D3 107583213%26en%3D17%26cl%3D28%26u%3Dhttp%253A%252F %252Fwww.sweetwater.com%252Fstore%252Fdetail%252FG 2MV3%253Futm_source%253DCSE%2526utm_medium%253DPPC %2526zmap%253DG2MV3%2526zmac%253D10%2526zmas%253D1 %2526zmam%253D89202644%2526SID%253D-1%26szredirectid%3DSZ_REDIRECT_ID&mid=191280&cat_id=521910&atom=10260&prod_id=&oid=6893609151&pos=1&b_id=18&bid_type=9&bamt=2fed68ce8c2e85f1&cobrand=1&ppr=d13286429cf239f4&af_sid=63&mpid=G2MV3&brandId=785857&keyword=universal%20signal&rf=af1&af_assettype_id=10&af_creative_id=2975&af_id=26865&af_placement_id=1) for cops or radar is a left hand flat palm tap on top of the helmet (http://motorcycle.chaparral-racing.com/search?w=helmet)as well.

It's good for a group of new riders to decide what their universal hand signals are gonna be.

As a matter of fact, here's a quick list.

Cops/Radar/Speed trap ahead: Left hand flat palm tap on top of helmet (http://motorcycle.chaparral-racing.com/search?w=helmet) two or three times in succession.

Turn signal indicator left on: Opening and closing a circle made with the thumb and forefinger of left hand.

Turn on high beams: Fist with left hand, then point index finger straight up, raise and lower finger without moving fist.

Turn off high beams: Fist with left hand, then point thumb down, raise and lower thumb without moving fist.

Increase speed: Left hand thumb up motion moving left hand and thumb in repetitive upward motion.

Decrease speed: Left hand thumb down motion moving left hand and thumb in repetitive downward motion.

Debris/Hazard ahead in road: Kick right foot slightly outward twice.

Tighten formation: Extend left arm out, with elbow bent and fingers pointing upward, then bring flat palm to side of helmet (http://motorcycle.chaparral-racing.com/search?w=helmet). (Slide arm into position from side of body to avoid signal being confused with universal hand signal (http://rover.ebay.com/rover/13/0/19/DealFrame/DealFrame.cmp?bm=751&BEFID=96477&aon=%5E1&MerchantID=524760&crawler_id=524760&dealId=uuFY5KQc_0nGZbJxPxczAg%3D%3D&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.essentialhardware.com%2Fadhe sive-signal-light-red-1470-5311369.html%3Ffee%3D31%26fep%3D276634%26CID%3D5%2 6utm_source%3Dshopping%26utm_medium%3Dcpc%26utm_ca mpaign%3Dshopping&linkin_id=8058742&Issdt=171012204435&searchID=p32.7de0f5d7aad260ead5e5&DealName=Adhesive+Signal+Light+-+Red+1470&dlprc=3.45&AR=3&NG=3&NDP=5&PN=1&ST=7&FPT=DSP&NDS=&NMS=&MRS=&PD=&brnId=14305&IsFtr=0&IsSmart=0&op=&CM=&RR=3&IsLps=0&code=&acode=765&category=&HasLink=&ND=&MN=&GR=&lnkId=&SKU=5311369) for right turn.)

Loosen formation: Reverse of tighten formation. Start with left hand flat on side of helmet (http://motorcycle.chaparral-racing.com/search?w=helmet), move hand away from helmet.

Need fuel: Point to top of tank with left hand index finger, tap on the tank cap or cap cover.

Check out the hot babe: Left hand to chest as if cupping breast. Repeat cupping motion. Then point in direction of hot babe. [http://www.kawiforums.com/images/smilies/tongue.gif]

Begin show/stunt: Tap left fist on top of windscreen (http://motorcycle.chaparral-racing.com/search?w=windscreen) twice.

End show/stunt: Move left hand back and forth over top of windscreen in a wiping motion. Could have been saying High beam was on?

10-12-2017, 08:58 PM
You are 100* right. I am not going to lose sleep over it. What did strike me odd was his reaction to me flipping him the bird.

The fact that you posted this argues against your statement.

It happens to Jap bikers by Harley guys, etc. So what?

10-12-2017, 09:11 PM
I don't get the waves like I used to when I was on my Victory. Oh well.

I always respond with a reciprocal wave when someone gives me the wave. Despite the number of bikes on the road, it's still a small community, and the gesture, the comradery, is something that most motorists will never comprehend. It seems to matter little whether one is on two wheels, or three. Sometimes I'm given the wave, sometimes I'm not. But it never bothers me when fellow riders fail to wave. (1) they failed to see me wave, (2) they were too occupied with other things, or (3), they had never heard of the custom.